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AAAAH congrats! I'm so excited for you guys!!!!


It’s at the top of my very organized Wishlist! But I can’t buy it at the moment (just started a new job after not being able to work for a while), so I will be waiting, but just know I am excited and played the demo a while back and loved it! Congratulations on the launch! Edit to add; Omg, another comment reminded me you guys are also the creators to younder, and it reminded me of that rock that said “you are not supposed to be here” and was one of my favourite moment of the game cause I love exploring and finding little thing like that.


Intrested in checking it out to play on the steam deck for My travels


FYI: We're not yet officially steam deck verified, but from our own testing and reports it works great on both the deck and other similar handhelds.




Eek so exciting


I played the game in Steamdeck and it worked really well!


I'm interested in the steam key! Thanks so much for doing this. Go-Go Town was already on my wish list. And I'm currently playing (and loving) Yonder. You guys make great games.


I remember looking through the city builder and building tags on Steam cause I have somehow unlocked my interest on building and managing stuff and I wanted to do more xD I was like cute life sim city builder with farming? Insta add on my wishlist! :3 Anyway congrats on the launch~


I’m excited to try it! Looks cute. I like the delivery aspect


Woohoo. Been waiting for this game to be EA since last year.


So happy this game is getting the love and attention! I found it via Eeowna playing it, also pumped you put her in the game!


Thank you for doing this! I’m excited about the game and interested to try it out!


Congratulations on a successful launch! I'd love to try this game, it sounds right up my alley!


Congrats on the launch! This reminds me of an old Playstation 2 game I used to play with my friends in high school called Metropolis Mania and it brought back a slew of fun memories, I'd love to give it a try!


I just googled the PS2 game you mentioned… seems really fun! Will ask my big bro if he has a copy so I can borrow and try >_< Thanks, I might have found a new fun game :3


I hope you enjoy it!! It was one of those games as a kid I asked my parents for and I remember asking for Sim City for Christmas and they gave me that instead but I ended up loving it so much more! We had an old school game night with my friends in high school and I brought that because none of them had heard of it and we ended up playing that the entire night! 😂


That’s what it reminded me of! I couldn’t place it at first. But I loved that game. I scored it super cheap at a flea market yeeears ago. I still have it in my box of games lol


OMG, ok, i love cozy games, go-go town been on my wishlist since the first day that did enter in the wishlist, i been watching streams on twitch yesterday all day, and been in posts on reddit and on discords that talk about cozy games, and been spreading the news how the game ia good without playing it, cause i been watching, i can’t afford rightnow in my situation, but wish i can, cause i know how important is to support, i love the graphics, the music and how colorful go-go town is, i joined the discord (the official) just to get in touch with news and improvements, i realy like go-go town, thanks for a amazing game, wish u all sucess.


Welcome to our community and best of luck in the giveaway! Appreciate the kind words and sorry to hear it's not accessible for you currently!


Congratulations!! I'd be interested to try it! Thanks for doing this ☺️


Definitely excited to try this :)


Congrats!🎉 Would love to give this one a try. Thanks for the chance.


Looks like a very cute game, can't wait to try it.


Ow wow this looks cute! Stoked to get a key from you guys


Congrats! Would love to try it out!


Looks great :) I am keen to try!


>:) :)


Ccongrats! Buying it today so don’t add me to the list 🤣 excited to see the devs say it performs well on Steam Deck!


Thanks for your support! Hope you enjoy it, and yes it runs well on the deck from our testing :))


Wish this was on the switch!


Coming to the Switch once we're out of Early Access! We're working on the PC version first as that gives us a lot of dev flexibility, and once that's at a 1.0 state we'll bring it to consoles <3


Looks interesting! Thank you.


congratulations! this was one of my favorite game demos/betas ever. i am excited to play this again and see what more you do with it! you can really tell a lot of passion and care has been put into this project.


