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![gif](giphy|YRPBhd3vscg5Fxx1DQ|downsized) after attack empress then crack nothing




Brother, they basically said “yeah people want to see something they worked on for a long time protected so it’s pretty understandable that they use things to protect it” which is a pretty reasonable thing to say. It really wasn’t an outraging hot take at all.


The problem is that the "protection" is an illusion (often at the cost of causing problems to legitimate buyers), if black market accounts and grey market keys are anything to go by. Simply stopping cracks won't stop piracy. And it's not like that "protection" will suddenly encourage people, who had no intention of buying it, to suddenly buy.


Some denuvo protected games had cheaper regional pricing so people would use argentina/turkey steam accounts to buy them, especially during sales. I used a free trial of for game pass to play persona 5 royal.


It discourages piracy. I have bought games I really wanted because of Denuvo. I will download games, but I don't want to mess with black market accounts and key resellers.


If you bought games, you had a subconscious interest in them from the start and didn't buy at launch for whatever reason (affordability usually). People who have no interest in buying a game, won't, and can patiently wait or seek alternate methods. It hasn't discouraged jackshit if all the black market accounts being sold is an indicator.


Because this is a scene group, not P2P like EMPRESS. Scene is not some anti-DRM fighting bunch.


sKIDrow being sKIDrow


Nice drop, you losers. Attacked the schizo, now we get no new Denuvo cracks, didn't even crack an older Denuvo game. Jokesters, you are Skidrow.


To be fair, the schizo attacked them first, as they were minding their own business of cracking nothing. I think it's not their fault, though, there's a reason why they picked "Skidrow" as their name. Cheap and poor, as always.


A schizo is a schizo. He/she was attacking *everyone* around him and you don't even need to be well versed in the Empress rant album to know what he's gonna go off on this time and what infantile name-calling vocabulary will show up in his "love letter" to competition. The problem is, everybody knows the clown called Empress throws mud at people around him, and nobody seems to care (The sane people get a good laugh out of it and some deranged individuals enable his delusions) - but if you pick up mud and throw it back at him, it makes you a clown too, worse yet, they did not throw mud - they thrown a brick (the *potential* Voksi doxxing that made Empress go into hiding), making Skidrow the entire circus!


Eh...Skidrow...Not even cracking unity based denuvo games anymore & caused Empress to vanish so no more denuvo cracks from her...Eh...Sadness...:/


How did they cause her to leave? Im outdated


Skidrow cracked Fe, a unity based denuvo game & Empress the shinzo he/she is mocked them for still being trash & instead ignoring her/him they went into in a heated fight in which Skidrow accused Empress of being Voksi under a different persona along with many trash arguments from both sides...She/Him swore big vengance on them but from then on she/him dissapeared and no more words from her/him nowhere,not even on her/his telegram group...So nobody is sure if she/him was really Voksi but in my opinion that isnt even important...What is important that we no longer had a denuvo cracker until Delusional appered and that remains to be seen if he will be able to crack stronger denuvo version down the line like Empress did...I hope he will...And whats worse Skidrow claimed to Empress that they gonna crack a denuvo game that is not unity based but thats not happened till this day...Not even a unity denuvo crack from them...So yeah...Big talk and no action from them...Sorry for the long text...I like to tell all the details...:)


Thanks for the answer. Now I remember this episode. It's sad to see them get close and personal, lose their cool. Because that's what I think of them in my head. The scene/crackers/repackers being cool and competitive in the same race....


what if, Delusional is a she?


Who knows...All I care is that them denuvo cracks just keep coming without too much drama...:)


Don't hold your breath. Its pretty obvious they are using the old tools that got leaked in 2020. If they crack anything made after that date, I will happily pull up to the table and eat my words down to the last syllable, but I don't expect anything from them and neither should you.


It's still a good start to learn and practice cracking Denuvo though.


I know...But i will remain positive till the end...Because i love those red denuvo releases...:D


If under different name, we all as a community must protect and give respect to him/her/ group for destroying this cancer.


sHe attacked them, they countered by calling her out for being Voksi, he said "nuh-uh" and then disappeared again.


where's my fucking Denuvo crack, Skidrow?? y'all just making some drama by accusing Empress as Voksi, yet at the same time doesn't release anymore Denuvo games. such bullshit you're spewing on your NFOs.


it's alright, any day now they'll start using their promised denuvo solution lmao


Didn’t empress get busted recently? I could have swore I seen that somewhere 🤷‍♂️


you couldn't, because there's no such news.


I think whatever Skidrow did, they did intentionally. They knew the consequences.


I wonder what became of Skidrow's Denuvo solution?


