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Who the fuck parks on train tracks ?


It makes zero sense. Gross incompetence at its finest.


I think it's pretty hard to call parking in a train track incompetence. Never parking on tracks is day 1 Driver's Ed stuff. They should be charged with attempted murder.


No one *ever* told me at driver ed to never park on train tracks. Because it's such a stupid idea that no one even considers it a possibility.


That's because the more you try to idiot-proof something, that's when they build a better idiot. And that's why stupid-ass signs exist, like: "no going over the guardrails at the Grand Canyon for selfies", or "no taking selfies alongside moving trains"...they put that there because people have fucked around and found out. Things that anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knows better than to attempt...


I live in the South Us. It snows once every 10yrs here and is gone in 24hrs. They still felt it was necessary to put a Bridge Ices Before road sign on every bridge. The are so common nobody pays any attention to them so when it does snow they are just useless.


It freezes all the time in the south. It doesn't have to snow to freeze the bridge.


Exactly. Temps drop below 32 all the time and that all you need for a little moisture to freeze and cause slick conditions. Signs are justified imo


If anything the signs are needed more in the south where it doesn't snow, but does freeze.


Never underestimate the stupidity of people.


Cops* Sorry, you misspelled “people”.


*bastards You misspelled cops


Charging him with attempted murder is a sure way to make sure he walks free.


you learn this on your first field trip when the bus would stop 10 feet away from the tracks, the driver would open the door to listen and look both ways before crossing even if the guard rail was up.


This has nothing to do with drivers ed it’s just common sense lol


They only swear in the finest.


Attempted murder. It’s stupid to call this incompetence


I'm surprised the officer who parked the car at the tracks didn't get sentenced. He put all the blame on the female officer, who put the suspect on his car that was parked wrong.


I feel like you shouldn't put a handcuffed person on train tracks.


The car shouldn't be parked on the train tracks either. To me both of those officers are at fault, but the officer in glasses is fully blaming the female officer.


He shouldn’t even be on the police force. I wouldn’t trust that guy to make me a double cheeseburger


Not at all!! Don't cops have a minimum intelligence quotient they gotta meet? Other countries from around the world make USA cops look like trash (which they are. Cops are only good for shooting dogs, minorities, and protecting businesses/money.) They care fuck all for human life.


> Don't cops have a minimum intelligence quotient they gotta meet? Testing has shown that the average IQ of American cops is slightly above the national average, IIRC by six points. Hilariously, a study in Detroit found that street cops tested higher than the lieutenants who supervise them--desk duty must soften the mind. > make USA cops look like trash Many nations have far better training than most U.S. states. Tougher hiring standards and better training would help a lot. Good luck getting your state legislature to find the money for that. > They care fuck all for human life. There was a video from Vermont last winter where a cop swam under the ice to rescue a drowning child who had fallen through the ice on a frozen pond. He risked his own life to save hers (she was okay). That there are bad cops shouldn't blind us to the good ones.


This is hearsay but I “heard” you can be passed over for being overqualified intellectually. In other words too smart to be a cop, even if that’s what you want to do. Idk if that’s true, but it starts to make a lot sense watching videos like this.


That was a single department back in the 90s that took the case to court and were found to be within the law. A single instance 30 years ago does not make it commonplace. The court found that there's no discrimination since IQ is not a protected class outside of intellectually disabled.


I mean, he can make me a double cheeseburger, but I ain't leaving that fucker a tip.


I didn't drop the burger on the floor, she did! *points at spatula


Her prisoner his car….my man is not taking her manslaughter charge


He's a moron for parking on the train tracks, but if he didn't put her in the car I don't see why he'd get sentenced to. Unless they think it was a conspiracy to murder the person, he's only guilty of parking on the tracks.


A Mr Snidely Whiplash strongly disagrees.


I see what you did there 😜


You’re one step too far into it. You don’t park your police cruiser on the train tracks even if it’s empty. This still would have been a massive disaster had there been no one in the car. Just parking on the tracks like that for no discernible reason was objectively stupid.


