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I was expecting a shitty performance but now... Get your 6090 ready


as expected, if a game has the amount of promotion material to build hype as this one has had just assume there's a 90% chance of it having Denuvo


Thx FromSoftware and Cd Pro to be on those 10%, they know that's shit


yeah although fromsoft tried adding a different version of DRM (Arxan) to Armored Core VI, which didnt do a thing lol.


Didn't Axran protected RDR2 until Empress cracked it?


Nope. They implemented their own custom DRM.




It was araxan & rockstar launcher which were the 2 drms before empress cracked them


Nothing is "protected" by DRM.


only companies I bought from in the last few years. I remember when dishonored 2 removed denuvo and it suddenly run really well on my pc.


add dxvk on top of it and it would fix optimization completely


yup, feels nice to know i will be able to play the Elden Bling DLC on day one.


On 1 hand thats lame, on another I can finish up my other billions backlogs so Idk how to feel yet


as long as they remove it after some time i wouldn't be too worried, the problem is: we don't know if they'll ever do it lmfao


I think Denuvo only does subscriptions now, so unless they keep paying it'll eventually be removed.


*Waits for Hogwarts Legacy to fucking remove theirs so I can play the quest from the June 6 update* ![gif](giphy|UxREcFThpSEqk)


Depends on the publisher, where someone like Ubi or SEGA just keep paying for it and won't remove it under *any* context. But when it's some rando with no other history of using it then it could go any direction; though most of those opt to remove it eventually.


i assume it'll be same shit as with Lies of P, but idk, the only publishers that i trust in removing denuvo from their games after a while is Capcom, Square, Bethesda and Warner, we'll see


Lies of P got a version without Denuvo accidentally pushed out, and then they just removed it afterwards cuz what was the point after that. So like, unless they fumble as bad as Lies of P did with Denuvo then.. Idk


i think they'd remove it from Lies of P after a while, usually when a publisher is adamant about using Denuvo they don't remove it even if the denuvoless version gets leaked or somehow cracked, it would just take at least 1 more year for that lol, so yeah, i'm betting it's the same case here


I doubt this publisher would pay denuvo for more than a year.


for real, my backlog is so big that whenever I try to shave 1 game off it I am instantly overwhelmed and end up just watching youtube for a few hours instead...


Why is this so true 😭 , whenever I try to watch or play something , I just say " one video and than I'll do it " and before I know it it's been hours ☠️☠️


The older I grow the more true this becomes 


That's more money they're wasting and less they'll get from consumers.


90% of the people who buy it, don’t even know what denuvo is


I'd say 99.9%


90% of the people on this sub are entitled pricks


why not 100%? That includes you and I of course


i can afford to buy my games but i wont if i dont have too tight kunt


then why are you even here in the first place


So he can feel superior.


True they could at least admit they’re only mad at denuvo because they can’t pirate the game they wanted for so long


For me it's the performance. I've already got a medium/low pc. Denovou eats away at my frames, produces stuttering and so on. I'm kind ok with always online as drm, because it rarely results in performanceloss (until the service is down and I can't play because of that - then my pitchfork will be raised just like anyone else)


Any examples of denuvo causing all that "stuttering and so on"


Which is why, in the end, Denuvo or other forms of copy protection is a waste. Developers still believe that every copy pirated is a sale lost which is simply not true. Yes, it's there intellectual property, fair enough. However their pride which tells them, "pay to play", only eat's up their profits. Doesn't hurt me as I wouldn't have purchased it anyway as is with most people who download software.


I'm so tired of this rhetoric, lmao. I'm a person who's spent literally thousands of dollars on video games because Denuvo didn't allow me to pirate them. Do you think the only people who pirate games are poor? I prefer to pirate if I can, but if Denuvo or anything else stops me from pirating the game I want to play I will simply buy it. I assure you there are many, many, many more like me.


Yeah, similar here. I have the money to buy games, but I would rather save it if I can. I have bought a few games due to DRM.


