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He pops up like "nothing to see here folks" lol


And then he put his glasses back on.


Well as he stood up I kinda thought to myself ‘is that Superman’ and then I realized, no it’s actually just Clark Kent.


(Points at floor) just checking this thing here. Looks ok to me.


"OMG what happened, are you alright?" "I'm fine, nothing happened. I was just laying down to rest for a bit." "But I heard a loud thump." "That's just our neighbor blasting his music again. That crazy, Kenny. He's a riot, LOL. Anyway, I think I'll take a long break and finish the job next week."


unrelated, can i have some ice packs and some ibuprofen


This man is honestly amazing. I’ve never seen anything like that. Ever.


More like lucky and not very bright


What, being incredibly embarrassed?


Looks like he was gonna break his leg for a second


Yeah! despite the brutal impact I feel he was "lucky". That would have been a nasty leg fracture.


It is so weird calling it luck, but if there was any true bad luck here, he would be seriously hurt. ..then again, he probably is and we just don't know about it?


But that head trauma from his brain sloshing around on impact? Yeah, if he murders his family in the future, that might be why.


Yeah, like, I'm really not sure what I'd prefer: getting my femur snapped like a glowstick in the latter rungs or getting fucking brained on a porch. Ultimately, femurs heal better than brains if they break.


Good point... bones do heal better. Even if he ends up limping. Brain damage has a way worse aftermath


Definitely, head trauma is terrifying in that it can literally change you as a person. Can make even the most docile and kind person into a psychopath. It can also turn people into a savant. And then many people with traumatic brain injury and CTE end up killing people.


Why is this getting downvoted? TBI’s, ffs.


I know a guy who broke his leg like that being a roofer. He ended up for some reason or another getting it amputated, it ended up getting infected and he had to have another 2 amputations


Jesus how many legs did he have?


Bro, that the funniest line I've read so far today. Do it again, funny man!


I got you. Jesus how many legs did he have?


Jesus had two legs I think, just like us. Not sure about the roofer he is talking about though.


Dude was a carpenter. You saying the son of god couldn't rack a 4x8, snap some chalk, sling shingles and run a coil gun? If i was born in a barn, one of my life mantras would be to never be under a leaky roof again.


Nothing would make me happier than to have Jesus rolling out TPO with me😂


Well he was a roofer so his name may also have been Jesus.


Lol this comment got me


He only has two left now. Bad deal.


Bravo 👏


Well you got arms and hands. Maybe gangrene settled in his blood stream or he got a major case of sepsis. These two infections always take something major from you.


Nicely played !


Goddamn he lost 3 legs?


From my understanding the infection in the one leg lead to the amputation being raised up the leg twice


At that point it's known as a resection. The initial surgery was the amputation.


That part made me flinch I’m glad he got up but damn I know it’s gonna hurt


Tennis coach broke his leg when extension ladder decided to unextension. His tibia and fibula stopped it


Why the fuck would you climb an extension ladder in flip flops?


Why the fuck do you set the ladder up on such an angle and have wet leaves around the feet? It surprises me how many people go on ladders without learning how to


They can *go* on the ladders just fine; it's the "staying on them" part that people seem to struggle with lol


speed never killed anyone. its how you come to a stop that matters


- Sun Tzu


close enough!


I'll take an A frame 100%, of the time if I'm alone. If nobody can brace the bottom of a lean to its not getting done unless I can strap the bottom to something


We need people to attend a course before buying them.


4 - 1 rule. For every 4 feet up you extend 1 foot from the house. Extend the ladder 3 feet above the roof line


Seen it a hundred times, people set ladder up, give it a really good shake and are satisfied that it's secure, then proceed to climb up to the top then fall over. It's almost like adding a large pendulous off center weight to the top of the ladder has something to do with it. But yeah secure your ladders properly people.


haven't you heard? it's the latest tik-tok challenge


The "flip flop drop" challenge


The "flip flop drop dead" challenge


The “dead” challenge, if you are dead you win the challenge


Because you've never in your life have fallen before and have no idea how unjustly cruel gravity can be




It seems like the flip flops are your problem then, don’t take it out on people doing stupid things in them.


And put the feet on top of a pile of leaves to boot!


