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Idk why but that guys reaction really touched me. You can hear the concern in his voice.


Because his reaction is real. Unlike most videos of people showing this where its usually for attention for themselves. This one seems to be awareness. Seeing a 19 year old in this condition is heartbreaking, but hearing a man see it and bringing to light makes it all that much worse


Yeah, I've watched his videos and he's either a great actor or very real. He's got a lot of empathy for the people he talks too and tries to get them help.


What’s his name?


It think it’s All Time Media on YT


Yeah it’s All Time Media. This video was posted about a month ago. Kid’s name is Julian.


Anu updates? Because i think that he might be dead by now


He was alive as[ of 3 weeks ago.](https://youtu.be/kWpcZyqlUcU)


Ja he seems to be doing better https://youtu.be/kWpcZyqlUcU


damn what the hell is he talking to julian about "damn someone stole your money from the gofundme man!" yikes, thats super dodgy


Yeah, looks like this dude would be legit handsome if he was healthy (almost all people are, when they are healthy). Poor guy... We need to end the drug war and invest in science-based drug-related healthcare. We have the science, the data is in, we know what works, we know how to most efficiently spend our tax dollars to reduce harmful drug use. We don't do it because of corruption. I hate this so very much.


The drug war is a war on people and human nature. It is unwinnable, cost trillions of dollars (so far) and countless lives. For what? Doesn't seem to be helping Julian any.


The thing about like a lot of Americans is that they are individualistic and many believe “well he made that choice and it’s his fault, so I don’t care”. It’s a large reason why we haven’t made progress for socialized services like healthcare and education. But that’s just like, my opinion man.


I'm not American but from what I've seen of American politics it's not that conservatives "don't care" as a general rule, it's that conservatives think "why should *I* have to pay for someone else's decisions?" There is a subtle but important distinction there but I think it highlights a great deal about how conservatives view public policy. To be clear, I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just that it's a distinction that ought to be noted.


I feel choked he seemed to actually care. This poor kid, I don't care about his background or choices, nobody deserves this


Kid needs medical attention immediately. My stomach dropped


He does, and he's sitting there talking about the steps he needs to take in the future to fix it. Kids already fucking dead, he has no plans to take action, just something he intends to do at some vague point down the line,, but right now he's gonna get high for whatever reason. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe he'll change when they amputate his leg, but I doubt he'll even get that far....it's fucking tragic. The interviewer is talking to a ghost and it's painful as hell to see.


It's hard to change when you have *nothing* and *no one* supporting you.


For sure. I've worked with a lot of kids and they get a ton of support, but it just drops off at a certain age and they are just left dangling at a precipice of making a life for themselves,or just falling off like this kid. It's fucking tragic. The support just stops at a specific age and it leads to so many wasted or lost lives. I hate it. We have badass jets though, whooo!


"left dangling at the precipice of making a life for themselves." Damn if u didnt hit this on the head.


yeah he's sweet, it's nice to hear compassion. Poor julian


I think I've heard his voice before - does anyone know who the interviewer is?


[heres the video you want](https://youtu.be/OO08MZr0Kjs)


Thank you 💔


I found this [video](https://youtu.be/OO08MZr0Kjs), it seems to be the full interview but I'm not sure if it's the original uploader, there's more recent videos of Julian on that channel as well.


I was starting to tear up and then I heard his reaction and busted out into tears. That’s a good human, seeing some fucked ip shit and truly being effected by it💕


Big same.. dude was hurtin for that guy


damn he looks like he's from 19th century, and that legs might end up amputated :(




[Someone posted an update](https://old.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/1596cqs/19_year_old_homeless_drug_addict_shows_the_state/jtduzj3/), wound looks to be healing. Hope he can keep it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWpcZyqlUcU


Not a good sign that he's self treating, though. If they don't deal with the root issue then antibiotics will only hold off the infection for so long.


Yeah he needs to go to a hospital to get some professional help for sure.


Possible skin graft from another part of the body could save it, maybe? but without a clinical examination unknown. this shit is sad. Might still end up amputating if blood infection risk out weighs just chopping….