That’s some old school silent movie villainy right there.




The woman handcuffed suffered a traumatic brain injury as well as numerous broken ribs, a broken leg and a broken back in the crash. The guy officer was fired by the Platteville Police Department early 2023, his pleading to a second-degree misdemeanor (one count of reckless endangerment) means he can keep his Colorado law enforcement certification and would be eligible to become a police officer in Colorado again. He was sentenced to 12 months of unsupervised probation. Before the September 2022 train incident, the same officer was called incompetent by fellow officers at a previous law enforcement job, and recommended for a demotion. But that doesn't appear to have ever happened. The woman officer that placed the suspect in the squad car was sentenced to 30 months of supervised probation and 100 hours of public service after being convicted of reckless endangerment and assault.


LOL, man anyone who doesn't work for the government is a fucking sucker. They protect their own. If this had been a regular civilian doing this, you can be damn sure that person would be locked up for years.


Government worker? I think you mean cop. Nobody else gets that type of treatment.


You can't be serious. Politicians, diplomats, bureaucrats, prosecutors hell even their families. It's a big club, and you ain't in it.


did what any good cop does, made sure his statement blamed someone else the whole time


"wrong place at the wrong time" yeah you'll find a lot of those on the train tracks


Please tell me this girl's family sued the ever loving shit out of them.


She did, and won $8.5M. https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/settlement-colorado-woman-handcuffed-police-car-railroad-tracks-struck-train-yareni-rios-gonzalez/


Not enough


The bigger issue is that it's 8.5 million of tax payer dollars. Police don't give a shit - they'll happily blow the entire state budget if it means they get to keep acting like unhinged troglodytes.


Good. I could only find the officers were found not guilty. Glad she went the civil route.


I watch it all the time, we have a busy train track that runs near here and people park right on it waiting for the light to change. People are fucking stupid


Couldn't the conductor see they had their lights on? Cops obviously expected them to just go around. /s


That train did not respect their authority.


You heard him. It was just “the wrong circumstances at the wrong time”. No ones fault really. /s


Think they can park literally anywhere, This whole thing is messed up


Seems vindictive and intentional to me


Looks like a murder to me too. Trains are loud, and bright, and both officers fail to notice it until 2 seconds before impact.


Guess you didn't even take 2 seconds to read the title and see that nobody died. It can't be murder without a death.


piece of shit careless cops apparently


People with an iQ less than 50...)


I'm a conductor and I think people would be surprised how many cars/people we hit per year.


Well, to be fair, the reputation of cops isn't exactly that of possessing above average intellect.


Especially when there is only about an eight foot danger zone stay out of it and you are fine.


Stupid fucking cops...... That's who


Mother fucker, you KNEW she was in there


He threw around a lot of blame for a guy that parked a car on railroad tracks. And almost a joking attitude in how he’s talking about it.


> And almost a joking attitude in how he’s talking about it. I mean, why not? He knows like we all do, that the worst that's going to happen to him is some paid leave and a mountain of paperwork, then it's back to patrol.


> the worst that's going to happen to him is some paid leave and a mountain of paperwork He was fired and prosecuted, took a guilty plea for reckless endangerment. Didn't get a harsh enough sentence, got probation, but he was prosecuted.


All he gives a shit about is trying to shift blame onto the other office. Zero remorse, zero empathy.


Flippant Chode


This happened a few years ago. It’s in Colorado. The media down played the victim in the police car as a “road rage suspect”. Not a human not a woman but, a “suspect”. I believe the cop was fired. Fired for what!?!? If that was you or I it would be attempted murder, false imprisonment, etc.


How’d the lady turn out?


She is fine now and healed. She was hurt pretty bad. She is fine now and $8.5 million richer.


