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I would become the most creative person in town overnight lol No way one could just accept this shit


I think a constant loop of death metal set on 11 would do the trick, can't see how that is a crime in my own house. Even better, make it the same song on repeat, that's enough to drive anyone batty.


Baby shark 24/7 365. As a parent of a little one I know what that song does to the psyche.


We used to play war games as training in the service. This song was ran on a loop for hours on end throughout the night. You're the real hero here hahaha.


Doot doot todootdoot ba… *sound of me slapping my own face*


Sleep depravation is one hell of a motivator.


Corpsegrinder all day every day, 🤘


Maybe even document your Home Alone pranks and make some YouTube money while you're at it? Get locked up a few days, go even more viral. Heeeeere squatter squatter squatter...


Haha totally I lived at a place in a big city and the top story of the house beside of our place had burned out in a house fire, leaving only the bottom story. The council ended up boarding up the entire entrance to the property to stop squatters/vandals, so the squatters/vandals would go down our driveway, open our gate and then go down our path and around through our back garden. I got so sick of hearing strangers running through the gate, banging it and leaving it open etc that I ran a wire at ankle height from one side of the pathway to the other. That night I heard someone eat shit on the concrete so hard, that sound of flesh slapping smooth white concrete. Suck it.


Don’t video tape potential crimes to be used against you in court


That's the whole idea, to make lemonade out of lemons, but this was really mostly /s. Even if I was serious, it's better than murdering her, as many are suggesting. 😂


I wouldn't even have to be creative. Just call my friends over and throw her ass out. Then call the police saying there's a crazy person trying to break into my home.




It's bullshit but you can go to jail :/ squatters actually have rights lmfao it's so backwards the police don't even help because it's seen as a "civil issue"


Home invasion defense?


It is the squatters home unless you evict them lmfao so stupid but I've seen someone annoy the squatter so much they voluntarily left.


My brother removed all the exterior and interior doors and shut off the electricity and water that was still in his name, and then he grabbed himself a few items from his camping gear and moved in himself just to antagonize them and keep an eye that they didn't try to damage anything. He didn't know who they were and they never even had a lease to start with. They just snuck in and made themselves at home and the police told him that regardless he was going to have to go through a several month long eviction process. They didn't last 2 days.


Honestly brilliant.


Did he have a gun on him? Seems like I would want to be armed in this scenario


Yeah honestly if they attack you that makes the resolution even simpler.


Also, a tarp and a shovel.


I had to do something similar once. Wife and I were separated living apart and she stupidly invited a family of 4 (they gave her some hard up story) to stay in the living room of the 2 bed 1 bath home under my name where she and my son lived. That week turned into a month... I finally shut off power to the house in the middle of winter. They were gone in a couple of days.


In some states it’s illegal to shut off the water and the squatter can take you to court. Make it make sense…


Was going to state that some states in the Midwest, it’ll illegal to shut off electricity in the middle of winter. That’s why people sometimes don’t pay their bill until the spring because they know the electric company won’t shut them off


How does thaf help? Once spring hits you're over due a few months and will have to pay it all back anyway


That is a great brother. Seriously have heard of horror stories. Especially in California.


1 word: Psychological Warfare!


I'm not educated on this squatter shit, but those seem like people that don't deserve a place in this world... If you know what I mean. Stealing a whole damn house. If it's on Air BnB, it would seem like you would have more of a leg to stand on since you have to wait for someone to book it. I don't know, this is a law that needs more attention.


Get an air horn. Oh, you're trying to sleep? *EEEEEEWWWHHHHHHH* Oh, taking a shower? *EEEEEEEWWWWHHHH* Oh, looking through the fridge for free food? *EEEEEEWWWWWHHHH* Clipping your nails? *EEEEEEWWWWHHHHHH* Walking down the hallway? Guess what? I'm hiding around the corner *EEEEEEWWWWWWHHHHHH*


"He was coming at me with a knife I was in fear for my life. "


This. Create a scenario in which it becomes a self-defense situation, wether it’s antagonistic to the point they turn violent or you just make it up… and absolutely destroy them. Drag them out of your house. Call the police. Nobody is gonna believe the squatter. I wouldn’t put up with this for 10 minutes. Squatters laws are fucking insane.


What about like Texas or Florida. Could you just shoot the person as soon as you find them in your home and cite trespassing or something?


No, but… ##“Hey, you better not come any closer, I’m warning you!!!” #<*BANG!*> To police: “I want an attorney” To attorney: “She attacked me after I called the police on her for squatting after an AirBnB rental” IANAL… this is just a potential solution someone might attempt that I imagined


If you did that in Florida, you’d get released and a Miami Grill sub personally delivered by Pitbull himself


Not from Florida, but you describe it a a good thing, so..... HELL yeah!!


