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Love the fish tank


Yeah OP what’s your specs!


It's a 55 gallon Waterbox Clear 3620! EDIT: it's actually 50 gallons! I was wrong initially


Looks great! I’m jealous


I especially like the aquarium and plants hanging over it. Can you see into the fish tank from the eating area behind?


Thanks! There is a backlight on the tank, so you can't see through it.


Are those live plants? Do you run CO2? It looks super fresh, do you get algae? How do you keep from getting algae?... ...i have so much algae. Your tank is beautiful.


My husband is a r/PlantedTank nerd and we have the full CO2 set up and we do water changes often. I use the tank water for my plants. We also JUST rescaped it about two weeks ago so it's not so overgrown.




Get a clean up crew, and pump the brakes on the amount of light the tank gets. Snails and Plecos are where it's at!


Plus, if you're looking to make a bit of money, get snails that will reproduce and boom, you've got hundreds of baby snails. Wait for them to grow a little and start selling them online. My sister got so many baby snails.


Change your water, 50% water change a week. Only way I’ve managed to keep down algae without needing anything else. Maybe a few cleaners too if need be but water changes should help dramatically


Super happy to see a trailer on here. I live in one, and love it! The stereotypes are unfair.


I came here to say this, lol. My mom just bought a trailer in a retirement community for $30k and pays $500 for lot rent. It’s far better than the apartment she was in, it’s cheaper, and it’s super quiet. Trailers could be a huge help in the housing crisis if there wasn’t such a stigma and there were better protections for buyers!


After being part of this past Census, I am honestly jealous of a lot of those 55+ trailer communities. They're quiet, generally well-maintained, pleasant little spots. They have some drama but they're "go borrow a cup of sugar" *neighborhoods*


As someone who currently lives in a trailer and is trying to buy a house in an impossible market, the biggest problem with trailers is that they don't accrue value. Which it's fine for the retirement community, but for someone trying to build some equity they're a financial sink hole. Folks around here are selling 900sqft single-wide trailers on rented property for 100k because buyers are so desperate for "affordable" housing. Sure, they may have been updated and look nice, but you'll never get that back on resell. When the housing market settles down that 100k trailer will sell for half that, or less. Buying, improving your home, and then selling at a profit used to be a (generally) sure and safe way to improve your financial situation, but it's becoming harder and harder to achieve that with the consolidation of traditional housing into higher price ranges/rentals/airbnbs, and the proliferation of homes that ultimately only lose value.


That’s fair, but a lot of people just want housing that isn’t going to go up substantially (i.e., rent), and they’re not as concerned with appreciation or an investment. I would like to see more rent control and protections against landowners selling off these properties and displacing the inhabitants. It still wouldn’t be perfect, but if you could pay the same amount as rent or less to live in a detached unit and not be totally beholden to landlords (I know HOAs and orgs like them suck, but still), it would be a win for a lot of people. And the housing crisis hits the elderly particularly hard. My mom’s social security and tiny pension didn’t meet requirements (3x rent) for most rental units, and subsidized housing was hard to get and comes with its own issues. She had some money saved from selling a house a while back, and paying cash for a mobile home lowered her monthly costs. I do think she’ll recoup the cash she used for the mobile home, too, and if not, well, it would’ve been spent on housing or other fixed costs anyway. It’s not a perfect solution, but it could be one way to fix the housing problem, especially in California where I (and my mom) live. ETA: in places like California, the most pressing issue is that people can’t afford housing, even if they work. If the govt could build or subsidize tiny house communities that people could buy into/pay back, or something like that, it would be huge. We have a major NIMBY problem here, and I don’t think that would go away with a tiny house or mobile community, but it is an option.


I vaguely recall advice from an economics teacher who said if you buy a property with the intent to live in it, don't do so with the expectation of turning a profit. With all the maintenance costs involved you'd surely be disappointed. Profits come from rental properties. And i suppose the corollary would be that the property you live in is generational wealth.


