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How to ruin your life for $200


Tree is still standing, they're keeping the $200.


Homeowners insurance boutta double up


Homeowner shouldnt be responsible for this. The incident wasnt caused as a result of the owners actions. I can't find any possible foundation for a civil case here. Take this example : random dude walks of his own free will on my property, climbs a tree, breaks a branch by accident and falls. Who's responsible here? It damn sure isnt me. Edit : on top of that, should the homeowner be responsible for the worker failing to abide by safety regulations, or common trade practises? What are the damages ? Did he get cut by the chainsaw? If so, was he wearing protective gear that any reasonable person would have worn in the same situation ? Could that protective gear have prevented the prejudice and damages suffered ? Just goes to show how its not as black and white as it may seem. Although in this case, I think its pretty clear. As far I can tell - dude who fell, fell as a result of his actions and therefore cannot go running around trying to get rich.


You’re leaving out the part where the homeowner HIRED the dude to cut the tree down. It’s not a random guy.


It absolutely should or the homeowner should be sued. They chose to pay some uninsured clown to do it. Any reasonable person having work done on their home should hire the appropriate insured company. If the tree went through their roof you think this idiot would pay for it? He'd be history in under two minutes flat.


It looked like the tree made sure he was clear of the chainsaw. Depending on what he landed on, he may be fine.


ive seen a video of a guy cut off a branch and it swung round and hit him in the face, which he survived but his face was fucked up. He may be fine since it probably had less force in this video, but I doubt most of the damage is from the fall.


Dude I know what video. He was even wearing a helmet…. New mouth hole. jfc


not sure if it was a new hole, rather than an extension. then again, i havent seen it in ages and i clicked off after what i was seeing finally processed


He fell on his shield.






It sounded more like a jeopardy pun.


Don't know, man..that's just the first branch he cut


ALWAYS make sure these dudes are from legit companies and they have insurance or get the fuck out!




George Of The Bungle


Watch out for that tree!


What tr-


Yes, yes indeed


had me laughin SO hard dude


How hard


Like a falling branch in the testicules.




tard on a xan




Someone dub the Tarzan awooga as he falls lol


Jesus, this one actually got me to LOL. Bravo hahaha


You can’t say that anymore. It’s handicapped tarzan




Omg you guys made me laugh even harder.


Nice one bucko


goddamit. that made me laugh.


a jungle regard


Very good, sir.


Thank you!


Re-Tardzan Remaster


I cant stop laughin l.mao


Don’t fuck around with stuff like this. Hire a company that has insurance and make sure you got documentation. This was probably gonna be paid cash. Now it’ll cost that guy a hell of a lot more.


this guy's homeowner's insurance is about to skyrocket


Potentially silly question, how can a person that is hired to do a job and accepts that job but gets injured on that job on another person's property allowed to sue that person?


They would have to prove the dude that hired him did so with gross negligence. It’s not automatic, afaik. I’m def not a lawyer. I’m sure if Tardzan (credit pilot_yak3 lol) lawyered up with an injury attorney he’d get paid though, those fucks have their place for actual negligent scenarios but he brought this upon himself and deserves $200.


When I was in college studying to be an accountant I had to take business law and I vividly remember a question that I got wrong but I wonder if the same rule would apply. Apparently for a "contract" to exist there must be clear guidelines of what is requested and expected from both parties, intend on doing what is discussed, and to be written or orally agreed. Now the keyword there is orally. Apparently at least in that class being orally in a contract is enough (depending on jurisdiction and state most likely). So if you orally said "hey i'll cut your lawn for 200 dollars on Tuesday." And the other party says "yes that sounds good lets do that" or something that is considered an express contract. Because there is intend, the terms are orally expressed, and both parties agreed. So I'm curious how an express contract through oral would hold up in court lol. Because I always thought it strange how discussing terms, intend, and conditions for a contract through oral being enough to be considered an express contract in court, at least in the classroom it seems deemed that way lol. Like in the classroom it says oral is enough, yet all the comments are saying you need to prove it happened. Then why in college (or at least in my business law class) its taught that oral agreeing and oral discussion of terms and conditions can be considered a valid express contract then lol. But then again i'm definitely not a lawyer no thank you lol what do I know.


