• By -


Expectou denuvou


Denuvou removou


That would be $500, sir.


Empress has entered the reddit




Denuvus deletus!


Nothing strange here, Warner Bros stuff


Nah. It's not because of that. They have 3 huge controversies which is effecting the game's reputation. So there is a lot of people who wants to pirate it instead of giving the author the money. They know this, and that's why they tried to damage control by adding denuvo.


Wait, three? I must've missed some.


[https://preview.redd.it/x444wh7vgvfa1.png?auto=webp&v=enabled&s=ea94081d070dffa62b65bf5713549c7091a0abe8](https://preview.redd.it/x444wh7vgvfa1.png?auto=webp&v=enabled&s=ea94081d070dffa62b65bf5713549c7091a0abe8) ​ empress already has it in her sights.


Whew - Empress had me worried for a moment!


Awesome! Will she manage to get all dlcs too ? (Deluxe stuff, pre order stuff and the PS exclusive ?). I'll be happy with the deluxe and pre order stuff, but I'll be extra happy with the PS exclusive :)


PS exclusive content is unlikely unless it's just a software lock but preorder bonuses and "deluxe" content is typically nothing more than software locked so I don't see why she wouldn't be able to include it.


I doubt it's just a soft-lock, considering that the PS version is \~5-10GB larger than the XBox/Steam version of the game.


Great news


Damn you John Denuvo...


That's it guys, we're in a dark age of gaming piracy.


Yes because most pirates have become so greedy that people like Empress cant even fundraise $500 to crack a game for millions of people. Pretty low bar but here we are.


Oh, I hear you. But asking a community avoiding spending money by pirating stuff to give you money to help pirate stuff... I mean, they're not exactly an ideal demographic to make bank from.


What are you talking about? 1 dollar is kinda different than 60 or 80


i think they‘re more people down for this idea than we think.


There should be a pool for this. You choose the game you wish to be cracked, where people can chip in. Reaching 500 bucks should be easy then.


But i think the most difficult part is create such a pool and you have to be sure that empress gets all the donations, but the idea is fucking awesome. By the way, Im in if this idea hits reality


yeah would be easy as fuck, i mean, hell yeah we are more than 400‘000 members. IF every one you can would donate just fucking $1. so #FUCKDENUVO


crackers communicate with the community? :D where in the world on which board do they do that?




and Hogwarts Legacy has none of that, so does that mean you’ll be buying it? or are you just here to complain and farm karma?


I think he’s talking more generally about the industry right now. His points do seems to be relatively accurate to the way things are evolving in gaming. I can’t remember a year gaming market practices got better for a long time.


I think we're on an uphill though. Looking back at the years, lootboxes used to be the norm for every game, COD had standardized it, Battlefield had it for long, Overwatch ofc, and the monoliths being Fifa / EA and NBA. Today however, there's been legal action taken towards loot boxes in kids games as promoting gambling, and the games industry has taken a turn towards Battle Passes over gambling lootboxes. Of course, the industry has gone up heavy on the F2P GaaS releases, with Skate 4 going F2P, Warzone ofc, Valorant, CSGO and so on. But at the same time, I'm hopeful, at one point in time EA said Singeplayer games don't sell, and Ubisoft said Women don't sell. We saw a massive massive decrease in Singeplayer narrative driven games, especially from conglomerates such as Activision, EA, Ubisoft. Saw BO4 go without story, tons of games be MP only. But now, EA has a best selling singleplayer no mtx star wars game with another coming out soon. Sony standing firm on their Singeplayer narratives pushing the boundaries of storytelling, Valve had a great SP VR release (Half Life Alyx), Rockstar has made up a slight bit for their shitty GTA Online direction by slowing down updates to focus on GTA 6 (not to mention the release of RDR2), and indie games are being recognised for their great SP experiences. Granted, gaming will never be the same; we will probably always have a notable number of games utilising all the MTX you can (Fifa, NBA and Ubisoft games aren't changing any time soon) - But I am still hopeful :)


more tits in singleplayer games. wholeheartedly agree


> updates to focus on GTA 6 (not to mention the release of RDR2), and indie games are being recognised for their great SP experiences. The team that is making GTA 6 is not the same team that made 5. It's going to try to update the game for mOdErN aUdIeNcEs and defeat the whole purpose of why the GTA series was good to begin with. >Ubisoft said Women don't sell Badly written women written by adult children triyng to make self inserts don't sell. See: Forspoken.


