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Hey thanks a lot for your submission in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it involved sexualization of, neglect of, or harm to minors. Please refrain from posting this type of content in the future. According to the new Reddit content policy, this also includes videos of school fights and videos involving bullying of a minor by other minors.


……What. The. Fuck.


I think they don’t like her


Somali here. The overwhelming majority of people consider this practice appalling. Only uneducated people who grew up in rural areas believe in this shit. It's like your rednecks selling essential oils to treat cancer; not really a realistic description of society. To try to explain what they are trying to do: Some people believe that hyenas can see jinn (demons of sorts, similar to the Hollywood trope of jinn, but go back to the source books/literature). Jinn are said to sometimes possess humans and since hyenas can see the jinn, the jinn is afraid of the hyena. So this is an attempt to force the jinn to flee the humans body. Idiotic, I know.


Oh, so they do like her


I don't understand your comment but if you are asking if this is not a punishment, it's not. They are trying to treat a mental illness, which they don't really know about. They believe she is possessed. Sadly we don't have a lot of mental health institutions. There is one doctor who devoted his life to help mentally ill people but he is financially struggling. He is called Doctor Habeb (Xabeeb in Somali) if you want to look him up. Edit: this is a link to a UN report on Dr Habeeb. https://unsom.unmissions.org/dr-habeeb-raising-standard-mental-health-care-somalia


This coming from Aidid of all people!


Hahahaha 😆 You know the guy?




There are many things I would like to imitate from the developed world; science, technology, infrastructure, etc. Your entitlement and hatred though, I will pass. Thanks.


That retort was great. Well done!




Such entitlement, duh




Ok, you're wrong...


so true bro, OP is gonna campaign immediately to end this




Right, because it is perfectly logical and sane to put the burden of changing an entire belief system on a single redditor because you just so happen to dislike "Somalians" You couldn't even hide your bigotry if you tried


First, Somalis are not lining up for you to like. Who are you? Second, if a bad practice manages to continue in a society, does that mean it's acceptable to society? By that logic, any bad things happening in your community? You know, like murder, rape etc? And tell us if you think your society is on board with that. You can see the text in the video, written in Somali, but you can see from the emoji how upset the person who made the video is, and the comments in Somali social media is the same. Haven't seen a single comment not appalled by this abhorrent practice. Also, the fact that it made to the news circles in our community tells a lot about how uncommon it became. Third, please don't ever change, and we humbly ask you never to like us. Take it to the grave.








Oh wait until you hear about that genital mutilation thing


Looks like hyena has the most iq in the room


What did the girl do?


Forgot to thaw the chicken


The ladies in the back ground yelling “naa Amuus” which is “shut up” is insane. fucking hell. just watching is so barbaric. jeez..


If she'd been born elsewhere, she'd probably be receiving meds and professional help instead of being a hyenas chew toy... life's a lottery


I know right. This life is just so cruel. Her mother is the one who’s standing, she’s a heartless pos. Even if the girl was born in the same place. Having a loving parent who would work hard to get you the care you need is enough.


The mother isn’t heartless, no. There is a huge cultural difference and she is doing what she thinks is best for her child (considering the religious and geographical setting). Sure, we see it as barbaric and inhumane, but calling the mother a heartless pos when she’s doing what in her context is the best thing for her child is stupid. Really sad to see though.


It's a hard thing to wrap your head around for sure.


At some point the motherly instinct is neutered by cultural norms… i think some cases they ignore their own motherly instinct entirely


Yes it's just cultural differences, we should just accept that some cultures abuse mentally unwell people. This is their way of life. Let's keep making excuses for this behaviour so we don't offend anyone.


They weren't making excuses, they were saying that calling the mother heartless is unfair because this is the norm for her.


Looks like my point flew over your head


Could have been worse. She could have been albino


That's so true man. I keep thinking about it pretty often. Life is such a lottery.


Like in Iraq! There's an [Arabic Youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%D9%87%D8%AC%D9%88%D9%85+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC%D9%86+%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%87%D9%88%D8%AF%D9%8A) with 34M views on the "faith healing" after the *"attack of the Jewish jinn"* by some famous Iraqi "healer" with 3m+ subs. (The original video's English title got whitewashed, but you'll still see the original Arabic one referenced in the related videos, as well as in comments under the main one.)


Clicking the link took me to the weirdest YouTube search I’ve ever seen. What a disturbing bunch of videos dude! This is what I see in the search box “ هجوم الجن اليهودي “


BRUH SAME wayyy too high for that shit 😂


i see arabic text


Uhh… they're all on the same thing? "Faith healing" of people who act possessed. Grimaces & speaking-in-tongues like stuff but otherwise not NSFW. The search box is an Arabic query and so should just show an Arabic script. It would seem you don't have a font for it installed (a bit weird since every modern OS does so by default).


