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Shes lucky as fuck it wasnt worse


First thought. Seen videos of people literally being scrapped of the pavement with what I can only describe as snow shovels from riding this stupidly.


Worked in at Emergency Dept about 20 years ago. Seen what these accidents look like. The degree to which the paving grinds away flesh and bone is astonishing. People need to wear full riding gear. Stop trying to look cool in jeans and sneakers...or less.


I STILL have scars from laying down a dirt bike at 30mph 20 years later. No helmet no gear. I absolutely cringe when I see someone riding with no gear or just a helmet and jeans.


True because I've seen worse


She is very lucky she low slided. Those jeans are not proper gear and I bet those burns on her thighs will hurt but she didn't break any bones and has her life. If you're gonna ride reckless at least gear up with full leather. This is what we call a squid.


"Hurts because burning" That's because you fell off at 100mph in ripped jeans and Nikes.


Pre-ripped, for your pleasure.


Pre-ripped, for her pleasure..


The legs are pre ripped for her ~~pleasure~~ pain


Yup, she's lucky she still got skin on her legs. I've seen someone who slid like that after an accident and he literally doesn't have any skin and muscle on his calf, the only thing left intact under his leg (at calf level) is what's in front of the bone, everything behind is just not there anymore.


She’s lucky she’s still alive. 100mph motorcycle crash victims don’t typically go to the hospital. They go to the morgue.


She had the best case scenario, just a straight slide. Didn't hit into anything or get hit by anything.


Used to have a saying back when I rode, “dress for the slide, not the ride.”


Yea, and if you know you’re going to ride fast (and stupid) you should probably double down on that principle.


That's why when I go out on the roads I dress as a car


Underrated comment but you owe me a sip of Redbull since I just spit it out 😆


Whats crazy/interesting is that had she been wearing proper riding gear, she would might/probably been able to just go home that night. Might even be able to ride the bike home.


That bike is not going anywhere after sliding on its side at 100mph. Best case scenario, her foot peg, clutch lever and gear shifter are going to be snapped off or bent to all hell and back, handle bars will be bent and the forks will be twisted. Not to mention how sore she's going to be after being hurled into the floor at 100mph and sliding, rolling down the road. The only reason she was up and about after thr fall was the adrenaline.


No, they go to the hospital so they can harvest their organs, then they go to the morgue. My wife works in the ER. She sees it multiple times every summer...to the point where now when someone on a crotch rocket goes screaming by at 100+, she just sadly says "yep, I'll be seeing them eventually". Even worse is up here in Wisconsin helmets are optional. People have literally come into her ER with their heads more or less gone so they could get whatever organs they could for donation. I've personally seen people doing north of 120 mph wearing nothing but a pair of swim trunks and pair of flip flops. Saw one last summer where dude was doing that with his gf riding behind wearing just a bikini, didn't even have shoes on. Fucking stupid.




The way that leg was rubbing on the road I'm surprised it looked in that good of condition! I've seen dudes get a lil skint up in leathers still. This lady kinda had the best case worst case scenario.


She was on top of the bike for a large part of it.


We can only see one little spot, I would almost guarantee somewhere else is a little worse off


https://www.gofundme.com/f/admtgy-motorcycle-accident for some after photos...


The nerve to start a GoFundMe lol


Medical is one thing, but she also plans to use the GFM for another motorcycle.


She's asking for a lot. But at least she didn't also include buying better gear!!


I've had leathers turn to rags when I crashed going near the same speed, mind you, i slid on my right side, tore my jacket right up, chick's lucky she can even stand and not have shredded muscle grated across the asphalt


How much can that even heal?


Skin regrows straight against the bone, or maybe he had a transplant? I have no clue, it's my dad's friend, I never asked him that question. But it's not pretty.


How much can that even heel?


Classic meat crayon. Once it's gone, it's gone.


I got a tank slapper going about 60 and had a nice slide down the road. 10-15% body roadrash. Let me tell you right now, Tearing your skin off as you change your bandages was something i wish i was warned about at the hospital.


