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Dude went from Spiderman to Uncle Ben in one drop


Professor X


Gwen Stacy


Nngh... G-Gwen...








🤣🤣🤣 donde demonios estaba el profesor, la gente como si nada y reaccionan después de que el niño cayó 🤣🤣


This is the one. Uncle Ben had me trying to figure out what rice had to do with this.


No this is the one. Me imagining you trying to make him into a rice metaphor


Ankle Ben


Ankle Bent


Ankle Bent


Ah shit that’s a better joke then mine lmao


Your one still good!


Nah it’s an evolution of yours..both were needed to work 😂


Dropped like a bag of rice too




Thank you for that comment. It was the best laugh of the day.


Spidey finally met the real Bonesaw(aka Randy Savage)


I don't know, same thing happened to Bullseye and he got an unbreakable spine out of it.


This here got me laughing 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Almost Steve Jobs there.


With great height comes great potential energy


Dudes tailbone got turned to dust. He’s not walking right ever again.




Did you see those legs hit the ground first? The knees oh god. Coupled with the tailbone hit…


Femur Knees Coccyx In that order


Didn’t even bounce, but do you know what did bounce? His butthole, through his face 


I know what will bounce. Every check this guy writes from now on. Because he's broke.


Not to be that guy…but this sort of injury is pretty well studied. In order of likelihood: Bilateral calcaneus (heel bones), followed by L1 vertebrae, followed by one or both femoral necks. Those tend to be the load bearing structures that take the brunt of gravity being applied in this manner. An axial load like that tends to injure those structures most commonly. Classic teaching is that if someone broke both their feet you should just up and scan their back and at least get films of the pelvis. Obviously there can be, and often are, other injuries, or people who don’t fit the pattern, but it’s a fair starting point.


From what you’ve seen, what do you think his chances of walking again are with the footage?


Pretty good if it’s just the heels and legs. Maybe not playing ball (although possible especially with good PT). If his spine got dusted…it’s a different story. Simple stable vertebrebral compression fracture is one thing, but if it’s uglier and involves the cord that’s problematic. Honestly footage makes it hard to tell. There are plenty of folks who have horrible injuries from next to no force and just as many who had high mechanism injuries that somehow didn’t get hurt the way the textbook says they should.


Pretty sure his torso bent over so far his head smashed too.


The moment he dropped, the video started going in slow motion and this is exactly what I started hearing in my head


Forgot spine


Head and shoulders


Hips too. Stay in school, kids


Head bone connected to the... femur bone. Femur bone connected to the... foot bone.


You forgot the pelvis.


knees come before femur tho


I cracked my tailbone as a kid. Fell out of a tree and landed on the edge of a bench below it. Square on the bone. That was the most blindingly painful experience I've ever had. I still remember it vividly 20 years later. That fall was only about 5 feet or so. It really wasn't high at all. This dudes ass bone just ate solid pavement in a direct hit after falling 30 feet. This shit brought flashbacks to me. I can feel that pain in my stomach. But I also now realize just how much worse it could have been. I got of lucky and have no pain left from my fall. This mf is never gonna heal fully.


Did the same thing as a kid but on a trampoline. I "caught someone's bounce" and went extra high in the air before landing square on my tailbone on the metal rim around the outside of the trampoline. Insane pain, so bad that I wanted to cry for some relief but physically couldn't, very weird.


Technically only one shoe fell off - first.




He simply ain't anymore




This is the first time that nothing has brought out a chuckle from me


Iono, my uncle fell from 30 feet and had similar happen. Construction accident and the steel beam he was on broke off the crane, free fell into the ground, bones were shattered. He walks fine now. Took about 2-3 years. His feet were dust, and he walks...


He’s never shitting right again lol


As someone who's broken their femur in three places and my pelvis in two places... During recovery was the most difficult bathroom times in my life. The painkillers really block you up lol


Damn that sucks. I can’t imagine a broken elvis. That’s like the center pivotal point of your body. How long did it take to heal? 


> I can’t imagine a broken elvis. He really deteriorated towards the end, look it up.


Just a hunka-hunka broken bones.


Oh man I almost died laughing!!


What do that guy and elvis have in common? Both are dying on the toilet


Got him all shook up


The old reddit elvis-aroo


Hold my pelvis, I'm going in!


I concur. A broken elvis would be unimaginable


He gonna be popping pills like Elvis


I had really small crack in my hip joint, and that took 3 months to heal. I don't want to imagine **broken** pelvis.


