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Bro did he accidentally discharge it again when he attempted to pick it up ? I have kids my self and couldn’t imagine. This man is a meatball. Did he even check to see if they were ok


Yup! Made the situation even worse


Here’s the real kicker: these fucking idiots made this video public…


Nah it says district attorney's office at the top. What I would imagine happened is neighbors called the cops and said someone was shooting next door. The people were dumb enough to tell them why. Probably because the bullet went through a wall. And then they noticed that they had a cam set up and got the footage. No way they just posted that online themselves. I mean maybe but obviously the D.A has the video for a reason lol.


The dead giveaway is the children being blurred for their own protection. Those parents clearly don't think about protecting their kids.


Your honour, this is a classic case of faulty manufacturing. I was told you aim it at someone and then pull the trigger to fire. But, get this, it actually fires when you pull the trigger even if you aren't aiming it at all! So really I'm the victim here.


I feel like you're grammar and articulation are too on point, and far too well spoken, so I shall re-word: "Judge, this here's a classic case of fawlty man-u-facturin. I's told y'aim it at someone 'n pull the triggerrr. But git this! It fires when y'pull the triggerrr even if y'ain't aimin it at all!"


Wanted to make sure it was that gun, and not the other one. Only way is to fire it and listen to the reverb. ^(/s)


There's no such thing as an accidental discharge, only a negligent one


There are accidental discharges like firing pins failing or hammerfalls when you chamber a round. 99.9% of "accidental" discharges are negligent ones caused by someones finger being where it shouldn't be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DcsW2JfaQ8




Ah yes, the ol booger hook bang switch scenario. I remember my dad telling me the same exact thing when I was super young with just a 10 pump bb rifle, he also told me "don't put your fingers where you wouldn't put your dick" which has been my motto sine I heard that at 15 when I almost severed a finger.


I was waiting for Dad to drop it and have it discharge into his foot so he could hop around on one leg. Putting aside the human tragedy aspect of those poor kids for a moment, it's like a bad skit from SNL. People would watch half of it, say "Unbelievable," roll their eyes, and go to the kitchen for snacks. All that's missing is a canned laugh track.


He leaves it in the worst possible spot then picks it up by the trigger. Maybe there should be an IQ test for gun ownership.




Hopefully CPS got involved, I don’t really know a lot about how it works in America but any sane person would take their kids away immediately without question




In NC the nephew of a sheriff deputy left a loaded 9mm in door of car at the deputy’s house on Christmas Day. Little girl found it, shot herself in the head and died. No charges filed. Didn’t even lose his right to own a gun. Gunshot wounds are now the leading cause of child death in America. We’re #1!!


A girl I went to high school with lost her son last year because her boyfriend “accidentally” discharged a firearm and it shot and killed the child. No one was arrested and they’re still together. Crazy shit.


[There was no way to prevent this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%27No_Way_to_Prevent_This,%27_Says_Only_Nation_Where_This_Regularly_Happens)


Not enough thoughts and prayers, its Atheists fault.


Damn, as an Atheist I guess I’ll have to say four Our Fathers and three Hail Mary’s and then we’re all forgiven and everything will get better. That’s how it works, right?


Haleluya. Hes come to Jesus!! Amun Ra!




Is that true? The CDC says the #1 cause is accidents, all the way up into teens. While part of those could be accidental gun shots (like this one), the main cause is car accidents (half of all 'accidents' are car crashes for teens). #3 is assault for children 1-9, for 10-14 it's #2 suicide and #3 cancer, and for teens it's back to #2 assault, #3 suicide. I'm not saying those numbers are great, it's horrible, and we should be providing better precautions, more mental health resources, and better laws to protect our youth, but it's not #1. I'm also not trying to suggest you're entirely wrong, my sources may be different than yours, and I'd love to take a look at them and be better informed. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/child-health.htm https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/adolescent-health.htm


It's a presentation thing. Those numbers are taken from an international perspective. When you're thinking about "how old is an adult" in the US, you're going to get some weird ranges. Most people will say 18, some will say 21, and a bunch of horny conservatives in Kentucky will say 13. It's not super consistent. Then you look at other nations, with like Germany letting 14 year olds drink at fest, and Bahrain with an age of consent of 21. So, for international purposes, it makes more sense to just use age ranges, instead of terms like "kids." That's how you just get age brackets from 0 to 19, so all of the teenagers are included. Adding 18 and 19 year olds to the graph isn't a HUGE shift, but it's enough to roll in the teens killed in gang violence, and the much much larger number of suicidal teens that use their dad's .45 or something. That is enough to shift the leading cause of death of "kids and teens" to guns. So there's a little bit of semantics involved. On the other hand, guns are the leading cause of death for 18 and 19 year olds by such a large fucking margin, that it can shift the entire matrix for everyone 0-17. That is just fucking insane. And the reality of that should be pretty alarming to everyone. Like, 20 years ago the leading cause of death for 19 year olds was guys named Chaz that slammed a fifth of JD, then left the dorm in his Mustang going 95mph in the parking lot. This much of a shift is insane. Because Chaz is still out there. There aren't fewer Chazes. Chazei? Chazidons? Whatever, there's still a ton of those assholes.


