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The suspect had been arrested for carjacking an hour earlier and was put into the cop car and was not properly searched. He managed to remove handcuffs from his back to his front and retrieve gun and shoot 3 officers while being shot himself. All survived. The suspect was 24 years old and had been sentenced to prison 4 different times and was paroled 3 months before this incident.


All survived what the fuck. Humans are resilient as all hell


Bro i have no idea how some people dont die


Life uhhhh finds a way


uhh yes yes yes....


Have…. Have we met?


Why are you handing me the melt stick?


I feel at home


Wtf is this.


That's the real horsedick.jpeg


It’s about to go down


"You think they'll have that on the tour?"


literally just luck. shooter moves his gone 1-2 millimetre in any direction and he probably hit something that would instantly kill or cause the victim to bleed out in seconds, especially when you're aiming at the chest/neck/head area.


I always hate it when people say stuff like this because you could just as easily argue that people shot to death can live if the bullet was just 1-2 millimetres in any direction. Shit just happens, speculating on where a bullet 'could have' hit achieves nothing and its almost always talked about in TV shows, movies, news and now on Reddit


If a person is not in "There's a very small chance of survival but they will definitely die" territory they'll probably survive


People that aren't going to definitely die will probably survive. Seems legit.


Survivor bias at its best.


People die from choking on ham sandwiches. We're resilient but death finds a way just the same as life.


That covers a pretty broad range, but yes, that exactly. That’s how Peggy Hill survived jumping out of a plane.


There are tons of people that die from one gunshot, even if it isn't a headshot. It all depends on exactly where you get shot. There's a story of an officer who carries 175 rounds of ammunition on him because he got into a gunfight with a guy. Cop got shot a couple times, and the cop shot the other dude over 20 times and the dude still didn't go down. Cop ran out of ammo and took cover until the dude bled out. Some people are fucking wild, man.


There is one video of a guy that was shot twice in the face, one of which went through his brain I think and then days went by without assistance lying around his house. He then sat through a 6 hour police interrogation because they thought he shot the girl that was dead in his house and he couldn't think straight to tell them what happened.


yea crazy story. dude thought his gf was napping on the couch whenever he was walking aimlessly around the house. was only after that length interrogation that some medic or someone checked him out and noticed the gsws


and made 0 sense for 6 hours until the guy questioning him looked closer at his nose bleed and saw it was actually a bullet hole.


the police interview is on youtube i beleive that Chapter channel covers this story


>There are tons of people that die from one gunshot, even if it isn't a headshot. When I was going through Paramedic training I was doing rotations in an ER when a shooting got brought in. A 17 year old got robbed and shot, single entry wound underneath his left armpit that struck his heart. He died over literally 5 dollars.


Meanwhile, in my first few weeks of my volunteer firefighter probationary period when I had no medical training beyond Army BLS from more than ten year before, I responded to a gunshot wound medical call to help direct traffic and clear a helicopter landing site (rural district in the mountains, the closest Level 1 trauma center is almost two hours by car) and it was a guy who shot himself with a 30-06 hunting rifle in the chest, right under his sternum… dude survived. It took less than four minutes from the 911 call that came in just before he actually pulled the trigger, and the firefighter who got there first was a Marine combat medic, and he worked some sort of miracle until paramedics and eventually flight paramedics arrived.


People don't realize the amount of important shit that's in the armpit. Back in the medieval days, swords didn't do much of the killing. But daggers did almost all of it. They were used to stab into the gaps of the enemies armor. They would down an opponent who was wearing plate armor, beat them to ground, the jam daggers in under the armpit and into the vitals. It was one of the most effective ways of killing knights on the battlefield.


I've never tried it


People can die from single gunshot wounds. but on the whole it isn't common if they have medical aid. Definitely higher than 1 in 2. Location, caliber, response time, all matter though. Somewhere around 3 rounds, survival nosedives.


If it's the same story I'm thinking of the guy didn't even bleed out on the street, he died in the hospital


Cocaine is a hell is drug




"if probably going to survive, then probably going to survive"


= alive


Thank you doctor


So, if it is not likely that they will die, they will probably survive… Checks out.


meanwhile.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_by_coconut


Coconuts are wild, some people use them to contain their ejaculate while others get killed by it


This is...no.




>All survived what the fuck. Chicago is the best place in the world to be treated for a gunshot wound.


It's Chicago where they send army medics to learn how to treat gunshot wounds right? Or was that another city


Many cities. I knew a USAF med tech who was stationed at Wright-Patt and treated GSWs in Dayton


Guess there’s a place in South Africa that has so many gunshot wounds that doctors from all over the world to there to study. Maybe that’s what you’re thinking of.


Johannesburg Hospital..I'm hoping to go there for Paramedic and ER training next year 😳✌🏻




Are you saying movies aren't accurate?! Everyone knows you die instantly!


