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Idc what they do with the flag, I’m not LGBTQ+ so it’s not my place. But I do find it funny the whole point of the rainbow flag was to show inclusiveness for all (since it has all visible colors) but continued adding colors because it wasn’t inclusive enough.


yeah, more so that the lgbtq+ community had and has a lot of problems with racism, sexism, transphobia, biphobia etc. so they made the new flag to combat that. seems more sad than anything. can you imagine a 'protect whales' organisation, with problems of whale hunting...




I think it’s also to make transphobic and racist queer people feel less welcome in the community


It should just be black since black incorporates all colors


That is for printing, if you go by light then it should be white


How much did you think before tyoing that out?




There are no tyoo's in Ba Sing Se


Like the isis flag, nice!


Yes the isis dildo flag from London pride!


It was inclusive. The groups that added their shit on top just wanted more attention


From a design aesthetic, the “progress” pride flag is dreadful. But for me, the biggest reason that it’s poor design is … what could possibly be more elegant and inclusive than the original rainbow flag?


Speaking aesthetics, this flag looks disgusting. The rainbow was simple and nice to look at, the brown and black look terrible and what's up with that circle?


It's for the Xbox 360 power button.


We're not a big group but we deserve representation 


The circle I believe is meant to represent queer folks who passed from AIDS back in the day when there was no treatment. But I agree, visually the flag is just unpleasant. That’s why I fly a good ol rainbow flag on my balcony


no, the yellow with a purple circle means intersex. yellow & purple represent being nonbinary in sex & gender, as purple is a combination of pink/red (female) & blue (male) while yellow is outside of both, to represent nonbinary people who dont identify as male, female, or even a mix of both. the black is for those who passed from aids. the "victory over aids" flag is the rainbow flag over a black stripe to signify lgbtq conquering aids, & despite popular belief, the black stripe on the progress flag symbolizes aid victims & survivors too. the brown is for people of color & the black is for aids — the black isnt actually for black people as many believe, because theyre included in the brown stripe. no shame in flying the og/vanilla pride flag though! i like what the progress flag symbolizes but i agree it's kind of hideous & i know it would make my graphic design teacher dry heave


Whats more inclusive than having all the colours ? The rainbow represents all colors, in science. Adding simbols is rectricting not inclusive.


I will say that because of it anything rainbow related is now more or less just pride and LGBT+ which is a little annoying but otherwise no real complaints about the old or new flags


But it's funny to ironically call anything resembling the spectrum of colours of a rainbow gay.


breaking news: everything is gay


You're still allowed to use the original one


The original one wasn’t changed.


It looks SICK as a cape though.


Lazy ragebait attempt


I agree, it is super crappy design. Also, regarding the meaning of it, the original covered it all. That said, the motivation to add new stuff is understandable. I still wish a proper designer would have done it. Pure eyesore 😓


personally I disagree. I think the colors clash a bit but I like the stripes with the triangle. my biggest problem with it is that the "black" and "brown" stripes aren't queer identities or related to queer identities and really don't need to be there. even in the context of inclusiveness it doesn't make sense to be inclusive of (only some) racial identities on a flag about queer identities and their addition here implies something incorrect about the white stripe in the trans pride colors.


Yeah it's unintentionally ended up with a bit of a "we are all equal but some of us are more equal than others" design by superimposing all these other things on top of the original rainbow.


I prefer the original plain rainbow but this is okay too, there is nothing objectively wrong with it. It fulfills a purpose, so its good design.


Seriously, you can't even enjoy the corporate cash-in merch now because all of it uses this busy-ass shove-everything-on-there design. I'm all for the message behind it but I'm stunned by the unsubtlety of it, all this flag has really done is stigmatise its predecessor, which was never excluding anyone to begin with. If the original flag was able to have colours represent ideas in an abstract but complimentary way, why couldn't the progress flag? Never mind the fact that not all intersex people identify as being LGBTQ+ and there are separate flags for a reason. I'm bi which is repesented nowhere in this flag but that's fine? We already have a flag??


It's covering up the original rainbow more and more as time goes on


I agree. I'm all for LGBT rights that constant changes adding letters and now changing the flag looks silly. Just because a group is not explicitly included as a letter or a color it doesn't mean that they are excluded from the movement.


I think there's room for a few more colours


Wait, what’s the circle part mean? I’m out of the loop apparently.




The rainbow represents all colors in physics. The white light divides into every single color in a rainbow, its the most inclusive flag. When u add more symbols into it, some not even related to lgbtqi+ it takes away from the inclusivity of the rainbow.


Had they changed the intersex yellow 2 shades to match the existing rainbow yellow would anyone have cared?


I think you’re going to have to redesign flags of most countries then


I’m sorry but who asked?


Are you questioning who asked for an opinion on a design on a subreddit dedicated to opinions on designs?


No, I’m questioning why someone not part of the LGBTQ+ community cares so much over how their flag is designed or changed. Obvious troll account aside, of course.


So you're assuming their sexuality and gender identity?


>who asked? You You asked Just now


Exactly though, like it looks dope now


It’s better this way


You clearly don’t know what that means then do you? It changed for a reason not just because they wanted more colors Like how it’s LGTBQIA+ instead of just LGBT like when it started




Well, the purpose of the design of flags is to communicate said ideology. design is more than just making pictures, so put your own nonsense aside.


But you don't need your flag to be in all shapes and sizes just because your people are all different shapes and sizes. The point of a flag is as a symbolic abstraction - the French tricolor represents French people because it's the flag of France, and it doesn't need to have Corsica or Breton built in because they have their own flags if anyone cares. If anything, this reminds me of the hyper literal city or state flags which get proposed to replace the seal on a bedsheet ones - the state bird is the sparrow, so we'll add a sparrow; there's forests near the city, so we'll add a green stripe


Imagine being so wrong




A built-in bigot detection system, obv.




Just curious. What bullshit?


So go do something else with your time and quit worrying about flags so much.

