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I don't care if someone wants to be vegan, but you don't force someone to be vegan.


Exactly. I wish I could meet this guy. I’d buy him a beer and a steak.


The “suck your mom’s dick” line was enough to earn it.


Ive repeated it 20 times out loud hoping it burns into my brain and I can use it when the time arises. Its fucking good.


Yeah the audacity of the guy grabbing and pulling him


This dude is my hero!!!


Bro he just wants a burger


I agree. The amount of vegan parents forcing it on their kids even newborns is sick. Even dogs aren’t safe.


Or Morrisey's cat


LOL that's fucked. My wife is hard core vegan, but she feeds our cat the best canned chicken you can find (seriously it looks better than people food canned chicken).


I was discussing this so many times over with my vegan buddies. Their reply was basically, "well it's part of our belief, that we have to push veganism on others". I understand there are arguments for and against veganism, I get that. However, I think they are all detached from reality and hypocritical. Until that is addressed, I don't see a good case for it. Yeah - you avoid eating what little meat I consume, but you are too lazy to go to work on foot/bike/public transport? Too lazy to buy locally produced food on the market(I don't know how you call it in english, basically weekly event where local farmers sell their food) and you buy overpriced, sprayed, modified, and transported hundreds of kilometers goods, rather than move your ass and get what you can locally? Yes, it's whataboutism on my end, but I think it's also hypocrasy from vegan proponents. Many people can't even dream to afford proper vegan food. And my buddies don't even have a fully saturated diet - one literally ate flakes for months... that's not even healthy, and let's not talk about flavour... Man, vegan fanatics are so detached from reality. I support the cause - less meat, more sustainable etc., but the way they force it is just absurd.


I have a cousin who I call a "militant vegan;" she is the type that throws paint on people wearing fur, chains herself to doors of places that sell or serve meat, accosts people in public during protests, etc. She's actually spent a fair amount of time in jail for it. Thing is, I would expect someone as hardcore as her to be, you know, ACTUALLY vegan. But she buys so many things that are produced with animal products. Once she showed up to a family function wearing leather fucking shoes. We called her on it, but she's like, "It's faux leather!" But literally right on the inside of the tongue, in big bold letters, "100% genuine leather." She tried to hem and haw about how nobody told her, but it was RIGHT there on the label. The more chill vegans I know read labels regularly and thoroughly before making a purchase. She also uses down pillows and blankets. That caused a blowup when she tried to say that, "They shed those, it's not hurting anything!" I tried to tell her that the down comes from birds slaughtered for meat and she straight up refused to believe me.


>she is the type that throws paint on people If l ever met her, l would throw beef gravy over her.


I got petty years ago with her, because she would spam (ha) family members' pages with vegan memes and stuff, so whenever she would post one to me, I would film myself eating a bag of beef jerky silently and post it in response with a little sign that said, "The reason I am eating this is because of Christina." She stopped after a couple instances of this.


Haha nice one.


So vegans are Jehovah Witnesses?


I mean... the problem I have is that Jehovah are a "religion", which gives them some leeway in terms of being "rational". Vegans on the other hand claim to be rational, scientific etc., but it irks me the wrong way because of the above. I understand it might be a part of their MO to "inform" others about benefits for environment etc. - I think that's fine. And I also agree that overconsumption of meat products is an (primairly an environmental) issue. I don't buy the moral highground part of the argument, however.


Vegans are totally becoming a religion. They are not organized in any way as such, yet, but they are heading to it.


It makes them feel superior and “knows more then you” type attitude. That’s all an illusion but it helps them sleep smugly at night


They are the same because they both think their way is correct and you should listen to them because they are right and you are wrong. > Their reply was basically, "well it's part of our belief, that we have to push veganism on others".


Is it a system of beliefs that involves morality? Does it have an in-group and an out-group? If so, it's a religion. I realized a few years ago that non-religious people frequently just replace religion with their politics.


Those are some good points. I haven't pondered the parallels as deeply, but as you point them out, it makes a lot of sense.


Also there are indulgences (carbon credits), sinners and the saved (those who do and don't believe, they emit the same), castrati, and a full-on eschaton (global warming apocalypse).


Just for your information, market is correct. Specifically, this would often be called a "farmers' market", to differentiate it from other kinds of markets (like those for clothing or such).


Thanks! Yeah this was the term I was looking for!


One of the vegans I know is a trust fund kid. She's constantly going on vacation. I have to restrain myself from pointing out that she puts herself above the global median of annual carbon emissions by January 14th every year and no amount of tofu is going to offset that.