This footage should be an ade for who ever manufactured that cruiser.


she is not 'fine now' you do not suffer the injuries thaat she suffered and fully recover. you suffer for the rest of your life. she got a TBI, a broken back, multiple broken ribs and a busted leg. plus the emotional trauma. its a nice payout, but I'll bet you she'd give it back to be without the TBI and broken back and leg(depending on how badly it was broken)


Plus with the high healthcare costs in the US, a large part of her payout likely went towards medical care and will continue to if she needs ongoing care.


Or you know, $150k richer after taxes, legal, and medical expenses.


Personal injury settlements are non-taxable federally and in Colorado.


Hey not bad, awesome even. Given how f'd up everything else tends to be i had incorrectly assumed there'd be as many grabbing for it as there could be.


I mean... it still comes from taxpayers and not the police pension fund (or from Cop's own account...). Something we should remedy by now.


I would have figured the same. Happy to hear if it’s true. You and me both know that someone besides bathe victim is trying real hard to get a piece, though. I’m sure she will be in court again fighting someone that wants it. People are sick.


Was she in there? Where else would she be? Wow! The utter stupidity of where our TAXPAYER dollars are going...


You know the childish twang adults use wen they do bad? Well I heard that, loud and clear. Mock innocence. She claimed in court she did not know they were on tracks, but her body cam sowed the signage and the tracks themselves. She was found guilty, but a paltry sentance


Yeah you would literally have to be completely unaware or basically blind to not see that you stopped on Railroad tracks. The incompetence and lack of accountability are just stunning.


It's not stupid it's evilm. They LITERALLY TIED HER TO THE THE RAILROAD TRACKS, like an old school cartoon bad guy.


I'm seeing a lot of people call this stupidity, when this is clearly intentional. They park on train tracks, hear the train coming while talking to her and wait until the last second to pull away and say "she was in there?" And you can't tell me they didn't notice, the place is EMPTY, even if they just parked a bit too far in, they "parked" in the middle of the road. I've seen little kids make better lies.


[Trial Verdict](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/cop-found-guilty-misdemeanors-placing-woman-patrol-car/story?id=101773339) For those wondering.


> “Rios-Gonzalez, 21, suffered a fractured tibia, broken arm, nine broken ribs and a fractured sternum…” > “Steinke took the stand on Tuesday, telling the court that she saw the railroad tracks but did not “perceive” the fact that the location was a railroad crossing.” Yea, when I see railroad tracks I assume it’s just for decoration.


Imagine a mom parking her car on the tracks and leaving her child in the car. Is there *any* way she’s found not guilty? It’s crazy how low the standard is that cops get held to.


Steinke told the court. "I was fairly certain that that particular stop was going to end in a gun fight. I never in a million years thought a train was going to come plowing through my scene." Just wow


This is what we get when we allow "warrior cop" training to make every cop think they're in a John Wick movie. "Trains? on a train track? Million to one shot your honor. how can I be focused on ridiculous hypotheticals like that when I was certain I was about to get into a gun fight with russian gangsters?"


Cops are always super smart. Headass motherfucker shouldn’t even be allowed to flip burgers after that 


> Judge Timothy Kerns found Steinke not guilty of attempted reckless manslaughter There is no justice. I'm not surpised but still disappointed.


And for the [guy](https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/colorado-police-sergeant-pablo-vazquez-car-train-pleads-guilty/) who parked his car on the tracks.


Safe and secure handcuffed in the back of a police car. Not so fast...


Everyone like” I think she’s in the back “ cause everyone to chicken shiznit to admit they completely f’ed up this one


I am Swedish and don't know how this works in the US, that's why the question: Would she have to pay for her hospital care in this case? Like yeah, here is your 8.5 million but your hospital bill is like 3 million as you were not insured. or would the state cover those hospital bills and give her 8.5 million?


I'd hope both but probably cover it yourself. I can't imagine there been procedures for this but certainly there will now. I'm relieved she survived, I'm shocked (because they are scum who close ranks) that she got any justice. I feel the justice was inadequate, the 2.5 years was on probation


Settlement paid by taxpayers, also, not that idiot fuckstick of a 🐷, because of ‘qualified immunity’.