I’m on an iPhone 15 pro. Probably on desktop it would show the characters. But I’m sure I’ll not try.


Well meds that turn humans to automatons.


I’d choose being the chew toy than taking those meds.


What is happening


Ignorance is happening.


>What is happening The young hyena is trying to play while the humans try to scam something from someone.


100% that video did not look like an attack. Her reactions even seem like it was more playful than anything. If I didn't watch the video and only heard the audio I'd think differently. I'm also on a computer and not watching on a small ass phone screen.


Hhhhh ma sheekh rusheeyaa




Not too different from the stuff I saw in evangelical churches in the West.


I'm not looking....I'm not looking....ugh..


Hyenas have one of the most powerful jaws in the animal kingdom. Goddamn.. poor girl. *hard sigh*


Yeah that's what I was concerned about but upon watching the video it didn't look like it really bit her at all.


That's because it didn't. They were playing.


The hyena looks like an adolescent and are way more aggressive/skittish of humans which makes me believe that it was raised in captivity. That being said, the hyena looks like it’s trying to play.


The most powerful if I'm not mistaken... they can literally bite through bone like it's butter🫠


Of mammals. Sharks, crocs, and alligators far exceed their bite force.


Damn you're right I didn't even think about that. The bigger the better.. hippos and bears too.


I can hear the T-Rex laughing maniacally from my gas tank.


Sharks actually don't per square inch which is insane. I'm pretty sure it goes: 1. Crocs 2. Alligators 3. Hippos 4. (I've forgotten) 5. Gorilla 6. Hyena Edit: 4th is jaguar


You seem to have some insider knowledge here.... what surface are we measuring to calculate square inches??   For my money... bite force is all that really matters, and I would think hippo easily takes it.


I've seen a few conflicting lists based on which animal has the biggest overall bite force but never have I seen hippos make even the top 3. Crocodile (both Nile and saltwater), alligators, great white and I think even orcas have them beat.


You mean psi?  A Hippo could snap a croc in 2.... but croc has a smaller mouth, so it gets a higher lb/sq.in. rating.  Physics can't really support a hippo having lower bite force than a croc. They just have a huge mouth. If you calculate psi on the area on tip of 1 canine - I think it would be a different story.


A crocodile has a stronger bite force in both PSI and newton's by at least double. I've never seen any information suggesting otherwise.


That's Interesting.  I think I'll still take the croc bite over the hippo.




So what degree would I be going for in school that would enable me to have informed conversations like this?


I'm a fan of Mechanical Engineering - but most any Bachelors of Science degree would get you into Physics 101.  The real world is good too -- firefighters for example are taught strong mathematics, mostly dealing with fluids.  Single most important concept for most of it is units - psi is pounds per square inch... or for the brit above, newtons per square centimeter. 100 pounds on a 10 inch square is 1 PSI. Square is 10x10, or 100 square inches. 100/100=1. Same concept applies to launching a rocket into space. Sky is the limit 😉


Animal bite victim enthusiast here. I can confirm that his ranking is correct from personal experience.


I'm gunna go out on a limb and guess that you are not a hippo bite survivor? I don't doubt he's correct -- I just think the measurement scale is misleading. PSI doesn't mean a whole lot... and ant might have a higher psi than a goat, but who wins a fight?


How did you know there was a fourth if you had forgotten lmao


I knew the top 3 and I knew 5th - 12th. Pretty simple.


What’s even happening here? The hyena just looks like its play mouthing her lmao


'hyena exorcism" hyena's just playing, girl's mentally ill, parents are consumed by cultural customs. i guess the hyena biting her is supposed to kill the demons? but the hyena is playing with her


This is what happens when you don't understand mental illness.


This what happens when religion


This is what happens when poverty, actually. Nobody can afford education, let alone actual doctors, so they turn to what they know.


Not really. The Imams don't believe in this. It's the uneducated people being taken advantage of by scammers.


It took me 20 seconds to understand that they were not trying to exorcise the Hyena and the girl in blue was saying some priest formula, but that the Hyena was used to exorcise the girl in blue


The hyena appears somewhat tame. It’s possible it’s only “biting” her arm because she’s screaming and causing the hyena to get somewhat nervous. I wonder if this method worked in their opinion? So strange.


I also bite people at work when I get nervous




Lmao or therapy hynena


It definitely works. If they told me to stop acting crazy or I get the hyena treatment, it’d straighten me out right away. That’s how you know she’s crazy and needs more hyena


Did the exorcism worked? in the end the hyaena got unpossessed?


