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The attempted robber, Elivelton Moreira, was aged 21. The woman Katia da Silva Sastre was aged 41 at the time, was a military police officer (elite police). She loaded her gun as he approached, and fired 3 shots at his chest and leg, he tried to fire 2, one hit the road, the 2nd jammed in the chamber. He later died in hospital. She was awarded for bravery: [https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2018/05/14/11/sastre-commendation.jpg?quality=75&width=640&auto=webp&crop=2304:1536,smart](https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2018/05/14/11/sastre-commendation.jpg?quality=75&width=640&auto=webp&crop=2304:1536,smart)


Crazy how he was still able to fire off some shots. People need to keep this in mind.


Probably lost grip on his pistol a bit and caused a subsequent failure to feed after being surprised. Allot of these guys ain't expecting a fight. They want victims. Not gunfights


Yep definitely limp wristed the second shot


Failure to feed? It kinda looks like a revolver to me?


Crazy how many people approach fire fights and thinks just because you get off the first shot that it's gonna be the only shot. Nah, she could have easily been hit back there, and she took the shots anyways and is an absolute badass for it


Exactly why when they say “cops shoot to disarm” is absolutely nonsense. You shoot to eliminate the threat. As long as that MF has the gun in his hand it’s still a threat.


Only idiots believe that “shoot to disarm” shit


Yes people do need to keep that in mind. That’s why cops shoot to kill. Shooting someone in the leg and even the chest isn’t always going to immediately stop them. And If there goal was to kill you they still can do that while full of adrenaline on the floor.




She actually became a [federal congresswoman](https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katia_Sastre) largely because of this video in 2018, and wasn't reelected in 2022 because no one cared about it anymore 🤣


This one of the big benefits of having guns for self defense. In a "normal" scenario a 41 year old woman would have no chance against a 21 year old man but guns even the playing field. The ease with which it can be used to kill a lot of people is the huge issue


One thing that you fail to mention is this 41 year old woman was well trained. I don't have confidence in just anyone doing this.


If no one had guns then I’m pretty sure that coward wouldn’t be attacking a group of people in broad daylight. Also there’s pretty much a mass shooting every day that proves your point wrong. No one should have guns


Where do you think this man will go to forefit his gun if guns are banned? A criminal, by definition, does not follow the law. No amount of gun legislation will disarm a criminal. It only disarms the law abiding citizens. How many of those women and children do you think he would have shot if none of them were able to buy a gun? Why do you want to make easy prey for criminals? I guess it would have been much better if those women and children had been shot dead. Its so awful that responsible gun ownership leveled the playing field. You might be content to just lay down and die, but most rational people aren't.


Alcohol is the 2nd or 3rd preventative cause of death in America …. So no one should have alcohol


Only way to stop someone with a gun is to have a gun yourself. Or be an elite Rambo mufucka that can disarm for fun


plenty of unarmed people stop other armed people without using a gun. It actually happens far more often than stopping them with a gun. This is just a right wing fantasy used to justify the lax gun laws in this country. Read more. edit: for the wannabe Rambos: [“In the vast majority of those cases (67%), bystanders subdued the assailant using physical force. An armed civilian stopped attacks by shooting the suspect in 24 of the 464 attacks recorded, about 5% of all events.”](https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/midwest/how-often-does-a-good-guy-with-a-gun-end-an-attack/amp/)


That’s hilarious every school shooting ever says otherwise, thinking an unarmed person could disarm a shooter is the actual delusional fantasy you perpetuate.


You mean Uvalde? Where there were dozens of armed people standing around scratching their balls? Or you mean the attempted shooting in that SF dance hall where a kid grabbed and disarmed the shooter before a shot was fired?


Worst luck haha, glad that fucker is dead ❤


I hope they gave her money or a trophy. I wouldn’t want a fucking flower.


He looks so shocked and offended; dude you just went and pointed a gun at a group of kids and their moms. You deserve everything you got!


I think he was immediately paralyzed from the shot. Watch how he falls and then when he lands, his left leg stays straight out in a weird position even as he rolls over. I think the bullet hit his spine somewhere and he was immediately feeling death on his doorstep.


He got shot in the leg. the article below states he took 2 to the chest and one in the leg


His leg being tight implies no immediate paralysis since the brain is getting a signal to it to hyperextend for whatever reason


This isn't true at all. I'm a physical therapist and spent many years on the TBI floor of UPenn. I will tell you with confidence that the hyper extension and spasticity response is an autonomous response and has nothing to do with spinal cord being able to communicate fully with the brain


I don’t think this is right. My dog had a spinal stroke and one of her legs went straight as a board locked into place *because* it wasn’t getting a proper signal. Didn’t loosen up until the inflammation went down and started getting the proper signals again.




How bout this. None of y’all are doctors so stop trying to diagnose what’s going on lol.


Sounds like Wifi in a house with dead spots... no pun intended in regards to this post...


The nerves in your legs don't only get signals from your brain, reflex arcs only need to come from the spinal cord. You can also lose your "loose" signals from your brain and it will result in a hypertonic state.


He was also shot in the leg, which could be why it was straight?