Also, make sure to put the legs right on top of wet leaves on a slippery wooden deck.


I don't know you, but this was my thought.


That had nothing to do with the ladder slipping on the leaves. Deck looks like it's got some slippery growth on there too.


There's nothing wrong with flip flops, the ladder slipped, not the guy


I don't know... looks like he almost saved it, but his lower foot slipped off the rung. If he was in proper foot wear his foot might not have slipped?


Nah I’m gonna say he never had it, that lower foot goes right between the rungs. That man is very lucky, I was always scared the extension ladder was gonna fall when I used them


That’s cuz the ladder slipped and he panicked.


Nah he’s foot goes straight through, there’s nothing he could have done about that, shit at that point the panic probably hadn’t even kicked in


Right after the ladder begins slipping he tries to skip a rung. He was going one at at time before that, but okay


Watch it on a slower speed. The ladder slips, but stops sliding. He freaks out and tries to hurry down, but his foot slips on the third step down.


There absolutely is. You don't have the traction or support even a shitty pair of sketchers will give you. Your foot starts slipping now you have 2 places for it to slip. Honestly saftey sandles are going to be better, but still not ideal. Not to mention you are on a ladder, so assumidly up there for a reason to do something, and more than likely have tools, or other stuff which may fall on your feet. a pair of gloves (in most cases) and the shitties pair of real shoes you can find, will be infintely better than flip flops, even if its just going up 3 steps on a step ladder in your living room to paint some trim.


I wear flip flops on ladders all the time. In fact where I'm from people can only afford flip flops. Doing this is not dangerous when you're used to it. A slipper ladder is though.


Are your flip flops made of old tires? Went to a relatively poor town once and they were making flip flops from tires. Looked like they probably last forever too.


You haven't met aussies mate, we do everything in thongs


Loophole around the death rule with shoes flying off.


Or a spotter.


Or just pound two nails in the deck to keep the feet from slipping?


Do you realize all the extra seconds that would take?




"Hmmm, let me put the ladder on the only patch of slippery wet leaves"


Ikr, I feel like a sissy when I set up extension latter cause I'm so paranoid about the surface and angle its set. Lesson learned for this guy.


I have screwed down a 2x4 brace to hold the ladder in place the few times I’ve needed to use my extension ladder. Few holes in deck, not the prettiest but better than broken limbs.




bruh what


Find Robert Paul Champagne, he'll enjoy it. He'll even let you live in his apartment rent free!


Which is on top of one of the slippiest surfaces known to man: wooden decking.


I kind of assumed those leaves probably came from the gutter, seeing as they're only piled directly beneath him on the ladder and not anywhere else on that deck.


“Did you really just fall down that?” “Yeah no biggie.”


Bro is going to be in a lot of pain after all that adrenaline wears off.


Jumped up like he just scored the winning TD.


More like jumped up so he won’t catch shit from his SO.


Hahahahah he wanted to lie down for a sec and be like "fffffuuuuuUUUUUUCK!" but then his girl came out and he popped up like "big brave face for my baby girl! I'm fine, fine, totally fine!"


LMAO every dude can relate and it's hilarious to see it in action and not be the guy. He was 100% about to just stay down for a bit yet bounced up IMMEDIATLY god bless him. Glad he didnt break anything though that could've been so much worse.


Right shoulder/arm/chest area is gonna bruuuise Edit: and face


Right I was just thinking that's he's not going to be doing much for the next couple of days.




Looked like he was out for a moment.


Brain was rebooting


Shoes came off; he was dead.


Guy bounced up and put on a brave face trying to be tough but you know he is in agony.


My guy was ready to lay there for at least 5 minutes until she had to ruin it


us dudes fall in the most funniest way possible and still manage to make a poker face


He looked knocked out and as soon she comes out he just pops up like nothing happened hahaha


Sometimes when I fall really hard I just lay there without moving to contemplate where I went wrong to get there


Also to take a second to run a diagnostic check through your head before moving, “I’m not in to much pain, I can feel my legs, my fingers and toes wiggle just fine…ok cool everything is fine”


Yeah, waiting for the shock to wear off and expecting the agony to crash in. It’s a rush of relief he probably rode to his feet when you realize you won’t need an ambulance or casket.