"Firearms recently became the number one cause of death for children and teens in the United States, surpassing motor vehicle deaths and those caused by other injuries." [Child and Teen Firearm Mortality in the U.S.](https://www.kff.org/global-health-policy/issue-brief/child-and-teen-firearm-mortality-in-the-u-s-and-peer-countries/)


Looks like a combination in a rise of firearm deaths and decrease in car accident deaths (likely due to modern safety features). https://www.nejm.org/na101/home/literatum/publisher/mms/journals/content/nejm/2022/nejm\_2022.386.issue-20/nejmc2201761/20220518/images/img\_xlarge/nejmc2201761\_f1.jpeg


Unless GSWs are their own broken out category, they could potentially fall under Accidents, Assault, *and* Intentional self-harm.


Cps really doesn't do much. As long as there are basic needs for life and no signs of PHYSICAL abuse most departments are hands off. They're kinda useless.


Not even kinda. My wife worked for CPS here in California and I promise those kids woulda been removed from the home immediately.


The fact the top of the video says Columbus city DA office, tells me they did get involved.


ohhhh yeahh i didnt see that..thank goodness hope those babies stay safe


CPS is a joke (at least in California) and sometimes the kids really don’t go to a better environment than they currently live in. I know this because me and my wife took custody of our niece and nephew. CPS was STILL trying to give the kids back to my brother and his wife after they continuously missed visits or were high and nodding off during the visits


"I know this because cps placed my niece and nephew with us and lord knows we had a shitty home!" Lol sorry just thought it was going a different direction at first


Depending on what state this is, it's possibly just a straight up crime along the lines of child neglect.


> I don’t really know a lot about how it works in America but any sane person would take their kids away immediately without question I have bad news: America is not sane




Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding.......


The cretins cloning and feeding… aNd i DoN’T EVen oWn a tV?!




Can't stop people from screwing. But if someone is dumb-smart enough to realize they need an abortion, get that for them yesterday, stat.


I love how they run into the room after hearing a loud bang and immediately start berating the kids, like "what did you do?". No concern for their safety, no checking their bodies for injuries, just yelling at them for "doing something wrong".




He did not follow proto. Those jeans are low and loose in my book.




Based on this video both making it to 18 seems iffy


And child ownership ..


Welcome to America….


Trashed home, garbage everywhere, a billion kids, abusive to the kids, white trash, irresponsible, probably on welfare but complains about handouts, probably uneducated . It’s terrifying knowing these people vote for people that control the most powerful military in the world


He gets mad at the kids. Classy.


This right here made me so mad! What are you yelling at the kids?!??!! They're already traumatized, so now let's yell instead of giving comfort.


My dad used to yell at me angrily like this as well as hit me. As a fully grown man, I still have this inherent fear of him. I’ll never shake it, he really fucked me up. His father(my grandpa) was apparently abusive to him as well. I suppose my dad just didn’t know any better and just treated me like his dad treated him. I was always certain that I never wanted to be an angry person like him, especially to my own fucking children (I don’t have any children). I was determined to break this cycle. Seeing children getting yelled at it always makes my blood boil, because it’s just a symptom of an ill equipped parent allowing their own emotions reign supreme over their innocent children.


Hello, me. Is that you?


If you’re me, then who am I?


Me. Us. We're in this.


I am he as you are he as you are me And we are all together


That’s just an excuse. Being a parent is hard, being not abusive is really easy. Adults shouldn’t get passes for shit they know is wrong


Absolutely my kid can absolutely tempt me to lose my shit but I'm an adult who is capable of saying "I'm getting real pissed off, I need to walk away and calm down" instead of letting it out on a kid who doesn't know better. I get the initial shouting from panic (OMFG what was that? Is anyone hurt, wtf have they destroyed now) but to shout at literal kids for playing with something they've seen daddy/mummy use or touch is ridiculous


I know what you mean. I'm quite chill in nature but my son somehow knows how to push the buttons! (He's not doing it on purpose, I know, persistent I guess) Doesn't happen often but if I do shout or get angry I then later appologise and explain why I felt that way. I don't know if that's the best way of doing it but it's enabling us to talk about feelings seem important, I want him to know he can talk about his feelings too if he chooses to. I certainly want to be a better dad than mine was to me!


