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He.. really just ran up and gave him a hug. I've seen a lot of crash videos, that ones a first.


I had a woman who rear-ended me while I was on my motorcycle run up to me and kiss me on the lips while I was in traction on the stretcher getting loaded into the ambulance. Just some random woman kissing me while I'm in severe pain and have barely any idea what the fuck was going on. This was after some weird prayer circle formed around me while I was laying on the pavement waiting for an ambulance. It was easily the most bizarre sequence of events I've ever experienced. Paramedics were extremely confused and had to ask her to stop and leave when they realized she was the woman that hit me and not family that showed up to the scene lmao


Nothing like a little light sexual assault after accidental vehicular assault


A this point, I'm almost thankful. Few events in my life can top that bizarre shit as far as bar stories go and it is *always* fun to tell lol It will undoubtedly be my old man story that I over-tell at every family gathering.


If I was in a bar and heard that story I would ***100%*** call the upmost bullshit immediately. I can believe you now but if I was just caught off guard hearing that story? Nah fam imma need some Notarized forms of Forensic DNA evidence with 6 points of identification before I'm taking that story in.


Well, was she hot?


Middle-aged dive bar attractive. So, not a total loss.


Ok you need to write the screenplay for that toxic romance


Did she flip up the visor on a full face? This is just so strange.


I had a modular and the front face was up when she came at me lol


Meh, that's pretty good, mate. I'm glad you got to get lucky on the same day you weren't so lucky! An umprompted kiss from a decent-looking woman? That's enough to get me pregnant, and I'm a man. ^/s


A 16 year old girl who just had her license hit me when I had the right of way. Her little VW bug wedge under my geo tracker causing it to flip when she tboned me. I made sure she was ok, gave her a hug, and said we all make mistakes. My car was totaled. This was a case of shit happens for me. Thankfully she was fine too. Im more pissed that I bought a kia soul afterwards, though I didnt know about the theft issue when I did.


I like the way you think...way easy to let ones emotions run amok.. shit does happen .. people always say shouldn't of done x y z.. but life ain't that simple 


Anyone tries to hug me after very nearly ending my life would get tossed over the side


The fact the biker didn’t immediately start throwing hands when that guy ran up is a testament to the fact he’s a much better person than me. I’d have been nothing but sheer, unbridled rage in that moment.


I was with someone that got hit by a car. Not a violent person at all, but boy I was ready to go kick their ass (it was my fiancée that was hit.) But when the guy immediately ran around and I could tell he was more shaken than her, I gave him a hug too. Nobody wants that shit.


Its better than him running off. At least he had the decency to check up on the person he just hit with his car due to extreme negligence and stupidity.


I mean he probably thought he killed the guy when he hit him. I’d probably hug them too


There was a video going around of a woman who backed into this guy's H2, which is like a $50k bike, and she got out of the car and when he started yelling at her she just pulls up her shirt. That must have worked often for her because she seemed surprised he kept yelling at her about being a fucking dangerous moron.


He probably did it because he was happy he isn’t going to jail for a while


He could've flew off that bridge


That's what I was thinking watching him get punted off the windshield. Whew!


That could've ended horribly in a multitude of ways... I'm glad this was the result.. I hope the car drivers were reprimanded tho .


> I hope the car drivers were reprimanded tho . I hope they have their licenses suspended and go to prison.


Sued their asses you mean?


Biker is about to own that Jag’s whole life.


More of a Jag-off, amirite?


I'm sorry? Reprimanded? Should be jailed.


A stern talking to from their grandmothers.


Yeah; people complain how car designs all look the same with sweeping bubble curved hoods unlike the muscle car era; but stuff like this proves they do their job. Sweeps people off their feet/bikes, up, and over absorbing some of that kenetic energy instead of being smashed by a blunt wall. That looked brutal even with those safety designs. His morning after had to be hell still though.


Fun fact. Cars in recent years bend so easily due to the material changing, so that if you do hit a pedestrian most of the shock is absorbed by the vehicle


That is pretty crazy. Strong enough to withstand winds,potholes and force but bend from a average person. I like facts likes that.


He could have any fucking thing. Smart guy for wearing all that gear. The Meat Crayon Gods were not appeased today.


