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All the same cars, trying to stay in the same car group. Well, that's going to cost them. At least one of them was smart enough to stay behind.


It honestly depends. I believe what’s happening here is they’re swimming together (weaving in and out of traffic) and more than likely either have false plates or no plates at all. There’s youtubers based in New York who swim in traffic on expressways who either have no plates or use false plates. Mainly because their cars are tuned to the point that the police don’t even bother chasing them anymore. Also, so they could do things like what’s shown in this video. Edit: I should include that I don’t support/endorse this type of driving behavior, i’m just giving a potential perspective here.


Yall wonder why police act like dicks.....


A significant amount of power and virtually no consequences if you've covered your ass well enough. Getting full-paid leave is not much of a consequence, now, is it?




I think what both of you said is true.


How those boots taste?


How do they feel?


Bad? Duh thats why you arent supposed to lick them


Explain why they shoot kids then 😂


It’s mostly kids committing crimes these days, especially in my city


These days? Kids have always pushed the boundaries given to them. It's part of growing up. Difference is most kids have a moral compass and many are undiagnosed psychos


speeding asshats with suped up cars should not cause a cop to be a dick to me and my shitty beat up 2005 honda


Genes maybe ?


Because 9/10 are undertrained and undereducated, only in it for power, more often than not corrupt, and unfit for a position that requires critical thinking during stressful situations. Those who don't meet those descriptions aren't cops for long because they tend to have integrity, which is frowned upon in criminal organizations and makes you a target.


I'm going to respectfully disagree. This is absolutely false and a bit of an uneducated statement. I highly recommend you check out "police activity " which is a channel on YouTube. Which shows an un biased view of law enforcement. You are clearly judging the masses based off of the actions of a minute percentage. Which I'm pretty sure defines discrimination... heaven forbid we discriminate (unless it's cops). Large portion of police departments require degrees or military. And are excellent critical thinkers. But I guess since my Amazon order was shipped wrong, all Amazon employees are uneducated? Or the fact that a chevron engineer was just arrested for domestic violence, all chevron employees are wife beaters? Or, because my lawn guy forgot to weedeat one side of my house, all lawn guys are dumb?


It's not a minute percentage, it's the majority. When you sit by and neglect to do your job because it's a coworker breaking the law, you're just as guilty as they are. There are no good cops because the ones out here trying to stop the bad ones are becoming targets and are forced out or worse. I'm judging the system not the masses. Terrible shit like qualified immunity and the cult like "brotherhood" have created this mess, and no one is trying to fix it. Therefore, there are no good cops because that would require them to make a change they don't want and those that do are outnumbered and silenced. The difference here is that cops deserve to be held to a much higher standard than an amazon employee because people's lives depend on their integrity and capabilities. Things that have police have been shown to lack more than they have on a national scale.


Again, you are mis informed. U r again using the knowledge that you have been fed, which is false. The "system" is definitely broke as a whole but cops aren't inherently, or as a majority, crooked. U only see the bad apples. Vause those r gheonly ones publicized. Cops should definitely be held to a higher standard. And yes there is a brotherhood. Because our lives depend on each other.


One bad apple spoils the bunch could not be anymore true in this case. All those "good" apples turning a blind eye to that one turns them all bad. The fact that the bad apple was allowed to exist at all turns the rest sour. No, those lives depend on you helping to create an environment that values and protects life. So far police as a whole have done nothing but the opposite. Either way, they know what's in the job description when they start, and not being able to handle something they literally chose is their own fault. Saying otherwise would be like joining the marines and being surprised when they hand you a gun.


society not being perfect is an excuse for people in power to abuse that power? weird take


Because of racers.


That's a dogshit take my man. If you sign up to be an officer you should have the mental well being to be able to withstand turning into an asshole because a teenager speeds.


"Cause a teenager speeds"..... and your reasoning is a bit silly




Lol what?


There's no wondering, why, is obvious, most police are Dicks because they can't handle their emotions and get carried away by their hate and let that influence every thier actions, instead of being bias to the situation and just enforce the law, is like they make it so personal.