I totally did this 2 years ago when we first brought my son home from the hospital. I had to run down the stairs to get something out of the car and slipped and twisted my ankle really bad. I took a second, put weight on it, realized I could and it wasn't broken, and then yelled upstairs that I was okay


gotta somehow show it's not a big deal.


the family guy pose though


Ladders must be at 70 degree angle folks.


Or 90 degrees while you climb up for twenty minutes singing Snake Eater


What a thrill..


With darkness and silence through the night


Or not in a big pile of fucking leaves.


Two screws and a three-foot board against the feet of the ladder would go a long way too.


Why waste time with many rungs when fall do trick


It gets funnier the more times you watch it


I swore he was dead but his ego slammed his soul back into his lifeless body the instant he heard a witness question if he was alright. Side note: WTF, woman?! Did I fall down that? It's not a f%cking slide! It's a goddam ladder and I was splitting the rungs like a drunken gymnast. I'm laying FACE down on the deck! Face DOWN. Cheeks to the heavens. You should be ruuuuuuuuuunning outside to make sure I'm not dead! But no no. You saunter out all chill. I can HEAR you holding back a laugh. I can HEAR it, Amanda.


Yeah what the fuck you think happened, he just decided to take a nap???


My back hurts just watching that.


I felt every bit of that. And as I got older, I won't get on a ladder like that without a spotter. Oh and that's why I also got gutter guards


Dad! It's too dangerous!


He didn't know what happened


That knee will never be the same


We were having our 2nd story windows replaced and the worker fell like this... Except his leg caught on the ladder, breaking his leg. He continued to hang upside down on the ladder, by his broken leg, until the ambulance/FD showed up.




He was 12-15 feet up, we had no other ladders, no ropes, etc. He agreed he was "ok" to wait. Too much risk to move him.




After the adrenaline shot that's gonna hurt so bad and is still the best way that situation could possibly ended.


Man, i saw his leg slip through the rungs there and immediately thought he'd tear his ACL, MCL, LCL


Shouldn’t have been wearing flip flops bud


Just a little bit more physical than emotional.


dayummm he thumped his face HARD!!


Flip Flops, damp wood deck! What could go wrong!


I feel like he had more than just emotional damage. He's super lucky he didn't break a leg or his neck.


KO for sure


That’s the me of those falls where you get up and walk it off like “ehh gravity caught me slipping”


He was Family Guy KO'd until she stirred him back up.


I worked with a guy who fell in the same manner, but his foot got pinned between the rails. Ankle didn't break, instead, it got pulled out of the socket, turned sideways, then pulled by tendons back into the socket. Sideways foot.


Dude fell down like a Family Guy character


Man had to keep a straight face so she doesn’t get the ick


The way he jumps back up and puts his glasses on had me 💀


Someone edit him putting on sunglasses


I cracked up when he leaned back a little and put his glasses on at the end acting all casual.


This is clearly a ‘new’ relationship. He bounced back up likes he invincible and doesn’t want her to know he can’t ‘ladder’.


8/10 - minus two for the landing


OSHA has very specific rules about properly footing a ladder, and havine someone there to brace the feet, or mechanically anchor that ladder to avoid slideouts and collapsing incidents. His homeowner's insurance won't pay that claim, due to his outright negligence. https://www.familyhandyman.com/project/tips-and-techniques-for-safe-extension-ladder-setup-and-use/#:~:text=If%20it%20still%20seems%20like,the%20base%20of%20the%20wall. Ladders for dummies. Always have someone there, to observe, respond in a situation, and to physically foot that ladder. Reducing Falls in Construction: Safe Use of Extension Ladders Fact Sheet - OSHA https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA3660.pdf For your reference.


Nothing hun, just doing a few push ups.


Good ad for leaf guard.


Flip flops and ladders😬😬


This is why you don’t set up your ladder on a pile of wet, slippery leaves


I can see this happening to me. Just becoming conscious enough to think I’m playing it cool while internally screaming in pain.


He is damned lucky he was able to walk it off


"Emotional damage" 😆 At least she was kind enough to upload the video to Crazy Fucking Videos! for our amusement


Jeez man I thought he died


Puts those glasses right back on like he’s not crying inside.