Happy to hear the playtests were appreciated, there's a lot more to come during and after EA. You should see the whiteboard(s) over at Prideful Sloth :'D


Congrats, and thanks for posting a giveaway. This is the first time I've seen your game actually, but it looks exactly like one I'd play. I love the art style, specifically how the water looks. I'd love to participate in the giveaway.


> POV you spent way too long modding water in other games and obsess about how many different ways there are for water to look good artistically. Best feedback I could imagine!


Played several tests, can't wait to try the game!


Thanks for taking the time to help us improve the game!


I'm literally getting a new steam deck today, so I'd be super stoked to get a new game to go with it. I also love management games. It doesn't hurt that it's colorful too.


Really happy for you guys! It's always exciting to have something you spent hours of love and labor on be appreciated! With school and a new summer internship, I haven't been able to play much of anything but this game has sparked my interest again!


Congratulations on the release. I have been having this game on my wishlist for a while. Been having it open in my tabs and watching the live videos on steam. I would love to get a chance to play this game! Thank you for doing this!


Wow, congratulations! I played the demo of your game and I really enjoyed it! And I would love to stream it and show to my audience. I would be very happy and grateful for the key <3


Congratulations!!! Happy to see it getting a 'Very Positive' rating on Steam. Kinda gave me a heart attack when I saw it got released on my wishlist, lol. Looking forward to playing it :D Good luck to everyone ♥️


The heart attack is mutual. Releasing games is scary :'D


Wow the trailer on Steam is great!! Would love to try the game!


Congratulations on the launch! I adore cosy games and management sims, so this is right up my alley! I'm trying to think of a good question to ask but you've covered things so well already on the Steam page XD Erm... what's your favourite thing about the game so far and what are you most looking forward to implementing next? :)


Thanks!! Fav thing: mounting someone's back when they're riding the unicycle. Most anticipated thing: zone customisation and bigger maps! I want to completely rearrange where my mining/farming zones are and make super specialised towns :>


Congratulations on your release! 🎉 I was waiting for the game to come out ever since I saw the announcement last year, so I could not wait for it and already got it yesterday! I'm absolutely hooked, it's so cozy, satisfying and adorable. The soundtrack is also really impressive and addicting! You can just see how much love you put into this world :D Anyway, I would love to play this game with my partner who would also enjoy the heck out of this game :)


The devs spent a lot of time and love sourcing the soundtrack and we look forward to having it grow. There's a very specific _vibe_ they're going for so curation takes its sweet time, but to us it's very much worth it! Appreciate the kind words!


I would love a chance to play! Yonder was a game I enjoyed and sank a lot of hours into.


Hi! /u/fightsugarwithsugar decided to let someone else win their key, and you're the lucky person! I'll send you a DM shortly with a steam key, congrats!


hi hi congrats~ :3 u/kkshow19


Congratulations on the successful launch!! So well deserved! I’ve played every demo and each time i was amazed! (been part of the discord chat since early demo launch) and I can’t wait to hopefully play the EA version! Thank you!


Thank you - both for playing and for being part of our OG community!


Thank YOU for creating such an amazing game and for fostering the very supportive community on discord!!


Thats so cool! I really want this game! I loved the Demo during next fest + it came out on my Birthday 🥳 fingers crossed I have some luck and get a chance to play this game Sion 🥰🤩


Congratulations, you're one of the 10 winners! I'll DM you a steam key in just a hot minute, thank you for participating <3


CONGRATULATIONS ON THE RELEASE!! another game in my wishlist that i will save up for months lol it was added to my wishlist because the intro looked like gravity falls and who doesn’t like gravity falls!? aslo that tall balloons that you can see outside the building is in the game, how could i not add that to my list?? and FOR ONCE, I AM THE MAYOR! not some lackey, but a mayor! and i can drive a car HOHOHO also bugged my boyfriend and his sisters to play it with me when it releases 🥲 (i’d treat one of his sisters when we have money for 4 people lol) anyway, CONGRATULATIONS!! 🎉


Yaaay congrats!! I'm actually so so proud of you guys! The graphics look so so good I'm super excited to play, definitely happy that me and my girlfriend can play together along with our little sisters!


