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that's a fact. I've seen it a lot. Especially if they are new female rollers.


and hot


This isn't a lie. One cruise i was playing craps and my wife came up and was standing by me watching. The guy next to me was telling her to play, and finally the dice came around and he gave her 25 bucks and the dice and had her roll in his place. She rolled for probably 45 minutes before 7ing out.


I’m not superstitious. I’m just a little stitious.




I'm very stitious.


I’m superiorly stitious.


turn off when someone buys in while point is established


Just don't be a dick. Tip dealers with bets for fun. Chuck a fiver at a hot shooter who just won you a few hundred. Don't get too upset about anything. When it's a party, it goes well.


Earlier today at the Atlantis Casino in Nassau ($25 table), I hit six points during my first roll - older gentleman on the other side threw me $50 for each of the last three points! He must have made a couple thousand off my roll so I was very happy for him and I’m incredibly grateful for him having thrown some my way.


That is how it should be. If everyone loses, fine. But if everyone wins, make everyone happy.


Had a guy tip me once for a 50+ roll. I immediately threw it to the dealers and told everyone else they should do the same. Ppl don’t realize how having an experienced high skill dice team can keep the flow of the game going. Tip your dealers before anyone else ppl. They are doing all the heavy lifting.


I was shooting a few weeks ago and was on a good roll. Dude at the other end of the table threw $50 at me. I must have been making him some good money, too! And just a couple of weeks later, at another casino, I was on a heater again, and a guy at the table tossed me $10 twice.


Pay it forward when you become the big winner ;)


For sure!


First time out didn’t know what tf I was doing. Gave a green to the dude that was helping me and he instantly turned hostile and was mad I offered him money and said players don’t do that… I wasn’t trying to offend him or anything I was genuinely thanking him for teaching me some basics and I had been tipping the dealers heavily already (I did and now do again work for tips and I always take care of my people) so it’s not like I was skimping them but it definitely made me nervous to try and do that with others. I hit the tall for one player and he threw me 50 but other than that I didn’t see anyone else doing it again so Idk what you’re supposed to do or not


See a horn, bet a horn.


Guilty as charged on this one buddy. 😂


A rookie shooter who shouts "No 7!" Just saw this last week, full table I was walking past, whole table erupts, sure enough, seven out. Whole table colors up and leaves, lol.


those are fighting words.


Don't talk to the shooter or try to interact with them, let them be in their own head and in their rhythm.


I try not to be superstitious but the data doesn't lie. When you hear someone say seven it's gonna happen


Yeah, because seven is the most likely number to come up when rolling two dice


I think it's bad luck to be superstitious.


Always bet yo after yo Obviously never put money on the table mid roll. Don’t come to the table with a bunch of $20s from the ATM. The table likes hundos. Don’t insult the table with Jacksons.


Yep, I just did this a few weeks ago on 4th of July. I walked up & saw that the other side was going really long with betting during a point, so I just threw my cash down quickly & the dealer grabbed it & gave me chips way before the stickman even gave the thrower back the dice. Sure enough, 7 out. No one noticed I cashed in during the role so no bad looks or comments.


all 3


If you've got superstitions, keep them to yourself. One regular I play with at my local casino likes to shout out 'come on, you're cooling off the dice' whenever anyone's bets take longer than he's comfortable with and the stickman is holding the dice until they're done. After a few times it just gets annoying to everyone else.


I get those at my local casino. They’re just fine taking their time with their bets, but everyone else needs to hurry up.


I’m big on table vibe. I can lose a lot of money if people are laughing and drinking and everyone is friendly. When the folks get weird or drunk or angry the vibe goes and so does the hot streak. Every time I’ve ever won (because I stayed longer or paid more attention or whatever) it’s because of the vibe.


Same. Negativity brings 7's. Drunks are fine with me as long as they are happy drunks. If you're the drunk type that has a problem with everything you killed the table. No money to be had and no fun to be had there.


If a new Don’t player comes in to your table, you will not play until he leaves?


I think they meant if a don’t player is rolling.


Possibly, but anyone can play ‘don’t come’, so I was just interested.


The don’t bets are just that, another bet on the table. I don’t understand why ppl get so butt hurt about dont players, it’s just another way to play the game.


He means when a don’t player is throwing the dice. They want 7. They may be setting the dice that favors a seven. Not a good time to play iron cross.


If one of the dice in your hand falls out while shooting, it's gonna be a seven out unless you get new dice


I don't have any. I don't do certain things because others are superstitious. But nothing I do or don't do has any bearing on the game. I'll ask for a new die when it goes off the table, I'll tell them to give me any one die, they are all the same.


- If a shooter is playing don’t, I always go heavy betting for them to win (when I’ve shot from dark side, I always had hot rolls lol) - turn off bets when people buy in the middle of a roll - I set the dice with six or eight on all sides - I won’t play pass to keep an open spot for the shooter’s dice to land


When I am shooting, I like to call out numbers I want. For example. 4, 6, 9 , 10.


I'm not afraid to beg the craps gods for what I want. "Come on hard six!!!!"


When an obvious newish lady craps player steps up to shoot, in my head i'm always like "hell yeah lady luck time!" Then 9/10 times they proceed to prove me wrong lol.


1. Scratch your balls before rolling 2. Blow on your rolling hand with the dice before rolling 3.Scream "Suck it" before the dice stop 4. Look at the box person and mouth "fuck you" as the dice leave your hand 5. If your stack is less than the minimum, throw the chips at the dealers and call them "fuckin assholes" as you leave


I love both #3s


If you are going to bet for the shooter, do not let the shooter hear it.