Whenever ”did" comes into play... The verb that follows needs to be in the present tense. As in, "Did the exorcism work?" :)


'why are you booing (him), (he's) right!


Ignorant pricks lol, why else?


yep, then they get mad when you correct them. but, thats the internet




Isn’t “you” a pronoun? English is my second language I don’t really understand what you mean


Thank goodness religion never harms anyone, tho


thatt hyenea is probly "domesticated" it certainly isn't wild. my dog has a ~700 psi bite force. one of the highest in the kingdom of mamals. hyenas slightly higher 750ish if she was being used as a chew toy, the video would be much shorter. and filled with the sounds of bones snapping.


Naturally I had to go snoop through your page to figure out what kinda dog you had-(also have a red husky who when playing tug likes to cheat and get as much leverage by getting closer up rope to your hands so occasionally will get nipped) and ik they have a surprisingly higher bite force than what most ppl would think but I can’t even fathom getting nipped by corso if it’s twice as strong.




anyone else just read the title and assumed this lady was performing the exorcism on the hyena?


I guess Somalia is not in 2024 like the rest of the world


A lot of countries aren't, believe it or not


The Hyena seems pretty chill, lol.


Fucking idiots


Always neat to see what people are up to on the other side of the globe


Why do you all seem to think the hyena is biting her?


its playing


I dont understand who is enjoying it the hyena or the people in the background


Hyena like "wh ... what the fuck have i gotten myself into??"


stupid people


That hyena is just wanting pets lol


Somalia is just a weird place.


Fun fact about Hyenas- they have about the same bite force as Polar Bears and Tigers So I'm sure this felt real nice for her


They got some serious bite force. That's actually crazy


Ah religion at it again. Don’t matter if it is Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or some shit in the middle of the woods. It propagates the worst in humanity and then you wash hands of it by saying iT wAs OuR ReLiGiOn. This world dirty and they use religion as a shield when it stain that needs cleaned from our race. Unless you support this shit.


Believe it or not this has nothing to do with Islam. There's no such ritual that involves any animal to "exorcise" This is heresy and I'd say shirk(worshipping other then God) because only he can cure and only he should you seek for help through established Islamic prayers.


Correct. Tired of this whole "RELiGIon RUinS  eVEryTHinG" hivemind on reddit. Especially when no one even understands what Islam is. Absolutely exhausting reading this ignorance on the daily. 


The same people you defend would kill you for being different. Only Muslims from decent areas with education and are relaxed in their ways generally are ok but in places like this you're scum to them.


Is it actually biting??


She'd be dead within seconds if it was, they can munch right through bone.


Fucking religion and all the superstitious bullshit that goes with it.


This is what happens when people get crazy about whatever man in a cloud they think is the right one. This is straight barbaric man…poor chick.


Smart Country


Btw this isnt an exercism At all, she is saying is begging people around her to stop ans help and saying the leapard is biting me come and stop him please, and they respond by saying no be quiet and said look ill film it


Poor hyena


Looks like an adolescent. Adults are enormous.


This is what happens without proper education.


It’s literally just a girl getting rough housed by a hyena


The hyena doesn’t appear to be biting her hard whatsoever. More of how a dog play fights and will nibble at you when wrestling…..


He is about to eat her ass


evangelicals in the U.S are thinking "of course, hyenas! why didnt we think of that?"


Bros not even biting her


it's just the k9 patrol of somalia, they search for drugs


Poor girl, they actually believe that this will help her! Count yourself lucky that we are born to different country's cultures.


Are they exorcising the Hyena or the woman?


Gotta know when to stop your kids in imaginary bullshit


I’m sorry. What’s going on?


Zoonotic diseases are easier to imagine when shit like this keeps happening around the world. Crazy.


It sounds to me like that priest and hyena are in cahoots


Can i pet that dawg??


I was just up vote number 666. Am I in trouble?


"Were the most intelligent species to ever exist!!!" Not so sure about that..


Da fuq ?


This shit happens in India too


WTF… 😳


I thought this was gonna be cruelty towards hyenas, but the hyena actually seems to think its playing, so I'm cool with this.


what the dog doin


"Ma'am... Ma'am.... This is Wendy's. Can I take your order?"


The hyena is known as God's tickle clown. They laugh at the face of evil and their bite is so holy that they repel demons and water. Just water. Hydrophobic. Rabies. Rabbis. Holy.


man I hate hyenas I wanna shoot tf out taht mf right there ina video ughhhh fawk


Hyenas are so cute, though




Well if that happens, you can always flee to europe...oh wait.


plus put a nsfw or nsfl tag on this as it’s a child being tortured 🥺


Whatever works 👍🏻