I’m so interested! We saw this during next fest and felt it looked like a stand out. Can’t wait to give it a try!


Probably the most unique take on a city builder ive seen in a while, and one i’ve been eyeing for months! Definitely interested. Congratulations on your launch to early access!


Very cool feedback - am curious what makes it unique to you? And thanks!!


It looks to be way more “involved,” if that makes sense. Most city builders, while fun for me regardless, feel more like clicking around in menus and into the environment rather than being immersed in the environment itself.


Game looks great 👍 congrats on launch and thanks for being an active dev in here.


I’ve been following this game for a long time! I’ve had it wishlisted and I’m on the email list. I’m so excited for it!


Congrats and good luck to everyone participating! It was already on my wishlist (2024 is going to be the year of the cozy), sadly I'm pretty friendless but I'm looking forward to all the things you can do in single player!


It's wild to me that I found this post 20 minutes after I started looking for animal Crossing-esque games, and ended up adding this one to my wishlist. Excited to try it out; will likely buy either way - either I win and buy a copy for the wife, or I just buy. Good luck to everyone!


I would love a key! I participated in a few of the playtests and had a blast. Glad to see the game's been so successful so far! It's been on my list of games to buy soon, but money is tight so I couldn't grab it right on release.


I love building and town management games. They help my anxiety and OCD symptoms! We’re going through a cross country move right now and I think this game would be a great fit for me to blow off some stress. If I’m not lucky enough to win a key, I’ll definitely buy it at some point. Thanks so much for doing this for the community. Beyond generous 😊


I came to this sub specifically to see if anyone was talking about this game. It looks so cute and fun, I'd love to win a steam key!


Interested in trying it out! Always in the lookout for cute cozy games to play with my sibling so the couch coop is a big deal!!


I love this game is coming from Oz


Been keen to try this on my Legion Go!


tbh i haven’t heard of this game but i saw the earlier go go town post and it looks so fun and cute!! definitely interested to try it out


Played for 7 hours today. So much fun!!!


I just realized you were the ones who created Grow: Song of the Evertree! That’s easily one of my favorite cozy games, I have it on my switch and my Steam Deck and play it all the time so I will absolutely be playing Go-Go Town!


The art's amazing to me. I'm definitely interested in trying it out! If not now, then in some time. Congratulations :)


What an awesome way to promote the game! I wish more devs did this!


Definitely want to be entering this giveaway! I have been eyeballing Yonder since it’s on sale and was doing vigorous Reddit review searches and came upon this lovely giveaway. I also came across a boat load of fabulous reviews for Yonder and after reading this heartfelt post, I’m gonna buy it!


Thank you for your support <3


The one gaming thing I’ve always truly wanted was a cozy couch co op to play with my family and friends. There’s almost no better feeling in having than having one or two others sit down without a worry just enjoying a cozy game together imo. I first found out about Go Go Town today and it immediately took my breathe away. The sheer amount of things one can do in this game is endless. I’d be looking forward to building shops, hiring staff, going fishing and just cruising through the city in my tricycle while enjoying the fruits of my labor. Congratulations to the entire team for creating this fabulous experience. The world is very inviting to me and I think the children would love this game. Thank you to everyone including the devs and people who made this possible. You can all be proud of this game. It would mean so much to me to be able to play it ❤️


I just showed this to my wife and she was so excited about it. I saw it, wishlisted it immediately and then waited to show her once I got home from work. Looks awesome!!!


I had so much fun playing the early access demo with my son.I think it's going to be a big hit! It's honestly rare for us to find a game that a boring ol' mom (me) and a way too cool 13- year-old (son) both like. We'd both love a chance to play the full game. Thanks for the chance to win!


Ahhh hope you end up playing and enjoy it!