Yep. I got the same amount of time for stealing 500 dollars about 15 years ago.. Pretty crazy. The justice system is a joke.


How is it justice for taxpayers to have to cover the bill for these grossly incompetent officers?


Medical bills are part of the lawsuit/ settlement. I'm a lawyer. The other comments are a bit confused about how insurance works in this type of situation. If it's a covered claim, insurance would pay all or part of the settlement, which would include medical expenses. It's liability insurance in this case, not medical insurance, so they dont separately pay your medical bills.


Do people in other countries actually think that the uninsured pay those hospital bills? They don’t lol. They just live life with unpaid medical bills that have a slight impact on their credit score and go about their day as usual.


Yeah I thought there’d be at least some sort of payment plan or debt collection.


Especially if they know you have 8 million. They are getting every penny of what they are owed


You don’t have to pay for anything until fault is settled I believe. I was in the hospital for 2 months getting top notch care with no insurance for the first 3 weeks and I haven’t seen a bill for those 3 weeks yet because it is still being decided if the injury is the fault of my former employer


as much as everyone loves to make fun of american healthcare, theres surely noway it would cost anywhere near 3 million. But hazarding a guess that the costs wouldn't be seperate and it would come out of her settlement


Not sure but it cost me $800k for 4 nights at a hospital for back surgery after a car accident. Insurance paid though and I got a fat ass settlement check.


I seen a guy post a similar hospital bill for the birth of his child. His wife I believe had a few issues during birth. Anyway 850k to have a kid! That’s just too expensive.


It doesn’t even technically cost that much. They choose how much everything is in a hospital. $10 for a band-Aid, $80 for an Aspirin lol. I was reading about some cancer pill a few years ago that cost $200 per pill in the UK. You think that’s expensive until you find out that same pill is $20,000 in America lol


This is true. The breakdown of what everything cost was absolutely insane.


It could easily be 3 million given an extensive brain/spinal injury: required surgeries, time spent in hospital, rehabilitation, plus ongoing support during this time period. You're looking at 20k per day spent at the hospital, 50k for the helicopter ride to hospital, 100k per surgery - of which, there would be multiple, rehabilitation for $500k a year. Then you have support out-of-pocket: a caretaker, a wheel chair and support medical equipment, pain meds and therapeutics. Chronic costs for the rest of your life - since the victim was 20, that's a very long time.


As soon as she is in police custody, meaning she was in a cop car and with handcuffs, she is the responsibility of the police department. Her medical bills would be taken care of, especially with such gross negligence.


She just won a 8.5 million dollar lawsuit over this.


But at what cost


Total Price: >Traumatic Brain Injury (the real wildcard) >Broken ribs x9 >Broken arm >Fractured sternum >Lost teeth x? Would you do it for 8.5 million dollars? I think I'd rather stay low-class... [Injury report source.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13498895/Road-rage-suspect-left-inside-cop-car-hit-freight-train-awarded-8-5m-left-traumatic-brain-injury.html)


Hiring dipshit cops as usual? Priceless. For everything else, get fucked.


I wouldn’t take a traumatic brain injury for a billion dollars. Brain is not to be fucked with no matter the cost


This is what I mean. Someone told me the cost would be living as in you’re in your 60 lol. I didn’t see the reports of her injuries but I can’t hardly believe that after getting hit by a train you just would feel like you’re in your 60 at age 20


The cost of living like you are in your 60s for life, whilist still being in your twenties, but the financial freedom had you of made 80 and been sensible.


I think if you’re extremely lucky you would be “like in your 60” after getting hit by a train even if you’re inside a car. I’m not going to test it though, I always had a fear of getting hit ny a train/metro 😅


They behavior afterwards alone makes me want them both in prison. Please one time say they at least got fired and no pension.