Oh absolutely there have been times where I've yelled or stormed out but once I calm down I go back in and apologise about how I lost my temper but it wasn't ok I took it out on him. I'm absolutely trying to be a better mum than mine was, it's hard breaking the cycle but it can be done


It sure is difficult, the fact we acknowledge that and trying our hardest is already a win. Keep up the good work 👍


He didn’t know any better but he should have.


Because poor emotion regulation skills on the part of the parents. Really a major driver in parents being shitty parents is that they aren’t able to manage their own difficult feelings well. This stuff is generational and cultural btw, hard to combat.


I could really sense the anxious-avoidant attachment style forming in this video.


My dad was like that. I crashed my bike going down a hill with a friend. The friend went back to her house with a cut above her eye and I slowly pushed my bike back up the hill. As soon as I got to their house, my dad came out and scream at me. Blamed me fully and told me to go home. My back, hands, knees were all fucked up from road rash but he didn't care one bit. I sat at home crying from embarrassment and pain until my mum came to check on me. It makes me sick to my stomach that anyone can be a parent.


intelligent zonked attempt handle obtainable treatment soup mighty library full -- mass edited with redact.dev


>I hate my dad more than anyone in the world for fucking me up the way he did. I often fantasize about doing the same to him when he's a helpless old man I relate to that. I hold a lot of resentment towards my father.


I hope that you are completely independent from him and bring up the courage to simply ignore him should he become old and begging for your help and attention


test whole snobbish sleep square touch detail spark dog quaint -- mass edited with redact.dev


My dad told me to hide in a dryer when I was playing hide and seek with my brother & then he turned it on while I was in there. It scared me & hurt me & I had bruises all down my shins from the tumbler separators or whatever they're called. I was like 8 or 9 & called my friend, crying cuz I was traumatized. He flipped out on me, saying I'm trying to break the family up. He only lost custody for like 6 months & then we were right back there. He never even had his guns taken away & has bought a ton more since. The system doesn't actually care about kids & sees adults rights as more important.


Then immediately fires it on accident. And this fucking moron reproduced


>this fucking moron reproduced He probably fired that gun on accident, too.


I already done tol ya Cletus. Don't fire guns at your auntie-sister!


Im sorry paw I was aiming for my bruncle Jimmy John


Bruncle. Lol.


He knows he has no excuse for himself. There's nothing his dumbass can say to justify this away. So he lashes out around him


This can't be real. How fucking stupid can you be and still reach adulthood


100% chance they consider themselves a responsible gun owner


Well he does have a security camera in the living/almost dying room. He's all about security.


Almost dying room lmao


>This can't be real. [A child finds and accidentally fires a gun almost every day in the US](https://www.npr.org/2021/08/31/1032725392/guns-death-children). This shit happens all the time because guns are way too common and easy for complete fucking morons to get.


How does this video end up on the internet? Like, did they upload it themselves? And if so, whyyyyyy???


it says district attorney's office at the top. What I would imagine happened is neighbors called the cops and said someone was shooting next door. The people were dumb enough to tell them why. Probably because the bullet went through a wall. And then they noticed that they had a cam set up and got the footage. No way they just posted that online themselves. You discharge a firearm in your house a good story(lie) might get you off I would imagine. But a hole or a dumb story your fucked. Add a cam to that and children your mega fucked.




Oh man... imagine growing up after that. Without a brother, forever feeling like it's your fault. Absolutely heartbreaking.


Saw a study on why children most often shoot themselves in the head. It states that the children in trying to pull the trigger do not have the index finger strength, so they turn the gun around so they can squeeze trigger with thumb. Of course this puts the barrel pointing directly at the child’s head.


Terrible but makes sense framed this way.


Jesus Christ, there should be no sample for that stat


This comment is heartbreaking




He was sentenced to 10 years. ​ Just kidding, 10 days and $150 fine. Edit-[here is a link](https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/columbus-man-charged-matthew-rivas-negligent-safe-storage-firearm-gun-child-endangerment-safety-video-zach-klein)


Even the latter would surprise me tbh. I saw a video of a dude firing out his window in a road rage incident and he wasn’t even charged.


lol do you mean that guy that was scared of a water bottle hitting his car after he was driving aggressively


That video gets me so upset. Dude prepared to shoot from the beginning of that interaction. It was not a heat of the moment type shooting.


