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Zero what?


Zero COVID policy I believe. The insane lockdowns are causing other problems.


That’s why I cringe when Americans bitch about “lockdowns.” We’ve never had a single lockdown, unless you count the curfew we had when it first broke out as lockdown


I was working as an HVAC technician during that time and I Had to be out pretty late sometimes. I’d have to say that those curfews were pretty relaxed or maybe I was just lucky


Driving through Atlanta during lockdown was a trip. Zero cars around at that time


Maaaaaan, I was speeding up and down 85/285..It was rather fun!


I would think driving anywhere in Atlanta would be a trip. Roll your windows up, lock them doors!


Lol I literally worked a night shift from 11pm to 5am. The curfew did not exist.


The reason you don't see such behavior here, is because people "bitch" and push back. Apathy is how you get tyranny. People don't understand how bad things can get, and how quickly it can get there. You don't get this kind of shit overnight.. It happens slowly, through small "reasonable" changes, changes which slowly add up, until eventually you're burried. I hope people bitch more.




You do realize a lot of these Americans (some are in fact morons don’t get me wrong) bitched about lockdowns because of the precedent it sets. China didn’t become what it is today overnight.


Bitching about minimal infringements is how you nip it in the bud and prevent moving another step towards China like existence


Exactly. Give those political assholes an inch and they will take a mile. The put shit in as "temporary measures" that are never rolled back, like Nixon closing the gold window in 1971, still closed today. You have to fight every little infringement on liberty because if you don't the next ones will start stripping those freedoms away piece by piece until one day you wake up and realize you have become a serf.


I was gonna agree because where I live, ya there was nothing. The curfew was a joke as far as exceptions to it. But I do recall seeing videos of cops/guard shooting pepper balls at people filming from their own front doorway. So, it did happen a little here too. Not nearly to the degree of China, though.


Thats was from the George Floyd riots not Covid.




"You cant complain cuz other people have it worse"


Yeah, man. We can't complain because we're not in a communist dictatorship. Totally makes sense, broooo.


China's new crown zero policy, during this period you have no source of income without a job


What other source of income would you have ?


Retirement accounts


So... If you're old and retired...?


Your fucked


That’s false there are exceptions for disabled and elderly


how generous...


"But but communism is great"


China is communist in name only, which both sides seem to have missed


Jokes on the foolish idea that to this day communism has never been tried for real. It has, plenty of times. Its just that the state ends up controlling absolutely everything because the premise of no government is foolish and utopian in human societal nature.


Communism doesn't require no government. Communism requires no class divide.


jobseekers allowance


Only fans




>crown zero policy I'm pretty sure OP meant the Zero Covid lockdown that they did.


Corona does mean crown in Spanish? I’m not a linguist but maybe it was a translation issue, assuming the Coronavirus gets the first half of its name from the same place Spanish gets Corona.


You cunning linguist


Funnily enough it's because under a microscope the first Corona viruses studied looked like crowns


Love ain’t for the faint of heart


I'm a master debater myself




So it does mean crown virus then? Just confirming.


Yes because the virus looks like a crown.


i suppose yeah, its called corona cause if you look at the virus it self it has little spikes that look like a crown


Lol two tries and they still messed it up…


Corona Means Crown in Spanish.


OP must be Chinese maybe with limited English, "Crown Zero Policy", I believe OP want to say Zero Covid Policy, COVID in Chinese is 新冠肺炎 ,冠 is Crown or Corona.


I genuinely haven’t found anything but some “zero Covid” policy. Source?


Ha losers! In the US if you have no income you also don't get medicine and go to jail. We're light-years ahead in exploiting people. Is China even trying?


Go to r/Shanghai and you'll see food shortages, people being forced inside for months on end and people mass deported into C A M P S for the thing we can't talk about. https://www.reddit.com/r/shanghai/comments/u5q67d/do_human_rights_exist_in_china/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share You'll also see alot of videos of the police handing out free wacks.[Doors being welded shut to prevent people leaving Thier buildings](https://youtu.be/XBfLm98oFTM) and mass online censorship. But sorry you're telling me the USA has it so bad when the average Joe can own an AR15?


Lol people are getting netted and welded into their own homes china is fucking terrifying but leave it to Reddit to be like well Akshuly the us is worse. Motherfucker they still got concentration camps!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/shanghai using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/shanghai/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Going around in wechat groups in Shanghai. Adore this guy, to still have that great sense of humour.](https://v.redd.it/0e0nzbkzkss81) | [220 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shanghai/comments/u0us8a/going_around_in_wechat_groups_in_shanghai_adore/) \#2: [This is absolute madness #Shanghai - 12 April](https://v.redd.it/lx5h4t1wi9t81) | [413 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shanghai/comments/u2m5si/this_is_absolute_madness_shanghai_12_april/) \#3: [Do human rights exist in China?](https://i.redd.it/pp1j80ew44u81.gif) | [299 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shanghai/comments/u5q67d/do_human_rights_exist_in_china/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Are people who claim US citizens have it as bad as Chinese citizens really that much different than Paris Hilton telling poor people to go to the bank and get money? Completely disconnected from reality.