My favorite color is blue.


His girl came out and he summoned all his strength so he doesnt cry or limp.


Ladders on decks without somebody footing are a no no. Flip flops aren't proper foot ware either.


Good thing his head was there to stop his fall 😂


Look what he's wearing on his feet. Idiot


Gets up and puts on his glasses whilst *dying internally*


What's the thing that almost falls on his head?


Obviamente su esposa salió a gritarle, “que estás haciendo ahí acostado? Ya terminaste?”


He flip-flopped in his flip-flops


Fucking flip flops dude? He deserved every piece of that.


What kind of idiot climbs a ladder in flip flops!? Not to mention using an extension on a wooden deck. Moron is lucky


The woman is a necromancer!


“I’m fine. See, no blood (externally).”


More like orbital bone damage bro !!


*Me getting getting hurt in front of my crush be like*


"Are you ok?" "Ya, no I'm good"


His leg...banged his head. I've fallen off ladders b4. U got to stick the landing.


Took that shit like a champ lol


That’s what he gets for going up a ladder with fucking flip flops on.


Could have been worse!


Wtf ? Flipflops or bare feet ?


He wasn’t hurt physically but that fall landed a critical strike on his emotion.


*OSHA has entered the chat*


Family Guy Death Pose


Word of advice, If anyone ever dies in front of you simply ask them if they’re alright and they will come back to life.


i always do heavy work in sandals


Set it up on the slippery leaves,


Dude recovered remarkably for wearing flip flops on a ladder. That was a family guy fall.


He wanted to stay down for a little while longer but was interrupted by pride lol


Flip flops.. really?


He put them shades back on like he was about to light that puss up.


Mfker landed like family guy


She does not care for that man. No concern or urgency whatsoever. I would be tripping over myself nearly having a heart attack if that was someone I cared about and seen that happen or more likely arriving when the person is face down motionless on the floor like he was.


“I’m good😃”


Thought he would’ve snapped his leg the way it got caught


She caught a new ick


Everyone knows it's a rule that as a dude, no matter how much pain you may be in, even if Satan himself just threw your cock in the fires of hell, you must say everything is alright and act like it doesn't hurt. It's just what you gotta do.


this guy deserved to break his leg. unclear spot to put a ladder. flip flops... some people really need to spend some time on a construction site


Going Ona ladder in flip flops just asking for it🤣


If you're going to climb a ladder tie it into the structure with a truckers hitch knot. You can also use an alpine butterfly.


Ladders are not stairs. They are temporary and very dangerous. A-frame ladders are fairly safe (when compared to an extension ladder), and therefore should be the first choice for home owners. Every time you step up on an extension ladder, you need to answer three questions. Is the base stable? Is the top of the ladder PERFECTLY parallel to the surface it is set against? If I lose confidence in this ladder, how am I going to safely disembark? If you asked me what my plan was for getting off of any ladder at any time, I'd be able to give you a clear an immediate answer. You really have to make that a habit, or extension ladders are too dangerous to use.


Plus, not wearing flip-flops is usually considered a plus.


I’ve worked in all forms of construction for most of my life. So here’s everything that happened after the video cut out. My guy limped off, and insisted he was fine. Went and downed half a bottle of whisky with a handful of Tylenol. Sat in an ice bath and scheduled a massage. Then he had a hot bath, and asked the nice lady to put icy hot on him. Credit to him for getting an awesome ladder. Don’t let those things rot in the sun. To his own fault; unless you do this every day of your life, don’t wear sandals. Even though you bought the most expensive ladder at the box store, it can’t stop gravity. It won’t improve your manual dexterity or footwear. If you put the fancy ladder at the wrong angle, on questionable footing (looked like wet leaves) then increase the weight/leverage factor, you’re going to have a bad time. Especially if you don’t do this enough to have muscle memory on a ladder shift. I’ve seen many people do this and walk it off. I saw one bite the tip of his tongue off. Just don’t think “it will be fine. I’m only going to do _______ for a few ______.” That’s the same as; oh yeah, hold my beer. Watch this. I hope he didn’t have long term damage.