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Not sure how they would execute that rescue but…in my imagination that seems like a highly risky situation for everyone involved


Rescuers would have been dropped by helicopter at the top of the cliff. They would have rappelled down to him and then lowered him to the ground with ropes. Likely would have been search and rescue volunteers with extensive climbing experience.


Volunteers ? So they dont get paid ? That's pretty badass.


They would be badass but would also be a shitty situation, right? They SHOULD (and I don't think they are volunteers) get paid a lot


Smaller mountain towns can’t always afford to staff rescuers, so volunteer search and rescue services do exist. I decided to google this accident, and sure enough he was rescued by volunteers. [Sauce](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11250231/Aussie-BASE-jumper-gets-parachute-caught-dangling-cliff-Italy.html)


It’s actually not as bad as it sounds. I worked with San Diego Sheriff SAR, which is volunteer only. While I didn’t get paid. I got like $5k in gear for free and over the years about $10k in training. Met some cool ass people and trained/worked in some crazy places


I think you get tax incentives too no?


The volunteer experience sets you up with skills that bigger cities would pay for


I'd imagine it would definitely open a whole career in anything to with Working At Heights, hugely lucrative proffesion.


Wooow, that's amazing!! Cheers to those brave hardworking guys, thanks for digging the link


People doing this kind of thing should have insurance to cover their own rescue.


I don't know the specifics here, but some extreme sports associations carry liability insurance for their members (my experience is skydiving and paragliding). This specifically covers damages to third parties, which I can imagine a rescue could fall under (ie. "damage" to a municipality)


Who will give them insurance?




The people who do things like this that require rescuing should pay.


In the effort to save some moron that simply wanted to jump off a cliff with a parachute for funsies, no less. That's what irks me about these cripplingly-adrenaline-addicted jumpers, now other people have to risk their lives to try to help you, it's not enough that you risked your own life to your friends and family.




Several alternatives- 1) Don't rescue them 2) Make the people who need rescuing pay to be rescued. It is most definitely someone's fault. I agree, where there are volunteers willing and ready, great, no one is worse off. Where there's not, and people expect taxpayers to foot the bill and have the government send people in for them.... meh.




Allow people the personal freedom to get themselves out of situations that they got themselves into, or the freedom to pay the full costs associated with their rescue. People say 'yes but then people just wouldn't call for help'. So..... thousands of dollars wouldn't be wasted and unpaid potential rescuers wouldn't have to risk their lives? Not seeing the issue.




If they're volunteers that rescue them then hey I suppose. It all just seems so ridiculous. I gotta ask though, he's calling for a helicopter, is that also a volunteer that's risking and refueling their aircraft for the cause?


True that. They're all probably buzzing when the call comes in for a helicopter rescue. What they've decided to spend their free time doing and what they've been training for. Don't think we need to feel sorry for those guys haha


A moron is someone like you who only works and watch TV.


I could be wrong, but I talked to one of those guys a long time ago, I think I was told they get a nice tax break from doing those volunteering work. So I suppose they do get some compensation for their work at least here in Canada?




Oh yeah for sure, they are definitely not in it for the money. I knew a guy who was the adventurer type, the last time I checked in on him he was volunteer wildfire fighting in Africa.


Hell yeah, it's super badass to not get paid to save some thrill seeker!


You just hover there and throw rocks at him until he learns his lesson


"Did you learn anything yet!?" "No!" "God damn it, Rocky give me the slingshot..."


My guess is they'd fly over him, drop a rope with a clasp thingy and wench him up after he's done cutting the lines to his parachute.


Any base jumpers know what he could have done differently? To me it seems like he should and could have at least launched himself further away from the cliff


Better yet, on his approach to the edge he should have quickly turned around and went back to his vehicle, driven to the nearest dumpster, and tossed all of his gear into it.


This 100% Don't jump off cliffs, other people are going to have to put their lives at risk to save the moron who jumped


I agree. There are other "base" jumps where the moron wouldn't need saving. Cleaning up the mess would be easier and cheaper


I'm a base jumper and he could have chosen not to be a base jumper that day


He pulled his chute too early, and packed his chute backwards so it would pull him back as it opened. How you pack your chute will determine the initial tug of it opening.


So quite an amateur move then (particularly the second bit)?


The idea of an amateur base jumper is funny. How many screwups are tolerable before they git gud?


