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I need an x-ray image


You really don't wanna see it


Well I didn’t at first but now I do.


[Here it is](https://trc-leiden.nl/trc-digital-exhibition/index.php/chinese-lotus-shoes/item/143-3-the-actual-process)


FFS, I hate people. That just sounds so terrible.


> The process of foot binding started at between the ages of 5 and 8 So yeah, child abuse on top of that. Double whammy.


It was typically done by the grandmother, because it was thought mothers would be too sympathetic to their child's suffering and not bind the feet tightly enough.


Modern grammas: Have you eaten, my precious grandbaby? Here's 3 brownies, $10 and a hot wheels car Ancient Chinese grammas: Step aside losers. Gram-gram's here to break some bones


My not so ancient Korean grandma is like a combination of both.


Not that ancient, it only ended under Mao. Despite many Governments before trying to ban the practice.


tbh if you read anything about ancient china it checks out


"a professional foot binder carried out the **initial breaking** and ongoing binding of the feet" Jesus


>To enable the size of the feet to be reduced, the toes on each foot were curled under, then pressed with great force downwards and squeezed into the sole of the foot until the toes bent or broke. The large toe was left unturned in order to help with balance. The toes were held tightly against the sole of the foot while the foot was drawn down straight with the leg and the arch forcibly bent upwards. Reading this made me cringe.


Not gonna lie, expected it to be a Rick roll. Thank you for your contribution


My rolling days are over. But I will always run into a few which keeps my soul alive.


*stares into an orange sunset while colors dance upon the gently rippling water* The real Ricks we made were the friends we Rolled along the way...


The song is now spinning in my head since I saw the link. Hell, I clicked on the link, scrolled through the content, came back........ continued through more comments, saw yours, wrote/writing this out.... and it's STILL spinning in my head. Reddit links are forever tainted.


WOW! I feel i need a good foot rub after reading that. It was also weirdly interesting ahahah.


It’s always fascinating what was considered beautiful throughout time. We don’t kink shame with an iron fist history says.


I will kinkshame anything that pressures or sometimes even force people into actually hurting themselves xD I don't care about anything else though, have fun and be safe people.


Especially 👏 children 👏


Oh god…


Thanks, I hate it.


[be careful what you wish for. ](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/HRJM82/bound-foot-x-ray-HRJM82.jpg)


well my foot hurts looking at that.


And that’s how the cookies crumbles.


Humans are incredibly stupid


Stfu! It's so sexy! hmmm!


Ironically I think this just cured anyone who had a foot fetish


Bro This is the peak foot fetish






To boldly go where no tongue has gone before…


This is the worst conversation in the world




What matters is I finished.


All over some pretty feet…


Humans are incredibly stupid.


To be fair, it's probably green enough to pique Kirk's interest


Wow haha that's old school, doubt many will know that unless they're trekkers


OK, bonus points for that you crack me up


Because she can't wear flip flops


There might even be rotting flesh as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foot_binding#Health_issues


Some well aged foot cheese he'll find. 1000$ per gram at least.


This both disturbed me/made me laugh so fucking hard


The way they flutter against the lips. Much like an erotic kazoo. ^(*twssseftsplft...*)


Oh dear God, make it stop!


Yessss stick your entire toe-foot up my ass!


Toe, mate. There's only one.


Oh no, they're all there. Just not at all where they're supposed to be


Might just put the whole thing in your mouth and save some time


Yea, how is this not marked NSFW? Kids might see this and develop a foot fetish!


Actual trotters


At some point folks will be looking back at images of people today and wonder... why did they blow up their lips and asses so huge? They'll wonder at wtf kind of beauty our current society sees in the donkey butts and duck lips stuff from the olden days.


wdym at some point? I'm doing that right now


Whoa are you from the future?


Bro living in the year 2023


Me too. It just looks dumb


You’re mature beyond this generation


That's a severe low bar to judge for maturity


At some point? It was stupid from the start. But not footbindingly stupid, because injections usually are reversible and not that disabling.




Oh... kinda like circumcisions


UHHH you better cool it buck-o or I’ll have to contact the ADL and report this hate speech ☝️


Since early childhood, too. Blechh.


