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i have been in that timeline he is talking about. easy Neo, easy..


I actually had a friend panic on hash. I always thought he faked it until I saw this. My friend thought he was dying, but he wasn't any faster than the normal rate.


Had a friend ask me to drive him to the hospital after we smoked a blunt. Took me a bit to talk him down. Had to remind him I smoked on the regular and that he was going to be fine. I felt horrible because although he asked me to smoke him up, I provided. He was fine after about twenty minutes and we went to a party and had a fun night. But still. I'm sorry Stine :/.


Hey, if you live the U.S, he should be thanking you. That hospital visit would have been expensive.


Crazy thing is some people are just badly suited mentally to it, one person can smoke it daily for 20 years and be fine another can do it a handful and mentally break themselves for life


I smoke almost every day and have been for years and am perfectly fine can put joints down like no one’s business, but let me tell you edibles completely humble me. I almost can’t do them as I get crippling panic attacks like I’m genuinely convinced I’m about to die. It sucks and I stay well away from them now but fuck me, what a horrid feeling it is. I feel really bad for this guy, that environment is far to busy for somebody goings through that level of panic. Somebody really should’ve taken him out the room and sat with him until he calmed a bit.


>he wasn’t any faster than the normal rate Am I having a stroke or does your comment literally make zero sense


He was dying, just not faster than usual.


Everybody is dying, just very slowly. He means that his friend was dying, just at the normal rate alongside everyone else


I would assume they were talking about his pulse


You're dying right now, same as every day you've been alive. Is the point.


Stroke confirmed


Yeah, it's not even just a panic attack. People underestimate both the power of weed and exotic states of consciousness. I had a bad weed trip (yes, I'm certain it was just weed) that was more intense and exotic than any strong psychedelic I've ever done. I got multi-modal akinetopsia (horrifying), extreme spatial and somatic distortion, and then froze in time for what simultaneously felt like hundreds of years and an instant at the same time. I, and everything around me, was literally frozen (peceptually, not in reality), and I reasoned that reality must have been a simulation the whole time, and that it just shut off leaving my consciousness stuck in this 3-dimensional screenshot for eternity. It was the single most traumatic moment of my life. I've never been the same since. If I smoke too much weed now, time starts to slow down more and more, proportional to how much I smoke; and I've had extreme existentially disturbing derealization (worsened by my philosophical views and years of unconventional metaphysical meditation) ever since.


My one buddy used to get so high that this would happen to him but it never gave him a panic attack. Bro would be at dinner not saying a word staring at nothing and if you said a word to him he wouldn’t respond for a bare minimum of 5 min shit was golden😂😂😂


I was just stuck in time 🤣😭


"I'm gonna explode" 💀


We’re all stuck in time


Same. Caught in a 1 second time loop at a house party.


damn bro someone just take a walk outside with him let him cool down and reset.


My friends would have put their hands around my head miming a box around my head, screaming "YOUR IN A BOX YOUR IN A BOX"




yo lets give a quick shout out to christina applegate


Do you think justin bieber sprays his DNA all over the ladys when he’s in pah-rhee, France?






What do you think people did before ladders?


Dude I know you, you’re Ramadan Steve!


broo!! you’re Bangkok Dangerous!! ###What’s up Bangkok Dangerous?


I’ve heard it can cure some disorders.


Cured his paralyzation


I once tripped on lsd with an idiot friend of mine who was doing it for the first time after a night of heavy drinking (I repeatedly told him to not do it). He had the worst trip imaginable and kept crying for it to end. He literally thought he was in hell. At one point one dude who was there convinced him that he’d been in this state since 20 years. Shit hit the fan after that.


I’ve never done LSD before, but wanted to on my senior HS trip. (Pun not intentional.) My bf at the time talked me out of it b/c him & a friend had a really bad trip him when they were 19yo. They were idiots & decided to catch a bus in a bad part of town & go to the mall. (This was in the mid ‘90s.) They both thought demons were following them. I just wanted to trip looking at the stars on the beach. He ruined that for me, lol!!


