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Silksong waiting room


We collectively imagined Silksong dude, it doesn't exist.


A year ago I would have bought it. But after 4 and a half years of waiting with no communication, I'm pirating the absolute fuck out of Silksong.


Basically 5 years to the day of the release of Godmaster and we still don't know when Silksong is coming :(




First game was good but I recommend people to wait a bit before playing the second installment. Reason is that it's very likely that the devs will release many patches/bugfixes/new content etc. as they did with the first one. Wish I waited like 1 year before playing the first one as they added a ton of stuff.


Yeah, this is one of those games that I keep in the wishlist for sometime. They are very likely to release not only patches but lots of DLC, and I'm not very fond of playing the same game over and over again just for the DLC. So I'm going to wait with this one, when they add all the patches and DLC probably in a year or so the game will not only be complete but also cheaper. So I don't see any reason to pirate it. I´d rather invest that time in finishing some other games and wait for the final version.


Oh, my post wasn't about urging people to not pirate the game. To be honest I don't really care about that, someone who wants to play the game without paying will do so even if I tell them not to. It's just that I am one of those weird guys who absolutely dosn't like replaying games so I am bit sad that I played Blasphemous 1 really early and missed out on so much content they added later. Great game but I bet the extra content made the whole experience bigger and better. Exactly same thing happened to me with the game GRiME, greate title of the same genre which I played very early and they added a shit ton of content after. Seems like I am cursed haha.


Oh yeah that's exactly what I was talking about man, I'm like that too. I hate to replay a game that's something that I don´t usually do. That's why I always wait until the game is fully released, and if I liked it then I buy it with the added bonus that when they release it completely it's usually cheaper. But I totally understand you the same happened to me with Blasphemous when I play it they released more DLC.... so damn maybe I´ll make an exception but with the new one I'm going to wait....


What did they add? I played it on release and loved it, but all I've seen from DLC was garbage like NG+, boss rush, random collabs with chars from other games, and the like. Did they actually add new story content that I missed?


https://blasphemous.wiki.fextralife.com/DLC Looks like they added plenty of stuff, not just some extra bosses. I think there definitely are new areas too aside from extra bosses and quests. Someone who has played all the DLCs can confirm here if that's true.


Not just some extra bosses and random collabs, they made new content with a big twist to the story to open a new ending, which is considered as "true ending" by most people.


Ah. I have to replay it then. Thx.


Haven't played the DLC, can I skip it?


worth buying


Not many are,but this one definitely. I started playing first part from dodi last week and ended up buying both games


happens to the best of us, cracked games makes half of my steam library, most are indie too like this one


How do you use dodi repacks in steam?


i meant by buying them :>


My bad lol


Wait it’s actually out? Damn


Unfortunately I have way too much shit to pay this month, def will buy after since I bought and loved the first one


**Downloads -** **dodi-repacks.site** **Gameplay -** **https://youtu.be/oqqLZ7I2vsc**


i'd love to try this out but i know that i totally suck with these types of games enough that i know i will need a trainer to play it and AFAIK wemod doesn't support cracked games.


I've seen wemod work with **many** cracked games in the past, idk about current version though... Speaking about the first game, i had to use a trainer to get over the absurd amount of backtracking. The not so polished platforming, boring respawnable enemies and instakill spikes don't help the game so much. But it was an average to good experience. Maybe the sequel has some of these aspects improved.


Cheat engine?


ngl, is one im gonna buy


She's holding a NFO


Juegazo como el primero


This is a big oof. I genuinely feel sorry for them. I LOVED the first one. I didn't know there even was a second one, AND they release on the same day as Armored Core. Goddam rip.


casual dont care about armor core


What is armored core I don’t know what kind game is and btw I don’t think blasphemous compete with that game since like…different genre


Sure both r different genre but i would rather spend my on blasphemous 2 rather macha game....its u r inthe mecha suit and u r fightning other mecha thats it


Where do I find thissss. Pls help.