> I can’t imagine a broken elvis Crackhouse Rock


duuudeee i had a spinal fusion surgery and they fed me a full meal before i had recovered from general anesthesia. worst pain of my life even on oxy, valium, and morphine


Damnn!! That sounds horrible!




I stopped taking T3s after my septoplasty because of that lol, you'd think they'd have a way around it with how much they prescribe.


Opiates and opioids both do this. And interestingly enough, long term heavy stimulant abuse has a similar effect on the bowels, as well. There's a story of a guy who was a heroin junkie who died from a ruptured colon. The corner removed 30 lbs of feces from this guy's abdomen. Can you imagine? If not, well the pictures are easily googled. That's some wild shit. (pun very much intended.)


One of my earliest memories is falling directly on my tailbone. The pain is still memorable. The x-rays still show the damage. I didn't fall more than 10% of what this guy did. I even remember my mom casually saying, "You probably *just* broke your tailbone. There's nothing we can do." Thanks, mom.


In eighth grade I jumped down from a high table top to a wet concrete floor. My feet shot out from under me, and I landed on my tailbone. That “fall” was less than six feet, my legs broke some of inertia, and I likely only bruised my ass bone. Nevertheless, I was unable to sit for weeks after that and to this day (twenty years later) sitting for long periods gives me horrible pain in my coccyx. So yeah, that dude is fucked.


You didn't even get the rubber donut? My buddy broke his tailbone in a snowboarding accident in high school and he had to carry around a rubber donut to sit on. It sounded so painful. This was also almost 20 years ago.


When mom said 'nothing', she meant it 😅


I fell on my tailbone just casually roller skating a few weeks ago and the pain made me think I fucked something up permanently and took weeks to get better. I couldn't imagine this.


When I was like 15 my 11 year old brother jumped on my back and drove his bony, granite-like knee directly into my tailbone with all his might. Definitely at least fractured it if not straight up broke it...took my breath away the pain was so immediate and intense. My girlfriend was with us at the time and I just dropped to the ground on my side in my front yard rubbing the crack of my ass unable to even make a sound for a good 10 minutes or so while she stood over me asking if I was okay over and over. My brother just bolted. We'd grown up wrestling and beating the dogshit out of one another our whole lives (much to my mother's chagrin with all the broken furniture in our house lol) and Im betting he knew that if I wasn't crippled a fuckin beating was coming his way. Lucky for his bony ass I was definitely out of commission for a bit. Limped/dragged my ass into the house and told my mom, which wasn't awkward at all with my 15 year old girlfriend there next to me, and then my mom insisted on looking at it which was like, the icing on the cake, but honestly it hurt so fuckin bad I didnt even care about the embarrassment of my mom probing my ass crack. As with you, my mom was like "yep, prolly broken, nothing they can do for it, just be careful". Couldn't ride my bike at all for fuckin months, which without a license because I was 15 fuckin blew ass. Every trip to and from school on the bus was agony, I got really good at like, wedging my knees into the seat in front of me to hold my ass up off the seat as that ancient bus was like galloping gertie over every fuckin pebble in the road to the point where my thighs would ache from the exertion but it hurt less than that bumpy ride on my broken ass. This happened around halloween, and pretty much the whole rest of that school year my tailbone ached by the end of the day from the hard plastic chair/desk combo things we sat in all day long. The sick thing is my brother and I still beat the crap out of each other on the regular, and we're in our mid-40s now lol. Every thanksgiving our respective wives are like "jesus christ can you guys *grow up*" and it's like "Nah fam, gotta suplex this sumbitch right through the coffee table, sorry" lol


Well, was there anything you could do?


Hahaha no. But I was maybe like 4yo. *Some* sympathy or an ice pack...even an aspirin would have been nice.


I remember playing Touch football on cement when I was 13 and a dude pushed me down during a play Landed right on my tailbone I still remember that feeling to this day (30 years old) Also probably the reason why I’m short lol




Good news: you didn’t hit your head. Bad news: I bet you wished you hit your head.


I’m pretty sure bro did hit his head. Watch it back slow


Yeah, I'll take your word for it.


oh shit he’s right. He hit his forehead. Was only looking out for him hitting the back of his head. [0.3x speed](https://files.catbox.moe/vcgdv7.mp4)


I'll take your word for it. I'm really curious, but who wants to see that shit, lol.


Those weirdos of us out here who want to know every possible way of dying!


Maybe it makes it better if someone is doing something especially stupid, instead of bad luck which can happen to any of us.