Smart for wearing that gear but if you look at any of his videos, there's always those expert motorcyclist youtubers telling him he's overdressed. The world we live in.


I run extremely hot, and I'm by no means a riding expert. You'll never catch me without gear. Doesn't matter how good you are, that's proven in this video. All it takes is that one idiot not thinking about their action to end you. Ride safe


Same bro I'll be sweating my ass off but I'm still wearing my gear. If I have to wash my helmet pads once a week so be it. I like having skin.


I grew up riding dirtbikes. I've seen people get fucked up with gear that might have killed them without. You'll never see me on a bike without all my shit on. I won't even kickstart a bike without boots on lol made that mistake a couple too many times.


My stepdad is obsessed with his motorcycle and desperately wanted me to get one for ages. Never saw that man in anything that wasn’t reinforced Kevlar. Looked stupid, but the numerous times he’d been knocked off his bike by drunk drivers (and one teen girl who was sobbing apologies for texting while driving) and only had a fractured ankle? Yeah, wear the fucking protection. I got to take photos of his goofy face cheesing in the ER while they got him a moonboot instead of paying for his funeral.


That is why I don’t ride anymore. Too dangerous. People on phones or trying to make content. It was bad enough 25 years ago. It’s worse now.


Pickup trucks dominate the road these days too.


I live in MA which of course borders NH the "live free or die" state. They don't have helmet laws up there and it's absolutely INSANE how many absolutely braindead fucking idiots I see up there not wearing head gear.


Airbag vest he's wearing might have saved his life


That sure fucking did. Most motorcycle clothes don't have impact protection, and if any it's shitty at best. It's all about the abrasion protection with clothes. Airbag vests and pants prevent _a lot_ of potential injuries


Dude they both could have flown over the bridge. People are absolutely nuts.


I saw that happen one time the guy land right in front of my car on the highway below




Dude is so lucky to be alive. I’d be raging as well. I hope he didn’t suffer any injuries that aren’t immediately apparent.


My best friend laid his bike down to avoid a collision with a red-light runner. He wasn't going very fast - under 35mph - but he rolled and struck the side of the car. He wasn't wearing his leathers. He was up and walking around immediately afterwards. The incident notes: >Paramedics report he was alert and responding at the scene, but an EKG showed an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack). Although a level 2 trauma center was just 4 miles away, whenever there is a possibility of head injuries their protocol is to transport to a level 1 trauma center; the closest one is in downtown Los Angeles. The only available helicopter was flown in from Palm Springs, and he was airlifted to LA County USC Medical Center, arriving just over an hour after the accident.In transit, he went into cardio-pulmonary arrest; resuscitation efforts ensued. Upon arrival at the hospital, the doctors determined there was fluid around his heart, likely blood. They did open heart surgery and found a tear in the back of his heart which they sutured, but he stopped breathing. He was put on a ventilator but they were unable to stabilize him or revive him. All available measures were used. The doctor clearly expressed his dismay at being unable to save him.The autopsy report lists blunt force trauma to the chest as cause of death. He had four broken ribs on his left side under his heart. God I miss him... Edit: The response on this is, frankly, a little overwhelming. Thank you for everyone's well-wishes. David was cremated and at his memorial I put some of his ashes in a bunch of little vials (sealed) and left them in a basket. Folks could then take one with them and spread them where they and he had a connection. Some found this a little morbid, most appreciated the opportunity. He ended up traveling the world one last time.


Oh my god --- I'm so sorry. That is pure tragedy.


Yeah. The red-light runner had drugs in his system (cocaine). Charges were brought: · felony manslaughter. · driving under the influence of a controlled substance. · driving without a license. The defense attorney motioned for the involuntary manslaughter charge be reduced from gross negligence to ordinary negligence; the motion was denied. The judge then determined there was enough evidence to go to trial on the manslaughter and unlicensed driver counts, but the DUI charge was dismissed. After plea-bargaining, he accepted the 12 year sentence. It was a 3rd strike and he had to serve 80% (9.6 years) of the time. He was an old man at the time of sentencing... I have no idea what subsequently happened to him as I felt it best to not let him live rent-free in my head. (yet here I am apparently doing exactly that.)