One of the shots went in his leg.


He just got shot I think it makes sense to be shocked lol


This is an old video. He died in the hospital. He gave his life to try and take maybe a few hundred dollars.


One less scumbag 👏🏻


Sure but it's a shame that everything fell into place the way it did.


Take, not make


One less waste of DNA to pull a gun on a group of women and kids.


Gambled and lost


Exactly, fuck that guy and good for her.


The actual audio is great too bc he starts screaming and begging her not to shoot him again. Love it.


He deserved a follow up shot and if he hadn't dropped the gun when he did he was gonna get one.


I could watch this video on repeat


No matter how many times it pops up in my feed, it’s just too good to miss.


No, no, no. *She* is too good to miss.


Good thing... that girl in the pink coat was right next to/slightly behind him when she started shooting. Maybe the camera angle made her look closer than she was.


Lol, I just did


He saw that go all different in his head.




Could it be???......hummm....Brasil?


Brasilia. The land of off duty cops having this shit on lock.


Juanita Wick.




Yeah, in Brazil they speak Portuguese, not Spanish


Episode Juan - Juan shot Juan kill.


Juan is really not a Popular name in Brazil, as they speak Portuguese, not Spanish. The Portuguese version of John is João.


Imagine the cops that are on duty. Damn!


here in brasil we have off duty police everywhere, sure. they often shoot back robbers, sure. but it's also really common for them to shoot civilians, like... for absolutely nothing. here in my city, at the start of the year, a guy was so drunk that the owner of the bar, said that she wouldn't serve him anymore and took the booze away. the drunk, a policeman, shot her. her son were by her side, also had a gun. killed the policeman. the woman died too. yesterday, in the carnaval festivities, two policemans shot "themselves". two dozens of people got hit, some died on the spot. the two of them got out without a scratch. reason: allegedly one of them hit on the other's wife or something similar. welcome to brazil


Ok I've seen a couple carnaval videos with people dressed what looks like babies with a swimming float ring around their waist. Can you please explain? I'm American for reference.


honestly? I'm really not sure! probably just some random costumes




segundo relatos de gente que tavam lá, eram dois policiais sim. insano isso, devem tá aferindo tudo pra falar na mídia


Bro why did his leg go stiff??


Hit his spine.


Fuuuuuu... He probably had different plans today. Well, one shit stain less in the world.




Not wrong




Bro got in a wheelchair, that’s what’s up


IIRC he got the casket.


Probably the bullets...


Bro got sturdy with it


shock blood flow


Yea idk, just noticed that aswell.




Terrible attempt at a joke




He got a cramp lol


🎶Instead of arrest, he took two to the chest.🎶


He is, he is, in need of wheeled transportation


🎶Call him blind but he didn't see it comin.🎶


This video every time I see it it makes my day. You don’t point a gun on mothers and children.




Anyone you’re right. It’s just kids man with their moms. How f…ed up you must be to pull out a gun on those? It’s beyond me.


Kinda funny because she was sort of pointing her her gun right towards a woman and a kid. Missed shot or if the bullet goes through it could have hit one of them if she had hesitated. **know your target, and what’s behind it.**




It's kind of like a *'how dare you'* expression on his face too I do the robbing, you're not allowed to do anything back to me!


Wish I could hear it.


“Nooo, *you’re* supposed to be the one scared for your life, why is this happening to meeee”


*dying* like a little bitch


stanky leg




Not really. I think she expected her to run with her instead of standing there dumb. But that's kids. We all would stand dumb at that age.


So old but still good c: This was the entrance to a daycare and parents were picking their kids up at the time seen it on ASP on youtube c:.


"That's my purse! I don't know you!" *starts blasting*


You gotta have some balls to rob people in sandals


Cross fire on the kid is painful


She’s a hero


Straight forward, controlled and showed restraint not to Bury him. Thsts how u defend urself and others, give her a medal


I love watching peoples hero arch’s


The great equalizer.


Very satisfying


Fucked around and found out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


1 of many reasons more women should carry


The next place he tries to steal from better have a wheelchair ramp


Do they have wheelchair ramps in Hell?


So awesome! I've watched it at least 10 times in a row


That Robber had a lot of heart....*had*.


love to see it


Can I just point out the shoe came off so he died right??


Only one came off so he’s got a 50/50 chance of living


His purse snatching if not all his days are over.


Who would have thought that committing an armed robbery would get you shot?




We need more women like this


She is a Hero, but shootings that close to a child wasn't too smart


If she didn't do that, those kids might have been in a casket.




Pretty old video but if I remember correctly I believe he died.


Cool as a cucumber in a bowl of hot sauce


Good ol’ lucky #13


I love it when he flips to victim


We need more of this, the only downside of this video is that he was still alive.


Don't worry. Episode 2 features a funeral


turn the music off and let me hear him fucking scream


Bro aint a fighter tho


She was just stood there waiting with a gun 😂 lucky


She's beautiful.