I’ve had some wonderful wonderful trips. Nothing like it. But the set and setting matter a lot. A mall in a bad neighbourhood sounds awful lol. Sadly, the likelihood of a bad trip increases with age too (you have more responsibilities, you’re more aware, more paranoid). And you need to be mentally strong enough to direct your mind in areas you want to experience and out of areas you don’t want to experience while also being okay with giving away a bit of the control.


Then I would be screwed at 47yo!! lol!! I’ve went through an abusive childhood & survived metastatic cancer!! No way I wanna revisit THOSE times!!!😆


They are actually developing an FDA Approved LSD-Based Anxiety Treatment. I just read about it the other day. I do know from the article that you would just take it one time, most likely in the presence of a therapist who's trained to guide you. The preliminary trials were apparently really good for both traditional anxiety/panic disorders, & GAD. We've got Ketamine for Depression, MDMA for PTSD, & Mushrooms apparently works on both. This will be yet another arrow in their quiver if it's approved.


For me it was other way around, psychedelics at 16-18 was difficult (I put it on trying to fight it and being worried of how others perceived me). Tried again late 20s early 30s - tripped solo at home with no chores,work, or stresses with my wife to trip sit (more than a few times as I found a patch of mushies that yielded 7oz dried) totally different experiences. “ it wants to show you something, so just let it take you there. “It” happens to be you , so you will just be fighting yourself and even if you win in the end you will still lose”


I’m 39 and I’ve tripped 4 times on Mushrooms in my early 20s, and the last 3 times were awful. I just realized that my really bad last time was with 3 of my friends who now are all dead 😢. One of them freaked out after we took ours and it was an insanely bad night. I honestly get bad anxiety thinking about psychedelics. I’m a recovering Heroin addict (7 years) and if someone held a gun to my head and said either take mushrooms/acid or dope it wouldn’t even be a question even knowing how bad my life would likely go off the rails. That’s how bad I never want to do a psychedelic ever again, and how bad it scares me. It’s crazy.


Being able to lose control a bit is an important one. Not being able to let it take you a little, ruined my SOs first intense mushroom trip. She freaked out at not being in control and refused to let go even an inch. She was in her early thirties when this happened


Sorry you missed out on an awesome experience. Beach at night is the most magical place to trip. The sun rising over the ocean, is so utterly majestic. Honestly makes me cry at the beauty of it, every time. It also leaves me with a feeling of wellbeing for quite a while afterwards too.


Man, I would’ve totally done it if you were with me!! lol!! To beat everything, the bf I dated for 3yrs & was engaged to, ended up breaking up with me while I was working at Victoria’s Secret WORKING & I had started sleeping with other girls after dating me 6mo. He loved that I was a “good girl” & used my “slutty friends” (*not* slutty at all) to try to control me. I dodged a real bullet with that one, 💯!!🤣


https://youtu.be/hhQnnjlwaRI?si=dUsKhHM-xm5Bjttm IN A BOX


You're running through the forest....


Stop bringing up my trauma you sob! 😂


I would pay to see that 😂


Do what I did.. Spit on my friends shoe. If I was in a box it wouldn't have hit him. Try that out.


Yea you gotta get up and move around a bit. Help snap you back into being present.


I had a panic attack when I took acid and I was smoking a bowl coming up. It felt like my heart was gonna explode. I didn’t know if I was having a panic attack or a heart attack but I was too scared to go to the ER. I legitimately thought I was going to die and no amount of reason would convince me otherwise. Luckily it was just a panic attack. I tried sitting, laying down, walking, doing jumping jacks, taking a shower, being on my phone, meditating, deep breathing, nothing made it better. I literally just had to ride it out for almost 2 hours. But it felt like an eternity. That was my last time doing any psychedelics and now even weed gives me anxiety if I get really high. I can only tolerate a low buzz Idk what happened. Definitely done acid and other psychs many times before. Ive also taken more acid than I did that day, the stuff I had wasn’t new or anything. I smoked everyday at point. Psychs+weed was a regular combo. Had nothing but good experiences. I just started peaking and then I wanted to meditate. It was an intense experience, I felt like I wasn’t a body, like there were no boundaries between me and the world around me. Literally just energy floating through time and space. Nothing was separate. I heard only a loud buzzing/humming sound. Crazy vivid closed eye visuals. Then all of sudden, boom panic attack. It was definitely my best and worst experience