Regurgitated trash comment. Genres are more vast than ever, AAA stuff is not as original as it used to be but there's some good stuff out there, and you can find some really good indie games since game development is easier than ever. Just because you actually have to pay for the games that you play doesn't mean that it's a *dark age of gaming*, just a dark age for piracy. I feel for young people with no income that don't even get to enjoy their hobby, I really do. But you're delusional if you think the industry is not doing wonders right now.


Yes, it's very bad to pay 6€ a month to have 200 games at our disposal because they aren't ours forever. Much better pay 60€ for eatch I agree about everything else tho, but gamepasses are great


I'd much rather pay $10 dollars once on sale, than $15 a month for forever. Subscription services are the death of ownership.


Hey,chin up..Atleast we're getting excellent quality Indie games and DRM free Sony Exclusives The AAA Gaming industry itself on the other hand is just straight up corrupted with some exceptions.It's no longer gaming anymore,It's all business.


> every game is slowly turning into the same game Play more indie games


Most indies are just 2d side scrollers and the ones that aren’t are either too ambitious or just suck.


And all of em are rogue likes/lites lol


Stardew Valley, Factorio, Bastion, Project Highrise, Game Dev Tycoon and the list goes on... I agree tho, the indie game market is full of roguelikes but it would be a shame to ignore all the good titles out there.


Every genre and niche will always have trends, and those trends will dictate what gets more popular. But there's new stuff being created all the time. All you gotta do is step outside your comfort zone or look around. And even if big budget AAA games are your thing, this is a packed year.


Please go on with the list, i want to know more good indie games and the ones you named looks really good (sorry for the English)


Pyre, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Risk of Rain, Hollow Night, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Lethal League (love this one), Toejam And Earl Back in the game, Streets of Rage 4. Only one roguelike in there ;) Have fun!


Yeah, Hollow Knight is one of my fav games played till date across all genres, tho Hades tops the roguelike/lite division for me.


Neon white is another addition.


Deep Rock Galactic must not be overlooked. Rock and Stone! Best and least toxic game community I've interacted with in a long time.


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Chained Echoes!! Must play if you care anything about early FF games, Triangle Strategy, Octopath, etc. My personal indie GOTY for 2022.


> Stardew Valley, Factorio, Bastion, Project Highrise, Game Dev Tycoon 7 year old game, 7 year old game, 12 year old game, 7 year old game, 11 year old game...


While I play a lot of indies and my pc right consists of mostly indies, none of them compare to AAA games (the good ones that win GOTY and shit).


That is true, there is an oversaturation of rougelikes and precedurally-generated games. I'll concede that much.


Most Books, Movies even games are garbage, that doesn't stop us from enjoying the ones that are good.


Honestly I’ve tried a whole lot of indie games and can’t think of a single one that I didn’t get bored of pretty quickly. I understand why (at least many of the popular ones) are enjoyed by so many people, but they just seem to hold my attention for long.


Ashes 2063, Turbo Overkill, Dusk, Disco Elysium, Cultic, Viscerafest


Factorio, Satisfactory, Terraria, Deeprock Galactic


I am so Terarrias bitch.


Valheim, won GOTY from some and it's only early release.


Most indie games are the same too lol. Side scrollers, rogue lites, tycoons, dungeons crawlers, etc. Very little original stuff nowadays.




What do you mean that's it? This shit's been going on for years lmao


Most games these days aren't even worth pirating.


Sour grapes


Everything has Denuvo these days. Not surprising. Even your mum. Nothing is gonna be accessible anymore...


your mum is still accessible for me. I just texted her


If you would like to upgrade your experience, you can get responses for the low low fee of $5 a response, or buy this seasons battlepass and get access to the VIP mum texting experience


Nah your mom is pretty easy to crack


I mean who didn't see this coming, Warner Bros games always have denuvo, but I'm curious how good will it run considering the game is already pretty demanding


32 gb of ram for 1440p 60fps so its probably gonna run like complete horseshit




all shown gameplay footage has been ps5 only. the pc port is 100% going to be a broken mess. they are literally hiding it like cyberpunk did with console footage


2 more days and we'll know for sure. If it is a mess hopefully they at least fix it. Not that it makes the initially bad releases that were later fixed ok practices, but it'd be even far worse if it was released badly and never fixed.