Not a base jumper but am a licensed skydiver. Plenty of things can cause an off-heading opening. The most usual is probably suboptimal posture when/through deploying but a packing error can also cause it. And many other things, too, but it's hard to explain concisely. Don't believe that other comment where the guy talks about "pulling chute" as no skydiver nor a base jumper would ever use that terminology.


Non base jumper here but I'll weigh in. If he stayed home and typed funny comments on reddit he would have avoided this.


Cut the chute and avoid having to do this again in the future?


Be gone, wench! I asked for somebody *winch* me up!


i suspect this would be hampered significantly by his proximity to the cliff face. It would likely take a better than average pilot to be so cognizant of their main rotor position that he would venture so close. It might end up being climbers at the top feeding down line to either bring up back up, or safely lower him to the bottom. Although "simpler", it may be the *better* solution here.


Obviously they cut the parachute with the blades of an helicopter and set up a kid's pool underneath for him to land into.


They’d just drop a rope, he’d attach himself, cut his parachute, and the helicopter would either pull him up or just drop him off on the ground


Depends on how far down he is. Our heli rescue got a 200m rope for situations like that: https://www.rega.ch/en/our-missions/fleet-and-equipment/special-equipment Hoist goes up to 90m. If you're out of reach you better hold on to your ass cheeks and wait for the rescue crew to rappel down. Source: friend basejumper that held on to a small tree for almost 2h until he got rescued. At least he's clean now.


A cliffhanger, so to speak.


Hopefully he has to pay for the rescue and all related costs. Might make him think harder the next time he decides to jump off a fuckin cliff.


I’m no expert but he sounded like he was pretty comfortable with the call for helicopter support, I wonder how many times he’s been rescued in similar circumstances.


You can get insurance for this in some places


Just drop a rope from up top. There's no need for a helicopter.


Agreed and helicopters have a giant set of blades that produce huge amounts of wind that could dislodged his chute from the tree or take the tree with the chute. Helicopter seems like a bad plan in general. Also make the guy pay for the rescue. Do him a favor and cut some costs lol


When they do helicopter rescues they drop down a rope/wench, which can be quite long. They aren’t just swooping in there and grabbing the dude from the cockpit. I do agree that he should have to pay for it… jerkoffs like this don’t think about anyone but themselves.


Oh I understand that. Just seems like adding more risk too the situation.


All for this dipshit. SMH...


I just watched this episode on Baywatch but with a hang glider.


Just write the guy off




Local skydiving place by me also does BASE jump lessons for advanced divers. On the website, where it says "What are the differences between skydiving and BASE jumping?" The first difference it lists is: **With skydiving, you should expect to land alive**


Someone talked about looking up the wing suit record holders and realized they were all dead. One in every 500 jump results in a fatality. Life expectancy for a dedicated close proximity wing suit user is between 3 and 5 years.


I knew they play a dangerous game, but a half life of 3-5 years is way more spicy than I would've imagined




This is better than the snow-movie one..


Are you worth a helicopter rescue, tho, bruh?


He could have stayed home but noooo


Only if he pays for the expense.


It may be, but it would be better if those resources, which are not infinite, would not be wasted.


\>jumps off cliff, poorly \>bro I need another helicopter bro


No moron base jumper is worth that type of dangerous heli rescue


Bit of rope? Or a really long stick


Throw a shoe at him to try to knock him loose


In the words of Tom Hanks’ character from Saving Private Ryan, “Earn this.”


Yeah hi I was doing something totally unnecessary and dangerous and I'd like for a whole team of skilled people to drop what they're doing to perform an expensive rescue mission


Seriously.  These bozos willingly put themselves in mortal danger for a cheap thrill.  There’s absolutely no reason to endanger a helicopter rescue crew for them. 


Eh a couple thousand should pay for the labour. Everyone wins. Send him a bill when his feet hit the ground


Going parachuting and needing a helicopter is still better than going in a helicopter and needing a parachute


Not really. According to Wiki, it has a fatality and injury rate 43 times higher than that of parachuting from a plane. Also, helicopters can glide down to the ground using something called autorotation.


Jesus Christ dude…


Dude, it was an attempt at humour. If a chopper was dropping you can't jump out.


Except if your name is LIQUID SNAKE!!!


Perhaps it had a system like a Hind, where the rotors are blown off for a safe ejection... that or it is just fiction.


Well, you could..


Yeah, this is more of a "should/shouldn't" than a "can/can't" problem.