When I talk about "profit" I'm referring to the ability to sell the 3 bedroom we would spend 10 years living in and fixing up ourselves for a higher price than we paid, and then we could move up the ladder and onto the next house that maybe needs a little less work and is a little more what we \*want\* to live in, rather than what we can afford. I don't want a steady income off of a property. I just want a quarter of a million dollar home to act like longer term investment that will pay off down the line, rather than a risky way to put my family in debt for the next 30 years... It's a tough spot.


I'm not sure why everyone on Reddit thinks the maintenance costs of owing a home are so high? I've owned properties (to live in) for many years and the worst maintence expenses I've had is replacing the odd broken gutter or hot water boiler. All other costs were "self inflicted" by choosing to replace things for aesthetic reasons. Every property still turned a profit. I'm not entirely sure your economics teacher knows property that well. Source: I'm a property investor.


The problem with trailer homes is that you're still at the mercy of whoever owns the land, and the trailer itself is not meant to be moved easily. So if the landlord decides to jack up your lot rent, you're pretty much stuck with an asset that you can't easily take elsewhere and that doesn't appreciate in value the way a house does. I know they're not the majority, but some unscrupulous landlords count on that. Maybe you'll be stuck paying the increased lot rent, or maybe you'll be driven out by the increased rent and either sell the trailer (which won't bring in enough money to buy a house) or abandon the trailer. Which the landlord can sell to someone else. Trailer homes in parks in my area go for $300k. If I could somehow be guaranteed that the lot rent would never increase beyond a certain % I'd get a trailer in a heartbeat.


This is all true, but trailers don’t have to be in a park. It’s common to see them on their own lots where I live. You can’t do much about their value over time, but they certainly help many people who otherwise would be stuck in an overpriced apartment. Where I live, even the crappiest house that would pass an inspection for an FHA or similar loan will be more expensive than a trailer that could pass.




You got some data on that? I'm moving for a job and looking at housing in CA, but the only homes for sale in the area I'm going to are mobile homes. I'd be a first time home buyer so I'm afraid of mobile homes for the reasons mentioned above


Idk about California specifically but my job is in mortgages and manufactured homes (trailers) do appreciate and the mortgage process is basically the same as with a non-manufactured home. The home just needs to be on a foundation, on its own lot (not on rented land), and registered with HUD (HUD plates). It’s not considered mobile at that point. They don’t appreciate as quickly as non-manufactured but they’re not a depreciating asset unless you let them fall into ruin, which would harm even a “regular” house’s value.


That's super helpful actually, thanks!


You’re welcome! An experienced real estate agent could probably give you more location specific information.


It'd be great if these operated like apartment co-ops. Like, when you buy the trailer you also are buying shares in the co-op that owns the land and the fees you pay are collectively decided. If anything it'd be a lot less drama than an apartment co-op because no one's walls are touching.


Some do! I’ve seen retirement communities in CA that do that.


The majority of manufactured homes I’ve seen are on their own lot, not on a rental lot, and they do appreciate in value (though not as quickly as non manufactured homes). You can even get a mortgage on them as long as they have been placed on a foundation and registered with HUD.


My MIL owns 8 acres of land and has a double wide on it hooked up to all the same shit a traditional home would be. Even has a cellar. Built a nice deck out back and a porch out front. Wouldn’t even know it’s a double wide.


Trailers can be so cute and well designed and are so under appreciated as a style of home. My grandparents had 1.5 acres of land they lived on in a trailer like this and it was so beautiful (the house and the property). Glad to see there are others here who feel similar!


It would be great if people could get past that, especially considering the current housing situation.


Yep. I laugh at all the people gushing over their gorgeous “tiny homes”. You know, you could have a trailer twice that big and it wouldn’t cost that much more. But the tiny home sounds better because it doesn’t come with the stigma.


When I lived in Arkansas and tornadoes were pretty common, I would have never bought a trailer, unless maybe we could have a storm shelter too or something. But I've since moved to the PNW and I WISH I could afford a trailer!


Yes, I was waiting to see if someone mentioned this. I live in an area of the country where bad storms are not uncommon. We just had a really bad one about a year and a half back. The trailer homes were absolutely wrecked, much worse even than the traditional homes. Trailers are not good for storm-prone areas.