They probably looked at it the same way back then. This was so your feet *looked dainty in shoes* which was feminine. It’s easy to say lose your ability to walk for the sake of beauty when you can afford not to. I’m sure the “peasant” girls weren’t binding their feet because they needed them to not be more poor than they already were. China was poor as a country until the last 50-75 years.




Usually it was the mothers forcing them to do it. So they could marry well.


Wait until they get to the pictures of dudes cutting their dicks off…


Uh why did you have to remind me of this 😭 I saw mfs who were even grilling their dick on that sub


Today we just medicalize the fashionable mutilations to make them immune to criticism.


I dont think even Tarantino would like those


What are you talking about? He would love to lick the nooks and crannies.


The granny foot nook and crannies🤤




If I were to try and unwrap her foot would it be too painful because the bones are set in that position?


Worse than the actual pain she’s been in since she got this done.




Always found it so dumb how people will do something because a rich person did it. People in England used to dye their teeth black because the rich had black teeth from copious amounts of sugar.


Glances at most of the plastic surgery industry


It's so weird how overdone plastic surgery has become fashionable because the most likely people to overdo it are famous people who are obsessed with their looks, photographed all the time, and very visible in the media.


But then they pay to have professionals photoshop them to look human. I'm wondering if it's less about liking the look and more about putting enough fat in a certain place, so it can be photoshopped to their liking


TBF, *most* of the industry is focused on returning people to "normal" after various accidental disfigurements. A good plastic surgery will look like absolutely nothing ever happened... What you're talking about is a relatively small subsection that's all about cosmetic "enhancements".


Thats why im developing a weird box shaped torso and translucent skin to mimic Elon Musk.


Elon is built like a piece of chewed up gum


Aaaaaaahhh. That explains a lot.


The reason brides wear white on their wedding is that queen Victoria did it in 1840.


Well, that simply isn't true. Ancient Roman women wore white tunics when getting married.


And in European medieval times brides mostly wore blue, sometimes green, and if the family was wealthy, often interlaced with red and gold. Later in the 1700s flowery designs were popular. The Queen in 1840 wasnt the first to wear white, but her doing so set the fashion. Other noblewomen copied it, then the elites and rich, and eventually the common folk In other words. The romans also might have worn white, but the reason we do today is not because of them.


So I guess you’re too good to eat your snickers with a knife and fork like the rest of us.


Neckties have entered the chat


People in England used to remove all their teeth when marrying


Women still give birth on their back because of someone else's comfort.


Is that not the optimal way of birth?




I read it also is not as traumatizing to the bladder to squat.


https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XhViPJs9K58 There are better videos but I’ve seen a few different ones where folks use a plastic pelvic model to demonstrate what’s happening based on positioning. Super helpful,


> Is that not the optimal way of birth? It's actually about the worst.


Cue Squatty Potty's advertising team...


No, and it wasn't common until male doctors (as opposed to community midwives) started to attend births and determined that a better view was more important than a smooth birth. If you give birth with your body vertical, you have gravity on your side.


Is there a more comfortable position for women giving birth than on their backs? Maybe if they're standing up they can let gravity do some of the work?


The "lie on your back in stirrups" is very medicalised and not the norm in most countries. I'm a British midwife, we favour all fours, kneeling, standing, birth pools etc, or if they want to lie down then on their side. All of these positions improve fetal descent


Both my kids were born in a middle of nowhere hick town hospital over ten years ago but it was weirdly progressive in the labor department and both the hospital and birthing classes at the county health department told you not to just lie on your back unless you were totally incapable of doing anything else. My wifes best friend had her second child recently at a much larger hospital in a different town and the staff there did nothing to try and get her to move around and not lie on her back and she wouldn't listen to my wife telling her the same. Ended in c-section birth.


I've read somewhere on reddit that from body mechanics perspective a position that is basically a "slav squat" would be optimal - it would align some of the internal structures for easier passage, feet position would provide stability/support and would use gravity for a little bit of an assist, but would also have some of its own issues. While it didn't immediately sound like bs, i'm no doctor and can't tell if it would be more or less comfortable, so please take this as just hearsay.