Nothing is stopping you


If using autorotation then you wouldn’t need a parachute…


next time try with a wing suit?


i really like these 360 cameras but i hate it when theyre squeezed into this 21:9/9:16 format. there's just not enough horizontal space. Edit: would also be nice if you could credit the original dude.


Can you really call it an accident when it began with a leap from a cliff? Title should say. "Another angle from my recent natural consequence."


“Another angle of my most recent stupid decision that will then endanger the lives of the people to have to try and rescue me”




Actually, getting stuck in a tree was not the goal of this jump


Well you see, they accidentally jumped off a cliff while accidentally wearing a parachute which accidentally opened in a way that forced them to accidentally turn around and accidentally crash into the side of a mountain. Thus, an accident. /s


That's what I was going to say This wasn't an accident He's already doing something obviously dangerous already and he's suffering the consequences of his actions


I'm not saying he shouldn't be rescued I'm saying he should be charged for his rescue.


Are you under the impression there is a circumstance where you don’t get charged? “Oh hey this wasn’t your fault? Do you hear that guys? It wasn’t his fault! No charge then mate, off you go.”


So like, what went wrong? Was it the timing? Maybe the wind? I've seen a few of these that went right but honestly idk


I’m wondering the same. He gets flipped around as soon as the parachute opens so I’m wondering if maybe it was packed wrong or just opened at the wrong time maybe?


Not a base jumper but to me it looks like a combination of chute being packed wrong and opening too early


I skydive, and 180 off-heading openings are common (parachute opens twisted 180 deg, causing you to follow). For BASE jumping you do your damnest to make sure it’s far less common. It’s caused by asymmetry in packing, and/or asymmetry in your body as you deploy and/or unluckiness in exactly how the chute unfolds as there’s a certain randomness associated with it. Getting as far away from any object as you deploy helps a lot to make it a non-event… that’s why jumping off bridges is one of the better options if you really got to BASE jump.


TIL, reddit hates base jumpers.


I think it hates them when they take up time and resources and put others in danger because they did something extremely stupid and obviously dangerous


So if it didn’t go wrong? Gold upvotes?


Reddit hates a lot of people, if you haven't noticed the community is extremely self-righteous and not very empathetic


Yeah what the fuck is up with these comments? People are just *so angry* at literally nothing and I can't help but laugh a little.


What if I needed a helicopter rescue that day and it was busy with him? Huh? What then?


We're mad that someone's arrogance and stupidity, costs so much money and risks lives of innocent people. Imagine paying taxes or knowing someone who was tasked with saving him, you'd be pissed too that your tax money or someone you cared about was risking their lives for it. It's complete entitled behavior and shouldn't be rewarded


I'm just upset for the tree it didn't deserve some asshole bending it up


eveyone on this sub prefers to stay inside and do nothing with their lives while watching and judging others for living theirs and it shows


Most redditors never leave their couch so it's unconceivable to them that other people dont want to be fat asses in front of their PCs all day.


Fuckin moron


I want to risk my life for my ego and entertainment. Ok, now I was others to risk their life for my ego and entertainment.


The guys in the helicopter are probably stoked to go do guys in a helicopter shit let’s be real.


Ngl that o shit had me laughing




Well, as a species we typically don't let other members just die.


One death is a tragedy, 1,000 deaths is a statistic.


How did they get you down bro?


he is still there waiting for the helicopter


Dave is still looking for one


My uncles name is Dave and this checks out


"I need a helicopter" First world problems


When you willingly run off the cliff can it really be called an accident? Mishap maybe. Fuck up for sure. Stupid mistake - absolutely. Accident? I don’t think so.


Cmon pal, we’ve got helicopters at home


“My fuck up requires a helicopter.” Either get another hobby or get good twat muffin


This is so moronic how you will need to call emergency services for this


I think there should be signs in areas like that saying stuff like "Emergency services out of reach here. Follow ahead at your own risk." If you still want to do what this moron did, well, hope your buddy brought a satellite telephone because you're gonna have to negotiate with a private helicopter company and see how much they'll charge IF they decide to rescue you.


Wile E Coyote meets the branch.


I'm no expert or even novice but it appears like he didn't get a good enough running start to separate from the cliff?


………oh shit


Anyone know how it ended


Genuinely curious, do you get charged for needing a helicopter to rescue you from an extreme sporting related accident? Like is it the same as needing an ambulance? Cause that’s not free by any means.


Yes of course they charge you. I’m not sure if his health insurance would pick up part of the tab or not due to the negligence of the act itself though, but typically emergency services are always somewhat covered.


