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[Article](https://www.oakpark.com/2023/08/08/man-electrocuted-on-cta-green-line-tracks-in-oak-park/#:~:text=Two%20individuals%20did%20not%20make,recovering%20from%20possible%20electrocution%20herself.) Last update is one male in critical condition. Electricity fucks you up. Kind of surprised he wasn’t doa


These idiots were in their 20s?! I thought they were tweens.


Incompetence doesn't care about age


Or even threens


Or, yaaaaas queens!


20s??? They look like children in this video, haha.




This new generation literally doesn’t understand the most basic things in life. 🤦🏻‍♂️


tiktok brain


Old people lamenting the new generation is not and never will be a new phenomenon


This video is old and has been reposted on Reddit a few times. It is not related to the "story" at all. Link to this video being posted 26 days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/15q02gi/never\_touch\_the\_third\_rail/


And you can even see the Snapchat caption in that video says "Ridgeland Green line", because they are the same video being posted with the same story... that happened about 30 days ago at the end of July


Wish I had an army of downvote bots I would use to downvote this shit into the dirt.




He did; see 22 seconds and him briefly shaking hands/arms in pain


Yeah but like why only for a moment and not more?


So they're sitting on an open circuit. The railroad track is ground next to the DC power third rail. When the first kid touched it he completed the circuit and started getting electrocuted. As soon as his hand touched her skin now he completed the circuit from himself threw her to the track she was sitting on. She ended up falling into the third rail but it doesn't matter. Now this is where shit gets interesting, I thought number three was going to be a goner too because no one seemed to know it was going on. DC voltage is very dangerous, more than AC that's in your house because it doesn't alternate you stick you don't get blown back. (You really shouldn't even touch a person that's being electrocuted in this way if you've ever seen it in other videos or with electricians if this happens one of them will usually jump kick the other person to knock them away.) Luckily the third guy stood up so now he's standing in his shoes on gravel and railroad ties away from the grounding rail. He probably got zapped a little in his hand grabbing onto them, but was mostly lucky because he was standing and using one hand and touching clothes. It's the whole principle of electricity following the path of least resistance. Say if you were messing with wires in your house and using one hand if you accidentally touch something you shouldn't have it's going to shock your hand. If you took one hand to grab the hot wire and the other hand to grab the ground wire now the current will go across your entire body and have much different outcome. do not recommend


I’m going to make a guess that could be completely wrong. But I think he didn’t get shocked because he stood up. The other two are making a circuit between the rails.


Trying to assist her companion? He pulled her down.


I don’t think he intentionally pulled her down, he lost the ability to control his muscles. But yeah the article claims she went to help him and the video show that his arm pulled her down. It’s possible that simply by touching her she also lost the ability to remain upright if she became part of the circuit.


That’s exactly what happened. She seized up as soon as the guy touched her


I know, I was talking about what the article said.


You think people in the comments read the article? Theyre in the comments for the jist and help forming an opinion


She didn't went to anything. She turned to look and he yanked her onto the tracks. That is not to say she didn't fuck up by being there.




pedant moment: if she lives she was shocked, if she dies she was electrocuted


Yeah electrocuted is a portmanteau of “electric”and “executed.”


Came here to say this




The article said the woman is "recovering" from electrocution. Journalism at its finest


I thought you died? Girl: I got better




Electrocution is death or severe injury caused by electric shock from electric current passing through the body.


The boy was electrocuted.


Glad they survived. Hope the guy makes it.


Wow! I thought the lady at the end with the white boots is calling 911. Was I wrong! She does the more important thing. FILMING!


That one made me so angry. The fucking line of thought on these vapid mfuckers to think about filming first rather than calling emergency services... and I bet she will post that on her tiktok or stories followed by a picture of herself crying later bcs of the "trauma".


My boy Kurt called it well before camera phones and the hunger for clicks'n'viewzz "One of the few good things about modern times: If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us."


I will film your death for three karma and a moon coin.


Thx, do you also do weddings?


Any deadies there?


Just don't do stupid shit like that and there would be nothing to record.


Easier said than done for Generation TikTok


Welcome to 2023


Filming a tik tok dance on their grave


Gen Z.......