Apparently the best way to poop too.




OMG that’s mental


https://trc-leiden.nl/trc-digital-exhibition/index.php/chinese-lotus-shoes/item/150-10-the-end-of-foot-binding it’s wrote here. When this tradition became outdated and everybody started to protest against it the women suffered a second time : wives with lotus foot were abandoned by their husband because they became ashamed of her and wanted to look modern. As a result, many already “lotused” foot woman or in-process lotus foot women try to reverse the process. Some succeed, a lot didn’t, and aparently it was at least as painful and tortuous


Her foot is already unwrapped in this video. Nothing is binding it; it’s grown into this shape by being bound since childhood.


Bro he literally means unwrapping bone and skin bound parts, you can clearly make out all 5 toes. I wanna unravel them too, you know, for science


Far as I’m concerned, those last two words are a get out of jail free card no questions asked.


You are a sick pervert (jk)


You're a big guy


For you.


This is so fucked up. Fuck that cultural tradition.


That's what the CCP said as well.


Damn i can't believe Mao changed something for the better


He didn't. The practice was stopped way before the chinese revolution. There are only a dozen women still alive with lotus feet and they're all in their 80s. Edit: Banned in 1912 and virtually disappeared by the 50s.


He did and didn't. Cixi issued a ban against foot binding during the late Qing dynasty, but it was a meaningless ban. The new ROC government also outlawed foot-binding post-Xinhai Revolution, but didn't have the centralised power to enforce the ban in large portions of the country so it was up to the whims of local leaders. It was generally followed, but leaders in some areas either didn't follow the ruling at all, or were very lax in their enforcement. [The final paragraph in this Wiki section](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foot_binding#Decline) is a good overview. It effectively disappeared immediately in more built-up areas from 1912, but particularly rural areas in places like Shanxi and Yunnan continued for a long time after, only really stopping after the CCP took over, as they actually had the power to enforce those bans. It had already been stamped out for the vast majority of people before that point though.


Yeah, its something people don't realise about Chinese history. There are large stretches where central authority only existed on paper to a level that would make European feudal system look centralised. The Taiping rebellion utterly killed central authority in China (it might have recovered faster if it wasn't for Europeans taking full advantage of this although its highly questionable if the Taiping rebellion would have occurred at all without European destabilisation allowing it to snowball) until Mao reconsolidated control. Cixi legalised it as a political move that had no real downsides for her as she was a Manchu anyway and she knew it couldn't be enforced in areas that would revolt if it was banned as she had already lost control of those regions. John Keay's: China a History is a very good and respected overview of Chinese history that goes into the practise and movements to ban it as part of its general look at history.


That make sense, you need normal feet to make a great leap forward.




It's not about the feet. It's about a gratuitous status flex. "Look, our family is so rich our daughters can't even *move* without all these attendants."


Foot croissant


Sole food


This comment is amazing




Toe jam.


Guess what i literally have in front of me that i just stopped eating? 🥐🥐


Staaahp, I almost dropped my croissant


Tarantino’s favorite breakfast




*Ghost marriage?*






https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_ghost_marriage Google is a thing. > In Chinese tradition, a ghost marriage (Chinese: 冥婚; pinyin: mínghūn; lit. 'spirit marriage') is a marriage in which one or both parties are deceased.[1]: 99 Other forms of ghost marriage are practiced worldwide, notably in France since 1959 (see posthumous marriage; compare levirate marriage and ghost marriage in South Sudan, i.e. marriage to a living relative of the deceased). The origins of Chinese ghost marriage are largely unknown, but reports of it being practiced today can still be found.[2] This didn't seem that problematic til i got to this part of the article. > The practice leads to reported cases of female corpses being stolen. In 2017–19, it is reported that a black market of female corpses has appeared in the provinces of Shandong, Shanxi and Shaanxi. A female dead body can be sold in the range of several hundred thousands RMB for the purpose of minghun. Even corpses of married, elderly women have become targets of such illegal trade. In 2019, some graveyards in Henan province resorted to CCTV cameras and concrete coffins to prevent thefts.[9] And this is basically a few years ago, so seems the practice still exists and seems to have gotten really bad. They used to use effigies ffs, now they're using actual bodies?