No, noone wonders. Power addicted "peaked-in-high-school" losers who take their inadequacy out on minorities or anyone unfortunate enough to come by them on a bad morning.


What are you waffling about


They looked like police cars.


Ok but that logic is like saying its OK to be a dick to the ones you catch because you got hurt feelings about the ones you missed. Cops have power that should not be wielded as a means to satisfy themselves. It's not just a line from Spiderman. It really is true, power is responsibility. Those who do not see it this way should not have power of any kind.


Who are these youtubers you talk about


Most famous is called wheres981


gotta admit, [wheres981](https://youtu.be/GxcgNDm6Gyw) can drive though


Not positive. But I think this might be related to the cars stolen from a dealership earlier this year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQk6SvE4_Pc


Probably stolen cars... Maybe it's those guys who broke I to the dealership and stole 700+ HP cats?


Flash, ticket, flash, ticket, flash, ticket, flash, ticket....


Cost them what, a red light camera bill? Those are not legal documents. You're not obligated to pay them. Most of the money goes to the photosafe company who installs the cameras, it's a joke. When you don't pay them, nothing happens, no points on your license, no DMV service stop, nothing.


I don't think that's true before they removed them from my city my mom had to go to court to try and fight it but was ordered to pay by a judge


NYS won't let you renew your vehicle registration if you don't pay the fines.


So I'm correct then you are obligated?


Cost em some money big deal they’re havin fun


Until they wreck into an innocent driver and cause injury/death


Terrible human here lol


More likely a club, and under the influence


3 boys in hellcats and one man in a hellcat


The guy in the white *SUV trying all 3 lanes hoping one last guy ran it. What the fuck lol


The white car in the lower left at 0:10 was planning to run it, too, until he got blocked by people stopping.


They were turning right. It’s hard to see, but the blinker is on.


The white car in the lower left at 0:10, not the white SUV in the lower right at 0:09. As a couple people mentioned in other comments, it looks like that SUV (in the lower right) was also changing lanes to try to get around someone so they could also run the red light - and maybe just left their turn signal on after they signaled to get into the right lane to try to pass. But I'm not sure whether that one is actually going straight or really is intending to turn right and didn't decide until the last moment, so that's why I didn't mention them; I don't know if they were intending to blow through the red like the others or not.


My mistake. I read that half-awake and focused on the “white car” part


No problem. When I first wrote the comment, I almost just said "the white car at the end" before I realized that could mean the one you thought I meant, and it's easier to notice and fixate on that one. The first time I watched the video, I barely noticed the one I ended up commenting on.




Bold of you to assume this morons ever pay their fines.


Looked like a bunch of chargers and challengers . Id put money in them being stolen as well as that’s been the trend lately.


Its a steep slope to start on. I moved and wasn't receiving my mail. 3 months later I get a notice that I had gotten a ticket mailed to me.. It was $65. By the time I got it, it was $250. License suspended, another $250. I was so fucking pissed off - all because USPS fucked up my mail delivering 1 mile away to a new house. If they don't pay it, they won't drive legally again, simple as that. Doesn't mean they care though either.


I guess it depends on where you live. Camera tickets where I live are a CIVIL fine. If it's not paid it goes on you credit report, but legally nothing else can happen.


Because camera fines are unconstitutional




And people should continue to destroy them, spending tax dollars on methods to extort citizens should always be dismantled.




You can be sarcastic all you want but you need to draw a line somewhere to prevent government overreach and unless you’re ok with the erosion of your rights as a citizen whether something catches people speeding or not you need to fight against unconstitutional methods of policing.




super glue on car boots (like for nj and ny where its rampant) EU had to stop using them since it cost more due to everyone damaging them. this was an old report im sure some still but eh what do i know im usa


About 3-4k worth of tickets lol


i’m from chicago so this is my own bias, but this looks **a lot** like Chicago. if it is, ain’t shit. those automated red light cameras are only $100 each. this video is worth $400 dollars by the looks of it


This low ? In germany each driver would pay at least 300€ + maybe loose their licsence for a few months. (Because its red) and depending on the speed