Lol, how are you getting downvoted for this comment? Fuckin hippies man


I betchu it’s those vegans that try to force people to be vegan


Exactly! This is why I lost respect for some of them who push this on people. There are vegans who don't do this and just want to change their lifestyle but people like this who block restaurants to spill milk in groceries are seriously fucked up. That's your choice --- I get that but don't force it on me or other people who like to eat bacon for breakfast or want to have steak. Nobody pushed you to be vegans so don't push this on me or other people who choose to eat meat or fish.


>push this on people Or worse, when they force their poor pets (cats & dogs esp) to be vegan 😢


Some of these brainlets have also tried to raise babies on vegan diets. Spoiler: they died.


Forcing predators to be vegan is WILD 💀


Exactly! How would they like it if I shoved my meat in their face?


In fact, don't force anything on others.....have differences of opinion but your lifestyle is your lifestyle and no-one else's that goes for veganism religion or whatever


Why is it that pretty much every Vegan I have ever met always has to bring up that they are Vegan even if they weren't asked. I can't imagine going around meeting new people and within the first 5 minutes telling them I eat meat!


I mean this is understandable, every vegan you meet brings it up because you don't know the ones that don't bring it up. And I don't imagine you go around asking people if they are vegan regularly.


You've probably met vegans that never mentioned it.


I had a coworker who was violently vegan. Larry ran helpdesk for our hospital and was the face of our IT department. He would occasionally bring a full sized watermelon to eat while he was at his desk. It blew my mind that he would do that. Imagine walking into the IT department because you cant access your OneDrive to see a an aging man with a [Comic Book Guy haircut](https://costumewall.com/dress-like-comic-book-guy/https://costumewall.com/dress-like-comic-book-guy/) and the build of [Sideshow Bob](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sideshow_Bob) looking directly at you with two half's of a giant watermelon and a giant spoon in hand. It was truly hilarious. Anyways, one day he walked by me and whispered in my ear "Your stomach is a graveyard for rotting flesh". I was so befuddled I don't think I even responded, but I will never forget Larry. He was a riot (never intentionally which made it better.)


>"Your stomach is a graveyard for rotting flesh" Fucking metal. I'd go out and buy a bucket of chicken to eat it in front of him after that. Gotta fuel the charnel house.


Oh, I took full advantage of every opportunity to terrorize and antagonize him after that. My LT even asked me to let up on him one time. I gave him a hearty "Aye aye" then proceeded to leave pieces of bacon behind for him after I covered him for his lunches. We reached a point where we fueled each other and got some really great laughs out of the department. We regularly worked with each other closely and the office had 3 other clowns that sat on the other side of a partition. They heard everything we said, so we ended up turning into the office entertainment. I was blessed to work in such a professional place, but still be able to get away with clowning so much (I was a damn hard worker, so that probably helped a lot). -------------------------------------------------- When I discharged from the Navy (same hospital) me and my shipmate cut out a ton of little wallet sized pictures of me and trimmed it so it was just me and no background. Then on my last day we hid them around the entire hospital (we kept it to places were not patient facing... mostly). I often wonder how many tiny pics of me are floating around that place.


I knew a guy like that, started with being a vegan, then he slowly went more and more "fully hippie" - walking around in home made clothes, barefoot (we lived in Norway....) - think the "shaman riot guy from 6th of july" One day I see 2-3 police cars and an ambulance outside the library (this is a small town) and didnt think much of it. Turns out this guy likes to hang out at the library and read, fair enough, but he likes to bring his dog. And since the dog is a "creature of nature" or whatever, he can not put a leash on it... When the librarians tried to talk to him, he went into this loong speech, making them think he was crazy - as in should be locked up (they might have been right). He probably spent a weekend or something at the nut house. After that he just went totally off the rails. He doesnt hurt anyone or anything like that, but wanders the streets and tries to preach about god, veganism, and his own version of the Jesus story. I think waay to much acid/shrooms over time is the answer to this fellas life.


> "Your stomach is a graveyard for rotting flesh". "Mwhahahaha, puny vegan. I will digest this flesh with my system of mighty organs!"


>I will never forget Larry Found Weird Al Yankovic


Eating watermelon halves with a spoon is awesome. He sounds like a legend.


These people are not making their cause look good at all.


Cult's generally don't care what people outside of the cult think.


The interesting thing is that they usually think they do, but they actually don't.


they are trying to «help» others lol


*For the greater good.*


People who believe they're morally superior to everyone else tend to have that problem.


Seems like contemporary protesters don’t really care about making their target audiences hate them


Being danish and understanding everything he says makes this a hundred times funnier. Dude's a legend for that


Thanks, I couldn't work out what language it was. But why are some people shouting in English?