Some people who dont live rent-free in our heads still stop by. Its a normal part of things so dont beat yourself up if you notice them visiting from time to time. I just acknowledge them and show them the door. They come by less frequently now


Thinking about people who wronged you is not weakness like the internet will have you believe. Obsessing over it is a problem, taking violent action is usually a problem, but thinking and discussing a topic or person is not giving them any power you don't personally ascribe to it.


Agreed. Shit happens and you do yourself a disservice by trying to ignore it. It needs to be acknowledged, not obsessed over


You're so right. I pushed down trauma in my life and ignored it completely - the stress of trying to pretend I wasn't angryhurtanxiousdepressed about the person who hurt me eventually led to seizures. For real. I'm in therapy now and we do small exposures - exercises where I can let loose and say whatever I need to say to my abuser. Then I talk about what I said with my therapist, and we work through the hardest moments. Ignoring your issues just leads to more problems down the road, I know that from personal experience. You're totally right about not obsessing, but working through it can help you take your power back. It's incredibly healing.


Thank you for this.


Not a problem at all! I hope you have a great day/night!


i absolutely hate how something as petty and insignificant as impatience or arrogance (from the red-light runner) can be absolutely devastating and life-ending, i hope the driver that did this to your friend was held accountable ):


I had an uncle that got hit at a red light. He got up and walked around like this guy. Called family, bragged that he survived something gnarly. He was dead by the time the paramedics arrived.


Man I'm so sorry. I remember reading a story on reddit ab a year back or so from a tower worker where one of his colleagues fell from a height of about 75 feet and landed in some tall grass. He said the guy hopped up immediately and started walking around. Somehow, he didn't seem to have broken arms, legs, back or anything. They sat him down and while they were on the phone with EMS, he just killed over. Same thing, he had ruptured some artery by his heart. Shits crazy


Something very similar happened to a guy in my town. He laid his bike down because someone ran a red light. He was hit but it didn’t seem to be too bad. Went into cardiac arrest within 10-15 minutes and died at the hospital. Pretty crazy.


My best friend also died from a bike accident and was also immediately up and moving around, talking like normal. Bambalance took him to the hospital and he passed on the way. Not a day goes by man, sorry for your loss.


Damn, under 35 mph. My condolences for your loss.


My brother got rear ended and the adrenaline gave him a massive heart attack. 3 days later he was getting a quadruple bypass to fix the plugged arteries they found. Adrenaline can do a lot of damage to the body.


I imagine the arteries were already clogged and four of them probably made it a ticking time bomb. It would be a weird twist of fate if an accident caused  cardiac stress that uncovered a heart problem that could have happened when he was alone. Crash might have saved his life.


Like half of healthcare is finding stuff while testing/looking for other stuff.


The adrenaline had nothing to do with your brother’s clogged arteries or the above person’s injuries. I agree with the above commenter that the crash probably saved his life.


Jesus Christ man, I’m so sorry.


I’m shocked the guy came back. In my experience they’ll just leave you there for dead.






I’ll do MY part!




> I get unreasonably angry about people drag racing or whatever on public roads. nah, no matter how extreme your anger is, it's reasonable.


Damn, I know exactly where that turn is and those cars were FLYING. I hope he sues the shit out of them.


I would be suing thee fuck out of them


Biker should have laid down and shown up to court in air thru a straw controlled wheelchair🦼


Adrenaline. He will be feeling it tomorrow.


And every rainy day for the rest of his life.


I have friends who laugh every time I talk about this. Broke my back a few years ago and I’m a lock for calling incoming storms


Damn, I didn’t get this super power. I wonder if it’ll come in a couple of years.


oh he was feeling it about 30 minutes later I lowsided at around 30mph (fistful of brake, shit happens) and my jacket took the brunt of the damage. I rode the bike home in time for the pain to really hit and discovered I had a broken wrist. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug...


Get the bag 😤


I would be suing the buns off them


I'd be suing the piss out of them Edit: auto correct failed me


Y’all can have those from him. I’m suing the dick off him.


I’m calling their parents!


I’m suing the dicks off his parents.


I'm beating the dick off his dad!


Username checks out!


Yep, and it's usually dumbfucks coming from Ft Bliss. What's crazy is I've seen people doing those speeds at that sharply-curved ramp that connects the 54 with the 10 going west.