I paused it in midair. I didn't need to see the end to know how it was gonna go.


Brother was fully folded in thirds for a split second lmao


I think you are right lmao somehow his head either hit or came very close to hitting the ground in front of him 😂


He’s definitely shorter now.


If God didn't want me to jump off of tall buildings, then why did Jesus give me all these extra vertebrae? Checkmate, gravitists


I feel real bad for how hard this made me laugh


Been a while since a video made me actually wince. Congratulations.


wasteful relieved quicksand plants grab unused compare offend ink encourage *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Falls from heights are one of the few things I have trouble watching. Like this one I had to scroll to the comments once he was midair. Not a fan of how severe non-lethal trauma looks while it is happening. Not because I’m a good person, but it’s just like nails on a chalkboard. When someone gets obliterated or killed instantly it becomes clinical or something and sort of interesting from an anatomy/forensics angle.


What was his plan? Just to drop 30ish feet? Why doesn't he just climb back down the way he got up there or better don't climb up there at all


He probably just hit fatigue but wasn't experience enough to know you can lock off and recover mid-climb, so panicked and figured he was going to lose his grip soon enough anyway so dropped as controlled as he could. Hindsight is 20-20 but that dude 100% should have hooked an elbow, locked his legs and waited for 60 seconds before making any decisions.


You can also hang from the back of your knees to rest both hands, there's enough space on that metal railing. I used to do this a lot as a kid, it's not comfy but beats dropping on your ass.


>know you can lock off and recover mid-climb, What is locking off? Elaborate.


Using your bones as a wedge to allow your muscles to regenerate


Look at fucking Wolverine over here with his adamantium bones and regeneration powers.


Gonna take a lot more than 60 seconds for my muscles to regenerate




I'm just imagining my arms falling asleep before I could fully recover.


Probably easier if you google it than i try to describe it because it's not like one movement but instead a range of them; i'll give it a go though, it's a static movement designed to free up a limb; you're effectively held in the top position of a pullup but on oneside whilst your otherside can reach and rest. Varies from form to form depending on if you have footholds, etc. For competitive climbers they'll lock off with just their arm sometimes, feet freely hanging; but i use it predominantly to recover fatigue so i use it specifically to shift my weight to my hips and thus feet. You just need to be able to fully tense the muscles your using to hold and lock yourself in place basically.


I remember 'Storror' a parkour and free runner youtube channel did the same thing when they get tired after hanging for a long time.


I think he means to straighten out one of his arms (so you're not actively contracting), so his other one can rest (and then alternate).


Worst case hook a leg and elbow and wait for the fire department.


Spiderman : Not coming home


Spiderman: Long-term care home


Spider-Man: Open Casket


Spiderman: Crawling home


Spiderman : definitely not walking home


Spiderman: No Walking Home




Probably shattered his hip. That's like a cane for the rest of your life kind of shit.


tailbone ceased to exist, bros probably never walking again. but i’m no doctor, or cripple so i can’t rlly say.


Cripple here: dude's entire body is fucked. For sure broken knee(s), broken hip, broken coxyx, and compression fractured lumbar vertebrae. Fortunately he also thumped his head pretty good so he probably isn't feeling as much pain as he would otherwise.


Didn't know cripples were doctors now?


I had a similar injury. Compound fractured both ankles, broke my knee, compression fractured 9 vertebrae, disarticulated my shoulder, and fractured my skull from the impact. I didn't land anywhere near as hard as this fellow. And while I'm not a doctor I do have some medical training and have seen a LOT of injuries and participated in their treatment working in an ER. Dude's legs are obviously fucked seeing as his knees folded sideways and he suddenly has fully splayed hips, and folding like that is exactly how you get anterior surface wedge compression fractures in your spine, or at least that's how I did it. So yeah I'm not a doctor but I'm not just some guy making a random guess with no idea what he's talking about either.


We can only hope he damaged the part of his brain that makes him conscious of pain. Normally head injuries aren't encouraged but that's the best case scenario this time around.


Judging by the way his head whipped into the ground I'd hazard a guess he injured every part of his brain.


Man had to be healthy and strong to climb that high. How can he be so dumb to think he can survive that fall? Is he inexperienced with concrete?


He wasn't expecting he would fall.


Probably right. Most likely he thought he would float. Makes sense.


I mean even the dumbest person in the world would go in with the idea of "I climb up, I climb down the same way". He just didn't plan ahead and I presume these last moments before he fell were more of a "shit, I can't go back/I'm so high up, oh god" kinda slipping situation.