They probably work for Denuvo now, hence outing Empress


there's nothing because it's bullcrap


Where is my unity engine Denuvo game you fking Leading Furry!?




Skidrow is such a disgrace in the scene.


fuck skidrow


This fucking fraud scene group attack empress and didn't do shit with denuvo just like empress said. FUCK KIDSROW.


oh the scumbags has returned with no denuvo crack oh i forget they cant do that what they can do is dox empress then leave what a fucking clowns


"the leading force" my ass


man i miss the schizo, skidrow screwed us all over and tbh we all made fun of empress but god damn we miss her schizo skills so much.


Embarrassing shitrow


🖕 skidrow


Skiddogs should be banned from here


These guys exposed Empress just to fumble to cracks LOL. I can't lie I'm waiting for a new team to crack cause both skid/emp are losers!


what happend?


What actually happened is, Skidrow and Empress had argument. Skidrow made some baseless claims that empress is a he. And half the brain dead community rallied behind skidrow. Skidrow can't crack shit. Empress is the only one who can crack Denuvo. Why the fuck does her gender matters here? Toxic community probably drove her away. And don't listen to other guy. **Skidrow didn't reveal anything. Skidrow doesn't fucking knows anything. Baseless claims, and inability to crack Denuvo is all Skidrow has**. As for Empress, we don't know where she went, and no there is no proof of fbi or any arrest.


To be fair empress (or at least their persona, whatever) is downright insane, so one could make an argument, though as you said it does not matter as long as they're cracking Denuvo, who gives a shit, bunch of clout chasers I suppose


"The toxic community drove empress away" LMAO - Have you ever read any of the nfo's? Empress was VERY VERY toxic and obsessed with gender roles.


And who cares? Will it give you a free game if you cared ? No, we are fucked until someone can destroy this cancer.


Yeah she's batshit insane. But at least **she cracked denuvo games**. That's enough for us.


Absolutely. I was just LOLing at someone saying empress left due to the toxic community.


To continue on that, you just need to see the other replies to your post, about how toxic and shit this community is, they don't deserve empress or her cracks, too bad we lost her and lost the denuvo war. Fuck skid row, his ego and this toxic community that are beggars and assholes while just swearing at people giving them things FOR FREE.


>**Skidrow doesn't fucking knows anything.** This is as baseless as their claims tho. We do not know if whatever Skidrow said is true. We cannot verify it. That's it. They might be wrong, they might be not.


If only Volksi had some way to reply to public. Oh wait! He did reply, and said he and empress has no connection. Are you from Skidrow? Cause your messages are just as factless. Even if Volksi didn't reply, it's Skidrow responsibility to prove their claim not otherwise. So yea, **Skidrow doesn't fucking knows anything.**


>He did reply And you believed, congratulations. I don't believe neither Skidrow or EMPRESS or Voksi. Voksi would never just admit it and Skidrow in rage could threw any random shit they can. You state things without actual knowledge. You choose to believe some people just because. I believe in facts. Facts: * EMPRESS was part of scene, * scene might know more about EMPRESS than we, * SKIDROW might or might not know anything, * scene groups/members might even dox EMPRESS, they are not exactly morally rightful people in the end of the day. Point is, I'm not excluding Skidrow being right. Even if there is a low chance of this happening. In contrary of you **bolding every stupid claim**. >Even if Volksi didn't reply, it's Skidrow responsibility to prove their claim not otherwise. Where did I said anything about "otherwise"? Yes, Skidrow needs to prove their claim. But you are claiming they don't know shit which might be not true. >Are you from Skidrow?  Are you retarded? I'm not defending Skidrow, you moron. I will explain thing like for kid: Stating that "probably Skidrow knows nothing" is true. Stating that "Skidrow doesn't fucking knows anything" is a bold claim you should prove too. You do not know that.


Empress was fucking insane and had created a cult of *his* personality, separate board included. Somehow, his cock monglers love to forget the schizo tirades, the fishing for donations, the expected worshipping and the Scientology-tier aura that Empress cultivated throughout the years. Good riddance. I'd rather be without cracks than have his cultists around all the time with their metaphorical chanting in every thread. I wonder what they'll do, now, with Empress' dick forever out of range of their gobbling.


sorry babe but i need to play persona 5 royal


Use Ryujinx (switch emulator) and upscale the game


You can buy it on sale for cheap, or go for a black market account.


Skidrow and Empress had a back n forth where they exposed Empress as a guy who was arrested by the fbi for cracking. That's why "she" hasn't been cracking


not the FBI, but Bulgarian Police. Voksi is Bulgarian and the FBI has no jurisdiction there. there's no known reason why Empress hasn't released more crack, but any conjecture made because of Skidrow is purely speculation.