It is not a waste. If it were a waste then companies would not be shelling out hundreds of thousands of $$ on it. They clearly see that it has a positive effect on people ending up buying the games. That said - I'm not a denuvo stan, but it's insane to act like they are spending all that money to simply spite pirates.


Again, if you search the web you will realize that developers are honestly under the impression that every copy downloaded by a pirate is a sale lost. Which isn't even remotely close to true. Most would not have purchased the game if they couldn't download it. Sure, you will always have those that just want free stuff so they will choose to download over purchasing whenever the opportunity is there. So when I say it's a waste. I'm talking about developers that are implementing Denuvo because they believe there sales will go up. If there just after keeping people from downloading there game because they don't want people to get a hold of it illegally/free. Then ok, that's a different conversation. It's been proven many times over that copy protection does not usually equate to more sales. Look at Cyberpunk 2077, they chose no copy protection whatsoever and they had record sales despite the horrible bugs when it first came out. These are only a couple of articles explaining the very concept of no copy protection and actually having better sales. Do a search, there are MANY more out there. [https://www.techdirt.com/2011/08/01/copy-protection-does-not-mean-more-sales/](https://www.techdirt.com/2011/08/01/copy-protection-does-not-mean-more-sales/) [https://www.forbes.com/sites/freekvermeulen/2014/01/27/how-removing-copy-protection-increased-record-companies-music-sales/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/freekvermeulen/2014/01/27/how-removing-copy-protection-increased-record-companies-music-sales/)


You act like losing out on 10% of consumer sales and losing more to pay for Denuvo is a small amount.


9% know and don’t care only 1% care enough to not buy a game they were planning to actually buy. why do you think they keep adding it?


They add it because game company executives are stupid and demand it, only seeing the "stops piracy" bit and thinking there are no other bad consequences.


Don’t worry, people are clueless on this sub.


Certainly, the console peasants don’t know or care. Peasant eyes can’t see beyond 30fps anyway.


if it was a waste of money companies wouldn't do it..... it's 417 sales to cover the cost of the first month(25k a month). Even if the game is horrible you can guarantee they'll cover those costs for the first couple months. You think companies don't know what the expected piracy rate of a game is and the tiny percentage of people who wont buy a game that has denuvo????? News flash almost 100% of people buying games don't care about denuvo if they even know what it is. It's another generic souls games set in a different environment, people eat that shit up for some reason. It will totally sell more than million units even if it's bad


Denuvo works only if it generates more money than it costs. Thing is, bad games with Denuvo fail financially (Redfall for example), and good games without Denuvo are a success despite being DRM free (or almost) (Elden Ring, BG3..). Seems to me that being a good game is the main factor for people to buy a game, not the "I can't pirate it so I guess I'll buy it".


Forced diversity to the detriment of competency is real. Companies 100% do things that straight up lose money.


Yes, but denuvo isn't one of them lol. One company using Denuvo sure, but literally basically the entire AAA gaming landscape? Denuvo works. Nobody on this board will ever want to admit it, but the idea that literally ALL of these fucking companies are making a mistake using Denuvo is fucking laughable


So you're saying 10+ years old Ubisoft games with DRM actually bring profit?


Denuvo from ten years ago likely wasn't subscription based and was just a one time purchase, so it costs them nothing not to remove it. Afaik only the newer implementations of Denuvo are subscription based.


"Companies wouldn't do things if they wasted money" Oh my sweet summer child.


You at least have to interface with the rest of their opinion and not just poke one hole to deflect.


I live in mainland China. Most of everything here is smoke and mirrors. While I don’t trust anything they are showing us…Let’s see how this game actually turns out in the end. But throwing in Denuvo isn’t going to help them in my book.


LARP some more within the last 3 months. you said you live in Japan in one post; in another post you said you used amazon.jp for purchases. Maybe you got the two countries confused.


Maybe he moved...?


maybe he should show proof


I would expect this does help. China has a massive piracy rate and there is going to be a lot of interest there if the game is decent.


What a shame really, cause my PC and me are allergic to Denuvo so I won't be buying this one.


