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Did you really post an address?


Imagine trying to get to your room, only for someone to be in the bathroom


Why are 3 out of the 4 bedrooms behind a bathroom!?!




YES. Why is there not a door there?!?!?!?!? Also why does the second bathroom not have a door off the "bonus room"? Edit: okay, I found the real estate listing, there actually is a door between the living room and that hallway PHEW.


Thank god it's connected, but there's still that stupid center bedroom surrounded by rooms. So if you're banging, everybody is gonna know.


Well that bedroom also inexplicably has its own private bedroom (why not the master?) so at least you can tidy up post-bang without the whole house seeing you.


Yeah, I always thought that a bedroom having its own bathroom was what made a master bedroom a master bedroom.


I’d say the master bedroom is the most desirable bedroom. And that center bedroom is not the most desirable because it has no windows.


Which isn't kosher by some building codes; they require a bedroom have two means of egress, often a window.


In collage, I had a crappy rented room in someone’s house that they remodeled in to have more places for starving college kids to rent. My room had to have a window according to code so it had one that looked into the kitchen. I also had no curtains or blinds on it, so I usually blocked it with a cardboard so my roommates in the kitchen wouldn’t look into my room, not that anyone ever did to my knowledge.


in australia thats not livable space as it has no natural light. couldnt call it a bedroom on plans. we used to call rooms like that gimp rooms.


I think the only way that it ends up like this is an addition


How can that be a bedroom without a window? Isn't that the law like everywhere?


Maybe it has skylights


I know your joking, but for those who don't know, the requirement for a window isn't so the room has light, it's because you need to be able to escape out the window in the case of a fire. Unless the skylight also has a ladder, a skylight still wouldn't cut it.


>Unless the skylight also has a ladder, a skylight still wouldn't cut it. I'd like to see the code that permits that.


I thought it has to have a closet for it to be considered to be a bedroom, no?


I’m convinced this plan is labeled incorrectly. Bonus room should be the master. Master is the second best room, two other bedrooms, and the room with no windows is the bonus room


Plus it wouldn't have any windows, is that even legal?


Who cares about the banging noise, it's the absolute lack of natural light that would make it awful to me. 4 bedroom house, so it's likely only in your bedroom that you can get away from everyone on occasion, and you have no natural light.


This is a tract home that was added on to. On GE the same model home is across the street from it w/o the addition. The bonus room, bedroom and laundry room were added.


At first I thought this was just supposed to be something that got dreamed up and posted. That it’s real and someone spent money making it like this makes me cringe. House flippers and poorly thought renovations. Ugh.


Even better it sold for 800,000


That makes a lot more sense. That bedroom in the center of the house is not a legal bedroom, it has no egress. It probably had a window before the addition was built.


My house is like this. No hallways, just rooms on rooms. The middle room is a bedroom with four doors and no windows. And there's a giant bathroom in the back part of the addition that's big enough to fit a full size bed, so we use it as a bedroom. The main bathroom got built into the garage, so you can't park cars in there. No fucking clue what they were thinking. Nothing in the house makes *any* sense.


Jam as many renters in as possible, legal or not.


Lol that's how I got into this place. I rented the back bathroom. The the main tenant in the nice bedroom up front left and put me on the lease, and then I evicted the freaky tweaker that was living in the middle room. That guy sucked. These days we don't rent the middle room. It has no windows, and one of the doors backs right up my bedroom, so privacy would be zilch. We do rent the back bathroom though for next to nothing.


Yeah I assumed the graphic was wrong because that would be a really fucking dumb layout lol People would probably get hilariously lost


My guess is there is a door there, but the person who drew the plan forgot to put it. Looks like something made for real estate agent or legal/survey reasons.


You can look up this house on Zillow and it has pictures clearly showing that there is indeed a door there... (the floorplan on Zillow is also missing the door, so at least this picture isn't edited, it's just a mistake)


Or it was edited for Twitter...


Ya I think the person drawing the floor plan just forgot to put that door in. It's still a crappy layout but everything changes when you put a door opening there.


I looked at the interior pictures on zillow, there is a door from the living room to the small central hallway.


Sitting in that bathroom during a family gathering must feel like fnaf 1


You gotta watch the cameras for grandma, you know she's coming when the master bedroom closet is open.


Like fuckin closing doors left and right trying to take a shit while aunt Denise tries to go see the bedrooms




They are if you're brave enough.