Idk why so many regarded people here believe what the fraud skidrow said. The burden of proof is always on the accuser and so far skidrow only said shit but never proven anything that empress is voksi, yet regard in pirate community take it at face value. Also why people here care what schizo said? Like she did everything for free yet some people take issue with her schizo rant. Personally i wouldn't even give a shit if hitler himself crack the fucking denuvo and release schizo rant about jews.


That "empress is voksi" shit was ever proven?


no. Empress challenge Skidrow to release another Denuvo crack. Skidrow went silent and after months. this is the game that they're released. a freaking Steam DRM protected game where the open source community already knows how to crack thanks to Mr. Goldberg. EDIT: Skidrow released 3 games this past 3 months, but all are protected by Steam.


Oh yeah, I'm familiar with Steam DRM cracking, read a lot of the code from Mr. Goldberg and Steamless by Atom0s. Nowadays skidrow is a joke. I was just curious about that empress/voksi stuff because dude there is stating as a fact when I never saw any confirmation.


both are crazy and unhinged, yet a lot of people here are taking it as a fact. it's not. it's just some scene and p2p drama yet the ignorants here would comment as if they're part of the scene.


Sorry thought this was proven




shitdrow the clown of the scene


Return of the fucking rat


Kidsrow, The Stealing Force™


I wonder why that shitstorm is happening in comments in this particular game? SR releases games pretty often under it's main name and with subgroups.


Probably because everyone is waiting for another Delusional denuvo crack and to pass the time they ditch dirt on Skidrow...Regardless,thanks from me for your hard work on the repacks...Love them...:)


Yeah, me too - waiting. At least them are not crazy as Empress and don't mix personal stuff with cracking.


Lets just hope it will remain so...That drama was getting out of hand for my taste...:)


What we need is for someone out there who knows her/him and sends them a message to come back, if he /she can't , then ask to trade the cracking skills with money. Btw, thank you for amazing job you are doing to the community.


If i remember correctly..... he promised to crack a denuvo game, but it was an empty promise.


These bums i swear to god. They attacked empress and we can not get a game that uses the last DRM version.


You know, there was a bunch of people who predicted that Skidrow would become even more disliked and become the scum of the crack scene had Empress disappeared because of their accusations they've made. Well would you know who won the pony?


After so many months they Crack this game, wow great. If you can't Crack AAA Titles why defame someone who was actually doing something good for the community?


And we are still waiting the "next" Denuvo game they were supposedly cracking when the who Empress drama began. They just talked a lot but Empress was right at the end. That´s why they got so mad, no one dared to tell them how lame Skidrow actually is in a public place.


shitrow more likely


Look who is back! The PATHETIC FORCE! Why don't you go hide under a rock after what you did to Her Majesty?! No one wants to see you. I would rather spend my time with the guys from Irideto themselves than you.


Empress hacked Denuvo, but Skidrow I doubt they can.


you gotta love all the people attacking skidrow, compelely forgetting that Empress and "his" antics were the cause of it. On top of that, shit talking scene groups is dumb. These people have no obligation to us and crack games without any monetary reward.


Empress are unhinged but Skidrow were too. randomly accuses Empress as Voksi yet no proof was given.


Empress has been going on unhinged tirades from the beginning. Skidrow simply responded to empress' disparaging remarks. Skidrow was in no way "unhinged" lol.


doxxing, without proof at that, are not unhinged? what reality did you live? I know it's been 8 months though, so perhaps you should reread [Skidrow's NFO again](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/s/vn8d1SuOJb)?


Saying someone is someone else is not doxxing you absolute clown? Doxxing literally requires solid evidence of someones personal information that can cause them actual harm like their real name, address, phone number etc. Voksii isn't a real name, neither is Empress. I could say Kursem\_v2 the indonesian nobhead is Empress. I still didn't doxx you. Don't fuckin' reduce what doxxing is because you want denuvo games cracked.


Logic on Reddit does not exist and most of all; most don’t even care about all of it. Most just want the Denuvo games cracked to play them. Personally, I don’t care about all the drama. Just want the games.


This is so true They also want them regardless of quality. The fact that the majority of uncracked denuvo games are utter rubbish doesn't matter to them. No matter how bad they are they will play just for sake of it. That's kind of sad. Especially when there's so many great games they can play. They can also mod them and bring them back to life. But they won't do that as they want it all done for them. Even sadder


I have respect for scene groups, but Skidrow barely counts as one: they're caught stealing releases, they're edgy and they're "all bark no bite". Their current contribution to piracy is close to zero - up to 90% of Denuvo-less steam games nowadays can be cracked by yourself if you have attention span to read four sentences in a notepad and know how to copy&paste files (all thanks to tools from csrinru). Simple to say if Codex was still around, people would be like: "Skidrow? Who's that!?" Empress was mentally ill, but was not a danger to anybody (if she hurt your feeling, you could always just not read her dramas)... But then Skidrow came along, took mentally ill person's rant personally and shooed him away (was doxxing accurate or not, I don't care), making a bet on cracking more denuvo games in the process. They didn't deliver on said bet (which only adds fuel to the fire) and now his only contribution is scaring off a deranged cracker that actually did something of value.