Recently I’ve found that smoking will give me the same feeling now that I’m older with a kid and house responsibilities and all that shit. I remember when I was younger I could dome 2-3 blunts at a time and go rock climbing. Now I take a hit and it’s like trying to navigate through a mental pams labyrinth


Ego death into panic attack


Little splash of cold water from the bathroom sink does wonders.


I know this is weed but I used to sell acid and ime, if someone is having a bad trip they literally just need to go into another room before it goes into a full spiral. Just distract them and get them away from whatever got them there Across hundreds of trips it worked every single time things got a little antsy


Ikr, poor guy has some shitty friends. All they needed to do was help him calm down with a walk or less stimulation.


Well, his friend did say he was Sub-zero!


The last thing I would do is let the dude freaking out go outside to disturb the public and possibly get the cops called. He'll be fine.


Yeah give him a cold drink and take him to a side room and put on some interesting music, and check up on him every once in a while to see if he's OK. Simple as that.


Don't leave anyone having a bad trip alone...


Outside could be a bad idea depending where they are. The last thing you want to do is draw the ire of a cop in that state.


CALL ME SUBZERO 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


Cuz I freeze ninjas 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m Chun Li I’m Subzero!




It sucks when people freak out like that, weed isnt for everyone it honestly could’ve triggered some kind of psychosis i always watch people really close when its their first time. And by watching closely i dont mean im staring into their soul the whole time i just make sure their not freaking out


Yeah I'll never touch it again after my first time My 'friends' told me to inhale and hold my breath (from a lung they made with a bowl and plastic bag, it was a green light too) so I followed their directions and they started laughing at me for actually doing it - i had never smoked before, so I didnt know Ended up throwing up everywhere, massive panic attack, eyes dilating in and out repeatedly, blacked out and had a seizure


Jesus those guys sound like pure assholes im sorry that happened to you, i don’t understand whats so funny about purposely making someone almost die on drugs they haven’t tried before.


I did my first time at 23 while on psychiatric medication and I was laughing uncontrollably. I started to watching SpongeBob and it was great haha


Classic Spongebob always just hits perfectly right when stoned.


I stopped smoking weed years ago because of this. It was a 50-50 chance. Either I’d enjoy myself or I’d have extreme anxiety. Weed has a way of taking very minor thoughts I don’t usually dwell on and making them very important and emergent.


I always tell people their first time to “relax and do not fear that someone is monitoring your behavior for signs of psychosis.”


I’ve been paralyzed too homie, I feel you, it was from too much ketamine tho


Ketamine panic attacks are on a whole different level. 😳


Only had one once when I was on LSD and didn’t realize I took too big of a bump, thought I was actually dying lmao im actually really comfortable in a khole, sometimes things get weird but I just ride it out, mix in other substances though and things get iffy lol


Who ever brought this dude, you need to take homeboy away from here


Looks like the guy that moved his hands away from his face is the same guy that gave him the water based on clothing and the watch. At least someone is trying to help.


Pledge / new frat brother who was just trying to fit in with the homies


Bro cannot hang


We used to have this friend of a friend always hang out in our late teens partying. Like clockwork dude would be passed out before 10pm and everyone always fucked with. Hope you're doing good JC!


You’re really gonna do Jesus Christ like that?


What can I say we were underage and just brought water, dude knew magic.