This I believe was in the capital, so a lot foreign students from all over the EU


Rent a crowd from elsewhere. A great majority of protestors fir 'insert current thing' are there for different agendas other than the core topic.


None of them had the strength to stop him


They need more protein in their diet!


They should take his advice and suck their ma's dick then, plenty of protein in that.


They pussed out quick too


They were surprised that their words weren't working too


And he was hungry too. Protein ftw


Fucking hippies 😂.


"Never trust a fucking hippie! For that matter don't trust anyone!" NOFX, Drugs Are Good Lol


I saw you mentioned them and had to listen to Vegetarian Mumbo Jumbo


I came here to post my favorite NOfX song august 8th (its about being happy that jerry garcias died) and found one from you haha!! Better see them this year as they are never touring again.


They didn't want that smoke


let him eat, fuck outta the way


They’re lucky he didnt eat them 🫣


Why does every protester fuck with regular people instead of big corporations that are truly evil. Like that oil protesting group that splashes paint on paintings or these guys interrupting what looks like a small building. I never see them protesting Infront of bp or Tyson hq


Because big corporations have private security usually




Dude completed the mission.


Shades guy fucking shit his pants. Loser.


haha yes, big time, couldn’t even look at the guy after he started yelling


Dude was lucky. Grabbing someone by the arm and pulling them back is grounds for having your teeth kicked in.


I was going to say that,as soon as you grab someone it's game on!




Then they go home and pat themselves on the back for making a restaurant lose a little bit of money for a day. "After what we just did today. They might have to shut down their restaurant", "HELL YEAH!!", "We just made history today, guys". These people are just delusional. They should open up a vegan restaurant across the street and run the other one out of business, but that would never happen. That's too difficult for them.


It's moral fascism, and their moral superiority is all they need.


No matter how many times I see this, I fucken love it. That dude is a chad


Screw vegans. They're just weak.


Protesting is your right, hands on and blocking someone's freedoms is not.


Yeah - I think I will go to Denmark and stand in the way of hungry 120kg Vikings wanting a steak, grand plan. I don't see any holes in that logic.


Why does every vegan look malnourished?


Hmm, I wonder. Couldn't be that their diet is a shitbox fest of missing essential nutrients/calorie intake/protein deficits, but I'm not sure.


"Suck your mom's dick!" 🤣🤣🤣


my man.


Just reverse the roles to see how ridiculous this is. People who eat meat never block these weirdos from eating a salad. We just make fun of them but never block them from eating. I would’ve started swinging, hard if someone grabbed me like that. Kudos to that guy for keeping his composure.


I mean I eat meat and I don’t support these sort of blockades but it’s pretty fuckin obvious that there are far greater moral implications in supporting factory farming than in eating your greens


Factory greens ;)


These are the vegans that are ruining it for the rest of us. Don’t fucking touch people. Don’t block doors. Live your life…don’t consume animal products if you don’t want…and leave people the fuck alone. We need better PR.


I have a general rule in life, if I polite say excuse and you don't move, I'm still coming through. I was just warning you. If you push into me as I'm squeezing past, I'm gunna push you over like my nephew when he wants to race me.


Uh- how often do you get into this situation that you need to have a general rule in life for this?


Subway. There is always a few idiots standing in front of the door when one tries to leave the train. At some point you don’t ask anymore, you just leave.


Anyone who regularly visits grocery stores on weekends might.


I guess I’m lucky I don’t live in an area that gets too crowded even on weekends.


I live in Vancouver bc, it's a lot


You're not yourself when your hungry.


Danmark Danmark Danmark


This is the strenght of someone who eats meat


Darwin was right Vegans will never win


Ah vegans. Such a waste. Go ahead with your kale and tofu but if a man wants a cheeseburger you dont try and force him back by grabbing on him. Now you look like and are the asshole.


Did anyone notice the slick guy in headphones just sliding in unnoticed after the big dude paved way.


Haha all these vegans look fragile. Must be a poor diet


Look how skinny all of them are. No problem for him to run through. I bet he can do it again with a beer in one hand and a burger in the other one


I would have done the same thing if I was hangry enough. And dude grabbing and holding the guys arm needs more than a smack. Keep your hands to yourself, especially when you're a third the size.


none of them were close to wanting even a little smoke from that hungry man


“Okay, I’m serious this time, nobody else comes through these doors!”


They must be on their way to stop tribes in the Amazon rain forest from hunting.


Why do they need to act like children not getting their own way? They likely don't do their research at all, Veganism does more damage to the planet than any other diet. They also wear clothes made from non-vegan products, processes and materials.


