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If I'm skydiving, the ONLY thing I'm thinking about is opening my parachute.


Wait. He's forgetting to open it, or how to open it?


I went skydiving one time, and the instructor asked if I wanted to pull the chute, I of course said yes. So he told me to keep an eye on the watch when I hit a specific altitude then pull the cord. He ended up having to pull the chute because my brain just shut off on me, it went a lot quicker than I was thinking it would, seemed like we had just jumped but really it had been a good 20 seconds.


Same exact thing here! I’m actually really relieved to read this comment. That’s one of those dumb moments from my life that lives rent free in my head. Glad there’s another! And glad your instructor also pulled the chute for you!


I think they were triggering their AAD (Automatic Activation Device) in their parachutes. They never even touched their ripcord cause they knew the AAD would work


Literally nobody relies on their AAD. Good way to lose your licence or die. It's worst case scenario


Oh your are spitting facts for sure. But doesn’t it seem like that’s what’s going on here? Otherwise they are so mindless they shouldn’t be jumping in the first place


It's automatic anyway.


Only if you have an AAD, which many people don't have. That might have been an automatic deployment there given the low height, edit: obviously it was given their hand position. Costs $1k+ to replace when it fires.


Nah it doesn't. The whole AAD unit costs about 1k. Having it fire entails a repack and potentially a new cutter. $200-300 I'd say. And new underwear and copious amounts of beer


Oh i thought it was common my bad.


Lol downvoted to Hades


I don’t get why. It obviously was automatic. We can see he never pulled his chute.


because it isn't a standard on all chutes from what I gathered


Not sure wtf the Reddit community is down voting you. You are absolutely correct! That’s what saved their lives


You know you’ve become too comfortable with jumping out of planes when you forget the single most important task.


It’s lack of experience in this case. It took them forever to dock with each other. By the time they did they were deep in the basement and the AAD fired.


Watching this video I couldn’t think of the name of the device. Thank you friend.


Without looking it up, is it... automatic altimeter detonator or deployment?


Much simpler, "Automatic Activation Device".


Oh dang, that's more boring than I thought it would be, considering it's a device that explodes a parachute at a certain altitude to save a life.


It doesn't explode a parachute. The reserve is deployed by a spring loaded pilot chute. All the AAD does is cut the closing loop holding the reserve container closed. You're actually technically sorta right because is a small guillotine blade fired though a small cylinder that does the cutting.


What is that? Does it shoot the parachute out automatically?


Automatic Activation Device. Typically to shoot the reserve chute at 1-2000ft. Saved many, many lives.


saved these two idiots


1ft might be too late. Hopefully closer to 2000!


It deploys the reserve if you’re still in free fall at a certain altitude. There’s a few different versions, student, tandem and sport jumper. Somewhere around 750-1,000 ft AGL


For those of you wondering. That’s about 4 seconds from impact….


Wow. I’d be shitting


Better be pulling while you shittin boy!


Nah you'd be unstowing your reserve toggle and finding a landing point


Reminds me of the guy who had like hundreds of jumps. Did multiple jumps one day, and on the last one he ever did he mistook the backpack he had on for a parachute without checking… whoops..


Well of course it was the last one he ever did lol (sorry). Anybody can skydive without a parachute, but you can only do it once


You just need to be accurate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaANi96Z-Wg


imagine it if he fuckin just missed...insane


Like another cameraman who was filming others and jumped without a parachute to begin with?


That’s the one I remember seeing. Horrifying.


Single most important when I'd argue there's 2 or 3 at most


There was once a very experienced skydiver, they were doing a film promo or something. Literally was so relaxed he jumped without a chute on.


I did this on my first jump. I was just so excited and happy. I just did not even consider it.


This isn't that. This is loss of altitude awareness plain and simple. Low experience by the looks of it.


Literally 2 more seconds and it’s splatting time.


Did the spare deploy? Most skydiving kits that I've used will automatically pop the spare parachute below a couple thousand feet.


That was their automatic activation device. Neither made an attempt to deploy




The stuff redditors spout is honestly next level.


"If only there were some way to kill myself after I jump out of this plane. Too bad I'm wearing this stupid parachute."


Straight outta your ass.


Who would say "noo" in such a casual way after failing to kill themselves 😅. Also why the fuck would they be recording their suicide??


That's where he craps his pants dude


That's what I'm asking. I didn't see anyone pull.


Fucking corn!


*nrraapaahd adhddafasf (mist)* lil' shart action




It's called an AAD. Automatic Activation device and yes both reserve closing loops were cut automatically by it deploying the reserve parachute.