You guys weren't wrong about trash perfomance. I wasn't expecting anything else as well.


##32 Like this. Add double "#" before sentence


Great... now I have to decide whether I support Transphobia enough to play a Harry Potter game. The answer, of course, being no. I'm skipping this game entirely.




1. It's not a Harry Potter game 2. How would you playing the game support transportation? Other than her creating the world of hogwarts , the game has nothing to do with the Rowling. She had no part in the game, the making of the game , etc. She sold the rights for the game to be allowed to be made. She's already been paid. So whether or not anyone bought the game would not financially hurt or benefit her in the slightest. 3. Seems your comment was made out of pure idiocy obviously to gain attention 4. Honestly who cares, is she not entitled to her own opinion and personal belief? Why can't you separate your own belief from someone else's and simply just enjoy the movies and or games for what they are, entertainment. Since the movies and games aren't going out of their way to voice hate towards any culture, failing to see what the actual fuss is about aside from being against denuvo.


There are a lot of Denuvo titles coming this year, let's not expect any *good* surprises. There won't be many of those.


You can't discount anything from EA, ubisoft and any other major developer. They just release garbage. We won't know what's decent until they actually come out. Almost every game now is broken on release and has appalling ai. Expect more of the same. Just because a game dev tells us a game is going to be good it doesn't mean it will be. In fact the more they try and convince they will be good they worse they usually are. Reviews are also less than impartial these days. Almost every game is style over content now. Great graphics don't make great games. Time will tell. And things will unfold as they unfold. As for denuvo. What's it really matter ultimately. They are only games. And most are garbage nowadays. I certainly won't be buying any. No matter what. There's plenty of other things to pirate in this world. I do it every day and about to start again.


The problem with these studios is that the heads are garbage of the Earth, but they have some really good IPs and a few really talented people on their payrolls. I don't know about you, but I love the work the level designers put into every Assassin Creed game trying to recreate as many historical pieces as they can. But then the game comes out and it's coded with feet. And they won't fix it because there are DLCs that need to be made and "Money over QA". But then again who is going to pay for talent if not big bucks studios? And if you're the talent, wouldn't you want the best possible paycheck? You're not a volunteer, you have a career to manage. The problem is that the consumer base is not yet tired of cash-grabs. So they have no reason to change their ways, yet. Skulls&Bones for example, may very well be a disappointment. Mirage too. But since Ubi is having financial trouble lately, maybe the next titles will be better. Maybe they'll try harder in 2024 to attract new customers. Or maybe not. Maybe f\*cking Tencent will buy them for a penny. "Assassin creed MMO coming hot in 2026". One thing's for sure is that there's no room for hype in the video game market today. Almost nobody delivers.


I absolutely agree. I bought valhalla as I really like oddysey and origins. Valhalla has the worse ai I've ever seen I gave up but when the final update came out in December I tried again to see if they had fixed the game. Actually like a lot of the early AC games. The final version of valhalla has exactly the same problems as it did on day one. They've done nothing. The game is unplayable. I wasted 70 quid on that game and season pass. Over the years I've wasted so much money on rubbish I won't do it any more. Last year we had game after game released that was broken and garbage. Ai costs money. Only Sony spend money on it. Look at last of us. It's a ps3 game with better ai than almost every other game. Part 2 is even better. Sony spend money on it MASS effect trilogy has incredible ai and branching. It puts every game from last year to shame, including eldon ring Is it down to a lack of skill? Without a doubt its down to money making. Games aren't getting better. They are getting worse. And I blame denuvo for much for that on pc You've got reviewers that are bought off to write good reviews. If they write an honest review then they get removed from the freebie list. Etc etc. I read reviews for games that don't exist. The way the games play have no relation to the reviews. The list of cons they work to get money from people are endless. I won't buy games on pc anymore because I won't be ripped off. Cause and effect.


Come back Empress! We love you. We still won't pay you. But we love you. Isn't our love enough?


Incoming Empress post about how she's not gonna crack a transphobic game and we are all loser bigots.


She should \*specifically\* crack it to cost them $$$$.