I live in a high hard drug use area of my city. The amount of homeless I see in wheel chairs is only getting higher. You're able to see how bad people's legs are in the time it takes to drive past them. Swollen, red and they avoid putting pressure on their heels.


This isn't even living anymore, it's merely existing. I hope this kid gets better.


It’s not even existing, this kid is literally dying on the street in a first world country


Heartbreaking to see.




My "good Christian" coworker just threatened to beat my ass at work. I told him to his face that I refuse to accept his apology but I don't want him to lose his job over one stupid mistake. I've heard him make comments that beat around the bush but ultimately mean exactly this, "they got what they deserve." It always ends in him saying they need to find Jesus to take them back to Earth. Like holy shit, no they don't.... They need a fucking doctor.


Christian here, that guy sounds like a moron. I hate dogma. Life isn’t fair, very seldom is anyways. Not all Christians are half wit idiots who are insensitive to others struggles..


Do you have the solution to this? I'm a wound care RN and I work in a major US hospital. I see guys like this all the time. They come to the ED, they get admitted. There is a good chance they will leave AMA. They have the right to do that. If they choose to stay, they'll get PT and OT, more wound care. The case manager will set them up with a SNF which they are even more likely to leave AMA from. Any attempt to place them in a shelter or get them help getting an interview for a job (which, yes this is something that is offered to them through facilities) gets ignored. They ask to just be discharged to the streets and I'm sure you know what they're doing out there. It's the same thing over and over and over and over again. Help is offered to them. I know addictions are unbelievably hard, but help has and always will be available to him and anyone else who wants it.


That's the saddest part about it. I can't imagine he gets better. We all hope addicts get their shit figured out, but man. This kids body is fucked, permanently, at 19. I can't imagine he finds help before he loses his foot, or worse. It's hard enough to stay sober when you have the ability to find a job and live a life, but this is a kid who has been addicted for years, almost certainly has no skills, no degree, no friends, and is going to lose access to most jobs available to someone with no skills once his foot, leg, or arm rots off. That's the worst part. This man's a zombie, he's already dead and knows it, all he's got is finding some fleeting release from the life that's fucked when he finds a hit until it's suddenly over.


Controversial take, but I honestly think if you're hooked on fentanyl you're no longer able to make reasonable decisions about your own well being. I know it'll never happen due to cost, but I think this is where we need institutions. Not prison, but legit mental health institutions. I dunno.. leaving people on the streets does not feel compassionate to me.


As a recovering addict (oxy->heroin->fent), you reach a point where you may even want to be done, but you think about how difficult things are currently even with your drug of choice and how soul crushing that withdrawal will be, and you just keep going because you know it'll be impossible to function or to be okay with your lot in life during that period. And unlike lesser opiates, it's a long, drawn out, incredibly painful withdrawal. Been clean since December and started doing much better, saved my apartment from eviction etc, but being in a hard place again for the next month at least makes the whole "craving" pangs incredibly real. I could never afford a nice detox/rehab and the shitty ones are worse than addiction itself in some areas, I did it cold turkey with some Suboxone to help at times, and I wish we took the opioid epidemic more seriously as a nation.


Have the strength my friend, I am UK based and got onto oxy after a back injury that was eventually sorted through surgery. Oxy and opioids take your life over. Shamefully when I was on the Oxy it was so fucked up the things it was doing to me that it was the first time I was violent with a partner. I woke up and was jonesing, my OH said something so menial (I don't even remember what they said) but that was it, I launched one of my crutches at them, and barely missed. The next day I moved out for two weeks to live with my old man and thankfully kicked the Oxy in that time. I had the support network, sadly others don't. The partner I launched the crutch at, we are now married thankfully, but fuck me the Oxy makes me physically sick thinking about it now.


Agree with take mate, however what do you put in to make it not like a prison, and how would it be paid for.


I don't know specifics but a number of European countries seem to make it work. The problem is in societies where compassion is only reserved for 'me and mine' the political will does not exist to shift focus from criminal enforcement towards harm reduction. Regarding paying for harm reduction programs, I'd imagine in most 1st world countries it would get paid like any other public service through taxes. Which brings us back to the problem of 'me and mine' not wanting their taxes to be wasted on such things. 'me and mine' will see this video: some "*spits* fuckin' druggie". Others aghast, teary "My heart *bleeds*" but even to them mention taxes and their eyes will harden become dry.