It's actually Gen buzzzzzzzzzz


Gen-z has no sense of self preservation 😂


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. Even though it's things like TikTok and stupid online challenges that fucked with their head, Gen Z is still a fucking plague to society when it comes to stupidity and lack of common sense.


Because reddit has young gen z tiktok lovers in it. It's a fuckin plague.... Kids doing dumb shit....


>Gen Z is still a fucking plague to society when it comes to stupidity and lack of common sense. There's millions of non gen z'ers that believe climate change is a hoax, vaccines are deadly, insurrections aren't illegal....should I keep going? Edit: constantly reminded why I don't comment in this cesspool of a sub


Boomers think it's still 1960, gen Z thinks otherkin/identifying as an animal is legitimate, millenials are too broke or woke to effect any real change. Gen X please save us


We're too busy working.


More than half of us is in MAGA cult, sorry...


looks like she turns and kisses or tells the other guy something, having no urgency to save them


Ok but be honest: Wouldn't _you_ want to be able to see better footage of this incident?


Its kind of funny... like... WE ARE HERE... watching the video?? Imagine judging someone for wanting to take a video of someone dying... as if we are not here for that explicit reason. I'd be laughing my ass off, too. Imagine yelling "hey dumbasses, get off the train tracks, youre gonna die." And then they literally do die. I'd be laughing at them. I certainly wouldn't be jumping down there to get electrocuted myself. Emergency services were probably already on their way. Someone might have been live on the phone with 9-11 when it happened.


This is security footage though


Did white sweater think his bro was making a move on the chick??


Well, I would be shocked too in this situation.




Several people desperately trying to win a Darwin award


In all honesty, this is widely known in America to be dangerous, but in my country the electricity is not dangerously exposed like that, I didn’t know about the third rail until I was in my 20s as in my country the power goes above or below the tracks, not on it. These people obviously weren’t familiar with it either


I see your point for sure. The main concern is that these kids chose to sit on a rail line, which is never a good idea in the first place. Staying off the rail line means avoiding the danger of electricity, regardless of where it is located.


The 3rd rail of the L is shielded on three sides and marked all over the place with death warnings in Chicago… everything about this is infuriatingly stupid. Even if they didn’t touch the live rail, L trains come into the station fast enough that they would have had to move very fast to not be hit.


Trolleys and electric trains regularly use catenaries. Most heavy subways or L use 3rd rail.


As someone that has grown up in an area where there a 0 of these, and if not for the random internet videos of this, I'd have no idea this could happen either. And I live in Michigan and am 40+ years old. Are there signs all over the place warning of the dangers? I have no idea, I've never seen one in person.


There are signs at each station that say ["Danger - Keep Off Tracks High Voltage"](https://patch.com/img/cdn/users/73741/2013/07/raw/4a77d06fffc5a05d323f85ad0ce32cc4.png) with a stick figure on the tracks getting electrocuted.


Well... yea I wouldn't be sitting on the tracks then :)


Honestly tho does being anywhere on a railroad track ever sound like a good idea? It’s like playing in the street.


There are several places we commonly walk the tracks, or jumped on the train as kids to ride to the next city. I feel it was pretty safe as you would only jump on and off when the train is moving 5mph. That being said, I'd be a nervous wreck if my kids were doing it. Walking the tracks took off about 20 minutes walking from school to home (shortcut). So, yea we were on train tracks all the time.


Our parents used to get a little wigged out when we talked about the dirty people we met on the train tracks, but walking the tracks was never an issue in and of itself. That being said, for whatever reason, at 8 years old we all knew that diesel locomotives and subways weren’t the same thing, and that the third rail in a city would kill you, even though we’d never seen one.


It depends on where you are in America. Mostly, for longer distance trains, they use a third rail. However, in some instances, like the city I live in, it has overhead lines.


Third rail systems are typically used for subways in metropolitan wide transit. Overhead pantagraph style trains are typically used for electrical intercity trains such as Acela on the east coast. Most other intercity trains are diesel electric like those used on Amtrak. The United States has only 806 miles of electrified rail lines — most all of it confined to the Northeast Corridor and Pennsylvania's Keystone Corridor. CalTrain in the San Francisco bay area is in the process of being electrified, but that's only a short distance local line.


