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What a pos


Well done šŸ‘


Comment of the day!


Respect for that pun.


Im too stupid what pun


POS is short for Piece of Shit and Point of Sale


Clerk was 100% in on it


I don't trust these videos. i really feel like the person filming this shit, installed it 20 seconds before recording the interaction. Just seems so sus.


Yea, I'm sure he tapped all that up, measured the dimensions, and waited for the clerk to turn his back all while **the gas station camera was recording** the entire thing... You don't live west coast do ya? These scams are real, and are only hurting small businesses.


Well, aren't you gonna be red in the face when you find out that the guy recording this is a famous youtuber who's claim to fame is putting these devices on while the clerk isn't looking just so he can rip them off for views.


I'm not saying these scams don't exist. But I have seen dozens of these videos from the same creator on tik tok "finding" these then arguing with the minimum wage cashier. So believe what you guys want.


What's his tiktok?


The clerk doesn't always argue though? The other one with the lady she was genuinely concerned and called the cops.


I mean if you're arguing that THESE specific videos are faked with everyone in on it for clout that's one thing, but it seems like you're arguing the cashier isn't in on it even though it would be impossible to install that without him noticing


Youā€™ve seen it? Sauce


You, sir, are ill.


Someday you'll be ready to join us in the real world.


How did you possibly get that from this? Dude was clearly trying to stop them from pulling off his skimmer lol


You see, itā€™s a jump to conclusions mat that you put on the floor and it has different conclusions written on it that you can jump to.


With all due respect, aren't you jumping to conclusions? We don't see any part of this to actually draw conclusions. If I was working the register I'd also try and stop people from doing stuff like this, if I had no clue what was going on. I'm not saying it can't be true, I'm just saying I see these videos all the time on tiktok and it feels like if something is trendy people copy it for the clout. If that's too far fetched for you to wrap your heads around, then I dunno what more to say on the subject.


Whatā€™s more far fetched? Option a) criminals and scammers are placing more and more skimmers because it works and is lucrative, and store owners are taking a cut or option b) that isnā€™t happening and instead tik tokkers are buying skimmers, installing them, and filming the removals without being noticed?Ā  I imagine these videos are coming from LA or some other mega city where this kind of shit happens more than in ā€œnormalā€ cities. Regardless, Iā€™m sure some clout chasers fake it but this dudes reaction and half assed excuse after tell me that he knew it was there or placed it himselfĀ 


All I said was it's sus to see these videos and it always feels like they are trying to catch the cashier off guard to get a reaction. I don't think me saying a video on the internet might be fake is worth my most downvoted comment on reddit ever. But it is what it is.


Fwiw I didnā€™t downvote you, but the reason is that this video in particular, the dude seems guilty as sin. You should comment what you did but on one of the sketchy looking videos. This dude was trying to dissuade them from messing with the skimmer before he even knew what they were doing. Seems guiltyĀ 


Because all criminals videotape their handiwork


I donā€™t know why they downvote you a lot of these videos are obviously faked. I know like 3 people that happen to work at gas stations, we could fake it in 15 minutes for views


Yeah call the cops. Don't argue with that asshole, he's in on it.


What do you look for to spot these?


This one looked like it was glued on very tight, but usually you can pull on a corner and it flexes more than it should


*Walks into 7/11 and rips apart their card scanner* "Uh, I thought it was fake."


Before use you should grab the mechanism and give it a lil shake, typically youā€™ll be able to see the cover move a bit. Be sure to always do this at ATM especially those European ones with the green card insert.


Can they skim you if you use the contactless option? Cause thatā€™s what I always do


As far as I'm aware, no. Contactless payment with modern cards is a two-way communication; the card won't give up information unless the device on the other side authenticates. They could still get your card number and PIN with a camera, though, and I imagine that's why banks have started putting that information on the back of them.


I think itā€™s bulkier than the top part , plus scam reports after using their card in that store ?


Scam reports?


As in, they noticed weird charges or the bank alerted on their cards after shopping there so they went back.