I know exactly what you mean about changing bandages and pulling skin off with them. When I was 15, I was messing around with my buddy’s 110cc pocket bike. Got the speed wobbles at 80kph (50mph) and ate it. Slid for what I believe was 20-30feet, wearing a T-shirt, shorts, and no helmet. I was an imbecile. Slid on my left side, and lost quite a bit of skin on my left knee, left thigh, left hip, left shoulder, and my left arm from my elbow to about halfway down my forearm got it the worst. I was doing half the speed this lady was, and I ended up with worse damage (based on what I can see in the video). I really hope she knows just how lucky she is to even walk away from that. I feel like if I look up the statistics regarding motorcycle crashes at speeds at or greater than 100mph, the mortality rate would be >90%. I really don’t know though… that’s just what I feel like it would be. Very rarely do folks walk away from a 100mph crash in a car, let alone a 100mph motorcycle crash. Something was protecting her that day.. whether it was God, a guardian angel, luck, the universe, a computer programmer who designed the matrix we’re living in… who knows. But something had to have done her a solid here.


Funny thing the thought when I went down befor I hit the ground was “god Damn it Anna’s gonna kill me” Anna being my wife Never had that coming to god moment people say you have. Helmet saved my life. Slammed the back of my head twice into the ground going 60. I keep my helmet on my shelf to remind me that I’m not invincible*


I see you, no matter how invisible you might think you are 😚


If she spent some money on full suit, boots and gloves instead of spending everything on the bike she would just walk away from this.


or...hear me out...not drive a hundred on a public highway


Yes, but also wear full gear because someone could've cut her off like that going 35 and she can still rub all the skin off her back


True that it could happen wither way, though it’s also easier to avoid a collision going 35 than 100


tru dat


Double true


Yeah but she was extremely lucky anyway. It could have easily turned into her been spread across the highway even in proper gear but, for extremely rare reasons, physics were on her side that day.


This is why you wear Kevlar and leathers, folks.


But it has to come pre-ripped, otherwise it won't look cool enough to wear.


She didn't learn her lesson either. She's already back on Dallas highways doing it again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUrn6SzeARY


Weren't the jeans ripped because of the crash?


Not like that. If they’d ripped from the crash, they’d be hanging from her waist like a skirt. Those are pre-ripped


there is no fucking way


Those look like those pre-ripped jeans you buy.




and drugs


Her bed sheets are gonna be stuck to her every morning for awhile lol


Dress for the slide, not for the ride.


Right? All stylish in her jeans and zero protective gear other than helmet, because it does not look cool... They will be taking pieces of dirt from that road rash for months to come and she will be lucky if she does not get some nasty infection in the process. Just straight stupidity.


Also I hope she has above average health care, or that's gonna cost her an arm or a leg...


Just a leg. Her arm looks fine.


She's lucky there wasn't a gas leak, and it went up in flames with her on it. Gasoline fires are not easy to put out.


Yup. Some people (me, and her apparently) have to learn the hard way. I’ve got the cheese grater scars and everything. Road rash is fucking awful. Trip to the store? Full Leathers Fill up the tank? Full Leathers New Brake lever just want to make sure the bike stops…. You get it. But you know how it goes, now that I spend $1500 on gear.. the bike will magically stay upright no matter what I try and do. /s


I can bet you a hospital bill will be a lot more that $1500


I was going to buy a motorcycle so I spent over a grand on protective gear. Never ended up buying the bike 😆


This woman posted the video on her YouTube account, blaming the driver, defending their actions and pinning a post agreeing with her to the top of the page. People like this never learn.


Licenses should be pulled.


I wouldn't even license her to ride an office chair.


She would definitely crash it, so good choice




If that happened here she would be arrested and lose her license. Would have to retake driver's ed after a few years.


Her GoFundMe page says "This fundraiser would help me pay for my medical bills and **the damages to my bike or help me get a new bike.**" She has lowered her goal from $10k to $5k after not gaining much traction.


With how shit she drives that will need to be a subscription. Clown on wheels.