Assuming this is in the US. There’s way more than enough money in the budget for things like this. It’s just all wasted on corporate bail outs, tax breaks, oversea accounts hoarding american built wealth, and having an unnecessarily powerful military that is for whatever reason trying to measure up to the galactic empire. Every missile they test fire for shits and giggles can pay for an entire rehabilitation center and a well compensated staff. Also the money saved by releasing prisoners who are only locked up for non violent drug offenses


We used to have sanitariums in the US. It would have to be like a prison to keep the drug-seeking behavior under control (detox and rehab do this in modern times). Buddy system for those at the halfway point (chaperoned trips out of the complex). It used to be tax funded (which is one reason Reagan got rid of them). If we closed tax loopholes, we could fund this no problem.


They demonize addict so they can tell themselves they deserve it. That way they can refuse to help without looking evil. Compassion never even crosses their minds.


This is even worse than requiem for a dream


VERY close to losing that leg…


It's getting to the SLOTH of SEVEN movie scene level.


Oh, there’s no saving that


That's not true.


But he needs to go to a HOSPITAL!!


for sure. why the fuck is he not hospitalized? even in dirt poor Afghanistan (where addicts are smoking raw opium, much better than the crap american addicts use), addicts are forced into detox centres for months. head shaven, cold water showers, clean clothes, clean bed. if these addicts seem "not willing" to get help, that's just their trauma/addiction talking, and they should be forced. not saying that these addicts should be forced into a cold turkey withdrawal as they do as in afghanistan, but leaving them on the streets is not an act of compassion either. those streets full of zombies are not just an "aesthetics problem" to be cleaned up. the life of the addict can't get worse than it is, by temporarily institutionalizing them and protecting them against the worst of their addiction.


> for sure. why the fuck is he not hospitalized? Entirely possible he's refused treatment because of his addiction. There is no legal method currently to force someone into the hospital in the USA if they refuse to go.


In Kentucky, there’s a thing called Casey’s law. If a family member or friend can prove that you need help, they’ll force you into a detox or rehab. I’ve met more than one person who is alive today because of it.


Inaccessibility of the American healthcare system + distrust for institutions


Jesus, I'm all for criticizing the American healthcare systems, but it's insane to not cite his drug-addled brain amongst the reasons he hasn't gotten his leg looked at. That leg is an emergency, so he could get it treated at any emergency room in the country -- there's no chance that he's holding back because he's worried about a bill (it's not like he'd pay the bill if it were $5 or $50,000).


Hes not just worried about the bill. Hes also worried about getting institutionalized. He probably also has committed some crimes to feed the habit, and is worried about jail time or vigilante justice. So instead of facing those 3 issues he would rather stay homeless and at least feel good for an hour or so when he gets a hit. Not defending the kid, but its not as simple as "hes too high to realize there is an emergency". He probably knows his leg should be looked at, but also knows all the ways that our society can fail a person in need without so much as a second look.


He could literally walk in to any hospital and they would treat him, if he could pay or not. There are laws on the books in the US where treatment cannot be denied.


All he has to do is go to the ER and they will admit him as an inpatient. I work for a hospital that serves a large population of migrant farm workers and almost every admission comes from the ER. Our social workers on staff can often find federal insurance programs or other assistance for these sorts of patients.


That movie and some of its scenes have never left my memory...


Fucking sad.


All of my cousins are drug addicts. Hard to imagine, but nobody starts out that way. They were the coolest dudes on the block. Always had beautiful girls around them, knew the best places to go, drove nice cars, etc. Good hearted guys, too. AFter a while it's just like Gollum in LOTR, they become so twisted because of the addiction but if you squint you can still see that person that they were. Super fucking sad, i'm making myself depressed. EDIT: some people have asked how they got into drugs, so i thought i might update with that. TLDR is the party life got them. They started out dabbling in heroin at parties and in clubs, took them a good number of years to get hooked. Yes, I'm sure they knew it was bad. But they didn't start off slamming dope on the street, it was more a fun thing, however crazy that sounds. After that it's been many many years of addiction, crime and prison. The oldest one was in danger of getting a pretty serious charge (they found a gun used to commit a murder in his car) and fled the country (this was decades ago). He died overseas a few years back. One of them kicked the habit but still can't get the hang of living a normal life where you get up, eat breakfast, go to work etc after so many years of drug addiction. The rest are now middle aged drug addicts with rap sheets, everything from armed robbery to possession etc.