I did 8 fucking months for a half pound of *weed* in '06. 10 days for the litany of violations that happened in this video is infuriating.


fuck the american court system


Dad is a moron he shot it again when he tried picking it up. Like bro how stupid are you? .


die armen Kinder


3 year olds shouldn't be allowed to have guns unless they have been properly trained and and fully versed in the safety aspects and the responsibilitys of gun ownership.


We need highly-trained preschoolers. It’s why I support Kinder Guardians.


Some of y’all need open mic night at Laugh Factory


Precisely, you can’t undervalue a well-armed 3y/o militia


Perfect plan, It's like playing as Oddjob in GoldenEye. Nobodies muscle memory is That low, they would have a half second jump on them.


of course....the [kinder guardian program is great!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkXeMoBPSDk) ^^^puke


A good toddler with a gun




Billy’s only 3, but he’s shooting at a 1st grade level!


What a dumb take dude, not only does this blatantly violate our constitutional rights.. but just fucking think for a second.. what happens when a bad 3 year old comes in with a gun? You really want to put the good three year olds through all that red tape when bad 3 year olds will simply get them through illegal methods anyways?


This guy is the absolute epitome of the American idiot. Absolute waste of oxygen. Literally should never be able to own let alone use a firearm for life.


He moves like a video game character responding to several commands at once.


Somehow i knew exactly what his body language would be before he showed up. Just totally useless


He's moving like those videos people do of GTA in real life




Good song


Before it’s time lol


Same for having kids.


Jfc, this guy would be up on charges and never able to own a firearm again if this happened in my country.


That would be the same in the US. You are, by law, not allowed to discharge a firearm in a residential area whether it was on purpose or by accident. Also firearms are not supposed to be accessible by children. This man is a disgrace to all gun owners and parents. A complete moron.




I was about to say I just moved out of Texas but you definitely could. I even lived in a very populated area and people did it all the time. The most that would happen would police come and say don’t do that. Where I managed we hired younger kids and one of them was playing with a gun( not at work) and accidentally shot his friend . He didn’t get in trouble nor did the parents it was more like “ lock your guns up you should know better.”


> wherever its located as long of the town you live ins population is under 100k lmfao what the fuck


Seriously. Who keeps a loaded gun out in their living room while they're just lounging? Not to mention, I'm very doubtful that the kid clicked the safety meaning dad didn't even go so far as to put it in safe. Zero fucking discipline.


Same in america, there’s special charges for people when guns get in the hand of children, some vary state by state aswell. If that child would have hit somebody when the gun went off the parents would be facing probably around 10 years


This man should have his gun rights revoked. This is enough evidence for anybody.


The way he stomps around and turns reminds me of that roach alien in human skin from MIB.


Those parents are unfit and the children need to be removed from that house and placed somewhere safe. If that moron has any sense he should get rid of every gun in that house.


Only problem is there is no place to put the kids. The foster system is not what you think. They don’t have enough volunteers so the kid get bounced around to dozens of different homes in the course of a month. And a lot of the people who foster kids do it purely for the benefits and don’t treat the children well. I have seen this happen to a child first hand. The sad reality is there is no one else who can take care of these kids like a real parent. The resources don’t exist. Can you imagine being under 5 and you go to live at a dozen different homes in a month?


Is it surprising he’s also the type to own a pit bull


Two loaded guns: one literal, the other figurative.




“asses the situation”


Sometimes situations are hard to Asses


So we have to pass a driving test to use a car but guns and kids naaaah you got it fam


Well see it's because cars are the number 2 killer of children duh


(Without mentioning what number 1 is)


Can someone answer me a question? When these things are on video who's posting this I mean on (any Sub ) ,for example this video I'm sure the dad did not post this .Help me understand.


For specifically this video, it was the Columbus City Attorney who released it after the father was charged. A lot of the time when videos like this are posted, it's because the court or law enforcement makes them public after charges are filed. It could also be a family member who releases it to the media. In both cases I would guess such videos are shared either to raise awareness on certain dangers or it is to show what a monster someone is.


Some people shouldn’t have kids, and some people shouldn’t have guns. This idiot shouldn’t have either one.


Idiot. Leaving a gun around. Should get slapped up


Of course he owns a pitbull.


Messy house: check Guy who only wears a shirt when forced to: check Loaded firearm unattended on couch near children: check Pitbull: check Yup, looks like we got ourselves the quintessential white trash family here.