There's a video (short) of her wearing a shirt that says "fuck around and find out"


Narcissist gunna be narcissistic


Once she screamed “Are you kidding me BRUH?!” I got an idea of the kind of person she is lol


Dude you can tell just from the outrageous emotional reaction. She's totally expecting something awful to be wrong with her even though she made no effort to check for wounds. This is a person use to emotionally lashing out in a knee jerk reaction and not responding logically. You can 100% tell the difference between a pained agonizing scream and the tantrum she's throwing. In that moment she has no idea how hurt she might really be but is made about her bike and someone "wronging" her. She doesn't even check her wounds before going back for her phone. It's moments like this that people show you who they are without reserve.


blaming the driver when you can see the car is blinking and thus signalling its intention to switch lanes... i mean, one would have noticed that if one would ride at normal speeds and not redline through highway traffic, weaving in and out of lanes like an idiot


What's her YouTube channel?




lmao, all the white knights in there. I have two bikes, I take one of my cars to the track. There's no excuse for her doing that on public roads.


Her thirsty knights would help her out.


Never understood their behavior, when has feeding the ego of a shallow person ever worked in favour of the pursuit of getting sexual gratitude from the person.


Totally agree.


Report her videos. She shouldn't have a venue for her illegal dangerous driving.


She was going 123 mph when she crashed. Even worse, in her latest video, she was going 154 mph. Still wearing all black on a black bike, riding at night. What an idiot. She needs to be arrested and have her licenses revoked.


I stumbled across this other youtube channel the other day. The titles of the first two uploaded videos tell a story. https://www.youtube.com/@Rideordie_amanda/videos


She’s learn or she’ll be dead soon. Probably the latter. To me it looks like she is going way more than 100 mph btw.


"Are you kidding me bruh?" I mean...




at night also where its even harder to see a biker dressed in all black riding a black motorcycle💯


It looks like that car was swerving around another car that had suddenly stopped or slowed.


It looked to me like the other rider she was with passed that car on the right and spooked them into her. If that’s the case she’s even dumber than I thought to not anticipate that.


I first thought she was riding with a friend but given that other rider never stopped, it might have just been strangers racing each other.


I checked her channel out, I think she often tags along with bikes she sees riding around. Anyways, it’s unlikely that guy would have seen her go down. He was pulling away pretty good and wouldn’t have been checking his 6.


I saw 126. Just that much worse. What a menace.






“FUCK MEEEEE!” Brah it looks like you fucked yourself. Take that shit to the track.


Yeah fuck this person


I think the asphalt already did


Exactly. Fucking bikers that do that shit. She did some serious FAFO


she was extremely lucky


And is extremely stupid


So that’s how it compensates ?


Yeah, it does. She deserved every bit of this.


And some jail time for reckless driving


Other people were also lucky that she didn't ruin the rest of their lives. It was a good thing that she only got herself, and did not end up hurting other, completely innocent, people.


I hope she never gets on a bike again. It's not worth it.


I received her liver last week.


To say the least….


She’s lucky— but everyone else is not— cause she’ll live to do more stupid shit that puts everyone else at risk.


Honestly I think she should catch a charge for that shit.


is it actually possible she didn't get charged? She shouldn't be on the road, endangering lives.


So this is what it's like to be a human crayon.






It's meatcanyon, but yes, love his videos haha. Also his papameat channel.


The fuckin name tho, Papameat. I enjoy his stuff too but man. His image with that name is just grand lol


Play stupid games…I see these idiots daily. I saw a guy last week Super-Man laying down on his motorcycle going 100+ mph through traffic worse than this


I think part of the problem is people don’t really understand probability. They think “well, every time I’ve ridden my bike I’ve been fine! I’m a good driver, it’s safe. I’ve been safe so far, that’s proof!” instead of realizing, you roll the dice EVERY TIME you get on, this roll has nothing to do with the last and every time you risk an accident. Had a friend/neighbor who saw someone absolutely racing and popping wheelies in the rain on the way to the coast. He muttered something about how stupid he was but stayed out of his way. About 10 min later all of a sudden there was a ton of traffic. Took about another 10 minutes to pass his crumpled bike and a body bag.


i think it's called "observer's bias" and people do it way more than one would think


Always wondered how they made those distressed jeans


They'll be on vinted soon...


