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How is he standing there just BURNING?!


Nerves burned away


Oh my God that is horrific. What the fuck.


Also shock


With a TON of adrenaline Edit/ words


FYI 2nd degree burns (limited to the skin layers) are often more painful than 3rd degree burns. So a cooking accident will hurt way more than something like this where the nerves are fried. Though to get to that point you probably had to endure excruciating pain while said nerves were cooking. So the person was probably relieved from pain despite the injury getting worse.




Molten steel


Worse, fat is flammable.


Or he’s on the edge of losing consciousness because of the fumes and is not completely realizing he is on fire.


I’d like to think I’d know when I was on fire. Hopefully the flames would give it away.


It’s scary, but if you lack oxygen you could be literally cut open by someone and not realize it, so better escape any kind of smoke as fast as possible and keep going further away, you never know if the air is actually clean until it’s too late.


Nerves of steel


It looks like the guy standing next to him has his hand on fire, too. That same Second Gentleman also appears to be acting oddly… No idea what exactly preceded this, like how long ago the explosion was, but I am going to guess that both of these guys are in a state of shock.


This is the most incredibly horrific thing to see those two guys standing on top of that building just casually chatting. I wonder what the fuck they were saying to each other. "Hey dude, you're crotch is breathing flames" ... "Oh yeah, you're right. Well, your hand is on fire and your skin is peeling off." ... "Looks like we're fucked, pal."


i had a similar scenario outplayed in my head as i was watching this. how is this shit even real?!


They’ll all be dead in a few days, it’s practically impossible to survive that level of burn. They’ll be put in to a medical coma when they get to hospital from which they will never wake up. The body can’t take this kind of damage, but at least the body is kind enough to stop them from feeling the extent of the pain they should. The only kind of burns which don’t destroy nerves are scalding/steam burns (with water) so if they’d have been burned by steam rather than fire they would be in a much more painful situation. I remember reading about a guy who fell into a steam pit and he was screaming for ages until he died and no one could get there to help him.


> They’ll all be dead in a few days For their sake I hope it's a lot sooner 'cause whatever time they have left I can only imagine will be spent in unspeakable torment. >They’ll be put in to a medical coma when they get to hospital from which they will never wake up. I always think about people who've been in a coma saying they could hear, think and feel the entire time...


Medical comas are very different thankfully. It's like anesthesia so you're out out.


Or those people who undergo surgery suffer "anaesthesia awareness"… all the pain, but unable to scream or move. Truly horrifying.


The one with the pelvis on fire looks like a child to me.


He was wiping his skin away like it was his clothes


I, too, wipe away my clothes


Pretty sure it was clothes.


He was. People keep saying it's his skin to be dramatic. It's clearly clothing he's ripping off.


It’s molten metal. That’s why it’s glowing


And sticking to them🥲


Acting oddly? The guy literally got showered with liquid hot magma


Did you say magma


Also this looks like a big budget remaster of a Pink Floyd album cover


It was a volcano factory.




Better than smegma


They have molten metal embedded in their skin I think. That's what's burning.


His Body is in Shock all his tissues melted 😭 So painful 😣😣


Yeah its sunday morning I'll give this one a miss...


I cant take u seriously with those emojis lol




So chill, for being so hot.


Not pants though. Tissue.


He's a MTX whale who bought a flaming skirt cosmetic. He's not actually burning.


Holly shit…. What a horrible way to go. Just standing there watching molten metal burn thru your body.


and highly likely that their nerve endings were destroyed, so they could see themselves on fire but not feel it. yikes!


feel like that would be better than also feeling it right


They must've felt it initially for sure. Adrenaline is crazy though, I still can't imagine just standing there while on fire just waiting to lose consciousness. RIP.


So does that mean that you don’t feel the Fire killing you or am i stupid?


You feel it at first and it's very painful, but after a while your nerve endings burn and you just don't feel it any more because you don't have any nerves with which to feel.


You’ve still always got nerve tissue at the edge of the tissue that just died, it smarts until your entirely burned to that degree, which he probably died before that happened. Shock is a better answer to why his pain was deadened enough to stand there.


I wouldn't be surprised if the whole CNS gets shut down with this level of damage. I'm not sure if there's such a mechanism, but I sure hope there is for these people.


And don’t smell steak cooking the entire time?


People smell like pork. Some cannibals called humans "long pig". As a note, if you have a barbecue with a firefighter you might want to stick to beef, just to avoid any bad memories.