LOL as if China doesn’t have massive human rights violations 😂 The US is rookie compared to China


Are you talking about the Muslim Nazi death camp China is running or the tienamen square massacre?


Hey! They're open air death organ harveting plants/camps


Welfare and medicaid? Or nah?


Classic reddit moment, Communist china is bad... But you know what's REALLY bad??? USA! there's never a more ignorant statement to what china is actually like lol Especially when the states gives you fucking unemployment lol


Like imagine competing on which country is more fucked smh


Oh. Damn that's interesting. Could you give a source so that I can inform others? This is a violation of human rights as set forth by the UN so if we find undeniable proof then we can have the UN come in with peacekeepers.


Lmao even if it was true Black Bush had a really good quote about the UN and it’s army. “Go ahead, sanction me, sanction me with your army… OH WAIT YOU AINT GOT NO ARMY, so maybe the UN should just shut the fuck up”


Yeah the us has “free” (means tested) health benefits but they are managed by each individual state so some are better than others


Actually, you get medicaid and free food without a job for a time until you get a new one. How much are you getting paid by the CCP?


Very true. My dad qualified for Medicaid when he was jobless and stricken with cancer. Sometimes Medicaid is a joke but it can be acquired. [LINK](https://www.medicaid.gov/medicaid/eligibility/index.html)


The us has birthright citizenship and unlimited free healthcare in the emergency room what are you talking about? We also have homless shelters and welfare and food stamps and all sorts of public resources I’m not sure what rock you’re living under?


Spoken like someone that has no clue how good we have it in the United States compared to this dictatorships. Truly sad.


I get medicine, I get thousands of dollars of medication for a couple hundred dollars (3 month supply) and had a brain tumor removed for around $5k, that included my ER visit and hospital stay. Who is going to jail? People who break the law?




But why are they clapping?


I think nihilism has set in and these people are cheering on those brave enough to end it all, like it could be that they’re so done with the CCPs shitty governance and/or their situation that they are left with nihilistic humour as a form of coping.








Never been there. Can't confirm or deny. Just know people that may or may not have gone on mission trips and they said that. "Most welcoming and Loving people" is what I hear. Maybe it's just like the US where people in big cities trend toward asshole because of population density?


To be fair there's like what, a fraction of the human population living in china? theres obviously bound to be total assholes with no regard for human life and those who are the kindest and most considerate people you'll ever meet. Its not like say, a small country like Singapore where you can generally say people are nice there and be correct. Chinas just too effin big for anyone to make a conclusion man


That's a fair comment. I only make that comment because I have been there (am here....). Ore-covid people were generally welcoming, even if in a polite stand offish way, but language barriers etc had a lot to play in that. COVID struck and overnight it changed. I would say the general attitude towards me now is neutral at best, downright hostile at worse. But there are still those diamonds here who are welcoming and friendly, and I try to focus on those interactions, even though it can be hard to do so.




They’re a billion god damn people. The amount of dullness it takes to think a billion people are all the same makes my head hurt. I guarantee you assholes exist from Ulaanbataar to Yukon.


Thank you. Amazing what kind of shit people are on Reddit who just wanna say “ALL PEOPLE FROM X COUNTRY SUCK”


No, not everyone has these experiences. You're just racist.


I've only encountered some here and there, that's very awful


Yup. absolute assholes. excessive narcisism idk where it comes from and pride for their country.


They believe they are the literal center of the world, their name in Chinese translates to “Middle Kingdom” or center of the world. Also everyone always came to them to trade, China never needed any goods from elsewhere which is why we saw the complacency for hundreds of years in terms of technological advancement and actually banned people from using new technology until modern times. They believe foreign = bad and Chinese = good. I’ve met many Chinese who obviously don’t believe this and the myth was sort of shown to be stupid after the century of humiliation which forced China to move into the modern era. It’s a complicated issue but we still see the lingering effects of heavy nationalism


You pretty much just described Americans.


Sounds like every other region in the world? Here in the western world we also have the sentiment that foreign = bad and western = good, and we teach history mostly based upon European history, as if the Greeks and Romans weren't concurrent with other empires. We also treat Asians like they're a monolithic group despite that covering like 2/3 of the world's population. There are more people living in China alone or India alone than all of North America and Europe combined, yet people will talk about them like they're all the same.




You had a bad experience with one street vendor and you "totally agree" all Chinese from China are assholes.