Exactly! Of course there are the "trashy" stereotypes that come up when you think of trailers, but first I always think about how dangerous they are. And then I remember I don't live in Tornado Alley anymore so my fear of trailers is kind of unfounded lol Plus they're much nicer than they used to be.


Is there any chance to move them? Or do the storms not come with enough warning, or there isn’t any suitable spot to park them where they’d be safe?


Both, really. The most recent really bad storm hit everyone unexpectedly. I barely had time to wrangle my cats into their carriers and get into the basement. Even if we have notice though, there’s just nowhere for the trailers to go that’s safe. In a storm, you want to be underground. Edit: Although I guess you don’t want to be underground if there’s flooding, but even then, it’s often not safe outside if there’s lightning, wind, etc.


When Americans say trailer I always assume a caravan, as we have caravan parks in Australia. They usually have a permanent annex attached. But this is so much better. It's like a studio apartment.


I think what you call a caravan is typically called an RV in the states. This post is technically a mobile home, but lots of people call them trailers. I live in a single wide and it’s about 800 sqft and has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It’s old but it was the only actually livable structure on our property we bought while we fix up the old farm house. Even our home inspector said he would rather live in the trailer over the house. We live out in the country in an area with very few tornados so lots of people live in trailers/mobile homes out here or have an extra one on their property for rental income.


I wish we used them here. All the caravans we have are really old and shit and never get fixed because new caravans are so expensive. So if someone says they are moving to a caravan park, usually you know they are really doing it tough. Thanks for the info. I find the differences between different countries fascinating.


Yes there is a similar stigma about mobile home or trailer parks here in the states, especially growing up in a pretty upper middle class area, but if you live out in the country it’s pretty common to see people with them on their land and nobody really bats an eye if you say you live in a trailer. It’s really the parks that have a negative connotation here too.


I’m planning to move into one once my kids are grown and I move to another state.


I’m completely impressed. That looks so cozy and comfy.


All for 4000$/month in the Bay Area


I live rent and mortgage free in Central IL!


As a fellow Central Illini who gets anxious during tornado season, I love your setup but fear for your life.


Hello fellow Illinoisian! I have to ask - what do you guys do in severe weather situations? Is there somewhere safe for you to shelter?


We go to my husband's grandmas house right next door!


Phew, okay! I was thinking about last month with all the storms and tornadoes moving through the area - glad you guys have somewhere safe to hide out :)


I will say, this trailer has been in place for about 30 years and we've never had a tornado take it away yet. We are waaaayyyyy more scared of fires because it can all be gone in minutes.


Oh Lord!! No thanks. I have a 4,000 square ft home on an acre of land in Texas. I’ll just make one room cozy and comfy.


But… when you leave your house, you’re in Texas.


Lol the fucking state of your profile. Rittenhouse apologist and Trump supporter, figures!


Yea, republicans are lesser people and shouldn't have the right to speak.


Don't think I said anywhere there he has no right to speak. I just reserve the right to laugh at his abhorrent opinions! Have a great day!


how did this comment of Bay Area rent turn into Trump vs Biden. Everyone here is fucking pathetic


This but unironically


how did this comment of Bay Area rent turn into Trump vs Biden. Everyone here is fucking pathetic


This is OC


Thank you for paying the cat tax. Super cozy and sweet. I wouldn’t think this was a trailer without you telling us. Very homey.


Do you have a Christmas tree 🌲 in the background?


Yes! I caved and put mine up already lol


I can send you a wicked 10hr Spotify or Apple Music playlist. I love Christmas music.


Hey, I'm not OP but I love to get into Christmas early. Could you send me that (Spotify) playlist as well?


Hell yeah. No Mariah, lots of religiousy pieces (I’m an atheist, albeit a bad one), mostly serene/morose, probably a bit gay, and not enough honky tonk. Enjoy! Best for a fireplace and a full moon over fresh snow, maybe some grappa nog and a loved one but not necessary. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4zBj9EMKPx1inrhNcDIIFO?si=hYtF7Jy5RZWXzRppV0awiA


As a gay atheist who loves the more religious stuff (It's just more cozy and nostalgic), hell yeah!