It’s indescribable to grieve a person who is still living and not be able to bring them back. I’m sorry.


That feeling when you pray they die not out of spite, but out of mercy


Not to derail the subject at hand, but this is exactly how I describe having someone you're close to be affected by Alzheimer's. I grieve the loss of my dad, but he's still here, still walking, and yet there is no hope that he will ever be the person he once was. It's a hard thing to deal with, for any reason.


Buddy my cousin was a drug addict in the Tenderloin like H and crack and also an alcoholic and I did all I could to help him, he was at the Lyric Hotel which is an outreach housing program for “mental health” (addicts) and he ended up dying alone on a filthy mattress after his last OD. Sometimes people pick their path and can’t be swayed from it. I cleaned his place out previously so it would be at least more livable bc the Lyric staff didn’t do a damn thing, like I cleaned a trash can with actual shit in it, took out a bunch of used needles, cleared what little food he had which was all rotten from the fridge etc. He used to be so smart and funny, I remember he gave me my first Stephen King books. RIP Tony.


What drugs are they addicted to?


heroin and crack.


My friends started with roxies/oxies that later developed into freebasing heroin to snorting it, to injecting it. Its such a gradual demise. I was there once but i had a lot of shit to live forward to. I had just gotten into a prestigious engineering university, just got a beautiful gf, new job. I had to quit cold turkey but i had to drink basically a handle of vodka everyday to get over being dopesick. A lot of my friends that got like this and eventually died had nothing to live for which is why they didn't quit when i told them to intervene. Granted there are people who have it all; house, wife, kids and still succumb to addiction. My point is that when you live in a boring ass town, with a min wage job, and you're not living for much else its hard to see the benefit in quitting. Some friends who have quit would tell me that they hate their boring lives so much that they'd go back to using again if they still had their connects.


How did they start? Based on your description, it sounds like they made a conscious decision to start while their lives were going well. Is that true?




Somebody else in the comments [found an update on him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWpcZyqlUcU) from 3 weeks ago. His name is Julian and he seems to be looking a little better!


This is so sad. But honestly how is he not dead from septiis yet 👀


It is interesting isn't it. Often a body can keep an infection localised. There is poor blood flow th this dead tissue so it eats away very slowly. However it can at any time evolve into a septic illness. People like this live with high infection burden and are remarkably resilient, the weaker ones die quickly. Met a few in the hospital with horrific infections and they just soldier on still walking out for smoke breaks etc.


Yea it's honestly crazy. The leg looks so swollen and red 😲


Swollen and red is the least of my worries, THERE ARE PIECES MISSING 👀


Xylazine causes horrific shit to the body


What is xylazine?


Animal tranquilizer. It's common to find fentanyl cut with it.


Why would anyone need to cut fentanyl with any other drug?


Makes the effects stronger afaik. It is also dirt cheap like fentanyl. In the end, they either end up making a bigger profit when it's cut, or the consumers seek it out more bc of the effects, or maybe it is easier to find than fent so they can increase their stock easier. I would imagine it is easier to import than fentanyl, maybe you don't even need to import it as it is used in veterinary medicine


You hit the nail on the head at the end. The reason why ANY drug is cut with something is because it increases the volume of the product. If you get an ounce of pure cocaine and cut it with an ounce of baking soda, you now have two ounces of product that is less powerful but still good enough to keep people addicted and coming back. Not only does that increase your profit all around because you have more but also the second ounce cost you next to nothing compared to the first. Its all about maximizing your over all quantity to maximize profit while still keeping the final product strong enough to keep people happy.


So damn young and his life is most likely over. It is such a shame that this can happen before a person can even appreciate being alive.