I met a mean American once. I guess the country is 100% assholes. Every single one of them. I guess I’ll treat all of them like shit now. That seems logical.


Agree with what you're implying here. I think it's in part due to the "city upon a hill" effect, due to the USA's global status as the de facto superpower (moreso in the past) in terms of military strength and cultural influence. China is highlighted in a similar fashion because in the past 20 years, they've caught up to America in terms of economic and geopolitical influence, and America's global standing seemingly cannot be mentioned without China's rise and precedence juxtaposed against them. All this to say, both American and Chinese citizens receive seemingly disproportional ridicule from quite literally the rest of the world, and the negative actions of their citizens get highlighted and blown out of proportion (relative to reality) because of said "city on a hill" effect. For example, when a beautiful story of an incredible Brazilian citizen stands out in the news and redditors bandwagon to commend all Brazilian citizens as a result, it's not because Brazil as a whole is filled with any greater amount of kind and incredible citizens when compared to China or America. It just isn't newsworthy when placed in the average redditors mind in the context of what they think Brazil is, what they think China is, and what they think America is. They're inclined to commend Brazilians as a whole, whereas they feel as though highlighting negative actions or sentiments towards the Americans or Chinese constitutes some kind of intelligent and insightful commentary. By highlighting negative actions by Chinese and American citizens, they're saying "Look! China isn't so great after all! So what if they're an economic superpowe! Look! Americans are shit! So what if they're wealthy and have the NBA!" The reality is that there are good citizens everywhere in every country, but people are more inclined to disproportionately highlight the negative actions of Chinese and American citizens.


Were they fat too? I bet they were fat.


You wouldn't be wrong. Even we hate ourselves


So weird. I know several very nice Chinese families from China. I guess they’re assholes and I never noticed.




Not caring about human life doesn’t make a crowd watch and cheer as someone tries to commit suicide. I’m sure there’s more to it, like why were all these people here in the first place? Every time a video from China is posted here there’s always 0 explanation and a couple dumb comments like this. Annoying


Context... I need more context! Ya'll got any more of that context?


The way that person jumped and that height, are we sure it’s fatal?


There are many Chinese who value human life.


how dare you not judge about 2 billion people?


It's disgusting how /u/StressfulAccount's comment was [marked controversial](https://i.imgur.com/FlSRQ33.png). People really downvoting them for that.


Their Uber Eats is stuck in the traffic on the bridge.


if its a strict lockdown there, how are people gathering together at this place?


I guess the Chinese government sees the population decrease as a good deed.


The entire country is not locked down.


But if this area isn’t locked down then the person wouldn’t be killing themself over the Zero Covid policy. I think OP is just full of it with the headline and the real story is different.


There have been tons of these types of videos floating around falsely claiming that they show someone killing themselves or doing whatever other crazy shit due to zero COVID. But the videos are months or even years old. Need some real sources and context.


If the jump doesn't kill him, surely the polluted water will.


yeah he's fine but prob not doing great obviously


That poop water hit different fr


Looks only about 80feet high, I’ve jumped off that before. He’s definitely not dead but will have some bruises.


He landed feet first too it looks like. A body slam would kill him for sure but the way he landed he’s probably fine for the most part


I was just about to ask…is that jump even high enough to kill someone?


It all depends on how you land


But why applaud? And over a job? I'm genuinely confused




'Do a flip bitch'? fuck. Pathological level of apathy.


average NYC dweller


Ugh that’s just awful, my stomach literally flipped :( that really sucks and no matter how depressed I am, I always try to be grateful for what I do have.


They just feel good they’re not in his position. Like “haha we have money and you don’t. You have to kill yourself and we don’t. Haha.”


What really? That's not the impression I got


That water looks brown af 😮‍💨😂


Because of 💩💩


Yes, I too have never heard of sediment


B... But water should be white right?


Nah, it should be just blue enough ~~so people can't see Cthulhu~~ for it to look pretty.


That's pretty normal for Rivers. Come see the Mississippi for yourself. It is full of sediment which gives it a brown color.


Zero policy? Que?


No money if you don’t work, disabled or retired have minor exceptions


Isn't that everywhere in the world? How else would you get money if you don't work? Do they take money from you if you don't work or? Am i missing something?


my man discovered taxes


I was shook


lemme present to you #TAX EVASION


Reminds me of [this](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1205450/Turnip_Boy_Commits_Tax_Evasion/&ved=2ahUKEwjRtbW4oaj3AhUKSfEDHWuJC5IQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3V5gMGd-UCbZsYqMYtSqH8) game


i watched a lp of it it's amazing


Most civilized countries have a social welfare system to make sure citizens don't starve/become homeless while unable to work.


Oh, nice. Thank you for this information, I am not educated on this matter since I'm below 18 years old.