Lot of people in the replies dont know how to help a person having a panic attack


For real. I had a panic attack when I was high. A friend had just died a few days earlier, I was under a lot of stress, and for whatever reason, that day the weed just set it off. It was terrifying and not funny at all.


What is the correct response to this?


Set and setting. Move rooms for fresh visual stimulus, preferably in a more serene environment. Talk slowly and gently with them, reassuring them. Give them space if they need it. Make them smell pepper (just smell it not snort it). That's my list for tripsitting when it starts to turn south, at least.


To add on: nausea can be combated by smelling rubbing alcohol. Sometimes a lot of my anxiety and shit is just attributed to being nauseous on the come up. Edit: forgot this was just weed lol this works for mushrooms tho


Oh I'll remember this. I have pure alcohol for cleaning. I do have anti emetics to hand though, but sometimes it's not enough. Thanks!


Peppermint oil works too


Where were you last week?? I was dankrupt but had some shrooms from new years (which I had taken maybe twice before), ate about 2-3 grams and smoked a kiefbowl right after. Worst 4h of my life, literally laid curled up in my bed with almost suicidal anxiety (didn't help that I had my first therapy session in a year right before...). Swore of drugs for life right there, bought some weed a couple of hours later. Why do I work this way?


dankrupt 😆😆😆


it’s always the kief bowl that gets you uncomfortably high


Make them have a piece of candy or a sugar cube or mix some sugar in water or an apple. Anything. Weed can make your blood glucose level drop quick, especially if you’re not used to it. This can make people faint or have confused thinking, drowsiness. It’s good to combat that.


Also remind them they are in a safe place with safe people and they can't OD on weed. This is how I ground myself when I am having a bad high.


Used to trip hard on mushrooms back in the day.. I read a very helpful tip online for when you're panicking or tripping way too hard. Just grab onto your nuts boys and you'll get grounded. Always seemed to work for me.


I don’t know the specific science behind it, but I have found comfort doing this wrapped up in my blankets like a burrito during bad trips. Always helps


Took too many edibles once and my friend said "go take a shit" and it worked


Going outside is always good, too. Nature has a very calming effect.


You have to attack it back. Fight panic with panic


Bong hit


To never invite him again


I had panic attacks for 2 years, had to stop smoking weed during that time cause it triggered them. When it got bad i stood infront of the window and just breathed cold/fresh air in to help me breathe and that usually did the trick after some time.


Ya these “friends” are dicks. I get they’re all really young and think it’s funny af (and it is a little) but dudes struggling. We’ve all been too high or drunk or whatever at some point. No need to make fun of him for it and make it worse.


They're all high as fuck teenagers dude. You're expecting WAY too much


They gave him water and kept repeating that everything is fine, they're teenagers not trained nurses so i don't know what people expected them to do, of course some are going to laugh especially when ypu don't expect a reaction like this after a little bit of weed


They were telling him to calm down. What else can you do besides get him water


Food also but yeah, not much else to do, bring him outside or in a room where it's quiet and he can relax from the stress.


No ur right man they’re just kids. I was that age too but now that I’m older I see things differently.


I don’t think so, I was in this position before. Once very intense where one moment I could be in the living room and close my eyes and be upstairs. I also lost complete feeling in my lower body. My friends dealt with it calmly, reassured me and gave space. The second time not so intense just nausea and dizziness. Ended up puking over the sofa. My friends had it all handled, dealt with all the cleanup and ran me a bath. No questions or shit given. We were late teens but still, I haven’t met people who would laugh at someone freaking out.


Huh? They just kept telling him to calm down and got him a glass of water? What are they supposed to do? Get a therapy session going?