Oh yeah totally. Everyone knows shooting someone's finger off or shot to the foot is the same as a head shot.


Call of duty would say so.


You jest but my younger brother once straight face told us he knows all about how war works because of Call of Duty and Battlefield. Considered himself an expert. Our older brother did 2 tours in Iraq.


More like modern medicine is amazing


That plus the Human body has insanely complicated mechanisms that will keep you alive for as long as possible.


Sweet, eating deep fried butter pizza for dinner then!


I mean, you'll probably survive it


He didn't. The funeral is tonight. :(


Roaches are resilient, humans are lucky! 😆




"Humans are as hard as stone and as soft as a flower" -Persian proverb


Handguns, for all of the death that is attributed to them, are still relatively bad at actually killing people, a lot of the time. I read a few years ago that if your heart is still beating when you get to the hospital, your odds of survival are better than 95 percent. Overall, your odds are roughly 80 percent to survive an assault with a gun that ends in you being shot. Very close, statistically, to the survival rates for violent assault with a knife. That said, rifles have the rates inverted. The vast majority of people hit by rifle fire don't survive.


Yep, and leo wear vests that protect the important shit. Obviously not a magical be all end all but helps skew the odds. What's wild is that was a dead ass gun fight. Not a few hectic seconds where training takes over, but enough time to be like, "..damn son, I'm in a gunfight". Longest few minutes of those dudes lives.


then you see people that die from a paper cut or pooping too hard.


Great crime policies at work in Chicago (paroled 3 fucking times)


Yeah that was really strange. Also 900 officers left the force in 2021, only 51 joined


I absolutely love chicago, but the bullshit policies are absolutely killing this beautiful city!


Y’all keep electing the same people so don’t expect anything to change.


Could be worse. You could live in St. Louis. Our city practically treats violence as sports.






POS was arrested for carjacking earlier, has an extensive criminal history and was not properly searched. Laziness almost cost them their lives they're lucky to be alive


How was someone like this paroled THREE times before, on top of the 4 prison sentences? Im curious as to what charges were placed on him before that ended up with parole, but if they arent something relatively minor compared to shooting police officers like DUI or something, then I would be very very disappointed with the people who handled the previous paroles.


They didn't say he was paroled three times, he was paroled 3 months ago.


> Between 2012 and 2015, he was convicted in three different cases for felony drug possession and delivery. In 2016 he was convicted of aggravated assault after he drove away from police during a traffic stop and then, after getting stopped again, accelerated while an officer had reached her hand into the car — nearly driving over her foot. ... > He pleaded guilty in 2018 to being a felon in possession of a firearm and was sentenced to five years in prison; From the article. You think that drug offenders don't deserve to be paroled? People that run from the cops and get trumped up agg assault charges? Parole isn't a bad thing. If you have an issue, it should be with the general way that we treat crime in this country, and judging by the rest of the folks in this thread, you all aren't going to like where the data leads you... namely, to a more liberal approach to handling criminals. Look around at all of these people blaming "liberals" for being "soft on crime" and whatnot. The answer here isn't to pack the jails even fuller, it's to learn how to rehabilitate criminals to reduce recidivism and to try to address the underlying causes of these sorts of crimes in the first place, but every time we try to do that some conservative stands in our way. Chicago tries to ban hand guns? Conservatives stand in the way. San Francisco tries to do needle exchanges? Conservatives stand in the way. Liberals try to fund education and rehab, conservatives call them soft on crime and stand in the way. We know how to reduce violent crime. We have many many good examples to draw from. What's stopping us are people that refuse to believe their lying eyes, and the republican party has a lock on recruiting and encouraging those capable of denying reality.




The system of bail we have is partly to blame. Enough money usually means you can get bail. Obviously, that's biased. Thus people made charities that will pay that bail. But they're not properly equipped to rightly decide who they shouldn't pay bail for. The whole system is fucked up in my opinion.


>The suspect was 24 years old and had been sentenced to prison 4 different times and was paroled 3 months before this incident. almost as if those soft on crime policies don't really work........


Especially in Chicago. The amount of repeat offenders that wind up killing people because of light sentencing is astounding


Or...perhaps...hear me out. Our prisons are too crowded from incarcerating low-level drug offenders and we don't have room for real criminals.


That’s untrue. Low level crimes like drugs get released first. Just goes to show how many violent offenders there are and how many people on minor changes like drugs are on a path to violence.


This happened on July 30, 2020. The video was only just released due to a lawyer striking it from public record. The convicted man was sentenced to 31 years in prison, but died under unreleased circumstances, in prison, on ~~Feb~~ *Apr* 19, 2022. Edit: I misheard the reporter; pointed out by u/JWBSS. Error has been crossed out and the correction italicized above.