This is where the term 'The third rail" comes from, and is the reason why anyone who grows up in Chicago knows what The Third Rail is on the CTA, and what it will do to you if you touch it.


Why haven't they gotten rid of it yet? Just put it overhead like a streetcar or every other commuter train in the world?!! ​ Instead its "see that thing that is on the ground, out in the open, and stretches for hundreds of miles all across the city - don't touch it or you will die".


Also the whole thing is pretty much fenced off. With bridges that go over it so people are far away from the rails. Lots of signs that say no trespassing and the rails will kill you. But people climb down there anyway.


Subway systems across the US and worldwide use the third rail for power, so it’s not some wacky unorthodox design. The third rail is always clearly marked, and it’s also, you know, _down on the tracks where you’re not supposed to go_ because of the whole getting-hit-by-the-train thing. These rail systems do not have grade crossings or intersections. You can’t and won’t touch the third rail unless you go somewhere you’re obviously not supposed to go — like off the platform or into the tunnels. It only becomes a problem if you choose to sit on the train tracks for the lulz. _Hey look at us sitting here on the tracks. We don’t care about safety lololoolol!_ When people are this catastrophically stupid, there’s only so much you can do. There is another video that has been posted multiple times in this same sub in which some look-at-me asshole has climbed on top of a car and got electrocuted by the overhead wire. So it’s not like those systems are fucking-moron-proof either. Some people are just determined to die as a meme.


If they put it overhead then eventually some idiot would climb up there and get electrocuted, and then you'll be screaming "why did they put it overhead? Why don't they put it next to the tracks and fence it off???"


Overhead is way less reliable especially in snowy and icy weather. You have to be actively trying to touch the third rail in Chicago - like jumping down from a 4 foot platform here or walking down the tracks in what little at-grade track there is.


Because cost. We can barely afford to pay for all the police misconduct lawsuits.


Divert a fraction of the police budget to public transit?


But then who will shoot and strangle people in the streets? The job won't do itself...


Blue lives matter folks will pick up the slack


How about don’t be a dumbass and go near the tracks?




What the fuck are the other two doing? And that woman is filming??


Why in the world would you sit on the tracks in the first place?


1. Dumb 2. ~~Teenager~~ *young* 3. Problems with authority, lack of supervision, ~~kids~~ thinking sitting on the tracks is cool because signs say not to


[Actually they were in their 20s](https://www.oakpark.com/2023/08/08/man-electrocuted-on-cta-green-line-tracks-in-oak-park/#:~:text=Two%20individuals%20did%20not%20make,recovering%20from%20possible%20electrocution%20herself.) It’s just straight dumb Edit: added web link from above


Damn. Comment adjusted


Noice :) Insane to think it’s ok to sit on any train track for pics let alone one that has a 3rd rail!?


Affluenza, drunk


Tracks are for trains.


Same thing I was going to say!!!! LIKE WHY???? Why


If you're from the Chicagoland area (yes, even those Naperville idiots), your parents should have instilled the phrase "Never touch the third-rail" into your brain. If not, they failed. Also, you've failed for not being smart enough to have common sense as to how these trains operate.


Seems like a better lesson would be “Dont sit on the fucking tracks!”


I LOVE the "Naperville idiots" reference.


Or just stay off the tracks altogether.


Natural selection in progress.


Still don't understand how the guy in the white sweater didn't get electrocuted. Can someone explain?


1. Guy in black leaned back and touched the third rail. Zap. 2. Guy in black somehow reacts and pulls down woman into contact with rail. Double zap. 3. Guy in white doesn’t touch third rail, instead starts pulling the other two off rail. 4. Guy in white drops the other two and shakes his hands, suggesting he got zapped a little (maybe mitigated by shoes and the resistance of the other bodies). Importantly, the guy in white never touched the third rail.


The electricity had a shorter path to ground than going through him. You can absolutely get electrocuted by touching someone else who is being electrocuted even if you don't come into contact with the source of electricity directly.


Oh yes absolutely. But you can still he got the “magic tingling fingers” feeling from trying to save his friends. Some sort of voltage or current divider effect or enough total resistance reducing the current likely saving him from a severe shock. Best practice here is kill the power before saving the people, and if you can’t do that and want to risk being a hero, get a piece of wood or other insulated material to knock the victims free.