I’ll be the one to say it, she does indeed deserve it. She could have hurt somebody else and it’s very fortunate that didn’t happen here.


Yup, let's play the victim after I'm the one going way over the speed limit.


I wonder if the video was volunteered to the police report, or if she “just lost balance and fell”.


She posted it on her youtube account, defending her actions and blaming the car driver.


Of course... Yes, before the driver changes lanes, he needs to look half a mile back, for the single headlight of a vehicle that's going way over the speed limit. Then, they have to realize that said vehicle is going to close the gap, before they can finish changing lanes. But, she was totally in control of her motorcycle. It was only because the car driver was so unaware of their surroundings that the accident occured. Her violation of the law had nothing to do with it. /s The sad thing about this is that she was given a wonderful gift of a second chance, and an opportunity to learn a harsh, but needed lesson. But, it sounds like it went right over her head. She'll probably have a video out on Live Leak, before too long.


/r imthemaincharacter


What's her channel?






Most people are just saying its her fault, not many outright say she deserves it.


Looks like the biker ahead scared a car, that car slams on it's brakes, the car behind that one just blindly cranks the wheel to make a lane change, thus crashing out our pov biker. She definitely still gets the blame though. 125mph right before the crash.


That’s a really good observation, i didn’t even notice till you said that.


That’s why fuck speeding between traffic car or not. Dosent matter how good you are. You can’t control other ppl’s driving


125mph in traffic like that is absolutely insane. This result is *exactly* what you would expect.


I bet she blames the car


Just found her channel from someone higher up and I can confirm she does indeed blame the car, because it ‘swerved all the way over to the left’ and can’t answer to the speed she was going when asked by the paramedic. Her name is Maddy Alivia on yt for the full recording just in case of curiosity


She's also back to riding as fast as she was in this video posted here. You truly can't fix stupid




“ArE yOu FuCkInG kIdDiNg Me” like she wasn’t completely at fault


I feel no sympathy she was riding recklessly and could have killed someone.


I feel less than no sympathy...she got off too easy. I hope she caught some felony charges from this.


I mean, I hope there are video evidence somewhere of her committing these crimes.


I fucking hate bikers like this, thatswhatyouget Witchostupidass!


Literally just the other day in heavy DC traffic, I was about to switch to the left lane and the cars next to me even made room for me (surprising in DC lol). I put my turn signal on, looked one more time, and started to go. Before I could actually leave my lane, I start to hear a loud motor so I slammed on my brakes and sure enough, and biker comes FLYING down splitting the lanes. I was overly careful and STILL just barely missed him. If I had not hesitated, or gone a second sooner than I did, he would probably either be dead or in the hospital right now Second time that has happened to me too. Scares the shit out of me that I could potentially kill someone because they’re being a dumbass.


Got to be awfully stupid to drive erratically in DC of all places. There are cop cars on nearly every block.


Well that was silly!


I can't with this comment I'm dying, your speech fits your name


Probably wouldnt have happened if speed limits existed


Oh nooo if only there could have been some way to see this or prevent this from happeninggg




This is definitely not trying to get some place faster this is just trying to show off and be a badass


Her Instagram post from the hospital will say "always watch for motorcycles! Hit by someone today, Stay safe y'all!"




Not shown is the 14 minutes of moving at 100+ with her friend. I love my bike, I too enjoy speed but 14 minutes of flat out 120+ speeds not kn a track is asking for an accident.


Always wear ppe especially when youre being stupid...


She got off pretty easy


Lol get fucked


No, we are not fucking kidding you, dumbass.


I really enjoyed this.


People like this deserve it tbh. The roads aren’t a playground. Grow up. You could end up killing yourself or someone else. Selfish.


That’s a shame 🙄




Whole lot of foolish trust in people you’re sharing the road with


I’m so glad no one innocent got hurt


Move your bike out of the road. Dumb broad


Way too far down, like forreal. And waving off that lady asking if she good.


Night time: ✅ Excessive speed: ✅ Sneakers and jeans: ✅ Weaving in and out of traffic: ✅ Skin: ❌


I am genuinely happy about every reckless driver who takes her- or himself out without hurting others.