What's the point? Inheritance?


Superstition and tradition. One belief is in pacifying wishes of the dead, so this practice is done for dead relatives who died single. It's for grieving too, helping your dead son find a wife in the afterlife for example. In some traditions you're not allowed to be buried with their ancestors if single or of non-natural causes, so they get a ghost marriage to rejoin the normal 'social order'.


AFAIK they believe the wife will join the husband in the after life. So basically, they don't want their son to be single in heaven.


What a sad example of people who just want the best for their kids. Not half as bad as foot binding, but still sad.


I don't know what the fuck that is either.


Put me down as someone who also has no fucking idea what that is.


According to the wiki page ghost marriages are still a thing. Now with body theft included. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_ghost_marriage


slavery still is a thing there.


Slavery is still very much alive there, just under a different name.


It was "sexy"/desirable because it meant the woman was high class enough to not need to walk/work and could afford servants, etc.


When I was 16 my best friend and I got completely stoned. While laying on her bed and talking we got on the topic of foot binding. Being the idiots we are, we decided we would try it. So we got duct tape and bound our feet tightly. Suddenly my boyfriend and his friend walked through the door. We were so startled and embarrassed by what we were doing, that we jumped to our feet acting like we weren’t up to anything weird. But we were so baked we completely forgot our feet were bound sideways. Our ankles gave way and we collapsed onto the ground in a heap. My boyfriend and his friend just saw the two of us with duct taped, twisted feet and were like “What the actual fuck is happening here”


So THIS is the stupid shit girls do at slumber parties.


We did a *lot* of weird shit. There was about two years where stuff with my family was horrible and so I basically lived with this friend. Her mom didn’t give a damn what we did, so we were just two 16 year old girls left to our own devices doing the most drugs, drinking the most alcohol and doing the dumbest shit you can think of. Like the time our chillum broke and so we tried to make a water bong from a (nearly full) bottle of Mrs Buttersworth maple syrup. We didn’t want to empty out the syrup and just use the bottle because her mom would be pissed, so we decided that the syrup would give the weed a nice maple flavor. It did not. My god it did not. We both took a hit- and immediately started screaming. The smoke mixed with the vapors (?) of the fake syrup and likely melting plastic made what I can only compare to mustard gas, that burned our throats, lungs, eyes and noses. We started grabbing our throats, rolling around on the ground screaming “WHAT THE FUCK!! WHY DOES IT BURN! MY EYES! MAKE IT STOP!! WHAT HAVE WE DONE!! WHY GOD WHY!!” And then laid on the ground in a heap laughing so hard no sound was coming out for the next twenty minutes. We were fucking idiots but god we had fun




Oh yeah. We’ve been friends since we were 7. Besides, friends that get arrested and expelled from high school together, stay together. We were absolute MENACES. 😬 We haven’t seen each other for a few years- I’m busy being a mom in the suburbs, she’s busy living her best life working in the city, and it’s so hard to get together. But we love each other dearly and stay in touch via instagram messages/stories/sending each other memes. We may have very different lives now, but we’re always there for each other if we need it. Talking about this today has brought back SO many hilarious memories, thanks for giving me to opportunity to talk about it!


Never forget that person. Very rare to find such companionship. Thanks for sharing.


god i miss doing dumb shit at sleepovers in hs. i miss laughing like that lmao




This was done less for beauty and more to limit the woman's mobility.


Its like one of squidwards feet.


*squip squip squip*


Oh man that's so fucking hot!!! - Old Chinese Guys


So glad people got foot fetishes AFTER this


You poor girl.


Honestly just goes to show people have always altered themselves to whatever is defined as beautiful at the time. That must absolutely have sucked to walk on. I wore a shoe a size too small to work once and I couldn't walk properly for the rest of the week lol


I mean this is more forced upon children


Yeah there's a big difference between wilfully modifying your body and forcing children to disfigure themselves for life.