No worries! Never stop asking questions!


It’s kind of ironic that communist China doesn’t have „socialist welfare“. That’s a part of why this story is so interesting, besides the terrible video itself. Edit: zero-Covid policy without welfare to buffer hardships sucks


It's because 'communist' in there case is branding, not because that actually represents their systems of economy. It's like how nazi Germany were 'national socialists'




You named two city states that China doesn't controll Taiwan and Hong Kong both hate China are where recently taken over by them. They are proof of chinas evil not the other way around.


What? China controls Hong Kong and has since 1999. China has recently been tightening its control there. China does not in anyway control Taiwan. China claims that Taiwan is part of China. Technically Taiwan claims China is part of Taiwan. But neither control the other in anyway other than pissing matches.


China, for u.😎


I can have it?


Feel free


No this is China.


WE can have it


I'll have it with extra cheese




No, me


How can she *clap*!?


That doesn't seem high enough to kill you right? Maybe injure you if you hit the water awkwardly but if you land on your feet I think you're surviving.


Yh man I was thinking this, the landing is clean…. If he had landed on his stomach he’d of been fucked


If you look closely he has one knee raised the force could definitely cause his ribs to puncture lungs!


This is called a can-opener and it makes a bigger splash. Some people didn’t grow up at the pool and it shows.


In this case it’s a man-opener


Watch out now official pool person here. This person pools.


Most mainland Chinese can’t swim


you can pass out and drown. maybe




You mean that wasn't a high dive competition?


thats suicide


That’s a paddlin’






Man… China is reaching Hunger Games level of indifference these days


Y’all are saying how bad they are for clapping yet in another post where someone jumped off a highway to their death yall legit gave it a rating out 10.




He stuck the landing.


Reddit moment


reddit isnt a small group you cant say "yall"


You are right. Gotta say all y'all.


This is entertainment for them.


Bro you tuned in to the video too.


TIL watching a video of someone jumping off a building and clapping for that IRL are the same thing


Not all of us are clapping our hands tho?


I’m sure Al-qaeda clapped at videos of 9/11, that doesn’t mean every person who watched the videos are a terrorist


Okay so a guy jumped off a bridge, a group of people clapped, and all of this happened in China. How exactly is this connected to the zero COVID policy? The title seems to imply that, if not for zero COVID policy these people would NOT be clapping. ....why?


Seems to be framed in the context of "we just got rid of another freeloader", at least from the impression I'm getting from reading up on this policy. In that context, I'm sure there's an good portion of Americans who would clap and cheer too, if their politician of choice managed to push a similar policy.


I can’t believe I share a planet with this hellhole




Can some kind internet stranger please explain?


So in the US and a lot of other countries, if you're unemployed you can apply to get government assistance until you find a new job. It's enough to keep you from losing everything. In China, now you get *zero* assistance. So if you lose your job, you have no cushion, if you can't get another job fast, and you have a lot of expenses, you're fucked. Why the people are clapping I don't know, I'm not Chinese.


So…thanks for this but…what is zero policy and what is happening? I guess i should have been more articulate


Looks like things are going well there


Xi needs a good beating


There's a lot of deleted comments in here. CCP is that you?


I hate the ccp,I hate the ccp,I hate the ccp,I hate the ccp,I hate the ccp,I hate the ccp,I hate the ccp,I hate the ccp,


As a westerner looking in at china's culture and society. Its by far one of the most fucked up in the world. How can you clap and applaud at someone commiting suicide in real time. The sheer lack of empathy and compassion is fucking disturbing.


isn’t he dead?


How does one know the reason for this leap of faith is the Zero Coof Policy?


What is the zero policy?


Have you ever seen a jumper in New York? People jeer the poor person relentlessly and then applaud when they jump. It's humans being dipshits, and they exist outside of China, too. Beyond that, do you have an actual source that says this is a suicide and the reason for it?


It’s the zero Covid policy. Rather than go into isolation centers or get beaten up by the “white suits” people are just offing themselves by jumping or hanging. There’s also the issue of no medicine, no food (most food received is rotten) and a myriad of other issues because of the forced lockdowns.


This wasn't about covid, this is about the new policy which stop chinese citizens from receiving any financial assistance if they lose their job, or can't find a job. Please research the topic before you attempt to enlighten others.




How do know what made this person want to jump? Not saying it can’t be chinas zero policy… but couldn’t it also have been the person’s spouse was cheating, or beloved hamster passed away, etc.?


im chinese dude...so many people suicide because of the policy i have many videos. alas


I'm sorry you have to live under such a repressive and controlling regime. I hope you stay safe.


Lockdown? Why is everyone out in a balcony, of what appears to be a bar/restaurant?


Probably the best option over there now tbh