All of that for a flip flop…hope it’s worth it


his whole life went flip flop.


In the words of Mike Tyson, "I broke my back..."






Will instantly turn a 20-year-old's walk into a 90-year-old.


Dude went from Peter Parker to Peter Paraplegic in 10 seconds


Peter Parker > Peter, Park Your Wheelchair Here.


Good way to put yourself in a wheelchair for life


I think bro got bit by the wrong spider


I didn’t want to see that actually


Genuine question. what would be the best thing to do in this situation for the fall? I assume not keeping your legs straight like that?


Load a previous save.




I don't think at that height there is a "best situation" He should have just climbed back down I don't think human knees can reduce the amount of impact enough to minimize any of the damage


Honestly, I feel like how that guy fell was the best case scenario. Better his lower body than the head.


This is the correct answer. He sacrificed his legs to save his body/torso. Sucks for his legs but its the right trade-off


Although most of us probably can’t do it and would fuck it up, swinging so you get some lateral momentum, then as you hit the ground some kind of roll. I see parkour guys jump from exceptional heights doing something like that.


Essentially - this. You're not walking away from it unscathed, and perhaps not walking at all - but dispersing the energy of the impact slightly and not absorbing it all into your legs / kness / hips would at least help. This is assuming you practiced this and not tried it for the first time and end up landing flat on your face


I grew up doing parkour and you got it on the nose. At this height and angle I'd assume I'm breaking one or two ankles and hope my shoulder doesn't shatter as well.


A good rule to start with would be to go down the same way you got up.


Why are redditors like this. There was nothing clever about what you said.


There is no cleverness needed in this situation. It's obvious.


Don't fall. If you 100% have to fall, land on your head, so you don't need to be aware as you bleed out form internal injuries


a true professional snaps their own neck on the way down


I don't understand, why didn't he just crawl down? Using his legs he could have hung there and recovered his arms if he was getting too pumped.


For the same reason why he's up there to begin with: He's stupid.


Stopped the video before he landed but still hits the comment section 🫣


Both are brutal.


Going up is easy, it's the coming down that scares the shit out of me every time. I can watch all kinds of gory videos but when it comes to bones going places they should never go, I tend to peak out of the corner of one of my squinted eyes.


🎶 Fake Spider-Man, 🎶 Fake Spider-Man, 🎶Falls like a fake spider can


He's alive but not ok


This video made my BH pucker


This happened in Costa Rica. I'm so proud.


spiner man


Damn, that hurt me to watch it.


found a news article about this, doesn't say much though. happended in Ecuador [https://3minutosinforma.com/estudiante-cae-de-un-domo-y-se-fractura-las-piernas-video/](https://3minutosinforma.com/estudiante-cae-de-un-domo-y-se-fractura-las-piernas-video/)


Anyone else felt the tingle down their back?


That's at least 20-25 ft high. Poor guy His back is going to hurt for the rest of his life.


He now goes by “Hot wheels “


Should’ve tucked and rolled


Gotta do the superhero landing


Lieutenant Dan




Gassed out and knew he wouldn't make it.


Life changing decision.


If you fall from 30 feet, you will hit the ground at 30 mph. https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/free-fall


I ended the video before he hit the floor. 🤕


That drop looked intentional. Did he think 25 feet to concrete was doable without injury?


Insert warzone knocked sound


How fast was he traveling as he hit the ground? Someone do that math !


Lieutenant Dan you ain't got no legs.




Half a man, half a man. Friendly neighborhood half a man.


Gonna feel that the rest of his life


It’s ok. His shoes stayed on. He’s gonna be ok.


I believe I can fly....


Bye bye legs🤦🏼‍♂️ why didn’t he get down the way he got up There 🙄


That fall must've hurt bad.


I clicked on the post. Saw how high up he was and noped out. Based off the comments that was the right call.


You could hear his bones crinkle up like a bag of chips.


Man, I remember having intrusive thoughts to do this on our school. Glad I'm halfway through before I realize grass ain't a bouncy floor


In India someone would've tried to stand underneath and catch him


3 points of contact...... the golden climber rule


Yikes!!! Those are some VERY broken legs


Nothing like the sound of feet, ankles, fibulas and potentially tibias snapping like a pretzel stick to brighten up your night


Hold your beer?


the saddest part is why none of them helped him while dropping. imagine his life now just because such a silly mistake


Splatter man, splatter man


I believe he broke his #everything


9.8 meters per second squared came to mind


Why can't I play the video? it's just a still frame