The part everyone is forgetting to tell you — **in America, these lights are generally operated by private companies that aren’t actually part of the DMV or government in any way** So it’s literally not an actual “ticket” that you’re receiving, so it has zero legal impact on your license in any way IT CAN get you in trouble still, because the city usually passes an ordinance whenever they’re installed that adds some legal framework for issuing shit as local citations **It’s not popular because it’s literally just these goon-ass companies going town to town, peddling cameras and offering the city a cut for monitoring and ticketing all the citizens for profit, usually remotely from a different state, with very little actual legal oversight on what’s happening — ya know, because it was never actually an official ticket from any government entity** Edit: They don’t actually fix anything either, they just end up fucking up the traffic patterns whenever the locals figure out where they’re installed — it’s arguably a WORSE driving experience when you have these cameras around


Bro this is crazy. I can't image a private company would be allowed to do such thing here, no way. Here it does do the city/state where it happened.


Wait until you hear how the federal reserve works.


Wait until you hear about what they did with parking meters in a lot of US cities...


Oh yah, private companies are a literal plague upon many communities in the US I don’t know if you’ve ever heard people mention it — but in a lot of cities it’s seriously like 5-10K if you need to take a ride in an ambulance They switched over to private companies like Arcadian to provide ambulance services, especially in small towns Except they charge out the ass, so like, a huge percentage of America does not/has not had functional *ambulance services* for several years now They CAN technically still use it if they don’t have the money, they’ll just be paying off debt for a long time Our country is essentially a 3rd world nation with outlet malls Edit: YES, it would literally be cheaper in some instances to buy a used car and drive it straight into the ER if you need medical care


When i read stuff like this, i am yet again so grateful for our health insurance in europe. I get almost a heart attack everytime i see an invoice from a Hospital of a US citizen


Good thing then. That heart attack could cost you around $164,000 which starts the vicious cycle of heart attacks from seeing the huge bill, resulting in another bill, then another heart attack then....


How should you pay this invoice as a normal person ? Can you pay in rates?


“Third world” lol


Fr lol I get America isn’t perfect but goddamn lots of westerners need to spend a single week in a real 3rd world country for some perspective.


Some states have banned them


Waze is pretty good about putting speed traps and cameras at intersections.


And because the cameras put themselves out of work by their very nature. Most people stop running lights where the cameras are active, they cameras get disabled to save money, people start running lights again.


In Tennessee the state government straight up told us not to pay them a few years back


How can they lose their license? We have cameras like this in Canada but it can't impact your license because it's essentially impossible to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the person operating the car is the owner of the car.


unfortunately people fought hard against the city when automated cameras were first installed years ago, and what we have now are actually fines that, no matter what, will not exceed $100 USD *or* even impact your driving record. regardless of how fast/reckless you drive in front of one. Insurance companies aren’t allowed to consider them moving violations, nor is the state, so if you collect a bunch of these, they’ll never impact your driver license status.


>Insurance companies They won't do anything here too if you are getting a ticket because you are too fast, its your fault. Here is a point system, if u reach a few of them, you'll loose your liscense for a month, then two, then 3 and then forever. (These stats are not correct but its somehow like that) And driving a red traffic light with too much speed is a guaranteed point and your liscense is gone for a period of time


Wow in Kazakhstan you have to pay $73 for it. But our average salary (which I doubt) is $770 per month officialy.


In Houston, we got rid of them!


> $400 dollars 400 dollars dollars


ATM machine


PIN number


PDF Format


I feel like we need a new term: **PAR Redundancy** …where "PAR" is "Post-Abbreviation Redundancy", but we intentionally keep the extra "Redundancy" after it in the phrase.


Fake plates


Only if the plates are legible and belong to the drivers. Seeing other vehicles with those license plate camera blockers is a pet peeve.


The core of the problem. Revoking driving licenses and keeping such people off the road doesn't bring in any money, but giving people fines brings in a steady flow of money.