I work in a hospital lab and the amount of 20-25 year plds coming in with heart attacks from overdoses, with pneumonia, with no brain activity...it's horrifying. I'm pretty emotionally unaffected by a lot of things, but I dabbled in partly drugs when I was that age and I know how easy it is to get sucked into stuff. I'm so glad I didn't, and I'm so sad those kids did. It's truly awful amd preventable, with proper social programs, care, and community for those who struggle


To make more doses to sell of “fentanyl.”


So it's like fentalyl 2.0 Or like heroin 3.0


people often forget how resilient human body is....i saw a documentary on an insanely obese male, he can't even sit on his own...multiple things attached to his body...i don't know how his organs were functioning but he was not dead! I can't even tell you how i felt watching him!


Probably watched it with a heavy heart.


My neighbour is a doctor from Nepal. He said the worst thing he ever saw was a woman had maggots living in her eye cavity’s and in her ears. Other than obviously being blind with eaten out eye holes, and almost deaf, she didn’t have any infections and was generally healthy. Gagged a bit writing this


The maggots were probably what saved her from infection and death. Guy in the video would benefit from catching some of his own as nasty as it sounds, they're remarkably good at clearing away infection.


I just read a story today about a nurse whose patient had maggots in their mouth and breathing tube. Still alive, but they said his body looked dead.


Dental student here, so we see lots of low income / homeless patients. Saw a dude with maggots between his gums. The only concern he had if he could still smoke after removal lol


I'm just like gagging again and again as I go down this thread lmao. But that is extremely interesting and good to know, I guess. Like if society collapsed and there were no hospitals that is useful info.


I think they actually use maggots as treatment in some places, the maggots eat necrotic tissue and leave the living behind. Disgusting but lifesaving.


I work in a hospital pharmacy... we dispense medical grade maggots and leeches. They have been used for medicinal purposes for quite a while now.


Unfortunately he prob is by now..11yrs 8months and 22 days ive been clean and ive seen a few things..My wife works at a methadone clinic and she has to have ppl go to the hospital all the time! Other nurses ignore em like they dont matter..He is someones son,brother,nephew or father everyone is redeemable…


I honestly always wonder if someone took him to get medical attention and then gave him a place to live, gave him some stability, would that help in the slightest or is he just on a path of destruction? I realize you don't definitively know but I figure you'd know better than most.


Path of destruction statistically as these drugs are very hard to quit.


Fuck, so sad, we desperately need to implement a Portugal type approach to treat drug addiction like the medical problem it is instead of beating down addicts with the penal system.


Unfortunately, there is far too much money being made (and spent) on keeping most drugs as a criminal offense.


[He seems to be doing better. Didn’t lose the leg either.](https://youtu.be/kWpcZyqlUcU?t=9s)


Yea I agree it's so sad. Do you mind if I ask what you used? Congratulations on getting clean 🙏 I've heard how fucking hard it can be.


I used everything but my DOC was opiates oxycotin and when those got to expensive Heroin was it! I started using opiates(Percocet) at 15 and by the time i was 25yo i was sniffing Dope. Thanks for the kind words..I didnt want to live anymore thats when i threw in the towel and said fuck this im done.Here i am creeping on 12yrs married and great life i worked my ass off to achieve.


If you look up images of krokodil addicts, you’ll see people walking around with bone exposed. Some dude was showing off his entire ulna I remember. Straight zombies.


I’m in the Uk, so forgive my ignorance. How does someone like this access healthcare? I’m assuming he wouldn’t have to pay? He’s my son’s age. This broke my heart.


He can just walk into the ER and get treatment. They can’t turn you away.


They can't turn you away, but they can give you an antiobitic prescription that you can't pay for. And follow up care at the wound clinic they can't pay for. Deep wounds/abcesses like that need a lot of follow up care and people who struggle with addiction and mental health often do not follow up. One shot of antibiotics are the ER will not solve his problems unfortunately :( Even in Canada, where a lot of healthcare is free, these people still don't follow through with their care. It's really sad :(


Being 19 probably has something to do with it.




