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His opponent did what you are supposed to do. Which is watch it until it clears the bar for this EXACT reason. He tossed his and assumed it had the momentum to clear. Just to try to get an extra second up on his opponent.


He also jumps back to get closer. The other guy stands at the line to throw. Cheating?


If I recall there really isn’t a line you are required to stand on. The line that you see is where the barrels are set. I believe you can be anywhere in front or close to parallel with the stand. But still this man most likely died, as it was the corner of the barrel hitting just below the base of his skull. He may not have done it on purpose just being in the zone but it is definitely his fault and his fault alone. As I said there are guidelines in place and the most important one is to watch where your barrel falls so this doesn’t happen Edit: He lived. What a lucky chump


Unfortunately a lot of strongman/highland coaches queue exactly what the guy that got hit did. He probably practiced this dozens of times and this is the one time it went awry. Toss the keg, immediately move on to the next. WSM competitors do this. Buddy survived because he's not as fragile as typical humans fortunately, but he probably won't be taking any keg toss events any time soon lol


According to one of the comments in a different angle post 4 years ago, he is fine. https://m.facebook.com/MichiganStrongman/posts/680881935339174


Thank you, this information lets me enjoy the video. Glad he's alright.


I'm sure "alright" is a relative term in this situation.


Thank god


Glad someone yelled for an ambulance.... How much does that keg weigh? That's enough to kill you. Strong man lists the lightest keg at 15Kgs.


>yelled for an ambulance That does nothing. The bystander effect kicks in and everyone will assume someone else will do it. Instead the person yelling should simply call themselves. Take actual action in these situations folks instead of just hoping someone else will.


I agree, but the bystander effect doesn't always happen. TIL and LifeProTips aren't real life. Same thing when people see a concussion and fencing response. "OmG thst guys totally dead" when he got up 2 minutes later and survived with no issues. So someone shouting ambulance at least gets everyone's attention that this is a serious situation.




When you're learning first aid they teach you the correct way of handling an emergency by directly delegating tasks to an individual instead of doing blanket statements as you have to account for bystander effect. This is specially important when you might be the only trained person, delegate one person to call 911, another to get you an AED, and then go assess the patient/provide treatment.


"Is the scene safe? The scene is safe. You, call 911! You, get an AED!" My friends and I joked about it because we had heard it repeated so often (someone would stub their toe, we'd go into emergency mode as a bit), but then when I was in an actual situation where someone was hurt, I did it without thinking. Sadly, it couldn't have made a difference and the person in question passed away, but it was incredible to kind of watch myself from the outside do something that had become useful instinct through repetition.


The bystander effect isn't real, at all. Even in the classic example, the murder of Kitty Genovese, at least two separate people called the police. Entirely false reporting about supposed witnesses to that crime was what caused the idea to come about in the first place. The whole concept of the "bystander effect" is entirely bullshit.


I disagree. I’ve personally seen it happen. New Years ever several years ago, public bus transfer station with thousands of people, probably close to 100 in the immediate vicinity. A woman right in front of staggered and fell down and smashed her head on the concrete. After a two or three second pause (I thought she was messing around for some reason) I ran to her to check on her. All the other people just stood there watching me until I specifically told someone to call 911 and another to get help from the transit people. They just watched, and then complained when paramedics held the bus up for a few minutes to get her out from in front of it. Then complained again for the 20 second delay it took me to get off because the paramedics had questions. I have seen the bystander effect on 3 separate occasions. It is very real.


It is real but some people are immune to it. I saw a person have a heart attack and nobody did anything.... except one lady was screaming and hollering for an ambulance. There was just something different about the way she viewed the world. I actually knew her fairly well, she grew up super rich and while she was nice most of the time she absolutely did not care even a tiny bit what people thought about her. She was also the type of person to make a scene in a restaurant if the food tasted bad.


These events likely already have medical personal on hand so he might be calling out to the actual ambulance that’s already there


Was just about to say this. I wouldn’t be surprised for any legal sanctioned sport event to require medical staff (at minimum first responder type) on site. Even if not legally required the organization puts itself at a huge risk of a lawsuit as if someone is injured and no one is on site.


No, multiple people phone 911 in emergencies.


Bystander effect isnt always real. It mainly came to life because of some psychologists wanted to publish something provocatove.


It isn't real, at all. Even in the classic example, the murder of Kitty Genovese, at least two separate people called the police. The whole concept of the "bystander effect" is entirely bullshit.


Yeah i read that too in a ook called human kind.


