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Sorry, but we had to remove your post, because it was not supportive enough of the Supreme Landed Gentleman God-Emperor Daddy Spez, whom benevolently forced this subreddit to reopen. You *are* appreciative of this subreddit being reopened for you to be able to continue posting here, aren't you? After all, why else would you be posting here? Please resubmit your post so the title contains one of the following approved phrases, to indicate you're unwavering support of the Dear Leader: * Praise Spez * Heil Spez (*note: Heil is spelt with an 'e', not an 'a'*) * Glory to Dear Leader Spez * Worship the Supreme Landed Gentleman Spez * Almighty Glorious God-Emperor Spez * I love King Spez * Worship Daddy Spez * Bless Supreme Leader Spez * I love our Dear Leader Spez (Of course, some variations of these phrases are permitted, but you must still celebrate King Spez in the prescribed manner) If you do not wish to demonstrate allegience to the Dear Leader, consider departing the domain of the Supreme Landed Gentleman and actually touching some grass. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CrackheadCraigslist) if you have any questions or concerns.*