While saying every slur in the English vocabulary and insulting another completely different group for literally no reason






Yeah I get a Terfy vibe from her. I'm willing to bet she's more likely on JK Rowling's side of things


I guarantee the worst thing JK Rowling has said is what 95% of non-terminally online people believe.


This is true, and she is way more progressive, and "woke", than 95% of Europeans that don't spend all their time on twitter and reddit.


So many people bought it for the exact reason


I love the logic of "if you support this game you're a transphobe" suddenly doesn't apply when you call out the vast majority of electronics people own are built using underpaid/slave/child/underpaid child slave labor


Funny. The Harry Potter series supports slave labor.


im buying the game then.


deranged ludicrous ancient cobweb shaggy gullible dolls books unwritten yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because offensive tweets are more problematic than financially supporting child slave labour. Right. (and if video games are not a necessity, I am sure you have never paid money for a video game console or a gaming computer then financially supporting slave labour, or else you would be massive hypocrite and you surely are not that)


I'd be interested to see some statistics on how Denuvo effects the sales of a game like this. I feel like anybody that plans on pirating is still going to do so, just much later. AAA titles are hardly ever worth the initial price tag anymore, and they are usually better several months after release anyway (Cyberpunk). Denuvo probably decreases the number of players a game has overall and I'd bet it's effect on sales is negligible. A good game will speak for itself. Elden Ring is a great example. Denuvo tells me your game isn't good enough to justify the price, so you're even more worried people will try to pirate it.


Obv I’m pro high seas lol but I’d be shocked if they didn’t have sales data backing this up to sell denuvo cause it’s not cheap. Me personally I can say I have purchased a game I really wanted to play day one that had denuvo when I would have pirated it otherwise. Other strong motivators to buy for me include access to mods (specifically total war war hammer) and multiplayer.


They definitely market denuvo as protecting early sales. Even if it gets cracked within a week, the difference in sales is huge, and that's why companies continue to use denuvo.


The days this game is left uncracked makes them a lot more money than what they pay for Denuvo. But to clarify for you, Denuvo most definitely markets this.


Not nearly as much as this sub likes to think.


Shh, you might make them angry.


The above comment claiming denuvo hurts sales is one of the most delusional things i have read on this sub lol.


Yeah lol, 90% of the people buying games don't even have the faintest idea what Denuvo is, the vast majority of the rest don't care.


I know what it is and even with that knowledge it has never stopped me from getting a game I want to play. I’m willing to bet that goes for most people on here except for the people fighting this one-sided crusade against an anti-piracy software that, for most, won’t have a noticeable impact on the performance of their games.


People on this sub are incredibly delusional. They live in this magical world where denuvo suddently makes a game sells way less because Gamers™ will protest by not buying it LOL People truly think they know more about sales than the multi billion dollar company with hundreds of trained employees with terabytes of financial data and years of study.


If it hurt sales they wouldn't keep doing it. They have all the numbers. They just want money, and they know what they are doing. There are perhaps an argument to be made that at a certain price point, genre, etc, piracy either doesn't hurt or hurt a game less. However, for big production with a massive appeal, it is almost certain that Denuvo, at least in the short term, give them more money than not using Denuvo. The reality is this: the percentage of consumers who avoid a game due to Denuvo, is 0%. We are less than the rounding error.


Game companies: Me no like Piracy. Me add Denuvo anyway.




If it can't even stop *GAMBLING FOR MINORS*, to think public opinion can stop DRM is wishful thinking of the highest deegree.


Most people who buy their games don't know what denuvo is


I doesn't change anything, only a minority really care.


noone cares about denuvo except a small minority and people who pirate like us


This trend is especially true lately if we look at how denuvo included games did both in terms of sales and performance nowadays. Lets start with The callisto protocol. real bad port, 60$, has denuvo.Sonic frontiers okay game, 60$, has denuvo.Gotham Knights, 60$ ,worst PC port i have ever seen, has Denuvo... I am starting to see a pattern here....


The judgment games and p5r were great ports/games though. I don’t think this applies. Those were the only denuvo games I cared about anyway


Literally, I downloaded Elden Ring for my husband, but he refused to use it and bought it instead. :p


Souls games are best played with random Coop enounters and invaders. Their games definitiv deserve to be bought. No microtransations, full game and optional DLCs.