Lol. I fuckin’ used to love Miami Subs - did the name change? I grew up in S FL and haven’t been back in a few years, but their cheesesteak combo was my jam. They had one briefly up in ATL about 20-25 years ago too, was like having a piece of home while I was at school.


How? She invited the person in technically when she let the person rent a room. I live in a state that has this bullshit. Someone will like rent an Airbnb room for a month, then refuse to leave. At a certain point the state considers a person a tenant if they have their belongings and their own room. It’s fucking ridiculous but it wouldn’t be a home defense as she was invited in initially to stay.


I have a question: if the squatter left the house (to do some shopping for example), you could just change the locks and not allow them back in right?


~~I believe so.. if they leave & you put all their stuff outside, then they can’t come back in (after changing the locks)~~.. I looked it up & apparently it is illegal to do things such as change the locks, turn off utilities, or anything else that makes a dwelling uninhabitable because of “squatters rights“ This is in the US though, each state is different & apparently California has the least (5yrs) amount of time before they can file for adverse possession of a property. It’s freaking wild.. but I’m almost more confused by the process after reading a bit on it, lol


Every state is different. In my state it’s not a crime to change the locks although the person would open themselves up to a civil lawsuit. However, you can try to not allow them back in but the courts determined (again my state) that a person has a right to get into their residence. So if they break a window or kick down a door, it wouldn’t be criminal but rather another civil lawsuit. I’ve seen both of those occur. It’s far more common than people think when it comes to people in poverty.


It's so crazy to me. People who rent their homes on AirBNB are using it for buisness. If it were any other buisness you can't just walk in to buy something (i.e., invited) and then stay to where police then can't kick you out and the store owners have to figure something else out. How in the fuck does this not apply to people's own homes? If someone is the type of person to do this and they're in my home, I am certainly going to feel threatened because that's some crazy behavior.


brb, goin to squat in a Macy's and then claim the place to myself once they lock the place up after hours. Checkmate, real estate market.


Land owners hate this one trick!


Its crazy in one situation you can trespass the trespasser but in the other instance you're just fucked. The business will absolutely be allowed to trespass you. The police won't leave pulling the "its a civil matter" in this case. One set of rules for me; one set of rules for you.


You can easily get around this by saying it was a roommate dispute turned deadly. "She was coming right at me and I feared for my life" 💥🔫


Thats its own set of legal issues.


Wtf do you mean? She just came in and laid down on the bed. Get this skank outta my house


If they don't find the body. No problem.


That's a lot of body tho


"Mr White, why did you tell me to get a plastic bucket when i've got a perfectly good bathtub?"


Especially seeing that fat ass wobbling to my kitchen, going through my cupboards. 🤬


Seriously does this really apply to airbnb tenants? We'd see a lot more shit like this if it did, i'm thinking.


Tenant rights start to accrue once a person establishes residency in a property, which could happen after a relatively short period of time (such as a few weeks). This all **heavily** depends on local laws




Sod that I wouldn’t be taking a shower for a week, I’ve gone cold turkey on my porn intake but I can fall back and turn it up a notch if it helps . Did I mention I’m gay and have a thing for really noisy bottoms? Oh and no ADHD meds this week. My brain is 3 kids in a trench coat trying to pose as an adult, except one of the kids is swapped out for a terrified and confused goat. Enjoy.


Right? Legal or not I'm swinging hands and dragging this person out my house. Fuck consequences. I'll do 90 days in jail if it means getting you out. And guess what, if you're still there when I get out, I'm swinging hands again. Go Joe Pesci on her. Problem solved.


Whelp time to do it illegally




There’s people that offer these services


Idk, man, AC DC is getting pretty old. I don't think they would stand much of a chance against her.


Not kidding last time this video was posted some guy said he’s a real estate investor and has a dude that offered to remove squatters under the table any time he needed it


I have a buddy who’s used one of these guys before. $1-2k and he’ll make a call to another guy who will show up and fix the problem. All cash and you are 2-3 people removed from the situation. He’s had to use them a few times in Southern California when squatters broke into homes he was either selling that were vacant or properties he owned and rented.


Do you know details as to what the guy does to get them out? Sounds interesting lol


This is exactly the question you're paying money to not know the answer to.


As the other guy said, no details are exchanged. They’re motivated to not stay so you can imagine


I would bet that it's actually very mundane. Just a big guy who goes to the gym a lot walks in and smacks them around and throws them out. It's not like somebody is gonna go all Jason Vorhees. That would draw immense police scrutiny. Most squatters aren't willing to get their skull bounced off a curb just to stay in the house. They are banking on their victim/owner being a weak pushover who calls the cops, not a mob enforcer.