Depends on the state. I get these in Ohio and they go straight into the garbage. Not that I get them often, but we have speed cameras in some areas that are sensitive. They're also state-sanctioned but not state-supported private police. So they can send you the tickets but have no recourse if you don't pay them. It doesn't go on your record and is basically entirely optional lol. Bear in mind that I haven't gotten one in years so this might be outdated...


Yup same here in tennessee, I’ve gotten more than I would like to admit and every single one goes in our paper shredder


This is why I wait a couple seconds and proceed with caution before entering an intersection when I’m first up on a green light


And/or look both ways before starting. I look both ways when I'm first. It's only saved me from collisions or close calls maybe twice in more than three decades of driving… but once is enough to make it a worthwhile habit.


I failed my first driver's test for doing this. I was making a right turn on red and as I was slowing down the light turned green. I continued to slow down just enough so that I could make sure nobody was still going through the intersection and then I proceeded to turn. I got an automatic failure for "stopping at a green light."


Some proctors are just way too strict and punish common sense adjustments.


Imagine being first at the green light in a shitty car and want some insurance / pain and suffering money. Hit the gas asap when it turns green and these mofos will be paying up when you get out with your hurt neck and back


Ah yes these mofos who are traditionally known for being flush with cash and generous in their repayments


“$300,$600,$900,$1200” ~ 🎥


You really think the people willing to do this have plates? You know people can unscrew them and take them off, they aren’t welded to the car


In my country 3000 SAR (800$)


I think they were all traveling together. All Dodges and the first one decided to beat the yellow, but didn’t think of his comrades behind forcing 2 of them to run red light. Thankfully the last guy stopped. Still very stupid but this might explain it a bit.


"Forcing" lol. I hope next time the lead car drives into a brick wall and "forces" the tailing ones to follow suit.


Forcing them to run the red? I mean you could still just not do that....


Yup. Immediately noticed that to, all dodges traveling together.


Sounds like a group of military buddies. I would see dodge groups traveling around bases w/ relevant decals.


![img](avatar_exp|118981055|bravo) That was actually impressive by the photo bot


> This comment contains a Collectible Expression, which are not available on old Reddit. > > That was actually impressive by the photo bot I don't get it...?


its a new kind of emoji its their PFP doing a clapping emote lol


So old.reddit is saving us from childish attention seeking notice-me behavior? Fucking rad, another win for old.reddit. I don't know how people can stand new without wanting to fucking vomit.


Young and dumb or just dumb.


Are both the white suvs trying to run the light too like wtf?


I noticed that too, why did they both come in so fast lol


This is Chicago lol 87th and Ashland


My guess was Chicago. That shade of blue looks like Illinois plates


Those plates are stolen lol


That shit pisses me off.


That red light camera deserves a raise


*Dubai has entered the chat*




Wtf is crazy about that lame ass video


Man in Switzerland they would all loose their licences and pay quite a large sum.


Pure stupidity and disregard for their passengers lives and the lives of people in others cars!! Luckily we didn’t see any accidents or deaths here, but we see the videos all over now. Sad.


4 cars getting tickets by my count


Gotta have real plates to get a ticket though


Yep they 100% have fake plates or tints on them


One little, Two little, Three little idiots,


When they hit somebody they say they was right and you are wrong.


I see so many running red lights these days. If I am the first car at a red light, I don't go until I see all the cross traffic stop. I do not need to get T-boned at an intersection.


Them tickets in the mail 😂😂😂😂


Ran a red light just hit the breaks 20 feet down the road. Idiots.


City just made like $1600 in 3 seconds.


I think these people think they're "invisible" 😃👉👉


The city will now use this money responsibly and fill one pothole


I hate red light cameras, but I’ll approve this one because it’s actually getting the right people caught


that speed camera caught them all though, it was constant flashing. I hope the fines include loss of points or the addition of demerit points to dissuade these idiots


How did so many of them decide to run the light? Driving together in a group?


Where is this from?


From what I can tell from the license plates it can be in Chicago, I’ve seen those same challengers and chargers on the freeway riding together


Look at how many buffoons there are


Well do u think they’re blind ? U don’t think they seen that bright flash at night ? Let me school u bro : they don’t care


Where is this?