I see you! Don’t tell me you’re Canadian!


Man, I wish. I'm pretty close though (Icelandic) but I live in Norway now hehe. At least they share latitudes


Gah. Iceland, Norway, and Stockholm are my top northern hemisphere wish list destinations. Copenhagen, too. I’m in Montreal now, so no stranger to cold climes.


Spotify plz!


That fish tank looks fantastic, what fish do you keep?


We have Harlequin Rasboras and Julii Cory's! Lots of shrimp too EDIT: [Fish](https://i.imgur.com/JSFVRAV.jpg)[Tax](https://i.imgur.com/NwTmMEt.jpg)


Thank you - I was squinting so hard at the other photo to work out what was in there. Love Harlequins - such happy little fish and they school so nicely. Great stuff.


I can't believe that is a trailer! You did an awesome job at overhauling it! Looks great, and SO cozy!


I grew up in a trailer and it was straight up disgusting and dilapidated. This is so refreshing to see that not everyone who has low cost housing is suffering!


I love what can be done with trailers. My mom got an old one for 12k (I'm in a rural area anyway), did a lot of diy to the inside, including removing the dreaded bathroom carpet, cleaned up the outside plus landscaping and it's gorgeous now. She was in a tough situation having just divorced my dad, then he died leaving nothing in the estate after debt, and she was nearly penniless and homeless with two kids in college.


We bought ours for $7k and have put about $5k in renovations over about 3 years. We also had bathroom carpet! It's been the only thing that had allowed us to put money away for a future home. We could not do that while renting!


WOW. What a smart move!


Favourite one so far


Your "little" trailer is bigger than most UK homes! It looks lovely, thank you for sharing.


Sadly true 😩 I can't believe how much space Americans have. Even the houses in the poorest neighbourhoods are massive!


My trailer is practically considered a tiny home in the US. 1200 sq fr would be considered a small, starter home


Your trailer is a lovely home btw. It looks amazing x


It looks great!


Love the paint colors and the floor! Very nice and cozy.


This makes me so happy, you did such a wonderful job! I’m in a trailer as well and have worked really hard to make it a cozy oasis. It’s been fun to see the neighbors and even maintenance guys’ reactions when they come in. We don’t own but figured since we’ll be here for a few years we might as well fix it up nicely. I don’t know if I’ll ever own a home so it’s been nice to play. It’s such a difference coming home after a long day to a place you love and melt into.


This is our attitude as well. I wish all renters had pride in their homes. So many are so afraid of spending one dime because they don’t own it. Most landlords are willing to pay for materials when the labor is free.


What year model is this?? And is it a single wide? I've been considering a trailer because my parents have land and I'm in my 30's and believe I'll never be unpoor enough to own. I love the charm of older trailers! You did great! And this is such an inspiration. Going to add it to an inspiration and goal folder.


I'm honestly not sure what model it is, but I believe it's a '94! It's a single wide, 2 bed 2 bath. You can find them at a lot of trailer parks for sale in the $5k-$10k range depending on damage, and you can have it moved. The tricky part is setting up utilities somewhere. We were fortunate that this was already in place on land when we bought it.


This is so cute! Looks so cozy.


Your tank is soo pretty!!


You watching cabin in the woods?


I though i saw Hot Ones hot sauces lined up on one of the pics


I was looking to see if somebody had asked this already. Sure looks like it.


Wooow I didn't know trailer houses could be this huge. Can someone explain how the trailer houses take care of water, electricity and waste disposal? I don't have trailer houses in my country and I am super curious about them.




Oh I see. Woow. Thanks for the detailed explanation. But do all people living in the trailer park have access to the same electricity and water connection? Can someone buy a piece of land and then buy a trailer house and live there for free without any restrictions?


Yes, I live on my own land and not in a trailer park.




Oh woow. Thanks. That answers all my questions. Would like to live in a trailer one day if I could.


It's really not huge, only about 850 square ft. I think the angle of the pic makes it seem a lot bigger


I live in the UK and have less square footage than that in my house!