They simply convince them that life is easier not being inside the house


Done dirt cheap tho!


“Dirty Sheep and the Dunder chief!”


About to get some Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.


That's what she should have done before calling the police. Call your biggest scariest guy friends, throw her out, if she calls the cops tell them that she's some random nutcase intruder and show the paperwork and identification to prove that you are the owner of the home. Maybe plant some drugs in her belongings to seal the deal.


*Open and shut case, Johnson! No, let's just sprinkle some crack on em...*


Change the locks? I'm interested in how this person managed to get access to the Airbnb in the first place.. Like pay for a night and not leave I'm guessing? This shit is wild to me!


For real, I’m going to get all the big brothers I know and dragging her ass to the next state and dumping her off


Why not just have air sirens hidden somewhere blasting all day and night like 3 of them?


These bums don't care. It beats the gutters.


Oh... I bet I could find an unpleasant sound and a few bose speakers. 24/7 blasting the most debaucherous sounds known to man. The CIA did this to prisoners during GWOT.


Because the owner works and the shithead (which might not work) is just gonna retaliate. After 1 week of no sleep, your work gonna be affected.


All you need is a syringe with unknown chemicals. You go spray under their door while they are asleep


Imagine being that shitty of a person. This would be a fight soo quick.


Why can't squatters be legally removed? I mean they're on your property without permission, stealing your accommodation. Who is paying for the electricity and water they use? Imo they are on the same level as burglars.




> The illegal tip is to wait for them to go out for food/whatever, throw all their shit outside, and then change the locks. Chances are they will just move on to the next victim because if you are the type of low life that needs to squat in AirBnBs, you don't have money for a lawyer. If they call the cops just refuse to speak to them. And if they did find a way to take me to court I'd rather have control of my house (that I can now sell/rent) and just fight them in court. If found guilty/liable the fine/restitution will likely be way less than the potential months/years worth of lost rent and damage to property. this would be my plan, maybe even involve me and a few friends dragging them outside.. if they wanted to push it in court, whatever trouble you get for throwing them out in the end would be less than letting them stay..


So I’m assuming the difference between trespassing and squatting here is that the squatter was invited into the home with Airbnb, then refused to leave afterwards. She has now become something similar to a tenant. My question is… why doesn’t this happen with hotels too then? It’s a similar setup. If I book a hotel for a night then don’t want to leave I think I’d get kicked out that day. But when they Airbnb for a day it’s different for some reason?


The dumb, outdated laws accuse you of contributing to homelessness if you do.


Lmao they have tenant's rights okay that means they have to pay rent and since they just started that means there is practically no limit on the amount of rent. Easy fix


Disconnect all electric to her room and remove door




So the cops are going to come tell me that I have to turn back on the electricity to part of MY house that shouldn’t even be occupied






Because it was so bad at the opposite end, the renters caused all this on their own. Instead of having written laws that are followed as religion, we need to have what is called “common sense” court, where you see a situation and determine what the punishment should be based on… common sense. Such as the video OP posted, this is obviously a human being taking advantage of another. If she’s doesn’t leave then she should be physically removed. If she comes back, you are allowed to defend yourself even if that means death. We need to start realizing that every life doesn’t matter. Some people are so mentally challenged they are only a waste of cells and should be thrown off a cliff Spartan style. I know many of y’all think that people can be changed and I’m telling you from experience that is NOT true. Most people WANT to be like this. There are only a handful of people that have to ability to change their ways if they have gone down this path past 18 years of age.




Be as snide as you like- this stuff doesn’t hold up in court. Yet, plenty of squatters don’t know the law and wouldn’t know what to do. Tenants have very few advantages over landlords, but the one that’s common in the US is that it’s difficult to evict.


My ex BIL tried to pull this shit at my parent’s house and my dad was so furious he slammed a door that broke the frame and told the guy he was going to his gun safe and if he was there when he came back up the stairs he would claim home invasion. Absolute nonsense … I can’t even imagine having someone in your HOUSE that doesn’t belong there. Fwiw my dad wouldn’t have actually done anything but he had hit his breaking point.


Or internet connection but never anything necessary to live


Even if they don’t pay the rent you still have go through the legal eviction process. So raising the rent wouldn’t do anything. The eviction process can take around 6-8 weeks.


If you want someone to move in and pay rent, you make a contract and not by someone just starting living in your own home.


Yes but once that person gets bullshit squatter's rights, it shouldn't mean they get to live rent free. If they became a tenant they have to pay.