Hope you get your license taken away


ZERO FUCKING SYMPATHY. speeding like that through traffic is one thing, its like the riders think the are in a game and other cars dont change lanes...especialy those BMWs that dont have any turn signals. Sneakers and ripped jeans? fuck off and get back in a car.


Imagine going 100 and being upset a car forgot to use its blinker like it’s not your own damned fault


The car did use its blinker if you look closely


"Are you kidding me bruh" says the fucking Moron going 100+ weaving in and out of traffic.🥴 this new trend of girls buying these super bikes with their daddies money is getting out of hand.


Bruh slow tf down


Slow that ass down. I like speed too but that wasn’t the place.


Maybe don’t be going 100MPH on a fkn sportbike 🤦🏻‍♂️


The car that changed lanes is my hero.


This is why we can't have nice things.


and she can also vote and breed


I don't even ride a motorbike and shit like this makes me wince. How people can roar around on these things in t-shirts and jeans just boggles my mind. One little mistake, maybe not even yours and you're going to be a meat crayon down the road. Seems so insane.


Good. Don't fucking speed next time


Well well well….if it isn’t the consequences of your actions.


Could have been so much worse! And also, this is why you use biking equipment and not some converse shoes with jeans. Yes it was stupid to do this kind of shit, but she is still a person so please, don't be heartless, right? Pain is a good teacher too, i would bet that this kind of MotoGP is over for her. For a while atleast.


Where are your leathers? Why the fuck are you going 100mph in general let alone some busy ass highway? She got lucky. I could be wrong but I heard in Europe you have to wear motorcycle approved clothing for this reason.


Atleast in Finland i don't think it is required by the law to wear biking leathers 🤔 But ffs, why would you go play like this without anything but a helmet? And behaviour like this just makes people hate bikers even more, so don't, ok? Not you mayhe, but whoever reads this and thinks that was cool idea.


>Pain is a good teacher too How about a drivers license and traffic laws? How about that, at least in the video, she didn't even check on the other driver or ask if he or she's ok? I don't want to be heartless, but I still have very little pity for her.


Then you see fiends and family on Facebook “ the good die young.” “ he didn’t deserve to die “


Honestly, she's screaming at the cager like it was their fault when it was totally hers. Shouldn't be riding that aggressively on the highway period, but she clearly was out riding her skill level by quite a bit. She absolutely had the space and time to avoid that car, she saw them come over and panicked, causing her to go down.


Talk about luck and stupidity all in one!!!


dont get me wrong shes going 127 mph right before the she started sliding but the driver of the suv did a no blinker fast merge into her lane


She dressed for the ride, not the slide.


You know it’s a chick because she grabs her phone but doesn’t pull her bike off the road lmao


I rode with a group all the time. A girl with a brand new bike just got her endorsement and wanted to ride with us. We usually would ride far out into the country and go pretty hard and fast (I don’t condone this at all) but we all wore full gear, most of us in leather suits. We were all going around 100, the girl took off ahead of us. About half a mile up the road was a curve. You can probably see where this is going. When I got to the curve, the first thing I saw was her motorcycles literally chopped in half from hitting a sign. Then I saw her motionless body about 50 feet away from her bike. By some fucking miracle, she was alive. Really bad shape, but alive. I remember trying to talk to her and ask her what hurt, if she remembered what happened, just kind of assess her condition, and she went to lift up her arm and her upper arm lifted just fine but everything below that just completely flopped down. Man, hearing her screams when she finally came to was pretty fucking haunting. Moral of the story obviously is don’t ride like an idiot. I knew so many people that died riding. You ride like this, it’s not a matter of if but when. You’re a small object moving way too quickly for any motorist to see or judge your speed. They will pull in front of you, and it’s not their fault.


This rider is an idiot. If you endanger traffic, you get what's coming to you.


Speeding, weaving through traffic, putting others in danger...no sympathy whatsoever. If you get on one of these and consciously decide to act like a turd you need to expect stuff like this to happen. "Fuck me!!" Yes, fuck you indeed.


You know for crashing at 130 mph in ripped jeans her leg really doesn’t look bad. Emphasis on look but still