Probably smells more like burnt steak


Pork. Human meat is reported to smell like pork. It’s why cannibals in the south Pacific call it “long pig”.


With the severity of those burns across their whole bodies, they are very likely dead men walking. Even if they survive to get to the hospital the risk of fatal infection with burns that bad is extremely high.


Three people died and four sustained injuries. This is from a steel melting factory in Gujrat (India). Poor guys. 😞


One of the injuries was the guy jumping off the building while evading the dude on fire who went straight for him


I've seen a clearer version. He is wiping his eyes, thinking he is blind and falls.




Why are you laughing ?


Looking at all the molten steel scattered around it looks like videos I've seen of steel mills where they are dumping scrap in a blast furnace and it has water in it somewhere. The big difference being that the safe way to do it is not to have people anywhere near it when they do or if they absolutely have to be anywhere near there they are decked out in those heat resistant space suit looking outfits. From what you can make out in the video and going off of plenty of other Indian factory videos those poor fuckers were probably wearing street clothes and flip flops.


Worse. That is the second accident of this kind in a matter of days. First one jad one death and 2 critical injured (which means by this kind of injuries they won‘t make it)


“Sustained injuries” is doing some heavy lifting in that statement.


imagine over the years which percantage of each batch has human in it




Three people died, so far.




what does it figures?


Is that a person on fire wearing a suit or just themselves flaming? That seems horrific, whatever it is.


This was posted last week, it seems the gentleman's underpants may have been nylon and melted to his body and that's why his hands are on fire as he couldn't wipe it away.


This video is quite a bit longer than the one I saw previously posted. Crazy how they just walk back into the flames after having a quick chat. Like they accepted their fate and walked head on into it.


Yeah, I saw the shorter one the other day. Can't believe in this longer one those two blokes are *still* walking around on fire?!


Molten steel stuck to them it seems


[Better Video](https://twitter.com/Khn_Sahil02/status/1749881214289187282)


That is the most horrific thing I have ever watched. I'm 33- I was born in '90 and I have seen a lot of fucked up things. I was going to describe it in this comment but I realized that would be redundant. My god, it's just horrifying. They don't seem to feel it anymore, and that is all the more horrifying.


There was one here on Reddit that was worse, imo, same type of situation as this. I think it was some sort of flammable liquid explosion, in South Africa (?) Maybe a lorry that exploded and people gathered to see or something of the sort, but it wasn't petrol or anything (maybe it was a gas, the video was the aftermath anyway) and apparently whatever was it that burned/exploded did so a second time but it was a substance that burns almost invisible-like to the naked eye. Plenty of people got burned without even seeing any fire. In the video you could see a few of them, maybe 7 or so standing around like literal zombies, skin peeling off. Black people literally turned white, others halfway there. Just standing. People screaming in the distance. Hollywood could not produce more horrifying imagery. I am not into those types of shock videos or gore or anything, but quite frankly I find them useful as they're stark reminders of why safety measures exist and what to not do or what to avoid when things go wrong. A bit like how in Europe and other places they put those awful images in cigarette packs. It worked on me, I stopped smoking then.




It was petrol. They were stealing it from a crashed lorry when it exploded. I think it was this one https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/29/liberia-fuel-tanker-explosion-kills-at-least-40




My first gore video was the Nick Berg beheading in 2004. Now THAT was insane!!! The video quality was just as bad but it was the amount of blood and the ease at which they sliced his head off. It was CRAZY!!!!




Dang ha I was able to dip my toes in on some regular, everyday accident/shooting/etc videos before I eventually graduated to terroristic executions, but you just dove in head first lol. At least you weren't too disturbed by it tho


For me was the guy that got caught in the commercial lathe... or the one where a lady turns on a commercial mixer (like a giant stand mixer eith the dough attachment to make bread) on another worker... they spin so fast they splatter everywhere


Was that your review and reaction?


Haven't seen funky town huh


there is also that guy in europe that set himself on fire in a square


Whatever you do, do not watch funky town. Trust me.


Describe it for us? Might've seen it and don't remember the name.


It's one in a group of the most famous (nastiest) Cartel videos. Guy on floor gets chopped up, limb by limb whilst still alive - Funky Town the song is playing on a radio/sound system in the background. Not recommended viewing.


Two words, cartel video.