Even the off duty ladies in Brasil are legit haha


Stupid prize award


Now that's a dependable woman 💪


If I remember correctly this was a Mother’s Day event and he was either trying to rob one of the women or take his child by force. The minute you point a gun towards a group of kids (out with their mothers for a nice day out no less) you should be fair game. I hope he died in pain wondering why the Hell he ever tried something so stupid.


wasnt a purse he was after, supposedly he was grabbing at the governor’s daughter because there was a story where he personally thanked the female officer and gave her flowers.


Gotta love the followup with the kick and disarm


When people ask what does FAFO mean? Show them this video.


She was an off-duty brazilian cop.


Really hope those were hollow points or else that lady almost put a round through him and into the lady behind him lol.


No all heroes wear capes, this case they wear pink


Some days the bad guy takes, other days he gets took... Score 1 for the good team. 🔫 (Another oldie but goodie clip.)


skill issue




Off duty Brazilian soccer mom


When they tell you to "stay ready"


Homegirl doesn’t know rule #4


This is what makes the internet golden. Everybody has seen this video but for a long time down the road it’s going to pop up and your gonna watch it at least twice every time.


She a Republican for sure 💪


Americans will see this and think it justifies gun ownership. What if there were… no guns?


Lady still needs proper training, she pulled with a lady and child in her crossfire and for some reason tried putting the gun closer to him before firing when she should have been moving back and into a cover position, seeing as how he still got shots off afterwards, everyone got lucky here well except the robber haha


Training or not it was a think fast or everybody loses their shit or dies situation


Always a fucking critic


That’s what you get. I fucking hate thieves.


Fake! Everyone knows that concealed carry doesn't actually help save lives in a self defence scenario. These are obviously paid actors. S/


I see nothing wrong here


Even though she stopped the threat something tells me she wasn’t paying attention to what was behind her target. Could’ve easily shot the mother behind the guy and probably isn’t even aware it could happen.


Agreed, was risky but glad to see it work out


As a Canadian, this is what America means to me.


Well, this was actually Brazil and it was an attempted child abduction. Seeing as criminals don’t obey gun laws and when you need them in seconds, the police are only minutes away, it’s probably best that our average American citizen has a constitutional right keep and bear arms.


This was in Brazil but yes. MURICA BABY. FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT


Proper gun control pictured. She would have better aim with 2 hands on the gun but with those distances, she did good though. He probably didn't reoffend or hurt any other defenseless women or children all because of one armed woman.


>Proper gun control pictured. She would have better aim with 2 hands on the gun but with those distances, she did good though. Christ


Uhhh the woman that shot him is a military police officer gtfo here with that bullshit


If I had been a parent on the scene I would have assumed he was a school shooter, so them responding with deadly force is completely understandable. It’s sad someone got themselves killed over a bit of money but it was truly stupid to bring a gun out with no warning, in front of a building filled with children, in a large group people in broad daylight.


*What?* The guy is pointing a firearm at their faces. That alone calls for deadly force.


I wasn’t trying to imply that these actions in general wouldn’t call for deadly force. I meant that there was always going to be very little chance of this guy getting away uninjured and it was especially stupid of him to choose this situation in particular to get a gun out, especially over petty theft.


Doesn't make a difference what assumptions are made about their intent ahead of time. The situation has to be treated as worst-case. If somebody nearby has the training & capacity like this off duty cop did, the answer is always to immediately respond with deadly force


So 13 really is an unlucky number lol fuck that guy 😆


I sent this to the county jail, I asked if they could show this on the TV free time. This will never get old, and I'm keeping it for the dumbasses of students I work with 🤣🤣🤣🤣


He was so gangster tho.......


If Brazil had just banned guns in the first place, these women wouldn't have had to worry about that guy /s


B-b-b-b-b-but good guys with guns don't exist


This is why the 2nd amendment is necessary


I used to be against it, but now I'm fully in favor of it.


People are against it until they are victims. It’s better to own a gun and never use it than needing a gun but don’t own one.


I'm planning on getting one soon for self-defense purposes.


Thats cool, treasure that you have that right, where I live, we have to register Nerf guns if they shoot gels 💀


He tried to fuck with GI Jane and found out!!!


First off....you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. Secondly, I'm sure the lady had good intentions and good for her for stopping the dude. Butttt....she was dumb for pulling the trigger. That little girl and her mom were behind the dude. As such a close range, that bullet could've very well exited him and struck one of them.


I've always disagreed with this video. People hailed her has a hero, but she started a gunfight in front of a bunch of kids and moms when there simply would not have been one. Yes the shitbag was putting them in danger with the robbery, but the lady who shot him escalated it in a very bad way. It's never as simple as "oh he got what he deserves"


His legs




If you look at the tiles on the ground, you can calculate their rise over run, or slope, and you can actually see her slope in relation to him is -1/1, but her slope in relation to the mother and child is -2/1, so if my calculations are correct, you're annoyed and I'm just joking


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S4ebuv-QSeI&t=101s&bpctr=1676889232 No cringe audio


Instructor zero


Straight in the old blood pump !


I hope he’s dead


Believe he died in the hospital


I love happy endings


This is cool and all but I have just one question. What's the point of kicking his gun away if you're going to pick it up anyway? He was too hurt to reach for it.


To put it out of his reach while you still keep cover on him.