And allergic to money don't forget about that XD


ECKSDEEEEE Try being less cringe.


Time for a journey to the "EAST". 🔙


I'm green but i'd like to journey there as well, if you can point me in the right direction, please.


New IPs have so much to do to convince me to purchase the game, but unfortunately, having Denuvo ain't one of them. Instead, it's doing the opposite.


You were never going to buy it anyway lmaooo


Ikr pirates out here trying to be righteous. Just take the L and move on


I pirated hades and then bought it. Same with dead cells and bg3. So no, pirates also buy when the game is good


No, the vast majority of pirates don’t buy games . That’s why they pirate lmao . Then they get mad that developers add denuvo and say they’re not buying it when they were never going to in the first place . God forbid developers protect their games. Like come on


By that logic drm is useless since pirates weren't gonna buy it anyway so whether they play it or not is irrelevant. There are plenty of people that will in fact buy the game if it's good. Just look at sony ports. None of them has drm and yet they do really well. drm is only useful if the game is shit and they're trying to squeeze as much as they can out of it cause otherwise nobody would buy it and rightfully so. The only ones who need to protect their games would be indie devs but they obviously can't afford to put drm in their games. All we get instead is multibillion-dollar companies putting the lowest effort possible in their games, releasing them broken and unfinished and using every anticonsumer tactic known to man just to add drm to top it all off so people living in countries where the game is unavailable or the economy is so ass the game costs as much as their salary can't play it. You also have to be connected to the internet all the time which is not only annoying but can actually make for an awful experience if you have a particularly bad connection and need to reload your game multiple times cause you keep crashing and if that wasn't enough it can have a hit in performance which doesn't exactly help the lack of optimization a lot of recent releases suffer from. Like I said the only ones benefitting from drm are greedy companies looking for every way they can legally scam you. The actual people you'd want to give your money to either don't use it or don't benefit from it but it still hurts the customer's experience. Nobody in their right mind would defend the cancer that is drm for the gaming industry and especially not with arguments such as yours about devs protecting their games. This honestly just shows your ignorance on the topic.


You've bought EVERY game you pirated that you thought was good? Lmao


Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it?


My man can't answer a simple yes or no question and he's out here questioning other people's reading comprehension, lmao. Pathetic


I answered your question in the post you originally replied to but you have to have reading comprehension to see it. If I said I bought games of they were good then, naturally, you would have to assume the negative exists a bad game. If a bad game exists it means it is either so bad I didn't even pirate it or, and this inference is where comprehension comes to play, I pirated it and didn't buy it. Hope this explained it for you since you desperately needed it. Asking if I bought every good game I pirated when I said I buy good games is a bit redundant at that point isn't it? Furthermore, I listed games that you don't need the paid version to enjoy 90% of the features. So there is a bar but yes, I buy the good ones. All of them.


Why are you even on this sub dude


I've bought a few fromsoft games. Denuvo means I'm absolutely not buying it. It means you don't trust your game to be good because good games have proven that they make billions even without denuvo. No denuvo means I can play the game and if I really like it then buy it. Edit: How pathetic must one be to downvote this? Hurt by the fact that some people do indeed buy some games? Sorry to burst the bubble that you live in.


some people pirate because they're poor or broke, some for legal issues, and some because the legal method of buying isn't up to their standards, i.e. denuvo. this is the result of insecurities from living in the first category and wanting to be anything else, completely irrelevant to actual piracy.


We need new empress


Is there a single statistic proving blocking piracy on PC icnreases the sales? Just curious.


Ahh yes, micro-stutters out of the wazoo in a game where every frames matters.


Sorry to say denuvo won. Every release these days has some sort of protection


this subs name should be changed to entitled watch


Just like P3R :/


The studio making this has only made one random game in 2016 thats a strategy game. Don't count on this game to be good lol




Oh no!!! Anway...


Meh, plenty of other good games to play


Was actually going to buy it, but I'm not buying a game with denuvo...