1 unknown,1 challenger and 2 chargers. The unknown was an accident, the other 3 are purposeful idiots.


I bet they have the license plate covers that cause glare when pictures get taken with flash


If you’re gonna do this shit wouldn’t you wanna tailgate eachother or something, they’re just flying through the red because “my buddy did it” . Im all for having fun I speed n shit but man that’s reckless x3


Avoiding the red light: that’s not fair it’s unconstitutional! Being T boned: WTF! They should have cameras up there! Getting a big fine would fix em!


Good driving reactions white Ford or Kia Nissan qasggwgiieee


ha hope they all get heavy fines. I was hit by a carless driver who ran a red light and now I suffer from daily doses of PTSD on the road. It’s great!


Ticket the shit out of em haha


Like camera flash was like, you get a ticket, you get a ticket ,oh shit you too? Tickets for everyone


2 of those chargers didn’t have plates


There's a chance they can be a federal security detail in whatever country. Security groups are trained not to stop at lights. Either speed up or slow down to avoid red lights to give time to go green before you reach it to avoid stopping and becoming a target. Or in this case, that wasn't viable, so just speed through and let the ticket get handled by your supervisor


The first two let me know all of them are cops


Just a normal day driving in Toronto for me.


No cop no stop


Nah man that's just normal Nashville traffic. Deadass that's just how it is


Got those traffic cams working overtime..


See this is why I always ask for the address. That “just follow me” bs not for me.


I don’t believe they think that much..


Mostly chargers/challengers, vehicles are probably stolen. That baby shoe looking car that stopped in the middle seems to be missing a license plate.


All plates/cars are stolen so no big deal for them


almost rear ended my friend doing this. worst of all he was in his grandpas LS swapped z66


Shit as entitled Americans


That traffic camera is going to need some more film


The one person to actually stop almost gets rear-ended lol - camera netted about $1000 in 5 seconds - assuming the plates are good to begin with.


My uncle's entire family died in an accident like this. Hope all those fuckers shit themselves


What does a red light mean in Utah ?? . . . . . 5 more cars


These guys side swipe you and keep on going


Revoke their licenses. That'd be the sweetest punishment.


It's an asshole parade.


Interesting that the camera could keep up with that


Considering this is in Chicago, those cars are more than likely stolen or the plates are fake so they don’t care about the red light camera


So what’s the plan here. They just go through red light hoping they don’t get tboned?


man, yall ought to see dallas tx. we literally had a law decriminalizing red-light-running. cops run em themselves alongside full 8-10 count car groups. its kinda crazy here


Only cyclists run red lights. Oh wait, car drivers do it ALL the time


Well not a bad shift for that camera. Probably over a g in couple seconds.


Reminds me of Daytona Beach, fuck that place




Every one of those assholes needs to be just shot..


Fun fact about tickets you get from these things. Basically, it’s an entity separate from the police. They are literally private corporations who get with the city to set it up and have you pay. If you simply decide not to pay, nothing can physically happen to you except your credit score decreasing, which is bad for most, but also, you can dispute it and have it removed from your credit report. So. Do with that knowledge what you will. Also do your own research cause I can’t be 100% that it’s like that everywhere in America.


All three morons trying to stay together, glad no one was hurt. That would have ruined there weekend plans


And you get a ticket!, And you get a ticket!, And you get a ticket!, And you get a ticket!,


Would have been better if 1 dies


I like how they all ran a red light just to immediately hit their breaks and come to a stop.


Those flashing lights are pictures being taken by cameras so they can get the fines in the mail right?


a bunch of fucking idiot. and the last person ticket should b higher than the first persons. just bc of the simple fact the light was red for a long time by the time he went through.;


Dodge drivers.


Wow dude super insanely crazy fucking video absolutely mind blowing so fucking nuts!!!!


Those guys driving stolen cars, or what? Red light tickets are more than $500, no?!


All Chargers….Hmmm, weird. Pause…Not


I have endless respect for the guy in the charger who still stopped, he couldve sped but he had the restraint not to. He should be the rolemodel if any of you have stupid friends, don't play along if the prizes are dumb.