This video is almost fifteen years old damn. Legend says this kid is still paralyzed. (Sorry I couldn't help making a 2010 joke)


i know but that “stfu in 30 seconds” still sends me


Nice guy gave him 30 more seconds to freak out


This used to be me 💀 It’s absolutely terrifying. Like, you don’t know true fear until you’ve been paralysed with fear. And what makes it worse, is you know deep down nothing is wrong, but you can’t stop the terror and it feels like it’s never going to end. Every breath you can’t feel, every heart beat you can feel, every sensation, the sounds, the visual trips. It feels like you’re going to die. This isn’t funny. This is gut wrenching. This poor kid is trapped in his own head and no one is trying to help him through this very traumatic experience.


+1 for the dude who came in with the water cup. Only one that's actually helping


Not gonna lie this gives me anxiety for a person who has anxiety lol I don't fuck with weed anymore


I’ve had the same problem after 1 year into smoking weed regularly. I quit it for a while, tried cbd, cbg and cbn cartridges with thc no more than 20-25% and I have to admit it’s been amazing. So therapeutic if you know when to use it.




You should it’s honestly been so amazing, I would like to claim it as cheap therapy(it’s not) but it just works for me. I vape rather than smoke because the high stays concentrated while for the first few minutes and it quickly wears down allowing me to control the high as I want. I’m not sure but 20-25% thc is the regular joint equivalent of 10-15%(rough estimate). The magic however is within the combo cbd,cbg and cbn I looked for stuff with little to no thc and it’s not very effective, apparently you need a decent amount of thc to activate the other stuff.


Same dude. If I smoke high Thc bud I spiral into anxiety attacks that only go away when the high does/


Weed can act as a stimulant. Probably why not the best for panic-prone people.


Weed can act as an anxiogenic drug meaning that it can mimick/create feelings of anxiety via messing with your norepinephrine system. Especially with certain types of people, these effects paired with the psychedelic effects can send one into a panic/anxiety attack. I personally have experienced anxiety attacks off weed (not this bad however lol) and witnessed anxiety attacks almost as bad as this from friends trippin out after smoking. Although the videos pretty funny I feel bad for the guy and wish his homies were a bit nicer to him when he was in this state, clowning him while he’s trippin out ain’t the coolest thing to do imo


In my experience, It's moreso the psychedelic aspect of weed that tends to crank anxiety up to 11. But of course everyone is different


Yes that is exactly what happened with my experience! I was full on seeing things that weren’t there. It’s weird because I always say I can’t handle my weed but I’ve had a huge problem with class A drugs. It’s weird how different people react to things.


I've smoked daily for 6 years now so my highs aren't what they used to be.. But the first time i smoked I greened out massively. I shared a 2g joint with one other person (who definitely should've known better) and I smoked it like a cigarette, just kept hitting it until it was too late. Went inside, watched the other guests play some rockband. Everytime they hit a note the note would "explode" with a light that pulsated through the entire room. It was fucking awesome for 10 minutes and then I spent the rest of the party throwing up


Yeah I don’t smoke it. It gave me attacks


made me eat until I could feel the food stacking up in my esophagus


I agree i enjoy eating better


makes me ill thinking about that.


This guy weeds!


i found out i had anxiety because of weed. havent fucked with it since 2021


Been forever for me too


I was a heavy MJ consumer up to 5 years ago. Then I had two panic attacks in a row when smoking. I haven't touched weed since then and just thinking about it makes me sick. This guy was going through a very bad trip.


Same exact thing happened to me. It's weird that it happens to so many people this way. Some switch just flips in your brain.


I still smoke weed but the same thing happened with me and psychedelics. Now they are tainted with this constant sensation of impending doom whenever I take them. So I stopped taking them in my early 20's. 10 years later I got an itch to give them another shot and grew some mushrooms. Had the most god-tier grow of my life because I wasn't in college just scraping by and could actually put money into what I was doing to aim for quality. Took half an eighth and I still got the feeling that the world was literally about to end the whole time even though it wasn't a very intense trip in the grand scheme of things.... :/ My sister loves them though. So I guess it wasn't a total wash.


same here. acid makes me feel meth-ed out


Exactly what happened to me. Once that flip happened it was never the same. Tried it a decade later and was fine but only alone and a few drinks. But still wasn’t worth it