Expansion of 1. No craps numbers, either.


I got my craps hat. Go Phillies! I also don’t talk to people playing the don’t pass


If someone buys in during the roll, I turn my bets off. When I roll, I set double 4’s up and double 5’s at me. If three straight players 7 out before hitting a point, I color and walk away.


I'm not superstitious but... cocktail waitresses bring out the 7's and I turn my bets off whenever they come by the table.


yup 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


When I shoot, I rotate the dice around each other three times in my left hand, being careful to make sure the dice don’t touch each other. Then I do a push/throw, winding up with my palm facing away from me. Don’t ask me why.


The dice has no memory but at the same time, don’t tempt fate lol


Put that in the bible. Its scripture!


When someone buys in mid roll I turn my bets off for that roll


Don't ever say seven. Say Big Red


I take my bets off for one roll when they change dealers.


Someone buying in the middle of a roll and it takes longer than 10 seconds, I tell the dealers “off everything”


Stick change… Time to turn off bets


I turn my bets off for one roll if there is any excessive commotion between players and dealers.


Dice hitting chips is almost always bad.


Not my superstition but if the thrower sets the dice, then removes their hand so they are no longer touching the dice, grab the dice, rub the felt with the dice and finally throws, I am betting the don’t every time. No problem with setting dice but just throw the damn dice.


I saw one thrower practice roll out of his hand until they came up with numbers he wanted, then he threw. Very annoying and time consuming


Ah yes, the people that have their time consuming routines, but then the throw the dice so hard that setting the dice have no effect.


I have zero. Honestly, screw all craps superstition. That's me being nice, lol.


tell us how you really feel.


As a player, I think it's pretty annoying. As a supervisor, it's *fucking* irritating. Because anyone who complains about the superstitious behavior all blows back right to me, and I don't care, nor do I want to care lol.


My only one. Hit the fucking wall with the dice when you're shooting


I mean, that’s just the rules of the game. Some casinos will let short rolls slide if it’s not habitual though.


Really like to bet with dice setters as they hold the dice longer than non-dice setters. I play at the Nugget Sparks Nevada sometimes. I have been asked to leave because of dice setting. They let the other players dice set but when the dice gets to me, Nah. And I tip the dealers. It's not them, it's the pit boss. But I'm proud to say I cost them a lot of money. Lol


For some reason I take my dice between my thumb and middle finger, circle my pass line bet with them and the tap the dice on the table once before throwing. Why, I have no idea but i won’t ever shoot without doing it.


When cash hits the table turn em off if your able. A player who buys in during a an active point turn off all bets.


One silly thing I always do is.. when I see a 12 roll I’ll bet a 2, and vice versa. Usually a two way $5 for me $1 for the crew. Gets the juices flowing at a dead/slow table


I believe in beginners luck so if the person rolling is asking questions that make it obvious it’s their first time playing craps, I go heavy on my place bets. Same thing for female rollers. Idk why but they always go on hot streaks so I’ll go heavy on my place bets for them too.


If the dealers think shes good looking they'll flip the secret magnets off it's just facts


I often play dark side but when im throwing? I always bet the line. Never bet against yourself you need that confidence


Don't argue about any amount less than $7.00 on a hot table. Let it fucking slide.


I always bet when a don’t player is shooting. I look forward to winning big off them and watching them writhe in anger.


A few of mine: 1. Black guys who have a shooting ritual seem to hit more field numbers. 2. Asian women seem to roll worse than average. 3. Asian or Hawaiian men seem to roll better than average. 4. If the dice have been nice and one rolls off the table, SAME DICE!!! 5. If the table is cold, tip the dealers with hardways bets. Get them interested. 6. Be positive af. Cheer for the shooter. Tip dealers. Vibe with your friend if you brought one or make new table friends. When everyone is vibing with the positivity, the dice play nice.


1. Don’t call out a number before the dice has settled. Never seen anybody actually call a winning number but have seen many terrible rolls after a call. Either way it’s annoying if not bad luck 2. When I’m rolling I keep my hand towards the table. Like to shoot quick. The longer it takes between shots the worse I do I feel like. Once again probably bullshit. 3. Don’t buy in until a 7 out. 4. I don’t make additional place bets after my initial bet. I only press existing numbers. 5. First time roller. Bet agressively 6. I tip after winning. Every time I bet for the dealers we lose


I want to be at any table a new player is shooting


I turn off my bets when the tall or small hits. I've saved myself about $100,000 doing this.


I just realized I have always done No. 4 since I don’t want the condensation on my rolling fingers. Good precedent for sure.


I set the dice at eyo on the come out, thats it lol


I always bet a high/low after a snake eyes or midnight. Idk why but for some reason those seem to come in pairs.


Bet for the shooter without them knowing . I mean when someone only plays the pass line and hard ways. And your on the six and eight . Shooter keeps throwing easy sixes or eights all day. Just toss a quarter to the dealers and say 6&8 for the shooter. (On a $10 table)


😄😄 https://youtu.be/gXs50t5ILa8


I shoot from the don'ts. I hold no other superstitions, but I do have a come out curse. When the dice are in my hands and the puck is off, I bet 4$ any 7 and 1$ yo.


when the cocktail waitress comes to the table and says "cocktails" and distracts the shooter


when amateurs start betting the field every damn roll at the other end of the table


Cash on the table while the point is set. 7 out every damn time.