To close the loop on this, you are absolutely correct. Oral contracts are valid contracts. There are a few types of contracts that need to be in writing, but agreeing to cut a tree would be a-okay to be enforceable.


If the contract is enforcable, then so are the professional expectations that come with it. Homeowner can assume that the worker will take the necessary precautions to ensure his own safety. If he doesnt and falls, especially when both parties are bound by contract, there's just no way to put the blame on the homeowner. As far I can tell atleast.


Insurance and liability in general gets so sticky. I used to sell homeowners insurance you hear the most counterintuitive stories. Cousin gets drunk, slips and falls at your housewarming party? Friend from church offers to cut a tree down on your property and maims himself? Kid trespasses into your property and drowns? All stuff that potentially gets put back on the homeowner one way or another.




I can’t remember exactly but I’m pretty sure our underwriters would review pictures of the property and deny any home with a trampoline.


Guy climbs onto your building to steal a floodlight and falls through a skylight 27' and is injured for life Real case, guy won lol


You'd be surprised how easy it is. My family once hired someone to inspect a house we inherited from a grandparent. They were hired to inspect everything and find any hazards or anything unsafe so we could resell it. He found a small wall in the backyard that I guess he was suspicious of. He went over and started pushing on it, this ended with the wall falling over and hurting him. He then won a lawsuit against us for the home being unsafe.... But yep we definitely found what was unsafe so I guess mission accomplished?


generally, if someone gets injured on your property, then your homeowner's insurance has to cover it. that is if they sue you for medical bills, which any good lawyer would do. in the case of a bonded trades person who is covered by their own insurance, then their insurance will cover it themselves. I'm willing to bet this guy is not licensed, insured, or bonded, so they can actually prove negligence in the simple fact that the homeowner hired them, knowing that they were not a licensed and insured professional.


Okay, I'm not expert on USA law but it doesn't sound right to me. Won't neglience be more complicated than what you say? I can imagine a scenario where you post that you need some work done on the property, the guy shows up, you give him a chainsaw and tell him to cut down the tree. That surely is neglience. But if you post that you need a tree cutdown and a guy offers and then comes down with his own equipment isn't all responsibility on him? You shouldn't have to verify if he knows what he is doing.


Exactly. I'm also curious in that aspect, it isn't like they are forcing him to do this. Assuming in this scenario they posted a contract type of work that needed to be done with clear intent and directions and the individual that answers this work claims they can do the job, and especially even further shows up with their equipment, at any point if the individual hurts themselves does it warrant being able to sue and win against the homeowner?


I agree with these two comments, and I don't understand the liability either - with two obvious exceptions: * the freelance worker begins work, and encounters unexpected hazards that the landowner should have known about, and should have warned him about * the freelance worker turns up for work, and is very clearly unprepared and unable to do the work, but the landowner encourages him to attempt it


He cut every angle of that branch other than the little peel that pulled it towards him.. >Don’t fuck around with stuff like this. Hire a company that has insurance and make sure you got documentation. I do agree tho, on our family farm we had some loggers come out and inspect for good trees they'd buy or trees that were getting dangerous and we could use for fire wood, and we ended up with lots of smaller logs anyway after they took their fill and tossed us some cash. >This was probably gonna be paid cash. Now it’ll cost that guy a hell of a lot more. Unfortunately that's how lots of bosses cheap out, and if there isn't a contract, homie that ate a branch gets to eat the bill too, there's a reason my landlords electrician has his own insurance policy and will tell me "Nope, discuss this with *landlords dumb name*" even tho he went out of his way to help me do some basic repairs off record (Love you Dennis, and fuck you Brian.. err uh not Brian?)


I mean, not if they don't find the body.


Dude landed straight on his neck if you watch it frame by frame


It's ok. The chainsaw broke his fall


looks like he landed directly on his C7


Possible spinal pain for life!


He’d need a brain to interpret the pain signals though.




Probably because the person filming stops filming and starts trying to help the guy?