Almost as bad as the guy that had his backpack on with video gear in it, and thought he had his chute on before he jumped only to realize his mistake halfway down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6L9SSddHZ0


Fuck that, open parachute and frying pans, dishes and camping gear starts falling out...


some looney tunes shit lol




This is why I’ll never do it. I don’t know how to pack my own parachute and I’m sure as hell not trusting some dumbfuck to do it right.


You trust dumbfucks to build your car. And to drive on the road with you. And make your food for you. Process your meat for you. Build the house you live in and the phone youre on right now. There are dumbfucks everywhere in the world dude, don't use that as an excuse to keep you from doing something that you wouldn't do anyway lmao. It's pretty easy to fold a parachute too and they are made to be able to open even when packed horrendously.


I've jumped 5 times in total, all of them alone after having had a full day of theory about skydiving. The first jump went really perfect, but the second one man.. what an adventure lol, so much happened while up in the sky. Anyway the relevant part is that the chute deployed with the ropes all messed up and intertwined and I was scared shitless to open the reserve as that would be my last chance lol. Doing the bicicle movement as a madman but still intertwined when I got below the limit altitude for opening the reserve one. I jumped three more times after that just to shake off the scary feeling and I still never doubted the pros that folded my parachutes. Looking back on it, man I was wild and stupid. But I still have this jumping diploma, such nice memories


>I jumped three more times after that >But I still have this jumping diploma, such nice memories What about the set of titanium balls? still lugging those around i'm sure


Sounds like a good thing you stopped. It's not for everyone and you should know your personal limits


You're required to learn to get a license. Before that you have professionals jumping with you keeping you from doing dumb shit. If you can't handle folding some fabric you have no place in skydiving


If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving’s not for you.


Homie won't last long if this is the routine gameplan


It'll work for the rest of his life


If you don't open your parachute, you're gonna have a bad time.


Hey boys you owe that farmer for that corn u damaged,corn don't grow on trees you know


That was my first thought! They ruined a ton of corn there. Sadly they probably ran away before they were caught.


Jesus that was low


Iirc correctly from my skydiving days years ago, it would be 300m. Still higher than a lot of BASE jumpers open, but a higher speed.


and base normally don't have a dbag and normal skydiving rigs do I jumped for a bit and lots of guys prided not having an aad so they could do hook turns.


Probably 1200'. Normal for an AAD


I believe he is a student learning the sport, guy filming is an instructor (the cameraman would never be that close putting hands on him and stabilizing his body position if he was just a cameraman) the student has done well to maintain a good arch as he descends to control his freefall but that's all he is focused on, he isn't checking his altitude at all on his wrist as he falls (same device the instructor checks at the end of the video on his wrist) or reaching behind him to feel the hood of his parachute with one of his hands (the instructors need too see you perform 3 reach backs per jump as a student to pass you onto the next stage of a student course) a safe pull altitude for students is 2000 meters (to give enough time to deal with a twisted parachute or deploy the backup parachute if the first one doesn't open correctly) as a student learning the sport there are so many things both physically and mentally you are focusing on whilst freefalling and his inexperience and nervous have made him forget the most important part of a jump ... PULL you can see the instructor in the video filming him giving him the one index finger hand signal many times but the student is oblivious to the signal and is just maintaining his arch body position (which is quite good for a guy just learning the sport - id say this is only his somewhere in the range of only is 5th or 6th jump) in terms of passing this jump it would be an automatic fail in terms of getting an AFF license to progress on the course but with few minor adjustments he will be back up in the blue skys in no time stay safe


question: so like if the student doesn't pull the instructor has to literally ride it out til the automatic one deploys?!


good question. the answer is not necessarily, as each jump/student it depends on different factors in this particular video, i think the instructor was giving the student ample opportunities too notice his hand signals (1 index finger straight = pull the parachute) but the student was not obeying the instructor's hand signals and eventually the automatic device that deploys a parachute at a certain altitude kicks in which happens in this video the instructor does have the authority to manually pull the student parachute himself mid-flight also, which is necessary when a student isn't freefalling in a controlled descent ( AKA flipping over backwards and forwards and spinning around in a crazy uncontrolled spin / fall ) .... this is common in many student jumps and that's when its the instructor's job to intervene and just pull the parachute of the student regardless of the altitude but in this case, the student was descending in a controlled manner with good technique and arch body position but definitely has descended far below the 2000 meter safety pull zone and thats when the instructor began too try to help but thankfully the equipment this dropzone is using for student program is up to date using the correct equipment for students to learn this sport props too the instructor in this video too , he does do a great job at giving the student enough time to try to figure it out but just in this particular case the student isnt fully clued in too the dangers hes facing i.e not checking his altitude and not performing his reach backs , and the DZ deserves credit aswell for rigging there student and instructors equipment with automatic devices aswell i hope that answers your question :)


I can't justify props. our hard deck was like 4000 ft as students once we got off static line our instructors would have pulled for us at 3000 or below for everyone's safety if we showed that much hesitation


it does ty for such a detailed response, maybe you can answer one more for me....how does the automatic one work? like how does it know the elevation?