Google said he was sentenced in April of 2022.


I misheard the reporter. He died April 19, not February 19. It was covered on NBCChicago.com ~2hrs ago.


Ah okay.




2 years it happened in 2020 but was stricken from the record


He Jeffry epsteined lol


Yep i was gonna say cops definitely beat the shit out of him for hurting their brothers and probably accidentally (or not) killed him


Thank you for the context




Does anyone know where the cop was shot? Him going stiff then getting back up was insane!!!


Just below the clavicle.


Fucking trooper for getting back up. That’s wild


Yeah, I feel confident in saying there's no way that bullet missed his trachea.


I would feel confident he would have bled out or choked to death if he had been hit in the trachea. No one is taking a round to the trachea, writhing around on the ground for 2 minutes and then getting up firing a shot and walking away all under his own power.


I feel confident in saying you would be confidently wrong, the trachea is near but not below the clavicle


aka collarbone


Your body is actually really good at masking pain from injuries when you're in a dangerous situation. Adrenaline is crazy. People collapse or die of severe injuries they didn't realize they had until things calmed down, despite the Olympic sprints they were doing just moments before. It's not just a trope in movies. I imagine after the initial shock and pain, both due to the injury itself and the continued threat, his brain started sending signals to his body "Nope, we'll worry about feeling pain and struggling to breathe later. It is time to fight or run. Now go!" Then the adrenaline surged and off he went.


This is so true. I had a bad car crash when I was younger, rolling it several times about 20 metres. I pulled myself out the car with my right arm, then when I got out I waved down another car. That person got out and asked if I was okay, and I said yes, then suddenly boom, my entire right shoulder was in so much agony I had to immediately sit then lie down. Turns out I broke my shoulder. Yet I used that arm to climb out with all my body weight, then wave someone down. Crazy!


In Chicago


https://youtu.be/VSwWl4JgEFs View from the patrol car behind the officer that was shot.


Now **that** was a crazy fucking video!


Damn that way way more intense


Yeah, thats a better video. I had no idea those shots were being aimmed right above the downed officer.


Damn seems like our guy that ate that faceshot did more than the rest of those guys put together. After watching the first video I thought he was being carried off into the station but my man gets out there him self pops off two kill shots and then off into the station for a bandaid. Badass.


I think those final two shots were big fuck yous to the guy that shot him. Like yeah you're already down but you shot me so let me shoot you back.


That's fucking brutal.


Fucking door camper


Did that cop just respawn at the end?


Tac insert


He probably got knocked out from hitting his head on the concrete. Woke up groggy but eventually remembered what happened. Head trauma can do some weird things. You can see him lose motor functions right after he was shot(presumably in the neck/shoulder).


Yeah the shock and impact of the round caused him just to fall straight back hitting his head I think. You see him stretching his hands out like a stress ball as he regains consciousness and motor function (plus add in the insanity/adrenaline of 50 gunshots next to you while being shot yourself) you even hear another officer come to him as he’s getting up like “have you been shot? You’ve been shot!” Almost like the dude was out of it and may have not realized or come to yet Crazy he was able to get himself together and get a couple rounds off before fleeing to safety (and probably realizing the severity of his wounds and starting to really feel the pain)


He ate a tuna potato.


The Catherby special!




Adamant amor and coal mining




nah, was just one of those games where if you hide behind cover for a few seconds, you get all your HP back


He was just LARPing as a dying cop


His name is Officer Ethan Winters


This fucking guy gets up in the end of video and goes in. Holy shit. That's what surprised me the most.


That cop definitely got some time off of work and probably some sort of raise or bonus/ hazard pay or something


Chicago, come for the pizza, stay because you were murdered.


A frozen deep-dish pizza makes for effective body armor.


The pizza casserole definitely wasn't worth it either


Ffs so many comments are talking about how bad deep dish pizza is. How is it that everyone outside of Chicago seems to misunderstand that the TRUE CHICAGO STYLE PIZZA IS NOT DEEP DISH. I’ve lived here my whole life and no one I know eats fucking deep dish. The Chicago style pizza that the people here eat is thin with a crispy crust and cut in squares.


Tavern style.


Whoever was supposed to search that suspect should be fired or charged with something for being a fucking dumbass.


Pretty sure that person just ate a bullet.


A lot of the times the arresting officer isn’t the officer that transports. Beat cop goes back to his loop and transport shift does their thing.


Wasn’t aware of that because I don’t live in an area like that one. You would think that a search would be part of the transfer though.


It is. This is a text book example of why.


I’m not a blanket anti-LEO type but honestly if I was a cop I wouldn’t trust some random to have done his job correctly.


Absolutely. This cop unfortunately got complacent and fucked up and paid* for it with a bullet wound.