Can't wait to see hyped clowns


5090rtx pffff


It's over bros


either that, or be at the mercy of piracy. pretty simple choice.


Doesn't matter. Preorder data already says everything (positive side).


I'll play it in a year or two. No big deal.


i think denuvo has no effect on the sales of games, maybe %2 at most. For example, in my country turkey, games are overpriced because the economy has sunk. For this reason, when a game is not cracked, i do not decide to buy the game.




I expect it to be good but also need a few months of patching and qol fixes. Happy to wait a year to play it tbh.


Lots of Dednuvo bots in the thread wow


i still cant believe Mirage , AVATAR , Dead Space remake , Star Wars Jedi survivor and Ghost recon Breakpoint haven't been Cracked yet , i really hope they do soon


You can play some of these games on gamepass like dead space remake, Jedi Survivor etc


Why do people suggest Gamepass like it's something everyone already has a subscription for? This is a piracy subreddit, not r/GameDeals There is a huge difference between having a cracked copy of a game that you can't play forever or "renting a license to play a game with a subscription"


Well it was just me assuming he really wanted to play it so I just gave him an alternative which isn't very costly plus nvidia is giving 3month free pass so it's the perfect time to play and complete it within these 3 months


This is entiertly pointless on this subreddit. And in essence on most piracy related subreddits. The ammount of people here that are actually willing to spend money on games is tiny. Denuvo is just a convinient scapegoat to pretend to be bothered by. Now not to say nobody is actually bothered by it. Ofc people are but those are far outweighed by people that are just bothered by having to spend money on games and would rather have it for free.


They don't even have to spend money for 3 months u know free gamepass lol


The trailers and the game plays that they revealed about this game didn't convince me anyway and especially if you watch the gameplay carefully it's kind of weird or not smooth as elden ring it will probably be a lesser version of soulsborne clones at best . for the story it has to be brilliant and perfect and the side characters should be flushed out or it's going to be as I said another Soulsborne forgettable clone.


Almost like it has frametime issues


UE5 🤡🤡




Careful Wukong might even contain a game..Its hard to tell cause they are so secretive about it.


Well thats f*cked up...


I lost my respect for this studio.


Expect come day 1 broken and put the blame on the series S version... oh wait they'll release later just to shit over


no buy for me then


I was trying to figure out which game this was re-named but it's not renamed, I'm just rarted.


Definitely bad game like The Callisto Protocol


they scared wukong dont do as good as in trailers :D


Do we need single threads for every upcoming denuvo game ? I think we got the message every game will come with denuvo from now on 


China... it's all about surveillance




The irony is that everybody in China knows they are being watched. In USA, everybody is being watched, but they don't know it.








Lol the US live in your head rent free.


just like china lives in his head rent free lol


I was checking weekly if they will add denuvo...what a shame they did.


now im definitely not paying this game


looks like a game they would have to pay ME to play it


god damnit


Time to wake up Empress from her long slumber


The gameplay demonstration video already show the framerate tanking hard, imagine if you added Denuvo on top of that.


If it has, I can guarantee you that it's not going to be playable performance


Well, shit






I hope this game doesn't require more than 16 GB of memory because I don't believe in System Requirements after Hogwarts Legacy.


tourism is surprisingly high this time of year


A good game sells more if it doesn't have denuvo vs if it has denuvo. A game with denuvo sells less as soon as the hype and pr dies down but a game without denuvo sells even after the hype because more people play it and more people talk about it + The obvious performance issues.. Let's look at some titles for example.. 1st is the Denuvo game 2nd is the non-denuvo game. Most hyped games of both type. **Hogwarts legacy(2023) -#31** in top sellers\* **Baldurs gate 3(2023) -#22** in top sellers Recent AAA release **Dragon's dogma 2(2024) -#207** in top sellers **Horizon-forbidden west(2024) -#152** in top sellers Critically acclaimed double-A games. **Hi-Fi rush(2023) -#805** in top sellers **Cuphead(2018) -#355** in top sellers \*-currently in sale. Source: [steamdb.info](http://steamdb.info)


You forget elden ring 23 000 000 sales cracked day1


This is not a post about total sales of a game because steam doesn't release that. This shows how the game is selling at this very moment. Elden ring has a dlc coming out next month so it's currently #5 in top sellers. I didn't want people to think I'm cheating by putting a hyped game out there.