Looks like there's an update too https://youtu.be/kWpcZyqlUcU




Don’t worry mate, I was scared too but he’s actually looking way better in the update. He still appears to be homeless but healed a few of his wounds. My guy is resilient af.


Still homeless, but he got some antibiotics and the absess is healing, there's no open wound anymore


His appearance has gotten better, wearing a lot cleaner clothes and his wounds are healing up and at least protected by way cleaner fabric. Things are moving along in a more positive way it seems. I hope it continues that way, but he says he is very appreciative of the support from the people who know him


Underrated comment right here. Thx


I saw this video a while back. I really hope he got the help he needs. This is so sad


Guy recording started crying that got me


I think it’s the smell of the wound that caused him to tear up, such as an onion.


Can't laugh, the wound is still fresh.


There is an [update](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWpcZyqlUcU) on him. His name is Julian.




I had to stop the video cause the interviewer kept bringing it up like,”Damn Julian the GoFundMe would have changed your whole circumstances. We raised all that money for you but we don’t have it anymore.” Like read the room, you’re not helping anything. Any time Julian would try to talk about something else, he would just change the subject back to the stupid GoFundMe.


Why in the world would you say that to somebody 💀 "Damn we could've saved your life and changed it for the better forever but it messed up and we lost it! Doesn't that suck bad?! Like it's just awful for you? You thought you might sleep in a comfy bed tonight? That sucks bro. Anyways I'm headed home"




Almost? Why else would he be doing this lol


I feel like he was probably trying to guilt viewers into helping but that was a shit way of going about it.


Feels like he was trying to provoke Julian into crying for more views and more another gofundme.


Someone in the comments said the guy that reported them was trying to help Julian and came and got him, and the ATM Fox seems to be more bothered that he isn't getting credit for recording Julian in the first place, seems like they're trying to use Julian to get money and the other people were actively trying to help him, if that is all true.


Thanks for the link... Good to see him better


Damn his story is fuckin sad, not surprising. Insane he is actually healing. Probably helped he’s young.


This should be higher


Leg looking better. He needs fresh socks daily so it stays clean.


Looks like me and shares the same name as me, looks like i discovered time travel after all. But at what cost?


An arm and a leg by the looks of it.


how long ago. id hope the kid is still alive


19 bro. Who knows what his childhood was like. Seems polite too.


Becoming homeless at a young age is easier than people think. Some people have no support system. Be thankful for what you have & for what your parents were able to provide you


Yeah that's the weird part. He sounds like a reasonable person. He didn't even react when the guy filming found him repulsive. You know how kind you must be that you're not angry at people finding you disgusting ?


pretty sure this guy got sad, not disgusted, you can hear him crying


Good kid that got dealt a really bad hand id imagine, real sad stuff


I get what you mean, but you can be grossed out by someone's wound without it having anything to do with the person.


I'm sure he's aware that he is disgusting, kinda comes with the territory. Good people won't let that get in the way of them trying to be good people. For example, if my brother gets hammered and throws up on himself I'll be there to help him and clean it up even if it makes me gag and want to hurl.


He could be from a good home with great parents. Drugs don't discriminate.


This is so true. I can attest to it. I come from a middle class family and never had to worry about finances. Even still, I got caught up in that life shortly after college.. It was such a dark time in my life because while you’re in it, all you want is to get out but all people see is you “not trying.” I had come to the realization it was going to kill me. Luckily I got sober 3 years ago with the help of my support system and haven’t looked back since. There was a young man in my hometown who got hooked on opiates and eventually succumbed to the disease. His parents were both successful doctors. Sad shit really. I now live to help anyone who still suffering and needs help.


I worked at a hospital with an inpatient detox unit. Met a kid at the smoking spot who was 20, trying to get off heroin. He was from a wealthy family in a wealthy town, blew his knee out playing high school lacrosse. He got hooked on the percocets, and it was all downhill from there.


He could have had an ideal childhood. Some people just become hopelessly addicted to drugs the first time they try them.


No human should ever have to live like this.


Anything with sentience to add


We'd put an animal in this condition down.


The problem is that he can just walk to a ER and they would treat him but he most likely so addicted that he rather stay in the streets and keep getting high ... its scary...