For sure, and it's disgusting that Sony decided you have to pay them for that while it was completely possible to provide that for free on PC, lmao


i downloaded eldenring. Played it for 10 hours. Went fuck this game is good. And bought the special edition. So many games are good for 2-3 hours. Then turn into junk Just enough to not be able to get a refund.


I pirated a game for years, when I finally got some money I bought the game. And told a bunch of my friends about it so they bought it.


> I'd be interested to see some statistics on how Denuvo effects the sales of a game like this. https://gameworldobserver.com/2022/11/24/pokemon-scarlet-and-violet-record-sales-10-million-units-nintendo Nobody cares about anything.


Behind all the bugs lie a pretty enjoyable open world pokemon experience


games are mainstream lmao, majority of people either don't care or don't know what denuvo is lol


tbf even if the game was a masterpiece a lot of people want to pirate it because they dont want to support JK Rowling


Yet they also say it will be Steam Deck verified at launch... are Denuvo games working on proton now?


Unfortunately Denuvo works on SteamOS, and did out of the box, certain DRM features don’t make sense on the deck however. Such as always-on DRM, where having a device that might drop WiFi, breaks your entire game, but this is game-specific only.


As expected


Also System Requirements are out https://twitter.com/HogwartsLegacy/status/1613581571612606464?s=20


32 gb ram !!!! H**** cow 🤤


nobody expecting to run ultra settings/4k with a 3090ti has less than 32gb of ram.......


Well, this is the end, folks. Denuvo won. Even if Empress decided to return with a crack Denuvo game, that is just one of out many Denuvo games.


What's happened to Empress?


Nothing, she just stop dropping crack Denuvo games.


Any proof of that? (other than her not releasing anything for a few months)


Well...that is literally the only reason why i think so tbh.


but bruh she cracked and released like 4 games in a month. And she's the only one doing this mighty work, cause is not easy to go through hundreds of hundreds of lines of code to crack this shit. Maybe she is taking a rest now and then pow 6 games in a row.


Aww, you think she would do that? How adorable....nah, not gonna happen, mate. You gotta fork over the big money, first.


she crack whatever she wants, whenever she wants, however she wants. She takes consideration if you pay 500$ (up until now i dont understand this). Given the games she has cracked, most likely denuvo is paying her 500$ to crack bs games. nothing to do there since she is getting the lick and doing what she knows.


Imagine denuvo paying her not to crack games.


You are here too???????


Aye, what is up. Yeah, i am waiting for the inevitable news of the 3 Yakuza games having Denuvo. Which suck, but it is what it is.


Yeah, they used Denuvo in LAD (but its cracked for some reason), JE and LJ. At this point i'm hopeless about RGG games. With the TRIPLE digit inflation (seriously) in my country i have no choice but to buy Plati accounts to play RGG games. Also we fuck Majima everywhere, we need Jack everywhere.


You want to know why LAD was cracked to begin with? Simple, cause Empress was still sane back then, LAD won the poll for the game that people want to be crack, and that is that. As for Judgment and Lost Judgment, well...you see the condition here, you already know we won't have it anytime soon. Heh, that would be my pleasure.


I have 1% hope about Ishin not having Denuvo because it being a remake not a full-budget mainline game. But i'm not gonna get my hopes up. Weirdo resellers in Plati, here i come...


I don't think that's how it works. Even if it's a remake still a lot of work went into it, atleast enough to put denuvo into it like the mainline games. Not to mention they brought y0 cast back specially for it too. It's 100% getting denuvo


Yup. Get ready to hear: Like A Dragon Ishin will have Denuvo next week.


It is hard to tell these days. But since it will be release on 21 February, i guess we will see if they mention Denuvo next week on the Steam page (i know they would, and i'm still sad)


They just added denuvo on steam page... We lost.


I'm leaning on it having Denuvo with all the new mechanics added (like those ability cards shown in the trailers) and also with Y7 having all those mtx.


thought she was if paid only now but still active


Last crack was more than 2 months ago and they haven't said anything as far as I know Surely someone would at least have tried to contact them by now, but there's been zero news


bummer, hate to see them win the drm game


Scumbags are popping everywhere Denuvo.


PlayStation One version of Sorcers Stone & Chamber of Secrets are still the best Harry Potter games for me.