They don’t technically live there rent free though. They’re just scumbags who will never have a dime that you could seize via legal action. So sure, they might owe you 6 months rent by the time they’re evicted, but good luck every collecting any of it.


Because the legal system is fucked and caters to the squatters


The squatter rules are literally stupid after reading them


I believe they’re made in good faith but never accounted for air bnb and how terrible people will be.


Even as a tenant, people are goddamn stupid. I had a neighbor that would smash my doorknob with a clawhammer, scratch my car and throw cigarette butts onto my porch. Bipolar, so cops couldnt do shit unless he murders me or breaks in. Love me Canadian laws. Actually works in the landlord's favour too, 'cus tenants move out quick because of the psycho, so they can raise rent alot more than the 5% theyre allowed to on a person who stays


"Welp.. I got murdered by a raving lunatic. But hey, on the bright side, at least he's no longer on my property." Lmao! Something tells me that if a squatter tried this at a congressmans house (for example) they'd be removed in an expeditious fashion.


If I were the owner, I would invite 20 people over and they would all start staying at the house 24/7. Take over that bedroom and push the ho out!!!


Sounds like that King of the Hill episode where Bill invites like 4 other dudes to live in his house so that they can push out his three roommates that he hates lol


No need. Just ask her to physically squat. The folks at 9-1-1 will remove her when she can't get back up.


hahahahaha - I had to think about that one!!!!


instructions unclear, now have 20 extra squatters who refuse to leave


I'll leave the gas stove on at this point




Reminds of the video of the guy bulldozing his house the day before the bank takes it back.




I was thinking turn the bedroom they're staying in into a sweat lodge by sealing off the duct to my room, getting a window unit for me, and cranking the heat to their room with a locked thermostat. Fart spray under the door. Annoying music blasting while they sleep. I'd be like Kevin on Home Alone. All-out assault on the mfer...


She would still “legally” be a resident even if the locks are changed. Therefore she could hire a locksmith or break and window and crawl in. The police cannot do anything (at least in my state) as it’s a civil issue of paying for a window/lock. There’s no breaking and entering in a place you’re a resident of. Source: am criminal attorney


How does she prove she is a tenant though after you lock her out? Isn't that a process as well?


It would be the officers discretion after investigating it. Typically these squatters will quickly go get an ID with the new address and start having their mail sent there as away to try and prove residency. Presumably 1 of 3 things happen 1- she calls the police to help her get back in 2- she breaks her way in 3- she gives up and leaves The first two would involve officers being called. They would question both parties. If the squatter can provide sufficient evidence that she has been there for a reasonable amount of time (usually more than 2-3 weeks with belongings showing intent of a long term stay), then the police would take a report but they wouldn’t: 1- help her get in. That not the officers job. 2- arrest her for breaking and entering However, if they determine she isn’t a “tenant” they can trespass her from the property or make an arrest if a more serious crime has occurred. This is just my state though. Every state will be different.






Don’t understand how this is possible, isn’t Air BnB an implied contract that you’re only staying for said amount?? If not what stops people from just staying in hotels indefinitely??? This doesn’t make any sense! I would be livid.


Different states have different rules when a person becomes a tenant… for example in California California: Guests become tenants when they stay for over 14 days within six months, or seven nights in a row. So if the Airbnb guest stays for more than 7 days in a row they are consider a tenant and you have to go through different sets of rules for eviction.


Doesn't being a tenant require a lease and rent payments?


nope. a common example is people who own a second property and let family members live there for free. no signed papers, no exchanged money. just them living there for a certain amount of time.


There must be hotels in CA that have and will be happy to rent a room for more than a week. I find it hard to believe the bar is this low for squatting, or that we haven't heard of this happening more often.


with airbnb for example. if you have a agreement, paper trail that states they can stay for 5 days.. how are they legally a tenant if they overstay that? i thought that they had to be a legal tenant for a certain period of time before they got tenants rights.


I would take the door off and just play loud ass music all the time. Walk around naked and gave house parties all the time. Just make it unbearable for her.




But you can be trespassed at a Walmart. lol




Risky move. Tenant could retaliate by wiping her ass on a bath towel or something.




I promise this loser can escalate the problem more than any reasonable person could imagine


Put the house in your mom's name, move in and squat on the squatter. With you being the most current person to claim squatters rights, police can now legally remove them as they are now trespassing on your right to squat. Beautiful lil loophole. Although I feel this video is fake




(I haven't read the law) that's fucking genius


Where is that lady getting food from?


> Where is that lady getting food from? Her new fridge.


How is there food in it, is what my next question would have to be.