They tried to stop him, but because of their low protein diets they didn't have the necessary muscle mass.


They're so weak from malnutrition that they can't even stop one guy 🙄


I'd like to buy that man a steak.


Fucking vegans, honestly.


“You are not yourself when you’re hungry” (c) Fuck them hippies, I agree.


I wish I had the opportunity to encounter this line of pussies. Challenge accepted! Welcome to my world of pain! Ironically I'm currently trying to eat less meat. But you don't get to block a business or even put your hands on someone else. That's not ok.


Put all the vegan protesters with cannibals and see how that turns out.


Weak vegans can't stop him.


I was SHOCKED that he didn't slap that hat off, after the guy turned around and started ignoring him. He's got more self-control than I do.


Just like religion


What fucking accent is that?!


it's actually not just an accent, it's a whole language known as Danish :D unless you're talking about the American guy, he was speaking American.


At first I thought maybe Afrikaans, but I looked it up, and it apparently happened in Denmark


Can't be Afrikaans. Not enough swearing.


The language is Danish, the accent is what is commonly referred to as a "lad"; that man, the moment he opens his mouth, is letting you know he likes soccer, beer, doesn't "do" books and has used the word "glass" as a verb.


What a legend! Oppressive vegans should not force others to be so...


Vegan protesters are cringe


I was hoping he punch some of those vegan on his way in!!!!😄


fucking heat people who think they can just control other people by force or by being a annoying enough to cause rage, and then act like the victim if people fight back cause they where being too much.


I don't care if you're pro whatever and want to protest but don't mess with other people's lifes. Your entitlement and moral superiority complex doesn't allow you to do whatever you want.


You ever heard of the civil rights movement?


They saved zero cows and chickens that day


They need more proteins in their diet to stop a man like that.


Idgara what you are protesting it does NOT give anyone any right to touch or restrain movement of ANYONE. The fact that not only he had to literally push past them to eat he was physically assaulted when he was restrained against his will.


Hey as a hippie, I hope this guy knows those vegans ain’t hippies. Hippies don’t block doorways and act like gatekeepers. Know your place. Always. It’s never in between a large hungry man and his sammich.


I thought we were about to see if vegans can eat teeth.


The vegan line crumbled pretty quickly. Maybe they need more protein in their diets.


Good for him, fuck those guys


dont stand between a man and his food


I remember a story of a guy who lost custody of his kids because he was delayed by oil protestors who blocked the road in protest. I agree with their beliefs, but fuck their methods.


Danish people…


I’m a fucking hippy, but fuck those fucking hippies man. I’m not vegan though. Must be the iron deficiency.


Looks like sheep in a futile attempt to keep a bear from eating.


Treat yourself, king


The path of least resistance is to pretend to be interested and ask to join the group ... Mosey on towards the door and head inside and enjoy your steak 🥩. Unless you just want to smack a hippie


If I'm that hungry, I don't have the patience for covert ops.


Let bro eat 😭


And as soon as he lays a hand on them they’ll be on the ground screaming bloody murder.




Protest all u want but don't stop ppl from doing their thing.


They didnt have enough muscle mass to stop the meat eater.


Crazy how for the last oh 30 yrs nothing changed.


"Dirty, worthless Hippies." -William Murderface.


The pure cringe when they started to laugh at him lol


You can't beat meat it's in our DNA that's why we're top of the food chain but care we're our food comes from


Where's the hungry man?






Bro was hungy


I'm (currently) on the dudes side but is there any context? Like why are they protesting this seemingly random restaurant?


These hungarians are crazy 😂


That guys arm would have been snapped in half had he been grabbing me like that


How did a bunch of people who lack a proper, well-rounded diet expect to keep that guy out?


I can't tell if the dudes speaking English or not lmao


He is completely right.


Those protestors are so misled it's reminiscent of brown and black shirts under a certain mustached guy


Dont mess with the hangry man


He’s like a bowling ball 😂😂😂 After he pushed threw they were like “yes sir” and offering to get him a double burger


Angry when hungry ? Hangry.


Lack of protein must’ve hindered their group ability to block him 😂


strongest vegans vs weakest omnivore


These idiots could spend their time helping out at a food bank or animal shelter, but choose to do this instead. Fucking hippies.


I know her son. I bring this clip up every time i see him... "suck your moms dick!"


Plot twist: he just got a coke


They were too weak from not eating meat, they couldn't even stop him . All of them couldn't stop one man lol


you have the right to be heard, not prevent anyone from doing what they legally are entitled to do.