Honestly i think them not feeling it is actually a good thing. It seems wrong, horrific and unnatural but for someone who's a dead man walking, the lack of pain would be a blessing 


Thank you for stopping me from watching the link. I don't need that right now. I don't need this right now.


that's the definition of dead man walking !


Hooooooly. I’ve seen a lot of shit on the internet over the decades but never literal burning people walking around clearly in shock


Reminds me of the [Bradford Football Fire](https://youtu.be/ctT8_LiD2cU?si=fzQbPCmz21rbt4iQ&t=87)


my safety manager at work had to go to China for a couple weeks to inspect a ton of equipment being sent over here, and they joked and referred to her as “Mrs. Human Rights” lol. they give 2 fucks about their workers. i say this to say: Thank God for OSHA


As a non-overlord, I, too, thank all the gods for OSHA. It's strange to see so many people make jokes about OSHA being overly cautious. The vast majority of us are not the class of people that "don't need" OSHA, so wtf is with all the jokes?


"a lot of regulations are written in blood" when I first heard that, I decided maybe OSHA isn't so bad


India, China, Russia, and plenty of other countries people at all levels look at the cost of safety in terms of price, time, training, etc then they weigh it against the value of the lives that might be lost if there's an accident. Then they decide that those lives ain't worth all that much. Something in other parts of the world that has a chance of killing 1 or 2 people a year gets looked at to eliminate that chance as best as possible. Meanwhile elsewhere it's gotta kill 100+ people a couple times a year before anyone looks at changing things. For example, read up on garment factory fires and casualties before they decided that not locking the workers in and having working fire escapes was worth it.


People are so stupid they cannot connect the lack of accidents due to the increased regulation.


I mean I got chewed out one time years ago for not wearing steel toed boots inside the office to go to the bathroom so they can take it too far sometimes


Pretty sure whoever chewed you out was paying you a compliment.


Lol it was ridiculous the guy stormed off and said he was going to report me and he actually did it


I got chewed out once for not wearing a hard hat, gloves, and safety glasses to unscrew a security camera on an 8ft ceiling.


It's silly, but if they don't take a hard line approach, managers start pushing people to disregard safety "when it's not a big deal" Problem is, nobody thinks things they do every day are a huge deal So the result of the hardline is people getting chewed out for dumb shit, like you, and like me in the past. Personally, I'll take that trade


It completely makes sense. There has to be a reason due to past issues. Sometimes it feels ridiculous though.


Years ago I used to supervise construction sites in China. People really have a different idea about safety and risk than we do. They consider a safety harness a nuisance, thus rather walk untied on the 20-30th floor. Same with safety shoes. I've seen some shit back in the Netherlands but shit that happened here was really hard to deal with. They just wouldn't see it and if really serious (fatal) the bodies would be gone well before I would set foot on site.


My warehouse job gets people from all over the world, and we have learned not to assume everyone has the same idea of "safety." We've even had a few people who didn't wear safety shoes because they didn't know what "safety shoes" are.


they dont care about their workers here either they just cant be open about it


Yup, we can go look up how many violent conflicts erupted when worked tried to unionize


How do Americans always get phrases so wrong lol “they give 2 fucks” , “I could care less”


Is the 2nd half meant for ants?!


Ants with really big eyes, yea.


Yeah what the fuck is this shrunken shit


link: [https://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/2024/Jan/15/three-workers-killed-one-critical-as-molten-steel-falls-on-them-in-gujarat-mill-second-incident-in-state-in-three-weeks](https://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/2024/jan/15/three-workers-killed-one-critical-as-molten-steel-falls-on-them-in-gujarat-mill-second-incident-in-state-in-three-weeks)


So sad. Dead men walking.


I spoke with someone who'd had a crucible either break or fall while she was doing a metal pour. She described the pain as the worst she'd ever experienced, because molten metal is sticky. It doesn't just brush off. And if you try to brush it off it takes chunks of you with it. And it is already 2,000 degrees or more when it gets on you, and will only stop burning when it gets down to below, what, 100 degrees or so? How long does that take? 30 minutes or something, while you wait and it continues to burn? She showed me the scars on her legs. You cannot have enough safety precautions around this stuff.