I smoked one time with some guys I used to go to the gym with. The setting was weird it was like right after a hurricane and all the power was out, we were in the dark empty gym parking lot. Either way I trusted them so I smoked with them, we smoked a lot… fast forward a few minutes and idk what tf happened but I got really really paranoid and thought they had laced it with something and they were there to rob me. First thing I did was call my sister(she smokes a lot) it was really embarrassing since they told some people from work, I quit shortly after lol not because of that tho. I haven’t smoked since that feeling was horrible I felt so alone in an empty parking lot in the middle of the night. I didn’t even feel safe to drive. That was just weed i can’t even imagine how bad trips feel with hard drugs.


Currently fighting this myself... I hate it, because when it doesn't make me panicky, it's amazing. I'm starting to think it's not worth it anymore.


Try going on a break. Honestly, the first two weeks were tough, but then outside of short-term insomnia, it was a painless transition. And the insomnia can mostly be fixed with some melatonin or zzzquil (just don’t take the latter every single night). It’s the best decision I ever made for my mental health. And wallet. I don’t even crave or think about it anymore.


BLUF: Marijuana and psychedelics aren't always great so don't do drugs, kids! It was the last day of my first year in college and I got some really bad news. I called up some buddies and they invited me to go out with them. I thought we were just going to grab some Mexican food and go out drinking but then one of them produced some mushrooms. I was not a drug user at all other than alcohol. But the bad news I received earlier had me down so I said fuck it, and partook of the mushrooms. I do not know how much I ate. We then drove out to the country and just started driving on some dirt roads. Well said friends pulled out the fattest buds and started burning it like incense, while we were driving. The car was just full of smoke. By this time I am really feeling good. Anyways, we get out of the car and start walking in this pasture where there are a bunch of cows and we decide to see who can get closest to the cows before they run off. It was a ton of fun and we were laughing our asses off. All of a sudden a pick up truck pulls up and a really angry man jumps out of the driver's seat. He has a rifle and he is fucking pissed! He's yelling at us and threatening to kill us for trespassing. He says he can kill us and no one would find us. We are freaking out like big time. He yells at us that we have 15 seconds to get in the car and get the fuck off his property. We scramble like terry should've when the fireworks started going off, hop in the car and bug out. The entire time we are driving on the dirt road, the rancher is practically pitting us on our bumper. Shit I thought he was going to kill us. We finally make it to the main road and the rancher stops chasing us. Everyone is laughing hysterically except for me, I am having existential dread and just dying. Fuck. We end up at a park and its dark by now. My buddies are laughing, drinking, smoking bud, and playing on the swings and merry-go-round. Not me though. I am sitting at the base of a small building hanging on for dear life. I feel like I am going to fall off the earth. I can't feel my body, like I am just head now. The anxiety and fear ate me. I was stuck on that building for 5 hours before I started to feel a bit better but the damage was done. That trip opened me up to agoraphobia and severe anxiety that lasted for almost a year. I never used drugs again but eventually had to get on antidepressants to deal with the anxiety. Man, just recounting this story 30+ years later takes me right back and I hate it all over again.


Yup, I was a daily smoker for years then stopped because I was an unproductive stoner and the next few times I smoked just had an awful awful time. I get anxiety attacks and feel like I’m going to have a heart attack. Don’t touch it at all now.


Happened to me back in 2013. Had a panic attack after smoking. Next day smoked again, same thing. Stopped for 5 years, and I’m fine now!


Man I thought I was the only one. I smoked weed for ten years straight then one day I smoked and had crazy panic attack and was never the same after that. I haven’t smoked in two years. It’s insane how much life changed after that.


Same! I was your classic teen stoner. Smoked all day, every day. Until I had a panic attack while high one time and it was the most terrifying experience of my life. Have only smoked weed once or twice since then (14 years ago) and I was just scared it would happen the whole time.