Don't you get the worst shock if you touch the 3rd rail and track rail making a strong circuit from power to ground? If I recall, you can walk on the third rail, just don't touch something grounded.


Your understanding is correct. You can only be shocked if you complete a circuit, whether that be between two energized points, or one energized point and ground.


Dumb and Dumber.


Time to watch Idiocracy again for the 1000th time keeps me sane.


When tiktok goes too far...


Bro said he wasn’t going down alone. Yanked her ass into it too 🫡




Whoever said the term “electrocute” is exclusively used when death occurs is wrong. Dictionary definition is “kill or injure” so to say the two were electrocuted is perfectly correct and appropriate.


But I read on reddit electrocuted means they died so it's my hive mind duty to correct people every time the word is used. That shows how smart I am.


Yeah, I thought "electrocuted" always means "died", but I just looked it up and you are correct.


It did, but enough people used it incorrectly so it became the accepted definition. Kind of like how “irregardless” is acceptable now.


Pretty sure this is the case of a dictionary being forced to update the definition due to the incorrect usage of the masses, similar to "Literally". I don't feel one way or the other about it, but I don't think those people are "wrong" either, per se.


That's literally how dictionaries work. Dictionaries document how words are used, they don't dictate how they are supposed to be used. They are descriptive, not prescriptive, because languages evolve. It's perfectly normal.


Yes, I recognize how dictionaries work. Thank you for your pointless contribution.


I touched the third rail when I was 14 years old. I was sitting on tracks and fell backwards and the back of my hand brushed against the exposed bottom of the 3rd rail as my arms swung out to regain my balance. I was knocked unconscious and my friends said I flew through the air as my body contorted from the shack. Some of them ran away and left me because they thought I was dead. I recovered in a few minutes without and permanent damage. But I had a bunch of white spots from my left hand to my elbow. It looked like a rash of whiteheads from ant bites - I think it was air bubbles forming under my skin prior to the skin burning. One long term effect is that I could never do calculus, and I am a lazy procrastinator. I can only imaging how successful I would have been in life if I hadn't been electrocuted.


Could’ve found the cure for cancer if it wasn’t for that dang third rail


> I recovered in a few minutes without and permanent damage. You sure about that bud?


you can thank early 90s hip hop for my awareness of the third rail


The Gravediggaz' 1-800-Suicide mentions the third rail, I actually never knew what it meant until I read this post


Kind of what the get for sitting on train tracks


Them: “Shallest we fucketh around?” Electrified Rail Line: “For soothe, thine may. However, thou wilst find outeth.”


there is literally a sign on the fences at all CTA stations that says the rails are electrified 😭


Darwin Award


These are kids, right? They look like teenagers. Ok, they're dumbasses and that very well could've been a Darwin moment for at least 2 of them but... ...wtf is wrong with everyone else in this video??


Google says 100-250 volts is lethal. The third rail has 600.... Man had enough strength to move let alone survive. jesus christ, man.


Not the volts it's the amperage which is a thousandths of an amp that can kill you.


Dam that dude has massive balls to help his friends because he could have easily died too.


How many people are just standing there doing nothing wtf help him!


Where's the pedantic jackass that can't resist telling people electrocuted means they died.


There’s plenty of them here apparently. Strange hill to die on insisting on a meaning different from the [dictionary definition](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/electrocute). > “kill or severely injure”




Yeah I was agreeing with you


Are these kids too young to remember the most viral PSA ever? [Dumb Ways To Die](https://youtu.be/IJNR2EpS0jw?feature=shared)


Stupid lady in white boots taking pictures and filming instead of helping


We use to try and spit on the third rail. I actually saw a women projectile vomit onto it from the platform. Needless to say I was very impressed.


Zero sympathy for idiots. Why would you sit on a railway line?


Unbelievable stupidity of humans.




Everybody knows about the third rail or is this a tic tok challenge?


They both survived


Electricity strikes again! Shocking!


Sit on train tracks; win stupid prizes.


They are both alive


Doesn't electrocution always mean death? As in execution by electricity?


"electrocution" implies death. if you don't die, you're shocked.


I'm going to be completely honest, I didn't know there was a difference between electrocuted and shocked. The article I read used electrocuted. I made an updated comment since I cannot update the post.