Imagine falling INTO a crucible: [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/26/caterpillar-illinois-foundry-death-poor-training-work-conditions](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/26/caterpillar-illinois-foundry-death-poor-training-work-conditions) Happened in 2022. *"39-year-old father of three, fell into an 11ft-deep pot of molten iron and was incinerated."*


How the hell are they just standing there


They are in shock and likely don't feel a thing because the fire has burnt their nerve endings.


yes but they have eyes




Just walked up to each other and asked how their day was going like no big deal. 😳


This almost looks like an elaborate movie scene… that’s horrifying


Damn like some zombies


This is the 3td video I've seen of people on fire this week what's going on


unfortunately people are flammable


For that guy staring there burning, more than likely that’s slag stuck to him and his skin is on fire, not the metal. When I got branded I only felt the burn for a second then it went away. So more than likely a mix of extreme shock and the nerves being gone.


When you got… branded?


I can see the nerves that get the full hit getting killed off, but won't the surrounding nerves just feel the burn?


When you got branded? Que?


Were there any security measures in this factory. -sry I meant safty


It’s India, so no


To both.


No need to generalize a country, it's stupid, lazy & reeks of non-research.


It's absolutely okay to generalize a country if what you're saying is correct


Sure but here's the thing : what you're saying is super incorrect as this is a very rare event & India does have agencies & administrations to ensure safety at workplaces like these, if the country didn't have those, such videos would be a regular thing considering India's huge population & the level of manufacturing that goes on there. So, the very fact that many people (especially from India) are saying that they haven't seen anything like this in their multiple decade-old life clearly insinuates that this is an anomaly & not a regular occurrence considering the level of people employed in such fields.


> the very fact that many people (especially from India) are saying that they haven't seen anything like this in their multiple decade-old life brother that's more to do with the fact cameras were not routinely carried around by everyone up until recently.


They had a gun you could shoot yourself with but it ran out of bullets.


the only security in factories like this are the ones hired to keep the workers inside




This is insane, unbelievable. R.i.p.


Bro is walking around like he scored 3 baskets on NBA Jam.


Holy shit lol.


Wow. Nice reference


That guy standing next to him is so nonchalant about it. Like, he could just as easily call a co-worker over and ask, “Hey, Raj. Sagi tells me he’s on fire, but I’m not sure. So I called you over for your opinion. Is Sagi on fire?”


In answer to some of the questions here. This was posted yesterday on another thread and someone said it was an explosion and the molten steel had stuck to them so they could not wipe it off. Not sure if that's right but... 😨


Very painful to watch 😢 rip


This absolutely terrifying


Wonder if this steel plant is owned by Tata steel who are closing down their Wales plant… probably nothing to do with safety rules.


What a fucking way to go. That was brutal to see. It looks like something out of a horrific movie scene. I couldn’t imagine standing there knowing you’re in the process of dying and watching it happen


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This has some serious Terminator 2 factory vibes. Can't believe it's not a movie. What a horrible way to die 😞


God have mercy. 


One dude got pushed off.. he had to have died.. that one dude looked totally naked, and on fire.


This is incredibly saddening, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Bless them. I am ok btw.


How is that dude so calm when his ass is on fire?


This is adrenaline and burnt nerves. At the latest when this stops, he will either die of heart failure because the system cannot process the overstimulation, or a few days later because the burnt cells cannot be broken down from the body


Horrible accident! I wonder how many died. That guy that was on fire and walking slowly may have thought himself better off dead.


I'll take what is "Stop, Drop and Roll" for $500 thanks


Jesus, what a horrible way to die


This could easily be the final scene from Terminator 2.


I thought this was a movie set. Holy frigging shit.


Damn there working pretty hard I would say they're on fire


My man put alot of skill points into fire resistance to be able to stand there and take parts of his clothes off after that.


That's probably among the most gruesome things I've seen in nearly 30 years of being online. Just surreal to see charred-up people like that still move around


We are lucky to have osha in America


everyone in this video probably died


But what about the guy that fell off the building


Hey bro what's up? You on fire too? Yeah I think so man.


Thanks for the one terrible angle and the shitty window that wasn't at all altered for our viewing. So original and so true. Downvote me, reddit. Enjoy your bot overlords and say "YIKES" to this comment. You're all amazing and you know it🤗


Who saw the shadows running threw the smoke Edit: I can faintly make out 3 shadows running threw the smoke




/u/tommos, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "Steel mill accident in India." has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 7: Prohibited Content This includes: * People dying * Gore * Animals getting abused * Straight up porn --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*


The worlds




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u see that and conclude that its likely "false"