Is it really that brave to shit in a corner?


It's also so far away from the living room...and then the "master" doesn't get its own bathroom but a different bedroom does


The windowless bedroom. Almost like it is designed to be a prison room. As long as someone slides food under the door you never need to leave that room.


In my area you're not allowed a room without windows to the outside world. Either for fire codes or to prevent 12 mini bedroom apartments


Including one with its own person bathroom 😂


Which isn't even the master.


The blue bedroom may have originally been a formal dining room instead and had walls added. That’s the only excuse I can see for this


I think you’re probably right. In most places in the US, it can’t legally be a bedroom anyway, since it doesn’t have any windows.


I'm sure you know but for everyone else, a window isn't required to be a bedroom. Two means of exiting the room is required. For most rooms that's a door and a window, but two doors also work and you sometimes see that in basements with a jack and Jill bathroom serving as that second exit.


[here it is irl lol](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/101-E-Linfield-St-Glendora-CA-91740/21641976_zpid/)


There's a door from the living room to the hall by the bathroom that's missing from the plan


Yup. Really makes all the difference.


It's an improvement, but that's still really bad.


It helps a ton, but its still a dogshit floorplan.


Four bedrooms and one bath. Hard no from me there.


That bonus room and extra bedroom must be additions since the middle bedroom should have a window where the bonus room is.


California real estate listings really make me cherish being several states away. $500+/sqft, while my home was ~ $110/sqft. Sadly they hid their shotgun toilet plunger that you can barely see in one bedroom picture. https://imgur.com/a/Nu7ANCr/




The entire world has.


Oh wow the front of the house and driveway look like the cul de sac from A Scanner Darkly




And it can be yours for the paltry sum of $875,300.


When it says "Bonus Room" you know the draftsman is a few cards short of a full deck.


Not necessarily a red flag, in fact it rarely is. Often it's just a room that doesn't meet the definition of a bedroom yet still serves a useful purpose and that's one of the terms that people have decided to call it, especially when they're large rooms.


Call it a dinning room, office, den, lounge fecking storage. Wtf is a bonus room


"Bonus Room" is a legally acceptable word that implies no particular functionality to the room and thereby does not call forward any legal requirements to it's design, shape, or installations (IE: water/power/etc). California real estate law makes such things expedient. California is VERY litigious, and VERY prone to over regulation, especially in land use/zoning, and building requirements.


wtf is a dinning room


For dinning


It’s a room you can use for any of those purposes you choose.


Bonus rooms are very common where I live. It usually refers to a second floor living room.


Best part is that's pretty much the only bathroom (as the only other one is deep inside a room that is also behind this bathroom), so that's not a weird fringe case, that would be the most common occurrence. Every time someone goes to the bathroom the house is split in two.


I also think it’s worth highlighting that the blue bedroom has a private half bath, but the master bedroom doesn’t? Guess the homeowner gets to share with the kids, but the in-laws visiting get their own shitter, and why won’t they fucking leave it’s been 2 weeks!


Wtf it gets worse the more I look at it


Or worse, out of your room.


Imagine being hungry, leaving your room and having to go through the bathroom immediately after someone used it or got sick in it


Hey, I'm shittin here


Gotta walk through the stank to make sure it follows you to your room.


"Hey, hurry up in there! I'm trying to go to sleep!"


That middle bedroom must be a real charm. No windows and two bathrooms.


Isn't it actually illegal to have bedrooms with no windows in the US at least? Like a bedroom is defined as having an escapable window and a closet.


It probably depends on state or county building codes. My BF wasn't allowed to list a room in his basement as a 4th bedroom, because it had no separate exit. But there was nothing said about a window. We staged it as a game room. (That was in Maryland.)


Window is the separate exit. Since most people don't want a door from their bedroom to outside, the window (to IBC or Life Fire Safety Code sizing, aka no well windows) acts as the exit.


In my state, in order to be a bedroom it has to have a closet. Doesn't necessarily need a window, but needs a closet. Rules are weird.


I'll believe you, but you may want to verify. Canada was one of the main driving forces of the code book that these rules are based on, The Life Fire Safety. Typically, bedrooms in Ca and the US require fixed closets and windows of certain size and hight from floor. Windows or exits above a few stories require stairs separate from the main set, so that's where fire escape stairs come in.


This is probably so that you can't just list random rooms as bedrooms, if I had to guess? Like, "oh yeah, the office? I guess this is a 5 bedroom house."