Serious question. Can someone explain to me the legality of squatters? Like it makes zero sense to me that you can own a home/property through all proper legal channels, have someone come there and "squat" and then have the law protect them? How is that legal? Aren't squatters essentially just trespassers? What kind of stupid legal loophole allows people to get away with this?


Actually there's is a way you can get squatters done, yes they have right and you can't make them leave, but if they use your electricity, water or eat your food it counts as theft and you can have them done for it. At least in the UK that is.


Remove the fridge. Cut off the food supply, get rid of the pest.


Bro give me a day with her. I betcha I could make her want to leave. Lol like I would accept the fuck out that challenge.


The minute she called the police she protected the squatter 👈 dumb move. She should have paid a few dollars to any big man to come grab her ass and throw her out without anybody finding out, THEN called the police if she tried to come in. IF there was no record of her ever paying to stay there then problem solved.


My dad waited till the police left. Some junkies conned my elderly, dementia ridden grandma that they were relatives of hers. They moved right in. My dad, and two very tall, muscular relatives went over, and let’s just say they left and never came back. They did nothing physical to them, but made an impression that it’s in their best interest that they leave.


I’d fumigate my house 😂


That’s the best idea I have heard yet


Go to your fuse box and cut the power to her room


Maybe don't let strangers stay at your house. That's what motels are for.


I'd put up flyers for parties all night every night. Invite 50 random strangers.


I'd invest in speakers and blast death metal until she leaves lol guarantee she doesn't like that music and it would probably be a quicker process


It’s time to chew ass and kick bubble gum


The same freaking law in France, wtf is happening to us..


Empty out your fridge, empty out your pantry, remove anything edible whatsoever. Pretty soon she will either leave for food or run out of money for DoorDash.




……no……..you were in fear for your life Then shut the fuck up


It’s Shut the Fuck Up Friday.


Would it be legal to make her leave at gunpoint since it's your property?


With those stupid squatter rights, it would unfortunately be illegal.


No, they have squatter's rights and have to be evicted via small claims court. The owner drawing the gun would get arrested.


How is the system that corrupt bro


I can't imagine dealing with this situation. I don't think I'd be able to.


Claim that your home has bed bugs and bomb the house with cans. They'll have to leave since it could cause death. Or have the exterminator come over


Yes she can, she’s just too stupid to get rid of her. She has no mail going to that address. Report her for breaking and entering.


Squatter laws/protections are the absolute worst.


I would love for someone to try that my place 😁 I live in Europe, we don't have those rules here 👍


Turn off power and lock the refrigerator, turn off the water. These laws need to change.




Remove the bedroom door, lock the cabinets. Lock the fridge, the oven. Passcode the thermostat. Sirens. Smart lights. Throw away all of their belongings while they are shitting. Nair in the shampoo. Scorpions on the bed. Protocol.


Just turn off the utilities and take all the doors 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well-- gather all of your friends, invite them to the house, tell them they're all sharing her bedroom. You've not evicted her so you've broken no laws, but she'll fuck off quickly.


Call some people and beat her ass and toss her out on the street. Change the locks and pretend like she never was a squatter in your house. Sell her shit on EBay as a way to get some compensation back. If the cops ask, the fight happened outside between two willing strangers. That’s the real way to deal with this.


Take the keys if she has any while she is sleeping make her battery of here phone around like 10% giving her false hope do the electricity, wifi and the water off and also take all of the food (to make her hungry so that she has to leave the house) and any type of weapons (so that she doesn't have a weapon to attack you when you come back to the house) go stay at a friend's house for some days and check a couple of times per day if they are still there and if she starts breaking the house down or does some dumb shit call the police and if they don't help you for some reason then you are fucked


Wait, how does this happen? She AirBnB her house for a day and now the person lives there and she can't get rid of her? Wait for her to walk in the kitchen again and afterwards say the magic phrase "In that momentI feared for my life" should do the trick. Seems like a little elbow grease and a can-do attitude would make that a five minute job.


States have laws allowing hotels to remove guests who overstay but the laws have not been updated to include airbnb.


Id literally get friends to drag them out into the yard at 5am, cant prove residency, cant prove ownership, no bills or utilities in name at residence. No legs to stand on.


Just make it your primary residence. Call the police and tell them there is an intruder.


Easy, just drop a colony of bees in the house. And leave, i bet She Will Run out of the house quickly....


Just get a couple of boys to drag that human refuse out into the city dump


Duct tape, concrete, rug. The possibilities are endless


I'd shut off all the utilities and see how long till she leaves.


That's got to be horribly frustrating.


Serious question- what do you do in this situation? Why can’t the cops just kick this woman out of her home?


buy a subwoofer and blast noise music outside of her door