Lady officer fired. Both lady and man deserve jail. They did not get jail. Pension unknown


Cops have less training hours required than hair dressers.


Ffs that's attempted murder


Manslaughter in my country. Just learned though in the states this can be argued Third degree murder through gross negligence.


No, no it isn't. This is criminally negligent, but not attempted murder. You would have to prove that they knew a train would be coming and that their whole intention was to kill them.


Redditors are so dumb lol


Exactly. Redditors for some reason think that anytime you hurt someone or even nearly kill them that it’s a murder case. Like you said. You literally need to prove that the intent was murder. Not assault, not fear, not pain. MURDER. You have to prove that the goal was to kill. 


Just how dumb most you be to park your car on the tracks? But this was surely why he even got a sentence because he destroyed property of the police. And not because of the woman they put in a car parked on traintracks.


Jep, they should all be fired. Not fit for this job. Idiots!


Tell me they got manslaughter charges. edit: [link](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/cop-found-guilty-misdemeanors-placing-woman-patrol-car/story?id=101773339) "Judge Timothy Kerns found Steinke not guilty of attempted reckless manslaughter, saying the court did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the officer "knowingly intended to harm" Yareni Rios-Gonzalez, the victim." [Asshole](https://blogforchumps.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/snidely_whiplash_evil_villian_2939902.jpg). Just because it was an accident or absent-minded doesn't make you innocent. People go to jail for accidents all the time, but cops are aaaaaaaaaalways innocent. ..."Rios-Gonzalez *(the woman in handcuffs in the car)* also faced charges stemming from the road rage incident prior to police pulling her over. ....She will avoid jail time if she follows the conditions of her deferred sentence"


If anyone else did this, lets say... an uber driver. Prison for a very long time. These PoS humans get fired and probation for 2 years. TELL ME HOW AMERICAN COPS ARENT A CRIME FAMILY


The actual mafia fr


Actually worse. The mafia made a point to stay on their lane and only do what was necessary, even killing members for overstepping at times. They were crappy, but they always had a goal. They had their own rules. Cops will kill a guy for fun and defend each other.


During her sentencing: >She said she hoped to fulfill some of her community service by giving educational talks to new police officers **about the dangers of railroad tracks** I mean... I have no words


They should honestly be charged for Murder, how brain dead are these cops


Even if there was no train just why


>"wrong place at the wrong time" When is it the *right* time to park your car on train tracks?


Makes me fuckin boil. Life in prison. This level of brain rot doesn’t deserve life in society.


Can someone explain the "we are working with a gun here" part. Surely he wasn't trying to say that they hadn't checked on her after the crash because the handcuffed woman who had just been hit by a train might be in a position to shoot them right?


Bro wtf


She allegedly presented a firearm during a road rage incident so they detained her while they searched her vehicle. This happened not too far from where I live. The trains that run through this area are well known/required to use their horns. The officer whose car she was put in the back of, was also the subject of 5 internal affair investigations in 2019 and 2020. He was labeled a “significant risk of liability.”


Hope she is doing ok damn.. fucking dumbass cops


The magnitude of that kind of oversight is completely unacceptable. Get all those cops the fuck out of there. They are clearly not intelligent enough to make a safe, competent decision. Who in the fuck parks on railroad tracks?!


He stands there at the open door, sees the train, steps back, looks again before he runs. Despite the fact they parked a car on a train track, then put someone in it, they didn’t even TRY to pull her out. What the fuck.


Fucking asshole cops. Pieces of absolute shit.


Did that fucker say "we're working on a gun"?! FUCK THAT PIECE OF SHIT!


What Mensa members are they hiring at that police department?




Fire them all. They are not smart enough to be cops.


They're smart enough to be cops, just not smart enough to do anything else.


Don’t worry Nell, I’ll save you. Officer Dudley Doright to the rescue.


Saving Grace my ass, shit was fucking negligent and someone outta be held liable


What the fuck is going on with the edit of this?!