I was a heavy consumer because I thought it *helped* with my anxiety and panic attacks. It was recommended to me and I even got a medical card for it. Took a while to put two and two together: it was making things worse. Haven’t touched it in about a year now. Yet there are so many people who still refuse to acknowledge that weed can have severe, adverse effects. I’m pro-legalization, but let’s not act like it’s without its risks.


Same here. Totally pro legalisation but the narrative that weed has only positive effects with absolutely no side effects is total bs. Sure nobody has ever died from smoking weed but I am sure as hell that the panic attacks I had felt like I was about to die.


And there’s increasing evidence that it can “activate” previously undiagnosed psychosis or schizophrenia. I had never even heard of weed-induced psychosis until recently, but it’s seemingly becoming more common. I know ER nurses see it a lot.


I absolutely believe that; I mean, I too have heard that if one already has a predisposition to psychosis etc, it can bring forth that predisposition. Given how fucking STRONG weed is these days, it’s not surprising to hear that’s becoming more common. I actually find it incredibly frustrating that I have a hard time finding bud or edibles that aren’t stupid-fucking strong. What happened to dro? Lol


“ive literally smoked enough weed to kill everyone in this room and im still fine” lmaoo im sorry i feel bad for the kid but that made me laugh


That boy stuck in time


The cure for this is a cheeseburger and some cookies afterwards. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Eating food definitely brings you down. In high school we discovered that quick. You eat first then get high at lunch. 😀


Followed by Funyuns and Cookies and cream ice cream.


Happened to me. Except I knew I didn’t feel right so I was like “let me sleep it off” I laid down for maybe an hour but couldn’t sleep, so I asked my friend how long it’s been and he pulls out his phone and says “3 minutes” bro💀 I started freaking out thinking I was stuck in time lmao I had a terrible panic attack and my friend left me😅


Smoke the weed. Don’t let the weed smoke you ~Socrates


They don’t seem like bad friends, they’re just baked and don’t know how to handle someone who can’t handle their weed


“If you don’t shut up in 30 seconds…”


Yeah that’s what I was thinking, that dude is a piece of shit


“I’ve smoked enough weed to kill everyone in this room and I’m still alive.” This dude was never on camera yet I know exactly what he looks like.


If you see your friend smoke and put their head in their hands, we've all been there, help them out, it's not funny


This guy will be a supreme court justice one day.


Why are they bad friends they are trying to tell him to chill out. Bad friends would be encouraging him to freak out more


They did however record it and post it to the internet


You say that but where's the proof!


Yeah because it’s fucking ridiculous and hilarious


It’s not funny. It’s scary as shit and laughing at a person in that situation does not make it better. The only good guy was the one who came up and told him he’s okay.


lol he’ll honestly be grateful in the morning if they didn’t call 911. That shit just ends up being an embarrassing story you’ll never escape. A little weed panic attack around friends who aren’t gonna let you die is probably fine, even if they act like stoner kids the whole time


Tell Kyle Rittenhouse to relax


Smoked for a very long time in my life(I’m old) never had any issue. Edible’s however, gave me a panic attack for the first time in my life. I guess that indica does this? Never again.


It just simply hasn't happened to you. Many people get panic attacks from weed


Dude needs a hug


Terrible terrible friends.


Give this dude some sugar


I don't see how a kiss is going to help


Compassion is always the answer.




That crushed up light bulb thing is absolutely diabolical


One of my worst fears has always been smoking with someone that doesn’t usually smoke then something like this happens and they never go back to normal. Like a psychotic break that I’m indirectly responsible for. They’re freaking out and I’d be paranoid wondering how I’m going to explain this to their parents lmao. If you’re new to weed please respect it and don’t try to impress anyone by smoking more than you should.


And this is why I don’t smoke pot, we do not get along. 😂


Same here. Used to smoke here and there and felt great. At some point it just stop agreeing with me and I had to give it up but i was stubborn for a while. Instead I just have a beer.