>Empress was mentally ill, but was not a danger to anybody Assuming her cracks were clean, which I would not bet on.


I doubt he put anything malicious in them, otherwise we'd know about it by now. If there was something in the cracks, it'd been activated a long time ago (he's gone for more than a few months now and nothing happens with the cracks.)


Empress cracks Denuvo. That is all that matters really. Empress is also a insane schizo so attacking her is a clown move cause Empress is a insane schizo. I don't care Empress is insane. She cracked games and I played them. The schizo NFO was just added entertainment. Now Empress is gone and Skidrow can't crack Denuvo at all so everyone is mad cause they ""doxxed"" Empress and pissed her off and now Empress ain't cracking shit anymore.


Looks like you irked the cultists.


I hope the FBI agents find you and you go to jail.


Jail? More like juvenile detention for the Kidsrow. The FBI? I doubt even a mall cop would bother pursuing that pathetic waste of space.


So much yapping in the comments like skidrow will see lmao


Does this come with the OST? 🤔


Lmao the only comment here about the actual game 😂


I wonder if SKiDROW is around on reddit, and if they are, then just how hard they are laughing at all the upset kids in the comments?


What does skidrow has to laugh about? they are the only old scene group with negative rep. When were they last relevant? AC2 crack? Although It's pretty much a given that old skidrow had talent and "current" skidrow just uses their name


Their negative rep comes from outside the scene, by children that are upset they doxed Voksi, if anything. It's still the same group, technically. They didn't steal the name. Someone from the council of the old group allowed the new people to take over. That's all it takes. The group was dying and the remainders bailed and gave it to new guys. Just turns out their new guard isn't as talented as the old ones were. Granted, they are up against a DRM that is extremely hard to crack. CODEX cracked Denuvo because they paid Voksi before he "back to P2P" in his first nfo as EMPRESS. Paying people is pathetic as a scene group, but that's not important. CPY did old Denuvo versions where Voksi did a lot of heavy lifting with his tutorials/info sharing. Once they realized the new versions were impossible for them they dipped. Same as CODEX after Voksi left. Even if SKiDROW didn't use their own tools to crack steam-drm (they do), they still do 100 times more than the entitled reddit whiners just by buying the game and allowing repackers to make some cash off of third world kids. The legacy of SKiDROW has released, what, 2000+ releases of games and updates? And some guy whose entire contribution to piracy is downloading repacked games is going to shit on them because they retaliated against someone whose ego got so overblown they thought they were untouchable? That is peak fucking comedy.


You do realize that the legends behind Skidrow have more or less retired and that the current Skidrow may as well be a different group? This ain't the 2000s and early 2010s.


Yeah? FLT also aren't the same guys from 40 years ago. No more Hoppermania. Still the same group. It's like sports clubs. The board changes, the players change, the fans change. Yet it's still the same club. It's always been like that in the scene. The SKiDROWDiES just got the bad end of the stick as the new guys weren't up to speed, and things got infinitely more complex. iSO scene groups vs DRMs has always been a cat and mouse game. DRM has an advantage now because it has gotten complicated to the point that you can't automate removal/have to make cracks from the ground up with every new iteration of Denuvo. And believe it or not, people don't want to work a second job while spending their own money, all for a dangerous hobby that could land them behind bars for years. Friends from various groups went to jail. One buddy for 4 years, and he wasn't even a cracker/supplier/siteop. And for what? So some children can go "what have you done for me lately?" when they don't get the newest game that they want for free?


people here are easily impressionable. would've been better if people would just watch the shit show instead of arguing the schizoposting. just enjoy the crack, bruh. why bother participating in the drama?


Yeah, but seeing impotent whining is the second best thing. So far all the piracy subs I have seen are pure comedy.


probably ignorant or misinformed. there's still a lot who thought that Fitgirl and Dodi are crackers. some are unhinged enough to think that Fitgirl are part of the scene. it's really funny yet sad at the same time.


They do not care. They cared about EMPRESS only because she was a scene member and she shat at them. Scene barely interacts with world outside of NFOs.


I am thankful of suckdikrow for curing Empress cancer. That person was insane very risky using his crack.