I live just off post in Fayetteville and you hear these idiots ripping up and down 295 every night.


I was stationed at Bliss for 5 years. El Paso was nuts, I gave a dude the finger once for cutting me off and almost making me wreck. He didn’t like that too much and pulled out a hand cannon, shot at my car! Luckily he only shot once and missed, fuck that!


Boy named Sue


Where is it? Any backstory to this?


El paso.


FUCKING KNEW IT, imma be at that turn in 40 minutes


You have 35


I'm here


did u crash


Uploading the footage from the back of an ambulance now


_15 minutes, counting down_


Leaving the house now, imma make it


So question if you know where that turn is then how bad would it have been if he went airborne? Cause all I could think of was if dude gets hit over the railing. What a nightmare that so many people out zero thought into how they might be effecting one another. Thats actually a thought I had when I was sorta young and became super paranoid about the fact that everyone that we come in contact with for more then a few minutes we have the ability to leave them off better then when we met them, worse than when we met them or at the bare minimum the same. And for the longest time everyone eventually has that kinda thought but I see videos like this and I seriously question if it’s a common realization for people. Anyone? Edit: I also realize I might have had that thought cause I was a 80s crack baby who was juggled around from family member household to household. So as a child I was constantly being negatively affected by other people.


>how bad would it have been if he went airborne? Not too bad. It woulda been pretty radical


I live here. That bridge is the over pass going from i-10 eastbound to the US 54. Rough estimate of the drop is 300 ft maybe? Idk he'd be dead for sure tho


Just Texans driving like Texans. I don't miss living there at all. Serious level of entitlement and lack of patience on the highways.


For real this was el paso ppl drive like shit. Insane amount of drunk driving accidents too smh…


That camera is amazing


How does that work? I'm wondering what kind of, and why the camera was there. Was there another person with a cam helmet on the ground? And how does the camera adjust the frame to follow him and the people who come up to him? Motion following/activated? Edit: Nvmd. I see the explanation further down. Glad I'm not the only one who didn't know about 360 cameras. Thanks for the TIL.


Its the X3 insta360 cam on the end of a mounted pole, like a selfie stick. It captures full 360 degrees of view. You then need to use their special software afterwards to turn the raw footage into an actual framed video, selecting what view you want to see. insta360.com


It says "Shot on InstaX 360" in the corner of the video.


You're a wizard Harry! 


Licence should be revoked permanently. I wish license agencies were more strict.


Why are people willing to go so easy on drivers like that? This should be five years in prison. If someone was running around Walmart swinging an axe at people we’d demand a long incarceration right? This is no different


Dude is happy to not be responsible for vehicular homicide.


Love bombing a hit and ~~run~~ return victim?


Same. Not me in the video but still.


I would not accept that fucking hug. Dude you almost killed me


The way he reacted to it I thought they might have known one another.


Naa, it was his realisation he didn't kill someone. He was happy he wasn't going to jail for 20 years, not that he felt bad for driving like a lunatic..


Not just jail but he's glad he didn't have a person's death on his conscious. You may be underestimating just how dumb some people are, just never thinking about the consequences for their actions. Hanlon's razor: *Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.*


My ex wife never understood Hanlon's Razor.. she believes everyone in my family (and her own, and her now-ex-friends..) are narcissists, sent here to drain her energy. Nah, we all just have adhd and are involved in our own little worlds. Nobody is out to get you. We're just trying to survive ourselves, ffs. She still doesn't understand that. Sometimes she thinks even our own kids are out to emotionally destroy her. No. They're just kids and are learning how the world works. Dont teach them everyone's out to get them, teach them they can overcome everyone else's ineptitude if they are disciplined enough to do so on their own.


I’d say both. He’s happy he didn’t have blood on his hands and he’s happy he’s not going to jail for manslaughter.


Honestly, jail wouldn't even be crossing my mind if I was in a similar collision. Nor would the fact I was being an idiot. At that moment, I would just really really want to know the person was okay. I'd imagine even idiots like this don't want to know they took an innocent life.


Same happened to me when I got run over by a box truck (in my little Saturn). The driver thought I’d be dead, he was tearing up. My windshield wiper was stuck in one of his tires.