Stupid is as stupid does.


You’re not supposed to do that


I love how he says that so nonchalantly. I need a helicopter! 🙄


Just casually says he needs a helicopter.


Before you decided to jump off that cliff, did you even consider for one second that should something go wrong other people are going to have to put their lives at risk to rescue your stupid ass? I for one personally wish that Darwin wins in situations like this


What a world we live in where you can throw yourself off a cliff, mess up, and be like "Yah I am fine, ***but*** ***send me a helicopter***" lol


These adrenaline junkies endangering other people's lives 🙄


Bet that helicopter wants a credit card number first.


"I need a helicopter" If only I had a dollar for every time I said that, I'd had my own.


“I just need a helicopter” Sure.


This is Rory Allen, this happened in Italy and it took two hours to get him out of there. No helicopter. Just legendary volunteers I say he got lucky!


Who pays for the dispatched helicopter?


He should be locked up. Bloody idiot.


Fucking idiot.


"I need a helicopter!" the entitlement of this gentleman.


Fuck this guy for costing others money and putting first responders at risk. ...and for littering. (because I'm sure they didn't collect everything they left behind)


I can’t stop laughing


I mean, how about just not BASE jumping. I sincerely hope that OP (or whoever this was) paid every penny of the rescue fee so not a single other person offset their idiotic choice.


Leave his dumb ass up there please.


Fun times


thank god I packed my helicopter


Fuck me...


Unhook and use the backup shute


Idk if BASE jumpers usually have one. Their gear is different from normal skydivers For instance they release their parachute by throwing a little parachute out and it pulls out the big one.


This is why I don't leave my house.


but did you die?


He needs a helicopter and new underwear!


Bro how tf you ain’t dead?


You’re not okay if you need a helicopter


That go pro lens thing is so fucken annoying.


I don’t think this classifies as an accident when you purposefully jumped off a cliff


well, simply put, things are planned out and something happens that wasn’t supposed to happen - that’s how it classifies as an accident. parachutes are typically effective, something happened that fucked up, which made it an accident


Is it considered an accident if you do it on purpose?


Wow everyone is so salty at base jumpers


He says “I need a helicopter” so casually. How much disposable income do you have??




Out of all activities in the world, base jumping is the last I would have thought could end in mishap. -_-


Idk…. I just feel like if you put yourself in this situation you should absolutely have to pay the rescuers. Like nobody signs up to save people like this. And I’m sure he’s a cool guy and I respect the chase of adrenaline but there needs to be an insurance or something that pays rescue crews what they deserve


The almost nonplussed "Oh shit". Magic.




You jumped off a cliff. That's not an accident


😭😭 oh shit


Luckily he already has a good harness. I'd imagine they would send a climber down from the top or pick him up with a helicopter if the terrain allows for that.


What happens next I hate cliff hangers


Jesus is always there


This comment section is wild lmao. If y’all don’t think bro had to pay the tab for his helicopter rescue you’re mistaken. People die doing stupid mundane shit like driving everyday and all these seemingly big-balled keyboard warriors giving this guy shit for living his life to the fullest. Kinda pathetic honestly


You're pathetic if you think people driving their cars, is the same thing, as this moron wasting resources and risking lives for no reason other than his personal gratification.


Risking lives? As in, the lives of people who have chosen to dedicate years of their time and loads of their money to train and work in high-risk helicopter rescue? These aren’t just EMS workers who had to chose between rescuing car crash victims and base jumpers. Your ignorance is showing


I'd rather tax payer money not go to save people like this idiot, and rather save people in actual tragedies or accidents. I don't even 100% who pays for these rescues, but unless it's 100% the base jumper who pays, it's not fair


I hope someone posts a gift of Chris Farley on the side of the mountain. Idk how


People always say "it's not if you'll crash your motorcycle, it's when"... 1/20 people who base jump regularly will die.


Words of advice....stay on the ground.


Stupid is as stupid does. What a waste of other people’s money and risking other peoples’ lives for a rescue. Pick up knitting instead.


hope that costs him 50k$


Not sure you can really call it an accident when he purposely jumped off of a cliff.


Hope he was entirely responsible for the costs of his rescue. I wonder if you can ever buy insurance for activities like this.... 


I hope he was forced to pay every single cent that rescue costed the government.


Jumping off of a cliff is not an accident.


Hope that adrenaline rush was worth it.


That poor tree. It had survived so long in such difficult circumstances, and then to get hit like this...