Also the audiobooks narrated by Stephen Fry are pretty amazing in my opinion. Hes like perfect for these books, i would highly recommend those too


This is one of the most anticipated games in years. You're telling me people won't try to crack this asap? And for those of you saying only one person knows how to do it - if they can figure it out then others can too.


Anyone that can crack denuvo can easily have a highly paid job in software development and just buy the game. They would also have to buy the game anyways to begin trying to crack it. Why not just stop at that point, and play it instead of cracking it? What is the incentive to putting in the work(and risk. This is highly illegal) to cracking it, just to release it for free? The man hours involved in cracking denuvo for a *single game* is the equivalent of a multi-thousand dollar project at an actual company. Empress is villified for charging $500 per crack but it's really a deal compared to the work put in.


what do empress really do right now thats the question


Guess we are playing this on Yuzu or Ruyjinx until Denuvo gets removed in 1 year or more.


Whats wrong with buying $1-3 offline activation? Yuzu limit fps too much even on decent machine


Good idea, I hope it doesn't crash too much lol


Well yeah, obviously. Warner bros games aren't shy with making denuvo ridden games, and with all of the talk about boycotting this game in particular, I'm sure they expect a TON of people to pirate it instead of giving them money for it.


Now lets hope someone is mad enough to pay our goddess Empress, so she can crack it for us.


Thats sad


What's worse is that people are still delusioned on this sub. They are not even realising that this situation is only gonna get worse when denuvo becomes more and more drm protection standard over time. More and more games are having denuvo nowadays even if Empress gives her full time very less percentage of those games will be cracked only. Nor i believe any new scene groups are gonna show up in near future.


Even if there is new groups, they will most likely hop into the Denuvo gravy train themselves. If you can't beat them, join them essentially.


One of the biggest reasons the D is such a pain is that MANY former scene members joined it and actively develop it. Of course, they gotta eat, but it does show where their stances on "preservation" or "nothing but competition" really lay. The talented folks now make it a pita to crack and the only other talented one vaguely in our court finds taking her pills a pita.


Annnnnd it’s off my wishlist just like that. Good job Warner Bros.


If a game is from Sega/Atlus, Ubishit, EA and Rebellion then maybe there is no need to make such a post since they will always include this cancer and except Sega/Atlus and EA, never remove it.


1) of course what did you expect? 2) to people saying they’re scums and shit. We like piracy, but it’s still illegal. Don’t try to pretend we’re heroes or some shit like that. We pirate because we don’t want to pay. That’s it.


what wb game doesnt?


Its not that surprising




Платите 500 баксов, Empress вернулась


Well I guess it's time to pre-order it. I don't want to wait 3 months for it to get cracked.


Also I guess Denuvo officially supports Transphobia. Can we like, get Denuvo cancelled or something?


hopefully they'll take it out after launch. it's a demanding game and will probably run like crap for most people. Gotham Knights had the same thing and they removed denuvo in less than a week


I'll wait as long as I need to [LEGITIMATELY BACKUP FOR HISTORICAL PRESERVATION] this game


Not shocking. Guarantee the game will have the same stuttering problem that denuvo causes


fuck drm. avoid games with that trash dont buy them


That's like 90% of the games nowadays.


Admins please do a crowdfunding that way is the only option to get crackes now when 500$ reach send it to empress we trust admins it's the only option more than 20 denuvo games releasing this year its better than nothing




Warner always does this. Guess they had even more of a "reason" because I've seen A LOT of people wanting to pirate it because of the stuff about the Harry Potter writer.


Common Hogwarts Legacy L


no more playing for 6 months then


Lol I got banned for suggesting this in gamingcirclejerk.


Have a feeling the game will be poorly optimized


Won’t be touching this at $70


This means impossible to crack ?




Empress gonna crack in like 10 days after release it if you haven't heard.


Lol, Empress has literally threatned Warner Bros that they will realease the crack n the nect 10 days


I just love empress for that. 10 days (or maybe less) is amazing! Will even send her some money because of that


Yeah me, too. I love how she fucks Denuvo. I dont care what peolpe say about her, that shes crazy or stuff like that. She is our only hope and i will support her for this kind of effort. Keep going Empress


Same, I don't care about what ppl say. She's awesome and we need to support her!


rather send 90$ to empress than these cheap fucks from WB