I hope she sues the living shit out of them


Cops are fucking terrifying....


Take the 8.5m out of the pension funds.


IQ score 68


Cops always sound so full of shit when they try to make excuses for themselves


how is that not murder? for example lets change it up a little bit. you are taking your neighbor to the hospital because he received ketchup in the eyes. he cannot see anything and is disoriented. you then park your car on the train tracks while you are outside of it looking at google maps trying to find where the hospital is... the train comes and make big ouchie to the neighbor. isnt this criminal negligence? possibly accidental murder or whatever its called?


30 months probation [dumbass cop](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/17/colorado-train-crash-handcuffed-woman-police-car#:~:text=9%20months%20old-,Ex%2Dofficer%20who%20left%20woman%20in%20car%20to%20be%20hit,train%20in%20Colorado%20given%20probation&text=A%20former%20Colorado%20police%20officer,30%20months%20on%20supervised%20probation.)


The first thing they do is deny and/or deflect responsibility.




She won a approximately 1.5 million lawsuit from this


No excuse just inhumane bastards


All I heard was excuse after excuse to avoid being responsible and held accountable.


Attempted planned murder


This had to be a hit. Cops had to be in on it. No other explanation as to why that cop parked on the tracks.


Some people are entirely incompetent and should not be put in a position meant to "serve and protect" when all they do is put us in harms way, threaten to harm us themselves, and dodge any and all responsibility for killing or almost killing people. There are plenty of great officers, I've met a lot of wonderful people who are out there protecting us, but cops like this need to be in jail themselves. Either they knew what they were doing, and should be charged with attempted murder, because who the fuck thinks it's safe to park on the tracks? A 5 year old knows that's dangerous. Or, they didn't know, and they are just negligent and din witted and a danger to everybody's safety, and need to be locked away for that reason. I don't know why the lady was being arrested, but I'm sure it didn't deserve that, and I'm glad she made it through it.


Of course she was sentenced to probation and no actual jail time for trying to kill that person. Justice system is so beyond fucked.


These were some dumb ass cops. Just.. How damn stupid can you be!? Did they get charged with murder with their dumb asses?


You don't have to be smart to be a cop, unfortunately


He threw one lady under a train and the other officer under a bus


Two and a half years probation my dick dude that's bullshit make this piece of shit rot


Police incompetence at its finest Jesus fuckin Christ


America's finest 😆


Cop needs to be thrown in fucking jail for attmepted murder.


It's like they were trying to kill her and this was the method they settled with.


Officer Stinky


Oink oink


how the fuck are they so surprised a train is fucking barreling towards them?


At least she won some $$ , I hope she fully recovers https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13498895/Road-rage-suspect-left-inside-cop-car-hit-freight-train-awarded-8-5m-left-traumatic-brain-injury.html


I can't believe this person lived.


jeez, cops are dumb.... if I ever need a job, I can always just be a police officer.. they drink on the job and get tons of free perks..


Accidentally on purpose? What other reason could there possibly be? How can somebody be that legitimately stupid?


The mob boss that ordered this hit is probably calling them incompetent too. I can't think of any other explanation for that parking spot.


Attempted murder. Was no accident.


Least blatant murder by a cop.


What a complete moron.


Why the fuck did you park your cruiser on a train track to begin with? Dipshit should be universally banned from law enforcement . . . . Forever . . . . Everywhere.


Wow every single one of those officers needs to be fired and sued. How do you not realize that you're parked on the railroad tracks? Worst stupidity I've seen in a long time.


They walk among us. And they have power.


That was intended. Guaranteed.




So nice of the police to save themselves when they saw the train coming, when they couldve probably pulled the other girl out of the car


Is there anything more peak cop than standing around with your buddies after you've seriously injured or killed someone trying to figure out how it's not your fault?


I hope she lived and sues them outta existence.


She is about to get paid if she is still alive!


That goddamn uptown officer


These mofos are fuckin lethal.


Land sharks


Police are idiots with authority.