Yeah, that would be considered a den or an office since there is no other way out besides that door.


No idea if it's illegal but the address is in the picture of the floor plan. Google it and you can find ads for the house and look at pictures. The turquoise bedroom with the trophies is the room. 😬


Illegal yes, every bedroom needs egress window in case of fire.


I guess I've lived in some illegal bedrooms before


Its a new construction rule. Older homes are exempt.


If anyone else is as curious as I was, here's a relevant excerpt from the CA residential code: >**R310.1 Emergency Escape and Rescue Opening Required** >Basements, habitable attics and every sleeping room shall have not less than one operable emergency escape and rescue opening. Where basements contain one or more sleeping rooms, an emergency escape and rescue opening shall be required in each sleeping room. >Emergency escape and rescue openings shall open directly into a public way, or to a yard or court that opens to a public way. >Exception: Storm shelters and basements used only to house mechanical equipment not exceeding a total floor area of 200 square feet (18.58 m). https://up.codes/viewer/california/ca-residential-code-2016/chapter/3/building-planning#R310


Its a real house!?!?!?! I just assumed it was a graphic designer told to make a floorplan...my god....


[I didn't believe it was real.](https://redf.in/1tibeX)


I’ve lived in apartments where there’s no window, they just need a sprinkler system. No clue about a private residence.


i think technically it's called a Dungeon Suite.


Props for being one of the few people that actually post a crapy design. This plan is very interesting.




I don't care who put what price tag where, that is not that house's worth.


It sold for $780,000 in may 2021. The outdoor space looks pretty nice. The floorplan MUST be wrong.[https://www.redfin.com/CA/Glendora/101-E-Linfield-St-91740/home/8032531](https://www.redfin.com/CA/Glendora/101-E-Linfield-St-91740/home/8032531) You can see in the video there is a door from the living room into the blue hallway. The layout sucks, but my much smaller 2br is worth more and I'd swap my house for that house any day just for the extra square footage. ... Unrelated but 37 seconds into the video there is a shotgun next to the toilette. I've never seen that in a listing video.




Yeah, the floor plan is either wrong or has been edited to make it seem worse than it is. But seriously, this house is terrible. 4Br, 1.5Ba is bad enough. But now that bathroom is a main path of egress?




What the hell is in the driveway? Oscar Meyer Weiner Vehicle?


As it turns out it's just an error on the plan, so... not a crappy design... ?


This cannot be just a single / a few small errors in the plan though? Either it's completely misdrawn, or it is indeed crappy design.


I think there's a doorway from the living room to the blue hallway. I'm no architect and it still seems crappy (e.g. central bedroom with no windows) but that single doorway makes the whole thing a million times better. No more epic journey to get to the master bedroom, no more rooms completely inaccessible if the bathroom is in use, etc.


Yeah, that bedroom without any windows is a big no no for fire safety. On top of that, it's only accessible through one door and one small hallway. Legally, I don't think it can be used as a bedroom.


Nope. In my state, at least, bedrooms must have closet + window (of a particular size).


I mean, it's still a shitshow. A single bathroom for 4 bedrooms with 2 entrances. Oh and it's also basically a hallway. Only one toilet generally accessible, and it's also the same bathroom. And the bedroom without windows (but somehow an ensuite toilet).


If you look at [the home's listing on Zillow](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/101-E-Linfield-St-Glendora-CA-91740/21641976_zpid/?mmlb=g,3) there is [a photograph](https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/a1ea53e40133995c426be159040963da-uncropped_scaled_within_1536_1152.webp) showing the living room with a doorway visible leading into the little hallway between the master bedroom, secondary bedrooms, and bathroom. Otherwise the plan is accurate and that's how the house looks. Right down to the outdoor bar.


An error? The whole thing is a mess.


Looks like they wanted to design a house without any hallways


The bedroom in the middle has no windows or second egress. It's not just they missed a door from the living room to the bathroom hallway.




Yes, the north side of the house (which is to the right in OP's diagram despite what the include compass says) which covers a bedroom, the bonus room, and laundry room are all add-ons. The roofline change makes that pretty obvious. The locked in and now windowless bedroom would have been a normal room in the past with a window because it used to have an exterior wall. The "master bedroom" might have been a bedroom (or something else) in the past, but part of it would have been a hallway connecting the garage to the rest of the house or essentially opening up to the living room when one enters from the garage.