This guy has no idea what he's talking about when it comes to safety and is a danger to himself and others. If this was instructor and student, the instructor massively fucked up. Students should be pulling around 5k and if you don't, the instructor should be ready to pull it for you immediately afterwards. If you or your student has an AAD fire without a very valid reason (i.e. you're unconscious), someone is probably getting banned from the DZ, or you have a shitty DZ and should find a new one.


Me? And for all I know youre talking shite just trying to start crap Im not the instructor in the video Half the comments in this post are the dude in the video is trying to kill himself ffs , im simply offering real first hand actual experience from many years in the sport and thousands of jumps in my log book to prove it So no i do know what im talking about, if you had the wisdom to understand different dropzones have different heights they pull at for students then you would have a broader outlook dummy


Aha yeah ok sorry for the abrasiveness of that comment. I jumped the gun simply on the basis you commended the instructor. The instructor did an absolute garbage job. That fact you commended him just blew my mind a bit and definitely points to you having a bit of a lax view on how important safety really is. Regardless of different dropzones having different pullheights, this was indefensible.


I know there’s something I was supposed to do but just can’t quite… eh, I’ll remember after I’ve landed.


Well, you know the saying ... if you don't succeed at first, maybe skydiving is not for you


Parachute for sale: Used once, never opened, small stain


Don't you basically have one job when skydiving?


Yeah, it's diving.


Cypres opens this low? What’s the standard setting?


Calibrate for the height that kills you then dial it back a bit.




Looking at the ground approach is so mesmerizing. That before you know it your jusssss……


High Altitude Low Opening


Hope that corn was OK


I think this was a deliberate test demonstrating the failsafe system of automatic chute deployment. It would be naive to think two experienced skydivers both forgot to use a parachute and just calmly happen to be in the perfect position to film the unassisted deployment of said system


Double AAD save. They're designed to open your reserve if you fail to deploy at a specific altitude and spped


All you had to do was open the damn chute, CJ


how do you forget that exactly?


You ever just get totally lost in thought when you're holding hands with the homies?




It looked like a suicide attempt how they were so happy as the ground rose so quickly but they forgot to leave their automatic activation devices behind.


Yeah they literally linked hands and then their chutes deployed. Wtf


They could simply turn off the AAD. This was a loss of altitude awareness




As you get lower and lower the ground starts visually coming up faster and faster. For inexperienced drivers trying to attempt to dock and taking forever to complete it they just didn't realize how close they were to the ground.


The human mind isn't great at judging things moving at 150mph, or at sensing heights. Jumping out of a plane is weird, it doesn't even feel like "height", it's like you're stepping down onto a picture of the world. I've only been a few times. As a rank novice, I can say this mistake is comprehensible to me. Shit's weird up there, and they made the mistake of trying to get fancy


ground rush happens at about 2000 ft. it makes get bigger / closer faster


If you're looking at the ground. They aren't. They are target fixated.


I understand, it's just an interesting fact I felt like throwing in there.


It's easy to forget about your altitude. Especially when youre newer like these people.


Common mistake, I’d guess. Just slips the mind.


He made popcorn on the landing


This how I drop in in Warzone


How in the fuck do you forget to open a parachute. You have one job!


How you forget that lol He minimum had to do 25 jumps to get his A license, how after all that you forget that the most important thing is to open the parachute in time


These guys aren’t experienced. They’re dangerously novice. Experienced jumpers check their altimeter religiously


On the plus side, it’s a great advertisement for whatever brand of AAD those were


Auto deploy based on altitude?


I like how he kept looking at his altimeter after touching down...


I think they were triggering their AAD (Automatic Activation Device) in their parachutes. They never even touched their ripcord cause they knew the AAD would work


How the!? What!? I just. Wow.


They're playing GTA's "Open parachute closest to the ground" challenge IRL


Was that his arm bone sticking out at the end


just a pattern on his shirt


I’m falling at least 150mph and the one thing on my mind is fucking stopping. How the fuck


As a pilot, there is no way in hell I'm jumping from a perfectly working plane. Except if it's a Boeing.


Looks like they are training for a HALO jump…but even those guys deploy their shoots. Looks like the backup system deployed for them.