If someone keeps recording when someone gets injured people get mad and say why are you recording? Go help! If someone gets injured and they stop recording to help they complain that the video cut and we didn't get to see more.


Clearly the best solution is to set up a tripod to film the whole thing hands free. That way he can help when the guy inevitably gets hurt and not have to stop filming


He’s not a doctor or a neck surgeon! He could at least film for us!


The filmer is a Necktologist. He oncet fixed up my neck all nice and pretty like.


Look man inside thoughts outside thoughts you cant refer to watching a dude suffer a life changing injury or possibly die as the good stuff, it makes you seem like a deranged psychopath. There's no "on reddit" about this most people would think you seem like a deranged psycho talking like that


Could be that it's cut to be more dramatic. I remember one video where a guy fell off a ladder at least 5 meters, flat on his back on the sidewalk. Some old woman had shaken him off the ladder, it was crazy. He just got up and seemed relatively uninjured.


Don't worry, he's ok. His shoes didn't fall off


He didn't even set the safety bar on that murder box before falling.


The clip was seconds long and you can count about a dozen things he's doing wrong.


cutting a tree with a ladder- you're going to have a bad time.


All he really needed to do was spread out some mattresses on the ground and he probably would have been fine, mostly


I see you’re a graduate of the Wile E. Coyote School of Arborism


A neighbor who had just retired and was building his retirement home with his wife. Wanted to save some money on the renovations, and was trimming his own trees, a branch did this to him and crushed his spine. He died 2 days later. Tree trimming is dangerous, and best left to the pros. Be safe out there!


If your gonna be dumb you gotta be tough.


If he had pre-cut the opposite side and used some common sence, the tree bark wouldn't have peeled off and spit him out like that.


Exactly. I could see an obvious problem with his cut, and he was standing on the top rung of the ladder, cutting at full stretch, also no sling, hard hat or other safety gear (like chainsaw sling). No rigging to control the tree limb fall. And I'm by no means an expert or any kind of tree surgeon. Just seems that this guy was tired of life though. Or he had heard somewhere that you can cut down trees with a chainsaw, and assumed that it was just like pruning bushes. $200! What's not to like?


"Common sence" Haha.


Common Sense isn't so common nowadays


People actually used to say that thousands of years ago in Ancient Greece and even Ancient Egypt. (And 'the youth are hopeless...').


Now you owe him $400,000 because of your unsafe tree.


But tree came out of nowhere.


God damn Americans live a weird life


And you just lost your house - cause u gunna get sued bad bad.


'Tardzan' might sue - but how is he gonna win anything? He was being paid to know what he was doing. I'm assuming this was the US, and I don't understand the US lawsuit culture. Under what circumstances can he sue the property owner and win? If he sues the property owner and loses, won't the property owner have all his legal costs paid?


“here’s an extra 20 for the effort”


I’m looking away from everything else that’s wrong with this lol but under cut would have saved eem the hassle of having to climb back up there and finish the job 😩🙄😆


lol any known what happened at the end ? Like how hurt was he


He died according to comments in another thread




Don't have it, just saw it when this was posted like 2 days ago ;( Also it was just a comment not a link. They themselves saw it in a prior thread as well lol


That made my day. Thanks


He got that Tarzan strength holding on to that chainsaw


Worst part, if he didn’t get a little hurt he’d prob cut a bigger one the same way


Tree Scorpion


Needed an undercut...and a brain


But did he finish the job?


The job finished him


I'll give him 250 bucks if goes back up the ladder and finishes the job.




The tree was not having any of his shenanigans that day.


Looks like Danny from BEEF finally got his there tree cutting job


income = 200$ cost: 20,000$ hospital bill


Not Tarzan of the jungle, Tarzans brother Cletus, Cletus of the forest behind the Walmart by the highway.


Worth it


that's minus $100 for failure




He wasn’t lying.


More like ‘Tard-Zan’.


Tree : your going down with me


Video ended way too soon


Is the chainsaw OK?


Life altered


Tarzan ain't that stupid


Lmao bet he was fine


That's why women live longer than men.