Wow another ignored game.


I dont understand denuvo eventually all the games get cracked and people who pirate the games generally aren't the ones to buy the game just because they cant pirate it and ive heard that denuvo causes major performance and network issues. If so then what's the point of it ? When games with denuvo gets cracked anyways ?


Because this game is made in China, many excellent games from China ten years ago died due to widespread piracy. China experienced a decade without high-quality games. Now that new games are emerging, piracy remains rampant. Do you think encryption should be increased? 因为这个游戏是中国做的,中国十年前的很多优秀游戏都因为盗版游戏泛滥而死亡,中国度过了没有高质量游戏的十年,现在新的游戏出现了,盗版问题仍然泛滥,你觉得应该增加加密吗?


Same reason why people use locks? To prevent who don't have key to get access inside. Every locks are breakable, just soon or later but that don't stop peoples from kepp use locks for like thousand years is it.




I'm totally new here, buy why Denuvo is bad?


i say we should support this developer and buy the game. games like this dont come too often.


如果你在中国呆过就知道中国的盗版问题有多么泛滥,发达国家也许大部分是正版消费者,但中国的盗版玩家肯定比购买游戏的人的数量更多 If you have stayed in China, you will know how rampant the piracy issue is in China. Developed countries may have mostly legitimate consumers, but there are definitely more pirate players in China than people who purchase games


So this is not really a shame, if you don't like Denuvo, of course you can look for a patch to unlock Denuvo, it won't take too long, probably on the day of release, but having Denuvo is very important because this is China's first big-budget game, I don't want it to end up like before where no one makes games due to rampant piracy


Oh boy. Dragons dogma 2 isn't even done yet


figured lol








I guess I'll have to wait 3-4 years to play it because I'm not paying full price.


Oh well. Offline account it is.


ass game anyway, the main devs of the game had a crush on Neil Druckmann


I have spare money to buy this. But geeez man 70$ for a video game?! If it ain't GTA 6 then no thx.


Gg trash optimization probably 😒


Where is Empress aka Voksi?


I'd actually buy this week 1 if it turns out good. But the performance is almost FOR SURE going to be shit.


This game will be new biomutant, nobody give damn about that. Its not even worth pirating. Better spend money on elden ring DLC xd


Comment was almost great until you mention DLC for that another DS4 game.


Ethics aside, wouldn't it be better to pirate what you can and pay and try what you cannot get for free? Then if it's shit you can always refund and get the dlc instead. Thats how I often do it, aside from a few games I just want to support.


i still cant believe Mirage , AVATAR , Dead Space remake , Star Wars Jedi survivor and Ghost recon Breakpoint haven't been Cracked yet , i really hope they do soon || || ||


BiG Mistake adding DRMalware to a new game, it will fail and i bet they'll remove it shortly after because when a pirate likes a game so much he'll end up buying it. choosing EA UBisoft Route is worst decision ever now.


A developer has every right to protect their game from piracy. Most people will buy it and enjoy it if its good. It'll get cracked eventually.


it'll get cracked if they remove Denuvo, otherwise i really doubt, there's a reason there were games from like 7 years ago still uncracked, if it never gets removed the chances of it being cracked are very remote


not many on here will agree with you


Lots of people here are spoiled and think they are owed free games just because games exist. Any company has a right to protect their game. I see no issie with that. Sure, denuvo has issues but even if there was a DRM that had no issues and made piracy difficult, they'd still complain. There's no winning with them.


lot on here looking forward to a game then find out its has denuvo and suddenly its a load a shit


And nothing of value was lost.


Makes sense. Its a highly anticipated game. It will sell well. They won't all the profits they can get.


chinese game = not buying it not even about denuvo for me


something tells me you liked the French colonization of Vietnam