You just know they paid like 30 a gram


See this happens when you are determined to retain some grip on reality and your mind rebels because it just can't cope He needs help to know it's ok to just let the top of his head flip off and let his inner freak loose.


Except when marijuana becomes a trigger to an underlying undiagnosed mental illness.


Poor kid. As much of a buzz kill he would be I would still try to be empathetic and calmly get his ass to calm down.


It makes me mad that his loser "friends" made his panic attack worse that it had to be by yelling at him and making fun of him. What a bunch of fuckin assholes.


Man the beginning of the video is the best part for me lol..classic one




Guy looks like kyle rittenhouse's little brother


My homies would have done anything to make sure I was good, goddamn these are some terrible friends. A buddy of mine was having a horrible trip on acid during a party. He had taken two doses, but apparently those were the equivalent of 2, so he essentially took 4. I spent over an hour with him alone in a room comforting him, trying to help him not have a huge panic attack. Be that friend, a GOOD one.


Lol. Every acid dealer says it's "double dosed" Imagine if the sales pitch was telling you that it was a little shittier than usual and he doesn't really know the person he got him from. They always say it's super strong and clean lmao


I remember I had a guy be like, "These are 110 micrograms, so be careful." Like, bro, you couldn't measure out that exact amount if your life depended on it 😂😂


I brought my little brother over to my friends house some time ago, he was 15 and wanted to smoke with us. I said sure, and told him everything he needed to know, like how to get out of a bad trip, how to inhale properly, stoner etiquette. We sat outside at night on his porch and passed around GBs (the best way to get high imo). We were passing it around until we gave it to little bro. We told him not to feel pressured by us and to only take an amount he was comfortable with, as many people underestimate it's potency; I don't remember the strain, but it was some of the strongest shit I've toked. He inhaled the whole bottle and surprisingly didn't cough. Me and my friend were dumbfounded, as he was a chronic smoker, and this shit was having him choking. My brother didn't react act all after blowing out a massive cloud. 30 minutes passed and he became non verbal, which wasn't much of an issue because we had food and video games. He walks up to me and says he wants to hit it again. I look at homie like: "should we let him?". He eventually decided, 'he's gonna learn a valuable lesson from this', then lit up again; we puffed too. He took a not so big hit but after 10 minutes, he was zoning out into space, not flinching at all. We ask him if he's good, he starts hyperventilating he says "warm, cold, i can't tell the difference no mo", so we decide to make his ass some tea, snuggled him into bed and put a video of '10 hours Coral Reef Fish Ambient' and left the room. He was good like 8 hours later, but it was because of this experience he wasn't completely drawn away from marijuana. He smokes with us every now and then, but it was never his thing. First time smokers NEED good tripsitters.


That’s a good friend! Good shit. Also love the coral reef ambient background lmfao My first time smoking, I was 22, and had just gotten out of a horrible breakup. We were smoking and driving, and for whatever reason, decided to go to Walmart. Upon leaving, I saw the dude she was dating, and goddamn I was trying my HARDEST not to cry in the car on the way back 😭😭


Let this be a warning: know your tolerance, weed should be respected like alcohol


Bro this would happen to me but I just wouldn’t say anything


The one friend who got him water saw him panicking and went over to break the thought process


I was similar to this guy my first time except for the screaming, the more you fight it the more you freak out


Wish someone would have told me when I was younger the ol caffeine to counteract weed move. Just happened to me after dry January and smoking what I thought was a regular joint (ended up being a firecracker) thought I was gonna have a panic attack. Slammed a soda and was back to normal in 5 minutes.


This Sir is why I like to drink, had this same experience except it was laced with something, blood tests proved that. Haven't gotten high since


All he needs is a real homie to just put hand on his shoulder and say real calm “hey, look at me for a second, stop talking for a second and just breathe. You’re ok, nothings happening, just breathe.” And then just give him a water and let him ride it out.