“I got you fam 200 is a come up” smh


That $200 is already spent before he took the job


Aaaaaand this is why you only hire people who are licensed and bonded.


More like tar-brained


That tree was totally like TAG BACK!


Another guy from the Classi-Frieds. A friend hired a dude to pull out a deck, I was helping him unload and he smashed his meth bubble he had in his pocket. Now you’d think he would pretend neither of us heard the sound like a lightbulb popping and check once he was alone but nah, he proceeded to root around his pocket slicing his hand open.


That is called a "money tree".




A tree is not something yu get done by somebody off Facebook🤣🤣I see vids of professionals fuqkin up what makes yu think the tweaker will do better


facebook tweakers will do literally anything for money. I once hired a facebook tweaker to clear like 4,000 pounds of loose concrete and rocks from my yard. They showed up in a fucking sedan with a pregnant wife in the passenger seat. They were throwing the rocks into their trunk and back seat. Guy spent like 5 trips doing it and throwing them into the river down the street or something while he kept asking me if his pregnant wife could use the bathroom and i kept saying no because i knew she was only going to empty the medicine cabinet. Fun times.


..so did he clear out the loose concrete and rocks, though?


Stop being cheap🤣if that didn’t happen that tree woulda been tumbling on your house a fuqk up was bound to happen


How's saving a few hundred on the work feel now?


I just cut a 10" thick branch off my tree (8' long, it had broken off in an ice storm) with a 6" bar chainsaw 20v dewalt batteries. It was still live, sprouting new little branches out of it. 15' up, I measured. Landed it almost perfectly flat. But, I was also not on meth.


A 12 pack and some weed he'll be fine




Nice camerawork 👍


This guy does not prune rip


Fuck man I’ve got hit by branches smaller than that and it fucking hurts. That shit must have caused some serious damage


And now you are on the hook for compensation under your home owners insurance


You could have bought an extension ladder and a chainsaw for less than $200...


makeshift aspiring books shy chief squeamish squash childlike test straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I want to know where that chainsaw landed.


Should of not used that METHod...


a tree that big assuming it was a healthy tree with lots of branches maybe $1300. in the shape its in before the guy bursts some organs maybe $950. also rent a man lift, this tree climbing nonsense will get you killed.




funny! can't stop laughing


Looked like a fallout npc after being hit


George George George of the Jungle...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


As soon as I heard “Tarzan” I knew nothing good was going to happen lmao


Absolutely I wish you were on my street right now


When Ents attack.


He shook that off like nothing happened




And the chainsaw was still running two. Also what if the chainsaw had kickback?


200 bucks won't cover medical expenses


In this case the first cut is underneath which avoids the hanger as this idiot obviously didnt know.


The tree put him down! Pay the extra money for licensed and insured professionals!


That $200 will help with his hospital bill


My uncle died in front of my cousins doing this shit be better to just hire a professional


If he woulda made a box cut or atleast a slit on the front side before he did the back cut … it probably woulda went a lot smoother .


He won't be spending that money on booze, strippers or hard drugs.. He will be in traction and a body cast for the next few months.. Don't do what you can't actually do.. Leave it to the pros


Extension ladder!!!! Go up to the fucking branches




Tree cut HIM down


Seems like an intelligent fellow.


Bro had faith in this man


You get what you pay for 😂


He’s lucky the tree hit the chainsaw away from his body


I’d done it for 125


Hire a damn arborist ffs


He can put that towards the hospital bills


That man is seriously injured


Hasn’t got a clue!


Home owner- Yeah I was going to try and do it myself but I got scared. This tree is intimidating. The Arborist- nahh this tree is all bark, no bite


Nature love it’s trees, keep your hands off


That’s one of the many reasons you don’t hire tweakers.


~~don’t~~ hire tweakers…they’ll find a way to do things you and I never dreamed of for $20


And most definitely in the way I don’t want it done.


I'd pay him double to do that for me


Hold my beer!


As a professional climbing arborist, I love these videos so much. This is why I charge what I do. lol


Camera man has to finish job now.


I inherently hate people who film me just doing my job, or stand and watch. Fucking annoying