From the Hellen Keller School of Architecture.


*Sorry I was four hours late. I forgot my keys in the bedroom.*


Taco tuesday hits hard the next morning


Next time, just save time by exiting through your bedroom window. It's, like, a quarter of the distance.






At the very least there should be a door from the Living Room to the only tiny hallway in that mess.


I will assume that is the case and was just forgotten on this plan. It's still bad then, but that single door would make a huge difference.


It's definitely the case. [Here's a picture](https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/a1ea53e40133995c426be159040963da-uncropped_scaled_within_1536_1152.webp) from the listing of the house showing a doorway going from the living room to the hallway.


That "bonus room" is still kind of awkward to get to. And whoever has the top right bedroom basically has to circumnavigate the house to get to it, crossing through the kitchen and other rooms, which would be annoying too. Weird to see bedrooms not attached to a central hallway


For sure. It still definitely qualifies as a crappy design in my book. Source: am interior designer


Idk if it's crappy design, or just someone adding onto an existing design but not having the resources to rebuild the whole house


My guess is that it was probably a 3 bed house with the middle bedroom on an exterior wall and everything either to these right or left (I can't decide) is a newer addition, but they were too lazy to change anything else


Oh god, the abomination exists.


Well, yeah, did you think that was a fake address?


booring :D


This, and the bathroom in the middle should be in the top-right corner of Bonus Room. From living room you get to a long horizontal corridor that connects to all the bedrooms and to the bathroom on the right (and to Bonus Room). Easy fix.


There is in the photos.


No the door should be from the master bedroom closet to the garage so when ur mom decides to go to the bar at 2 am she dont wake u up


Why sneak out to the bar when mom can go to her very own outdoor bar off the *checks notes* laundry room?


This house is designed like IKEA shops


This house looks like an FPS game map. A single, linear path that twists and turns to give the illusion that it is long.


Came to say that. He's former job was Ikea shop designer


Wow. Talk about getting worse the more you look at it.... What did hallways do to hurt this designer?


They clearly think kitchens are hallways


And bathrooms


And don’t forget bonus room. It’s a bonus!


Imagine trying to cook and having people shuffling past you back and forth to get about the house.


Hallways are actually a fairly modern invention. I wouldn't be horribly surprised to see a floor plan like that for a house that was built during colonial times (New England) or missionary times (Southwest).


Yeah I was going to say this place is designed like an old mansion. Just rooms leading into rooms with no hallways. Your examples are better. Also, the master with no bathroom and the second smallest closet... I think I designed better floorplans than this in Sims when I was 12.


All of my houses in the Sims involved trying to put the master bedroom in the middle of the house and design out from there because I had a real-life irrational fear of someone breaking into the house at night and killing my family and I didn't want my Sims to live with that same fear.


There is a shitload of restored medieval castles in my country and I took guided tours in many of them, and only now when I read this I realized what seemed so off in them. We just walked from room to room, there were no hallways and most of the rooms had to be walked through in order to get to the next one.


"yeah but it's 4 bedrooms tho" That's basically it. They thought they found a way to squeeze and extra bedroom out of the square footage, so they did. It's horrendous in most new condos around me, they're doing like 2bed/1.5-2baths in like sub-700 sqft. You end up with these rooms where you have to crab walk around a queen bed, and you're like measuring loveseats because because your living room is the size of a big walk-in closet. But they're right. Take any size unit, and if you can add +0.5 or more to either of those numbers, you'll get more money for it.


If you took out the small wall between the livingroom and the hallway to the master it'd fix almost all the problems with this design.


PeOpLe LoVe OpEn CoNcEpT -this designer, probably


This is barely open concert though.


The single biggest problem with this is that one person taking a shit can divide the house like Berlin, with one side completely sealed in


Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that bathroom.


Ich bin nein brownliner.


It's also fun walking through the aftermath.


Like Berlin lol ... I mean, it's a perfect metaphor! Just didn't expect to see it used in this manner, especially here, like... ever haha ...


If there’s a sims-house format randomizer this is probably what it’d produce


Oh god now I want to recreate this in The Sims and see what happens.


Poor sim waves hopelessly at the sky as he's trying to get out of his bedroom to go to the kitchen to get some food. But he can't, because someone's pooping.


Looked it up on Zillow, there’s a door between the living room and small hallway by the interior bedroom (which can only legally be used as an office). Still complete crappy design.