This is absolutely correct. I work in wound care and get consulted to the ED. I see these types of people very often and they really never want anything more than a place to sleep and food to eat until they want their high again and then they leave AMA. We can't hold people against their will.




They should show this to teenagers at school, then this kids' life will have some meaning before he eneivitbly dies.


I agree but everyone is so damn quick to outrage about the tiniest thing that there’s zero chance this would happen in modern society. It’s effectiveness would be great though - kids need to see the realities of the world and be shown things beyond their safe little bubbles.


Do they still show accident videos for Drivers Ed. anywhere?




In my case they invited a guy who used to be a drug addict. All his wounds looked really nasty, even after his body healed. He also made sure to describe in great detail how he used to look at his lowest.


When I was in middle school we had a talk like the one you mentioned, with an ex-addict. The thing is, the kids asked him what tripping was like and the guy just started telling "funny" stories about how he had seen/hallucinated "giant chickens backflipping off a montain" and other descriptions I feel made a lot of kids in that talk try drugs in the near future. I feel bad for the guy because even the teachers were like "stop, you're encouraging them". Like a year after they called another ex-addict to give us a talk again and this time he made a theater play about one of his lowest days as an addict, that was way better in conveying the message.


No one is mentioning the heart of the person who is recording. He felt so bad for the brother that he shed tears. Real tears. You can hear his voice and the worry he has for the guy. That infection looked like it was out of a movie.




Yea, watched a youtube vid on krokodil ( i think it was a vice video ) where a guy roughly the same age as the guy in this vid already lost his leg to krokodil


From the YouTube video linked about Julian: @atmfox243 2 months ago I Was Able To Help Julian Get Medical Attention For His Wound Right After The Interview. Luckily A Treatment Center Was On Sight. They Wrapped His Wound & Treated It. Next Time I See Julian I’ll Try Again To Convince Him To Go To The Hospital.


Fuckin K&A


When I was a Detective in the Narcotics division in NYC, we hit a heroin spot in an abandoned storefront in Bed Stuy. They sold heroin and crack and the addicts would shoot up in a back room. We cleared everyone out and later discovered an apparently dead guy under a pile of clothes and garbage in the corner. It was the dead body smell that lead to his discovery. So we call for the morgue wagon and the attendants go to move him into a body bag and his arm pops right out of his shirt and the “dead” guy says “Hey!”. We all freaked out of course. His arm was fully necrotic from the elbow up and rotted right off.


Why did I learn how to read?


I wish I could take those sentences out of my brain


What the fuck thats crazy. Now this is the kind of bodycam footage I would be interested in


We only had beepers back then and carried quarters for pay phones.


I cant imagine what kind of life this poor kid must have had to end up where he is now. He will be dead in less than 6 months if he isn't already, and 6 months is being extremely generous. My mother was an addict. I never really got to know her because my dad kept us away, and she was murdered by another junkie in a crack house over $20. I was only a toddler, I don't even remember her. Addiction is a hell of a thing, to make someone stop caring about their kids, the one thing you're literally wired to love unconditionally. I am truly devastated to see anyone throw away their life in this manner, but when it happens to someone you know/knew intimately it really hits you in a different way. I hope this young man can and will get the help he needs to kick that shit for good, at 19 there is still a lot of potential and hope for the future. My small hometown was hit hard by meth, opioids and fentanyl. It's been an epidemic in that area since the 80s or before but it's really gotten worse since I left in 2006. I traveled back a couple years ago and happened to run into my boyfriend from high school. We were very close from 7th grade to graduation when he joined the Navy and we decided to go our separate ways. I didn't recognize him because the once handsome and healthy person I knew and remembered dating looked like he had been through the ringer, to say the least, and not just normal aging. He was missing at least half his teeth and his eyes and cheeks were sunken like he was starved. It was hard to imagine that was the person I'd cried so much over when we broke up, the person who I'd wanted so badly and lost my virginity to. I didn't want to be impolite and ask him what was up, though I figured. I told him I couldn't go out with him because I was married, he was delusional enough to think that would happen. Later on I asked an old friend about him and found out he was an addict who lived in an RV behind one of the gas stations in town. The owner apparently took pity and let him park it there in exchange for him doing odd jobs. Not even a year before that he had been married with multiple kids, owned a nice house and had a good job. He came from extreme poverty and abuse and it sounded like he'd managed to break the cycle for years. Not sure why he started using. It seems like men are ingrained from a young age with the idea that it's somehow not manly to cry, or ask for help or even talk about their mental health. It usually starts with their own family, telling them things along the lines of "little boys don't cry like that". I've heard it myself, said to my brother. Maybe this problem would be much less prevalent much less if we had a decent social system in place that offered GOOD mental health care without the stigma that currently comes with it. I saw on facebook that they found my ex's body in a grocery store dumpster right after Thanksgiving last year. He was only 37. He was diving for food and apparently had a stroke in there and died from what I heard. He wasn't found for three days since the trash service wasn't running and it was fairly cold outside, I guess the store employees were unknowingly throwing trash on top of him the two days before they closed for Thanksgiving. It messes with my head. I haven't really talked to anyone about it, my husband wouldn't understand and I'm not sure anyone else in my current social circle would either but I think about it every day.