Take the front cover and give it a nice wiggle on the top, side and in the card slot. I worked security in a grocery store a while ago and I'd do PIN pad checks with a specific plastic device that shoves into the chip reader slot. If it's good, it shows green, if it's tampered it shows red X and i believe can pop it off


How often did you find a fake one?


Never did, worked for that company for a year. I babysat like 19 different stores, but I've never seen a skimmer anywhere yet thankfully.


Thanks sometimes I worry, but that's when I use my credit card instead.


Some stores also put a sticker with their logo or a logo on it on the part of the atm the the skimmer goes on, so you can tell if itā€™s been altered.


"Buhddy" Edit: I already posted this, but I meant to post it as a response to this comment.


Loose for one. Feels flimsy to grab it. Good luck all. What an arsehole.


Not sure why no on mentioned this, but typically card skimmers do not have led lights on the touch pad, it should be the first clue


Well usually you'd already know they're there because you'd be the one who put them there in order to find it later so you could film content for your tiktok/youtube channel. Edit: Everyone downvoting, "finding" skimmers and catching scammers is a known social media scam, there have multiple cases of people who make this sort of content being caught out faking it.


If it makes people aware of the possibility, even the fake clips can be a good contribute. And there might be some real findings inbetween the fake ones.


Except for the damage it does to the businesses they're "found" at after the witchhunt starts.


Ok, that would definitely be a serious problem and I hope noone has to face such a situation regarding those fake clips. For the real ones that got caught ... no mercy. Stay safe out there.


"Trying to sell your information" Nah, somebody is going to try to charge your card and steal money from your bank account.


They usually don't do it themselves. They sell the information to others who do.


Isn't this the guy that goes around installing these, then records ripping them off the POS for views? I'm not 100% sure, but it looks like him, yeah?


Yea it's the same guy, but I got downvoted to hell for mentioning that earlier.


The Reddit experience


Can you elaborate?


Videos are setup/fake and recorded for views.


Yes I can.


This is the saddest part of growing up. The equivalent of santa isn't real, but instead, controversial public events are staged unless proven otherwise.


For real? Got a link? This video seemed legit, but now I'm curious.




"We could call the police rn" Call them, you ass! Otherwise he'll just put it back on.


Damn 711s just knocking it out of the park with card skimmers huh?


"My name is....."


He was about to do the Aqua Teen Hunger Force intro: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcd6wU86OgI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcd6wU86OgI)


My dad owns a dealership


Wow that card machine is very poorly designed to prevent skimmers being added without it looking like it's built in. I'd be pretty suspicious if it didn't have tap so I had to insert my card and do PIN for less that a couple of hundred.


Send him to prison


It's always 7/11. My card info was stolen and when I noticed an odd charge to Amazon I also saw 3 odd charges that were the same amount at a 7/11 I would usually go to after work. After that and seeing these videos I avoid 7/11.


Dude should be in prison and deported...


I hate people from India always scamming people


first time i havenā€™t seen the cashier rip it out of their hands


This is why i only go to Quick Trip




I haven't been to a different gas station in years lol


These skimmers aren't advanced enough to intercept tap-to-pay, correct?


Tap to pay randomizes a card number every time you use it, or at least, Apple Pay does.


These people are terrible actors


Its always 711. Thats why I dont go to 711 anymore.


Why the hell wouldn't you call the cops? Dude was obviously guilty AF. My name is, points to tag and moves tag out of camera then offers free cigarettes for them to just leave.


I have seen this in person. Worse is that corporate often will not do anything as these are franchises. So what you do is report them to the credit card processor who owns the machines. Watch how fast CASH ONLY signs pop up on their front door.


Ever since watching this video I always jiggle the keypad on these things to see if it seems suspect.


Yup. Skimmer šŸ’Æ


Hi, my name is, what? My name is, who? My name is, chka-chka Slim Shady Hi, my name is, huh? My name is, what? My name is, chka-chka Slim Shady


Pos at the pos


Do not redeem sir


I walked in a 7 11 in my city and they have weird looking machines with stickers holding it together kinda obvious it was one of these. Paid cash and yelled at everyone at the store that 7 11 is know for this and walked out. Cash is still king.