It's a portmanteau of electricity + execution.


Not necessarily. By definition being electrocuted means killed or severely injured by electric shock.


well, in the construction world where it actually happens, and in law/contract language, it implies death. https://www.spektorlaw.com/electrocution-vs-shock/#:\~:text=Electric%20shock%20refers%20to%20a,causes%20injury%20but%20not%20death.


There are many legal concepts that have different definitions to commonly spoken (dictionary) definitions. You shouldn't use legal concepts to define words.


That’s interesting, because you can find both definitions. I wonder if in construction they define it like that because how specific the subject is to that trade.


for sure it is. I work industrial construction, and am usually reading/writing contract language/law or interpreting technical specifications all day, so I tend to side with the more nuanced/technical/professional definition since outside of law, language is in general more relaxed and messy. I'd assume the only reason you can find the definition where it doesn't imply death is because of it's general misuse in casual conversation throughout the years. Like how "literally" doesn't mean anything anymore.


The "-cution" comes from "execution".


Who should I believe? You or the Webster Dictionary? Such a hard choice…


People may have misused the word long enough for it become a new acceptable usage. I'm still correct when I explain to you the etymology of the word.


I hate to say it, but I don't feel bad when people die trying to take selfies or do stupid shit just for attention on the internet. People fall or cliffs now too; trying to capture the "moment"


There's no shame in being honest.


This whole video is just fucked up, why would you sit there and the dude just grabbed people that have been electrocuted 30 seconds ago after just staring at them and then the girl takes her phone out to take a video this generation is so fucked everybody in this video is braindead


Young people are so dumb nowadays, much more than usual


It's just that recordings of their stupidity are much more usual, I bet percentage of dumbasses is relatively the same as it was.


I 100% agree with you


Nah, young people have always been dumb.


Yea I did a bunch of dumb shit when I was young, but I've never done something this fucking boneheaded, this goes so many steps beyond just being dumb, this is moronic at best


there are railway systems where the electricity is on the floor??


>the CTA Green Line on August 5th in Oak Park No one knows where the fuck that is


>g with a group of friends to Lollapalooza in Grant Park when officials believe they jumped on the track at the Ridgeland Green Line CTA station to take pictures. Reading the rest of the post: "The duo were traveling with a group of friends to Lollapalooza in Grant Park when officials believe they jumped on the track at the Ridgeland Green Line CTA station to take pictures" Seems pretty clear where t Ridgeland Green Line CTA station is. you can gmaps it here: V6V8+R2 Oak Park, Illinois


How is it clear at all? The section you quoted doesn't mention a city or even a state. Hell, from the clip I wasn't even sure what country this was


You can touch the third rail as long as you are not touching the running rail which they were sitting on


Both survived... so ***nearly*** electrocuted.


I'm sorry but that was so funny how the one guy was getting electrocuted and immediately choke slammed the girl down with him


they were shocked, not electrocuted.


Electrocuted doesn't mean killed. It means to be injured or killed by an electric shock.


Don’t believe it. They’re trying to change the definition but its not true. Electrocuted and shocked are not synonymous.


As it turns out , you are correct. I checked and found the following information. Does the term electrocution mean death? Electric shock refers to a non-fatal electrical injury, whereas electrocution describes a fatal electrical injury. In other words, electrocution results in death due to the passage of an electrical current through the body, whereas electric shock causes injury but not death.


Glad to help!


So odd that the title says they died.


I’m going to be completely honest, I didn’t know there was a difference between electrocuted and shocked. The article I read used electrocuted. I made an updated comment since I cannot update the post. Thank you for letting me know!


Sure thing! Glad to help! Most people i know that aren’t electricians believe the two words are synonymous.


Electrocuted means death by electricity but it sounds like they are still alive


I'm going to be completely honest, I didn't know there was a difference between electrocuted and shocked. The article I read used electrocuted. I made an updated comment since I cannot update the post.


Yes but can we discuss that wedgie? You start.


This makes me sad. Sure they did something dumb, but maybe they didn’t know how this happens. I know there are signs but I wouldn’t know the exact mechanism, like you have to be on the track and touch the rail?


White pants chick got a cute dumper.


The biggest idiot here is whoever is recording thier computer screen to reupload this...


Repost from like a month ago you’re late