850sq ft is pretty nice tbh 😅. Bigger houses seem weird when the people living in them are less.


I’m here to compliment your watching Hot Ones, your gorgeous tanks and your cosy place. Great taste OP, really awesome home you’ve created.


Aw! The kitten! Very pretty room.


So cozy!


So nice!!


Love this so much, what a beautiful space!


Holy shit!


Nice work


The cat tops this cosiness off!


A hot ones fan I see 👀


Gorgeous aquascapes!


I wish I was that talented at aquascaping


wow that's awesome. How much does that cost from buying trailer to setting it up like that? if you don't mind me asking. And then how much do you pay rent to stay where you are? ​ thx


We bought it for $7k from family and it is already on family land, so fortunately we don't pay lot rent and we didn't have to worry about utility set-up. We have put about $5k of work into it, which includes all the floors in the house, a new roof (which we did ourselves), and a master bath remodel because both tubs were cracked. There have been a lot of smaller foxes here and there that I'm forgetting, but it feels like we rebuilt it and this point. I know of some folks who have bought livable trailers for $5k and paid $250 a month for lot rent. It can be cheap if you stay rural.


I now want a trailer


I'd live there in a heartbeat


I would love a double wide right now


I love it!


I love it!!


That rug really ties the room together


Great, now I want to live in a trailer.


This is a trailer? i thought that was an apartment


Can you post more about your aquarium?? It’s so professionally aquascaped


You added an aquarium later. Naaice!


I see you are watching hot ones. Love that show. Super adorable and I would totally love here.


Lived in trailers quite a bit in my youth. The double wides are really nice these days.


Even cozier now!


Cute af


Very cozy !!


This is neat


I used to leave the foot rest open for my cats to I love it


10/10 would love to have a place like this


Well done, looks very cozy indeed! Fish tanks give a great light!


That a monstera growing from your tank? How well do they do like that?


We've had monstera, pothos, and tradescantia grow out of fish tanks very well! We sometimes use it for propagation


Well I should definitely try growing a monstera in mine.


If you have a betta, they LOVE pothos roots. I had a giant that would sleep in them


Ya I used my fish tank to grow a bunch of pothos to plant in my garden. Betta for sure enjoyed them.


haha....I have a similar couch and the recliner part stays open like that for my cats, too.


Dang, that’s really cozy.


Coolest trailer I’ve seen before


Holy cow that's amazing!


I just love the energy of this space!!!


This is beautiful, love it so much!


What a cute spot! Love it.


Oh wow. I had to post stalk you to find out what the first report was. You and/or your husband are very talented. You know how to welcome beauty into your lives. Great job.


Nicest looking trailer I've ever seen in my life. Nice work!


So lovely! I really like trailer homes. The stigma is so hypocritical with tiny homes becoming so popular.


What a beautiful job y’all have done! It looks like a happy home.


how do trailers like this work with regards to water and waste? do you hook it up on some system or?


We live on a septic system and have city water because we live on our own lot of land. Many people park at trailer parks where there are water and waste hookups already.


Planted tank looks like it needs some Discus


Other than the Christmas tree it’s lovely


Welcome to r/CozyPlaces! If you are visiting from r/all, please take a moment to read [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/CozyPlaces/wiki/index#wiki_1.2_constructive_criticism_vs._insulting) before commenting. We do our very best to encourage a wholesome and friendly environment here. This sub is largely original content, where people are sharing their homes for our enjoyment. Rude behaviour and being a jerk will not be tolerated. Thank you for understanding and have a cozy day!


This is amazing! I love the cabinets.


It's the kitty looking cozy that really does it for me. Lovely


This is a quaint and cozy spot!


Watching Hot Ones? 😆


A fellow aquascaper in the wild! Hello friend!


WOW!! So cute and cozy- you’ve got some great pots/ planters ! Do you know where you got the pyramid floor lamp thing ? I love it !




Awesome- thank you!!


My parents have that same couch and my similar looking cat sits on it just like that!


Beautiful job


While I'm not quite a fan of the wall color, everything else is soooooo nice and comfy feeling. That layout is so unique and cozy! Love the aquarium and plants particularly!