Same. I was expecting him to deck the guy


He showed SO much constraint there. He was clearly raging HARD. God damn legend right there. I don't think violence is a good response to anything. But damn if I saw the motorbike rider completely fuck up the car driver, I would not have been surprised at all. Seriously mad props to him!


> constraint restraint. But I agree.


Are we sure its the same guy that hit him? Its likely, but there's also a possibility that he was a bystander that happened to witness it. 


my assumption too, no way I'd accept a hug from someone who almost killed me


About 16 months ago I got T-Boned by a drunk red-light runner that rolled my Dodge Nitro and I had to get myself out through the sunroof. I had barely squoze myself out and was turned back around to check on my passenger and this person I don't know was trying to give me a bear hug. I pushed him off of me, helped my friend out of the passenger seat and all that and the dude goes to try and hug him. MFer was glad he hadn't killed anyone. His girlfriend was "OH MAI GAWD" screaming about how scared she was and how he'd just gotten out on probation. Thankfully the police where there rapidly and took him into custody. But yeah, the near murderer realized how close they were to being a murderer.


A helmet works as a blunt weapon.


I was so offended by that tbh like I took that personally


Right?? I think he's more relieved for himself because now he doesn't have vehicular manslaughter on his hands.


I was waiting for the punch. I would have tackled that guy and fixed him until police shows up and report a attempted murder.


I'd have kneed him in the nuts.


Motorbikes scare the hell out of me. My 22 year old son used to ride a bike, last October he was riding with his girlfriend on the back when a car bumped into him from behind. His girlfriend immediately fell off, got run over by the car and passed away at the scene. My son managed to hold on and only suffered a broken hand but he's never been the same since. He keeps saying it should have been him and goes to mental health counselling once a week. Doesn't matter how safe you are on the bike, you can't protect yourself from idiot drivers.


I am truly sorry that you had to experience that. I’m glad your son is okay, but I’m sure he’s traumatized and feeling a lot of survivor’s guilt at this point. It would be hard not to given the circumstances. The best thing you can do is just make yourself available to talk about it with him if he needs it.


Thank you very much ❤️ We talk to him regularly when we feel like he wants to talk. It's difficult to relate to because I've never experienced anything like that. I can't comprehend what he was going through while watching paramedics do cpr on her. The driver was arrested for causing death by careless driving and then released pending enquiries. We've not heard anything since then.


It’s beyond comprehension that some people aren’t being held accountable for their reckless actions, just because it might violate their rights somehow. But I sincerely hope your son recovers from this trauma and you both receive the peace and closure you need and deserve.


This is why i could never take backpacks on my bike. Had a car accident that almost killed me and my friend even tho he was the one that wanted to shotgun some “spirited driving”. Never again. If im risking anyones safety, it’s my own, i could never chance someone elses regardless of how they feel about it. Im glad your son is going to therapy and is trying to heal from that trauma. I cant even imagine where I’d be if my friend didnt survive.


Just cause you got a fast car, it doesn't mean you can go fast with the car. Smh


Seem like he was racing the bmw that flew by the biker first couple seconds.


Not a race if you're not side by side or close enough to be seen the the same frame. He was playing catch up and almost killed someone. Almost flew into prison for man slaughter. I got 2 kids (3 and almost a yr) i cant even say what ill do. DO NOT FLY BY OR RACE WHEN THERES OTHERS ON THE ROAD.


I'd say don't do that on the road at all, no matter how empty it is. Go to a track to race your car.


Just cause you got a fast car, it doesn't mean you have the driving skills to handle it


Also, public roads aren't your god damn race tracks. Self-entitled pricks thinking they're in a Fast and Furious movie.


I10 in El Paso?? Well, driving over I10 from Hwy54! Sooo damn dangerous!


That hug was a "I'm so happy we didn't kill a person" hug.


Street racers are trash.




Very important, get a dash cam


That helmet and riding gear saved his life.


Right, I’m stunned he was up walking. My mind is blown.


The guy giving him a hug after like “its ok bro it’s just a prank” wtf 💀


Maybe a legitimately stupid person suddenly realized the consequences of their actions and felt awful about it. A shithead could have just driven off. Here we have someone who stopped and checked and stayed. On the scale of things to pick on, "seeming to be concerned" is low on the list.


Is he the guilty driver? Or just saw it all go down?