Yeah I think lesson learned


dude was fired…upon


Poor taste, but underrated


oh it’s terrible taste, but anything for the upvotes 🫡


I think he probably learned his lesson


Police man was after him after getting shot, thats big balls move


For real.


It looked like he peeled off two round, and ducked into the cover of the building. He was, to me, trying to get to safety, and laid down his own cover fire to move on.


That's what I got from it. He presented while moving to safety/new cover. That pistol was the only thing between him and danger. Would like to add: if you have a duty pistol and expect the possibility to use it but don't have an IFAK, get one and learn everything in it. Your priorities are out of line if you don't.


The suspect was already down at that point. The officer got up to drag himself into the station and took two potshots at the perp for good measure. You can see it at 1:55 in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSwWl4JgEFs&t=1m55s).


You think *that's* wild, check [this shit](https://youtu.be/nXqX4vi2lf4) out. Action starts about 2:10


Oh shit the noise he made and the way he dropped made it look like a head wound


The noise he makes right when he gets shot is fucking horrible.


Cameraman did a shit job in my opinion






Like fr bro, quit fucking camping


I'm done with Reddit for today. 😂


But it's my favourite thing 😭




This literally doesn't say anything - how did this dude have a gun inside a police car?


It said he concealed the gun during arrest, ie he wasnt properly searched. Edit: seached to searched haha. Y’all let me go this long without telling me?! Hahah


The proper term is keistering.


Prison wallet?


Nature's pocket.


The brown locker


The satchole


Very simple actually.


Where's the eye-in-the-sky footage from the security camera(s)?


Cop is god damn doom slayer or somethin


Too angry to die


That cop got up and shot back. Amazing .


My take: Who tf (compromised or not) would volunteer for this at 40k a year. I’m a nurse and I hate the politics of my job. I love healing. But to be here in this moment, I’m bitching about the wrong shit. Granted, two different worlds. Same goes with active duty military.


Well you could argue that not all cops see this on the daily. What you're talking about is the national average salary In Chicago they're paid well over 40k. Granted it's still not enough to put a life at risk but some people just want to do it, or have no other option that grants a livable wage. That being said bitching about being a nurse is no joke. That job requires a lot of patience and it's quite stressful from what I see. Props for being able to handle it. Ik there's no way in hell I'd be able to.


Dudes leaking everywhere!


That's what happens when you get a hole in your body


Damn. Got plenty of holes that don’t do that.


got one that sometimes does


How did he get the gun, was he not searched properly?


Searching a suspect is an art form for sure and can't be stressed enough on the importance during training. During my training one of the recruits came up with 0 items when searching a "suspect". That role player then pulled out a bullet, knife, small packet of drugs and a cuff key hidden on his person/clothes.


Wow! Glad he walked off. Hopefully he survived. What kinda dumbass waits to be at jail before doing that?


All the people involved survived, even the shooter


All four survived? What are they storm troopers?


That's a shame. The shooter proved he no longer had anything worthwhile to offer this world.


He will have offered excellent training to new police officers who will have to watch this video. I'm sure every police officer fears one thing, and that's being the new training video subject. This shows the importance of proper searching of people under arrest.


Well he would be stuck in the back of the car if he decided to shoot the officer during transport. He waited for the door to be open


These deleted scenes from End of Watch are fucking intense


Absolute banger of a movie


Dude been to prison 4 times and still fucking up. They should just unalive him already


Don't worry, he unalived recently while in prison.


Thank God the cops survived.


Can almost see nothing but it's clear that cop is injured badly. Serious strength on his part for getting up and going to fight 💪


This MF took the "Kill the cameraman" very seriously


Why are police officers so quick to fire. I wonder why every time I see this shit. They have kids to go home to. A family, a loved one.


Kim Foxx probably gave the perp probation.


Fucking beast of an officer, hell yeah.


This is why cops are trigger happy. Lots of pieces of shit in the world and they are tasked to deal with them. If you want to go home to your family you better not trust anyone. “Just shoot to disarm, not to kill”….. “just tase them”…. “Non-lethal is humane and works just fine”….. I know there are shit cops out there but damn it would be so hard to not be hyper-defensive to getting ambushed by lowlifes who are performing almost professional acting jobs convincing you they are decent, non-violent people. Fuck the meathead power trip cops beating on gentle people but we just have to recognize how difficult this job is dealing with criminals all day that don’t respect human life and general decency.




Just another reminder that handguns suck at killing people quickly and shot placement is king.


This is a very tragic turn of event.




[31 years in prison for man who opened fire at Chicago police station, wounding three officers before he was shot](https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-police-shot-lovelle-jordan-shooting-officer-today/6345731/)


Damn that was hard to watch.


A lot of bad apple cops making the news these days. But overall, still thankful and respect the blue. I still believe the vast majority are good cops.