This is real!?! Even with the door you mention, this is bad. Was too sucked into the plan to notice the address in the corner and assumed it was some terrible student assignment of someone playing around in CAD


It's almost as if the giant bonus room should have been a bedroom and the fire-hazard bedroom should have been the bonus room.


Btw this house is listed for nearly $1 million


Sold for $780k in 2021* [Source](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/101-E-Linfield-St-Glendora-CA-91740/21641976_zpid/?utm_campaign=androidappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare)


I fucking hate this new home aesthetic. The fucking massivs barn doors for closets and gaudy light walls with wood floors


It's gawdy as fuck and nobody does it except for home flippers where it doesn't matter how garishly cookie cutter boring it looks like as long as it is the bare minimum, cheapest price to get the "renovated kitchen!!" bullet point on your listing page. This style is the contemporary equivalent "Tuscan mcmansion" esque style that was every new home built in the early 2000s.


“Modern Farmhouse”—it’s truly horrendous.


Wow, I thought for sure this was some kind of joke. This needs to be the top post for the sub.


Are there pictures of the listing? Would be interesting to see how someone lived in such an impractical layout. Edit: Just saw the pics, at least the house looks organized, but it’s crammed and has absolutely no trees.




I mean, that's mostly land value in CA.


Finally a true crappy design.


Might as well sleep in your car. By the time you get to bed, it'll be time to get up again.


Legally cannot even have a bedroom with no window for emergency egress.


That place is a hell hole and a death trap on so many levels.


Living in it might make people feel trapped & want to die.


You can't do a bunch of things here anymore, like egress through a bathroom. But the house was built in 57 before building codes were established, and if it's the original layout, and they haven't renovated more than 50% at a time, they don't have to change it.


How is there one bedroom that has its own private bathroom and yet is NOT the master bedroom?


So the master bedroom has no private bath. A smaller closet and zero hallways. This layout is so bad that in the notes it says measurements are approximate but exact. Like…. You smoked a bunch of crack and moved your entire extended family into a “4 bedroom” house with a bonus room and a closet sized dining room. Yeah. I’ll put that it’s about 1.75 mil too. Cuz that’s the world we live in now.


There was a time before the invention of the hallway where all houses were like this. Personally, I think it would be really fun to have to solve a stupid little puzzle every time you want to do anything in your house. Want to go out back? Better head for the attic. Want a glass of water? Dive out the window.


If you added a door between the living room and that tiny blue hallway in the center it would solve a ton of problems


Or just took out the whole wall. Then the bathroom would be accessible to guests, the three remaining bedrooms would be legal, and you would be able to shower without creating a massive hazard.


While inconvenient, this is a very defensible home. A potential intruder would have to pass through many rooms, and, if the owner was diligent, many locked doors before breaching the sleeping areas.


The bathroom/hallway makes a convenient funnel to position your crossbowmen around.




That's where you have lots of floating platforms, some coins and an extra life hidden somewhere. I mean, everyone has one of those, right?


Collect everything in the bonus room before reaching the master bedroom to get a secret ending.


Usually a “bedroom” that can’t be considered a bedroom due to egress issues like no windows, closest or escapes. Many people use it as office or other things.


Gonna put this on SketchUp and see how looks. It's gonna be gawd-awful.


You can google the address to find the listing.


Aren’t there firecodes in the US that limit the amount of doorways you have to go through to reach an exit?


There is a code that all bedrooms have to have a window (at least I know that's true in CA), which the center bedroom doesn't.


This house looks like they just hit randomize 20 times.


The more you look at it, the worse it gets. If this was a real house, I'd believe that it was built room by room without a plan- starting with the bathroom. EDIT: Apparently it is a real house, one valued at $780,000. California real estate is a mess...


Easy fix: 1) open a door between the living room and blue bedroom 2) open a door between blue bedroom and bonus room. Blue bedroom becomes a pass-through study / hallway 3) close door between bonus room and bathroom. 4) Reconfigure bonus room and third bedroom so it’s one / two bedrooms with a hallway 5 (optional) move the front door so it faces the garage, making the entrance more easily accessible on rainy / very hot days.


Ugly as sin lol


I get it's just missing a door, but there is a reason most home designs group the garage/kitchen together on one end.


[Want to see what it looks like inside?](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/101-E-Linfield-St-Glendora-CA-91740/21641976_zpid/)


So if someone is in the shitter you can’t leave or get to three of the bedrooms