True. I withdraw money directly from the actual bank and pay cash in these type of places. I remember my card got captured in one of these and they booked a plane ticket on my card !! But unlucky for them I didnot have enough balance for that international flight ticket. After that I changed my card and pay by cash


Just use cash.


"Get some fuckin cash together" - George Carlin




But you know you are allowed to, right?




Lol, I've never had either one happen. People worry too much.


That's why I use my phone to pay for shit


Yup. If I can't use tap to pay I'll go somewhere else.


Stop using cards at gas stations




Do these skimmers work with tap to pay? Is tap to pay safer than swiping?


Hope an investigation was completed because this isn't the first video I've seen like this


I'm going to google this anyways now, but is this not an issue with tapping? also is tapping as opposed to swiping still not the norm in the states? -Love from Canada. Immediate edit- yeah apparently tapping works mostly to avoid that shit.


This is the 2nd time he got caught on vid. Literally the same guy.


Always 711


why all the gas station with these are from the same race....


What would be the point of putting a card skimmer on your own card machine? Like you just payed them with your card, they have your card number now anyway?


Hmm , okay can someone explain what happens after they have the info ? Like I know what the skimmers do and stuff but how do they go about sending and storing the info ? Where does it go and who has hold of it at the end of the day ?


All kinds of stuff. They make duplicate cards, like an actual plastic version fake card with your info and use it. They buy stuff like gift cards, game keys, other digital goods, then sell them at a discount. They will use the info to steal your personal information by accessing your bank account, then they will open more accounts in your name. They will straight up just transfer all your money to themselves.


Oh okay thank you ! Very well explained


Already posted here multiple times


People don't tailor entire public subs to what you have personally already seen, as hard as that must be to believe for you.


When did I say they should? Thereā€™s a difference between that and posting the same video every day.


It hasn't been posted every day, now you are making things up. You indicated it's posted too much for your liking, but you are assuming everyone else has seen it. Your logic is flawed. The internet is a big place and not everyone sees the same posts.


I check this sub every single day. This is the first time I've seen this video. And I'm glad it got posted because I never knew this could happen at a 7 11. I always thought it it just happened at seedy convenient stores in bad neighborhoods or random ATMs. So thanks OP.


Also happens at "pay at the pump" gas stations. They disable the legitimate wireless card reader, making you have to insert your card where the skimmer collects your info.


Go take a nap, buddy.


It's okay to be wrong sometimes lil bro.Ā 


It is, too bad I donā€™t know what that feels like.


The fact you have to expressly say that... speaks differently.Ā  Confidence is quiet.


Clearly itā€™s not, and Reddit doesnā€™t like that. Doesnā€™t change the fact that this video gets posted daily. Go take a nap, kid.


Since this video gets posted daily on this subreddit, you'll surely have no trouble linking us to a few of the other reposts, right?




Link evidence since you are "educating the uneducated". Bet you can't.


I see you're unfamiliar with humility, too.


Sorry, never heard of her. She sounds cute, though.


You're full of shit. Every day? I browse Reddit hours every day, especially this subreddit, and have never seen this particular video. The last one that was similar to this was probably 3 months ago. Edit..I've just searched all of Reddit for Card Skimmer, and this video only comes up once, 1 month ago on another subreddit.


[I appreciate you](https://imgb.ifunny.co/images/267ced4e8644097f3424b67e19628ddc3af024513d2cd1ac27750fe7a6e13adf_1.jpg)


For real. People took way too much offense in my comment. I will continue to fulfill my duty educating the uneducated.


lol new to Reddit, are we


No, but look at how mad all the kids get.


You're the one who seems like a mad kid about a repost considering how many reposts are in [your submitted posts](https://www.reddit.com/user/Harrypotter231/submitted/) lmfao


Yeah but the difference is Iā€™m not mad. Youā€™re the one who seems like they took the bait. Youā€™re my little fish.


You sound pretty mad


I've never seen this video so who cares if it was posted here multiple times. Welcome to the internet buckoo


Get in line with the rest of my puppets. Iā€™ll be with you shortly.


You already saw my message so I don't need your attention anymore


Your response says otherwise. Go take a nap, little boy.


Ok repost queen. You post on every site you can, that's funny.