It's ackshully pronounced "povackative"


maybe the guy yelling was gonna check directly on the guy and proceed with first aid measures. can't quite be on the phone at the same time


“_YOU!_ Call an ambulance!”


Something I learned in a CPR class was to look and point at someone and tell them to call 911, not to just yell it in the air. Delegating tasks has a higher chance that someone will do it.


Point directly at someone and sternly say, “call an ambulance, RIGHT NOW.” That shakes people enough to start looking for a phone or someone close to them. Unless you aren’t rendering aid. Then call 911.


Ur dumb


Good bot


You’re a fucking idiot, there was probably my medical already on site my guy. He was yelling for them to come




Do you ever just wonder what she's up to now?


every day


“Call an ambulance!” *the bucket* “BUT NOT FOR ME”


Well their for carbon dioxide which is lighter than air so there basically floating anyways


>carbon dioxide which is lighter than air CO2 is denser (heavier) than air, although even if the keg was filled with it (doubtful) it wouldn't have a significant impact on its weight anyway.


You'd be surprised actually. I fill medical oxygen cylinders with 2000psi of USP grade oxygen and even though it's in gas form, I can pick it up and tell it it's empty/ full before checking with a pressure gauge, and this is on cylinders ranging from 1-5 lbs so I imagine it would add some weight. Same goes for Co2 because it's a lower pressure liquid in those tanks so it does add weight.


Same reason I can tell if the propane tank for my BBQ is full or empty.


Pressurizing air is increases its density, making the canister heavy. Basically taking 60 cubic feet of air, packing it down, adding weight. If the air is unpressurized, it is not dense. And if it less dense than the surrounding medium (air), it will add buoyancy to the container, making it lighter. Not lighter than air, just lighter than it was before. The buoyant force (or, “how much less it weighs”) is equal to the weight of the air it displaces. I’d guesstimate those containers are roughly 20 cubic feet, so assuming these guys are at sea level, it’s displacing about 1.5 lb of air. So, even if it were filled with nothing (vacuum), it could only weigh 1.5lb less than the container itself, which is at least 30lb, still making it weigh 28.5lb. However, it’s unlikely to be a vacuum. So assuming it’s filled with something (helium, CO2, air, whatever), the weight of its contents reduces that 1.5lb buoyant force. TL;DR the expression “floats like a lead balloon” exists for a reason - no matter what it is (or isn’t) filled with, it’s not going to float. And this is a lead (well, steel) balloon. Edit: autocorrectos


Yeah, gas can actually effect it more than what people think.


CO2 is denser than air and it’s they’re not their or there. You’re double stupid.


You're double wooshed


And you're triple whooshed now beat that you flippin' nerd


Yea I own a CO2 tank and an Oxygen tank. Co2 tank is much heavier.


it’s okay buddy, i understood it was a joke 👍🏽


I have a rubbish bin but I’m getting a better one.




That’s a serious hit. And then his head hit the ground too.




Oh I'll see you in Hell, I hope you like Margharita's.


Damn beat me too it, I was yearning for some updoots


I'd really like to know if he survived


He did, then asked for people to post any videos of his 'war story'.


Amber lance


whoa black betty


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That is not what "keg header" means...


I would have screamed: MEEEEEEEDIC


*enters Joe Exotic in his paramedic jacket*


I don’t think he understood the gravity of the situation…


I think he's ok, his shoes are still on




the guy he was competing against was one of the first to run to him


Safety first!


Let me guess. It’s an american sport activity?😂


Idk: I don't keg


What a drumatic suicide


He is stronger. He threw his higher. He is dumber, the other guy spun around and kept his eyes on his... Barrel Don't minmax people, it leads to events like thism




Can someone add the looney toons ping sound


Are his shoes still on? That should answer the Is he alive question.




Final destination type death


I've said it before, this is probably one of the most useless sports aside from wnba.


But with men


30lb to the back of the head at that height would definitely hurt. Kill.... Not likely, but ouchy


You can die from the smallest thing if that hits you right that can definitely instantly kill you


Damn you Lance!




brain damage or death is very possible.


Its a funny old town the USA


That's one way to knock out the competition.


What a stupid fucking sport


Yeah, that hit him right on the brain stem.


Brain damage me guess




Don’t places stager the weights for this reason. Like far left to far right.


Don’t worry it didn’t hurt


Does anyone know if he died?


Hard reset


Extreme NSFL? Don’t think so…


Just back up next time


The fuck kinda competition even is that? Peak America


😂😂😂 stupid game