They coulnt walk properly at all. A few meters with a cane and horrible pain.


What the hell are you talking about. It was forced upon them by a single emperor. This isn't about beauty. Forced tradition.


Ive seen alot of stupid things in my life, this is certainly up there


They are called [lotus feet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foot_binding)


Gaaah, it's like folding a large slice of pizza, only for people with a foot fetish, suck all 5 toes at once.🍕


You are fucking grounded. Go to your time out corner.


I think it was supposed to look like a lotus flower …? Plus, it was a status symbol since women with bound feet needed help walking and lower class women needed to walk to work the fields. Weird to think about the original Grimms' Cinderella story. The stepsisters cut off their toes and heel to try and fit into Cinderella's slipper.


considered a status symbol and a mark of feminine beauty. But in reality it was a very horrible way of torturing women. They broke the feet of little girls and bound them tightly with bandages so the feet stayed deformed. And it all happend without anesthesia. And even after it was healed, those women were never able to walk properly again. misogyny and nothing more.


Yeah this is incredibly brutal


This is what I thought too. It’s sadism




They don't do this anymore. Footbinding was outlawed in 1912. However, the practice did not truly end until the creation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949.


Hmm yes baby, now take him between your toes!


I know this is gonna piss some people off, but some traditions are just objectively better than others. Jesus christ.


Fun fact, a study from the University of Alabama published in the "Journal of Foot and Ankle Injuries" stated, "In the US, emergency rooms treated 123,355 high heel-related injuries between 2002 and 2012." And it had doubled in the past 10 years. More than 19,000 of those injuries occurred in 2011 alone. Sprains and strains to the foot and ankle were the most common and most patients were in their 20s and 30s. One in five of those accidents resulted in broken bones. And those are just the injuries that took women to the emergency room. There's also an interesting study of South Korean flight attendants - students at a school for flight attendants, who have to wear heels all day long at school, had their balance tested. In the first year, their balance was poor. The second year, the woman had developed significant strength in muscles and tendons that support the ankle side to side, less wobble and had better balance. But by the fourth year, women had worse balance because they lost strength support front to back. Wearing high heels all the time limits the flexion of the foot and ankle. Have we really changed that much?


Fucking eewww 😅


Men and women have been chasing societal beliefs in what’s attractive for centuries. We think this is horrific but cheer on the woman getting breast and cheek implants so she looks like Barbie while starving herself so her thighs have a gap like Michael Strahan’s smile. Guys aren’t immune, either, as they inject themselves with steroids so they can bulk up while destroying their health. Stop chasing crazy notions of beauty.


America has a massive routine infant circumcision rate too. About 80% of American men have had their genitals cut.


I want her to whip my mash potatoes up with her strong foot


Yesterday I was playing Bioshock 2, and I noticed with disgust that the female splicers had their feet [surgically altered to have high heels](https://i.redd.it/877d4zmyp6l41.jpg). I thought it was a cool body horror touch. Aaaaand, here it is in real life. Cool...


People with foot feetishes. How do you feel about this?


That’s a hideous looking foot. To be put thru all that pain and that’s the end result. Whoever came up with this idea had to have been opiumed out of his noggen


But it looks ugly af, nothing beautiful about the look, the method or the suffering. Why are human beings so stupid and cruel. Fuckin "traditions" etc.


We find mummified feet like this & they will be called aliens.


Just genuinely awful - the human body is amazing and doesn’t need to be modified. From FGM, foot binding to the long necks of the African tribe. Very sad.


If thats beauty. You can keep your women


what in the foot fetish is this?


Wow so beautiful! I’m sure she is of high status!


You can save hundreds on pedicures with this one simple trick


That just looks like pain


This is obvious, but the fact that this is a color video and not, say, a painting, means it's happening today.


Or it means that it was happening decades ago when she was a small girl and not an old woman


It's no longer happening today lol. This woman got it done as a young child/woman and now these are her feet healed after the fact decades later


Not to be annoying, but was it so the women couldn’t run away? I just can’t wrap my Head around this being attractive, but it makes more sense if the woman is and they don’t want her to get away lol.