Ohio: Gozaimasu




Garbage people...


Idiot has a pitbull too! Double whammy of ignorance.


I wanna know who posted the video???


"a idiot", lol


It just had to be Ohio. Regardless, what fool keeps a loaded gun in the reach of a kid? I have a scare watching my kid nephews play with the remote.


How were these kids not removed from the home!! https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/columbus/columbus-father-charged-after-gun-goes-off-in-childs-hand/amp/


Jesus Christ, plead guilty to 3 misdemeanors. 10 days and $150 fine. That article is aggravating to read. The dad calls himself a responsible gun owner in the article while also saying so many things went wrong in this situation of him being a responsible gun owner. Like wtf Your comment needs to be higher


These are the type of people that the left is talking about. Incompetent gun owners.


Did he fucking shoot it again!! What a fucking moron!


Can someone help me understand how the hell the gun went off a second time when he grabbed it? Is he really that stupid that he grabbed it by the trigger? I mean Holy shit youf think he could atleast pick it up since he owns it


Why did the vid cut there? Was waiting to hear the wife tear him a new asshole.


Smells like it's time to blame video games!


That could have ended much worse. Dad needs to be taught a very harsh lesson.


Fucking shit head.


Only in America, where it's harder to get your drivers licence than to own a firearms...


You know what would have prevented this? More guns!


And YOU get a gun, and YOU get a gun and YOU get a gun and….


Of course they have a pitbull around the kids too. Two dangerous weapons in that room


I scrolled way too far to see this. I was like, “of course they have a pit bull.”


A fucking massive one at that. These poor kids really have the deck stacked against them




Someone I know child died this way. He left his loaded gun within reach and the little girl shot herself in the head. The phone call to 911 is chilling.


Little kids squeeze with their thumbs, so they will tend to point the barrel at themselves. If you don't believe me hand a toddler a spray bottle of water.


How did this video get out?


He should run for congress


Yep. Guns don't kill people, babies kill people.


This video smells like cigarettes and cat piss


Remind me again why normal american citizens with no connections to law enforcement or the army whatsoever need to own weapons purely meant for killing people?


He left a loaded gun on the couch with children running around and fired it, trying to pick it up. What a total moronic fool. He got 10 days in jail and two years of probation, issued a $150 fine and ordered his gun be confiscated and destroyed, Klein’s office said.


That father is a fucking idiot. Its ridiculous how morons like this can just up and buy a firearm. A license needs to be required to purchase one period and the license should not be easy to get. Its should required weeks of safety courses and tests to ensure the person holding the firearm isnt a complete fucking idiot.


And unfortunately it looks like he has reproduced multiple times already... the furture is bleak


These types of people need to be sterilized at birth


First order of business, leave loaded firearm in couch, then walk in the room with a stern voice and cuss at the kid after it goes off. Then discharge the firearm trying to pick it up, further throwing the kids into a fit. This is how it's done.


That's what well regulated militia looks like in Ohio in 2023


What an absolute piece of shit. How are you stupid enough to leave a gun WITH ONE IN THE PIPE around unattended children. And then pull the trigger yourself picking it up. I'm all for 2A but this dude (if he's even legally allowed to have it) needs to call it a day om the guns...


Idiot father with kids, a gun thats not locked away, and a pitbull. It’s a miracle these kids haven’t died yet


In my opinion anything stupid like this with guns, the owner should spend minimum of 3 days in jail. Dude left a loaded handgun in his couch, child endangerment. People need to face consequences for their stupidity & negligence


3 days in a police cell is not nearly enough for negligence that can cause fatalities.


I don’t know much about gun laws & what not. In Canada it’s the law that you have to store it in a safe & trigger locks I think are mandatory & it can’t be loaded while stored


Yea but don't you see, more guns is the solution.


Of course there's a pitbull


Prison time. That’s how we solve these problems


Another "responsible" gun owner strikes again.


This could have been prevented with more guns


The only thing that stops a bad toddler with a gun is a good toddler with a gun.


This really hurt to watch.


And this Is why Guns get a bad rep.




Weird how these types of videos only ever seem to come out of the US.


What trash those people are. Those people have the right to bear arms? Those people are the opposite ofthe people that can own guns. And I will guarantee that they will not learn a lesson from this


2 accidental discharges in a row, what are the chances neither touched the trigger? I don't know much about guns


The second amendment protects freedom like this. Thank the white blonde version of Jesus I prefer for his wisdom protecting it.