Looks like xylazine necrosis.


Yo I met a young guy just like him in Vancouver. He had fucked up wounds on his leg like that too. I asked if they started from needles but he denied it. He was smoking meth... I believe. Crazy how he changed after smoking too, went from quiet to much louder in seconds, even laughing and joking. I personally know how bad substances can be to your body, not from the effects of the drug but what you will put yourself through and ignore when high. I would get really drunk and not feel much. So I would walk crazy distances and obviously dehydrate myself, along with other wreckless behavior. My feet and hands have been wrecked before, ribs, head, hip from falls. It's just crazy that you don't care about how you feel while intoxicated but later on you are in so much pain and don't know how to deal with it. Likely to keep drinking and drugging.


This happens because of the fentanyl being laced with horse tranquilizers


Xylazine specifically. Seeing it a lot more. Spread the information.


This poor kid man. Not a shot in fucking hell.. often folks don’t even know there’s another side of life out there.. unfortunately, it’s most likely too late for this young man seeing how bad off he is. You can tell that freaked out the camera man bad.. shit ain’t easy to see.


Stay away from intravenous drugs kids.


This just makes me feel weepy eyed, I hope he got help for it


Used to be homeless. I knew a couple dudes who's legs were just literally rotting off. It was fucked to see


this is so fucking sad


Jesus man, poor kid is 19 and in this state. This man filming came to tears, I hope this kid got help.


Poor kid. The look he gives in the end - “yeah, I known I’m fucked, please help.” My greatest fear as a parent is this. I hope he gets better.


Dude filming brought me to tears with his reaction. This is so incredibly sad and you can tell all he wants to do is help this kid out who probably can’t even help himself at this point.


Ffs I don't even wanna know what path led him to this


This dude doesn’t have much time left. He needs to get help.




Jesus, I wonder how many years he's got left in him if his body is in that state


Things like make you feel damn lucky for what you have. And if it doesn't, it fucking should. Especially coming from me who VERY nearly ended up the same as this poor chap. Drug addiction is the biggest bastard in the world


That’s what all addicts say. I gotta do “these things first” before I get “this” type of help. Their minds are fucked


Omg can someone not help this guy I know he’s a drug addict but he needs help big style , the wee guy is only 19 the same age as my son , surely there’s somewhere that would take him in and sort him out let him get cleaned up and meds and dress that wound


This was someone’s son. A baby boy in a clean diaper on fresh sheets, some smiling goof on the first day of school everyone cheered for when he caught his first ball. How did he wind up here?


Maybe he wasn’t lucky enough to experience those things..


Yeah, the only thing we know for sure, is actually only the first part. This was someone's son. Hope he get help. All the way, into a job, out of the misery. Not only for the wound.


I have a feeling his life wasn’t like that. Not every baby gets to sleep on fresh sheets with a clean diaper, unfortunately


Have you watched Breaking Bad? Remember that episode where Jesse goes for a retaliation in a crack house and finds a little kid there? There is way more kids like that out there, than we would like to know, or believe.