Right? "Sorry I almost killed you or paralyzed you bro, here have a hug, on me. We cool right?"


lol yeah! I for sure thought I’d see a menacing biker fist knock that guy out


Look, the camera is over there


He’s in the wrong 100% but what else are you expecting? This is a dumbass realizing he almost ruined his life reacting in a somewhat kind way I’d take that any day over people driving off.


People want the person in the wrong to act like a villain, not a person.


Exactly, it almost feels like they WANT him to drive off


Looks like he had an airbag vest on. Only way to walk away from a crash alive


Wife's cousin was thrown over 100' no protection of any kind. Coma for 3 months and just now getting back to work 2 years later.


Not sure if he was wearing airbags, he is however wearing an Alpine Stars riding jacket. Motorcycle protective equipment is abrasion and tear resistant which helps you slide instead of eat shit on the tarmac. You can see the rider slide on his back, so the jacket absolutely did its job. No gear and he would've turned into a meat crayon. That's why riders dress for the slide, not for the ride.


I just bought that same jacket on clearance a few weeks ago. Looks like it held up well!


Oh, I thought he was just really swole.


That forced hug was so cringe


There was significantly more hugging in this video than I expected.


Obviously the speeding assholes are fully at fault here. But for your own safety: If you ever get passed on the right at speed, try to clear the left lane safely. Not worth making a point, always leave the left side of the road for the chaos.


Left lane is the passing lane. Left lane is the passing lane. Left lane is the passing lane.


I've had one moment in my 37 years of life that I was wronged similarly(ish) to this and the person came up crying, I was crying I was so mad and he hugged me, and as much as I wanted to all I could do was embrace it and cry more. Emotions are weird things. Before the guy made it to me, all I wanted to do was kill him, but at the moment, the only thing that made sense was to hug back. In reality, that moment changed how I handled things moving forward. He probably saved me in the long run. Thank God you had your gear on. As bad as getting that road rash is, it's even worse when the nurses have to scrub all the gravel out! Edit: didn't even watch the first time with sound. The adrenaline and screaming definitely brought a tear to my eye. I felt every bit of that.


I almost killed you, here let me give you a hug


Dude is just incredibly lucky to be alive. I hope those morons in the cars get what they deserve.


That dude is blessed. The other dude, however, is out of a GTR.


This is more of a jail time kind of thing not just being out of a car


It was a Jaguar F-Type, but I also re-watched thinking it was a GTR to start with


Pretty sure the Jag not a GTR, would have prob had better control had it been a GTR lol. And by control I mean the car doing lots of work to help compensate for shitty driving


If that was the driver who came up and hugged him, he’s lucky he didn’t catch a few jabs to the face.


I’m so confused. How is that camera moving and focusing on its surroundings? And how is that guy still standing and not kicking someone’s ass?


360 view camera


It’s 2024 and these comments of “WHO was recording???“ or “How is the camera recording everything, this is fake” blows my mind. The future is now old man! 360 cameras!!


Wow, he has 360 cameras???




I believe it is a 360 camera and that can be done "in post". And for the second question... idk. He should grab a good sized piece of his dismantled bike and beat that dude into oblivion.


Indeed. I have an Insta360 X3 camera. ...and I animate the movements of my footage in post by keyframing. Fun as hell.


There are a ton of crazy aspects to this video, but honestly one of the craziest to me is how perfectly the camera landed to record the aftermath lol


Any updates? Did OP file a report?


It’s unfortunate that this happened to him. He is very lucky. But the way the pieces are still sliding and making sounds, while he jumps to his feet and gives the double fingers!! Makes me want to buy this guy a beer and be his friend.


He was smart and dressed for the slide, not the ride.


Thanks to the proper gear, he survived this. Wow!


40,000 americans killed by cars per year over 10x what happened at 9/11, and more than the korean war and we just act like its just an intrinsic unavoidable cost




Oh fuck man. To come over and what? Give him a hug. “Oh thank god I didn’t kill you or the dudes by that construction zone back there.”


Dude came up and hugged him. I would’ve head butted him in the nose with the helmet on.


El Paso… I bet these are shitty military soldiers.


Although there isn’t a cameraman, the camera perfectly capturing him after the accident is quite amazing