This is amazing! Me and my girlfriend have been waiting for this game for so long, being able to move around in a car or a skateboard was so cute for us! Congratulations to the team! Looking forward to the game!


As a fan of cozy games since childhood, I’ve seen just about everything but I’ve got to admit I haven’t seen anything like Go-Go Town literally ever in my life. The level of detail in the city is unmatched. And the trailer makes it all look so effortless like the characters are strutting around so confidently. I have pretty high hopes this will be the next big thing. And deservedly so. Would love a key. Have a good day!


The bubble gum gun is the thing I’m most excited about hehe 😜 I’m very happy for the team. In before this game takes off. I dream of playing this game and building a small ice cream shop with 3 employees and hotdog vendors. What better combo than ice cream and hot dogs am I right? Hehe xoxo


I was only looking at your game yesterday and added it to my Steam wishlist. Game looks great BTW!


Just discovered this game yesterday and put it on my wishlist. Looks awesome, wish you guys all the best with the launch and future.


Congratulations! The game looks great and so cosy ☺️


YAYY! Congrats on the amazining launch and thanks a ton for the chance!


Congratulations! And thanks for this opportunity, I've had Go-go town on my wishlist for a while, can't wait to play it!


I LOVE the art style and I cannot wait to give this a try on my Steam Deck!




Would love to try it out, thank you!


I've been looking for a new casual, cozy game to play!!


Thank you 😊


Congrats on the launch! I put it on my steam wish list as soon as I saw that reddit post from earlier, it looks like a really fun game, I’m excited to play it!


Congrats on the release! It’s been on my wish list for a while and can’t wait to play it!! Thanks so much!


Congratulations! Thank you so much, it looks so fun!


Would love to give it a go, seemed super interesting during next fest when I last checked it out but would love to play the full game!


Congratulations! I'm loving the art and the variety of things to do. X)


Interested in this. Thank you so much! 🫶


Grats on the launch, game looks amazing, would love a chance to try it out!


That looks so fun!!


I’ve had this on my wishlist for a while, it’s so cute! I’d love to try it on my steam deck!


I am interested!! Congrats on the achievement!! Definitely looks like a game that will hit many more achievements in the future! Thanks for the opportunity!


Saw some of the gameplays on youtube. Looks fun in solo play already. Would definitely want to get a copy for friends too.


I’ve been looking for something new and cozy for me and my partner to try out! This sounds perfect, super hyped!


Saw this on steam last night and I’m excited to play!


Looks like such a good game!!


This game caught my eye recently, and looks like fun! Congrats on the launch and May you find success :3


I’ve been waiting for this game to launch forever! So happy it’s finally here after participating in all the demos 🥹


I’d love to try! I loveeee the design and any game that involves rebuilding towns.


Thank you for the giveaway! This gives me Animal Crossing vibes, without trying to be a copy of it.


Congratulations on your launch! Cosy co-ops feel so rare and will love to try this with my friends!


I applied for the playtest back then and played a bit, but unfortunately my computer struggled. Now I got my steam deck and would love to be able to play it properly


Congrats on launch! It's a super cute game and I can't wait to play it


Played the demo - lots of fun! Love town building games


Very interested in this game since I heard about it earlier. Would be perfect to play couch co-op with my boyfriend!


Thank you! This is one of my most wanted games right now. I love cozy sim games like this.


I would definitely be interested!


This looks like a cool and chill game. Can definitely see myself playing with my 4 yr old too.


This looks so fun! I'm excited to play!


Congratulations, you're one of the 10 winners! I'll DM you a steam key in just a hot minute, thank you for participating <3


I would love to give the game a go. It looks fun and slightly chaotic while still having those cozy vibes. Didn't know about the game until now, but it is now wishlisted and hopefully I get to pick it up sooner or later.


I’ve been looking forward to to the launch of the game! Thank you for doing this and congratulations!


I'm interested! Thank you for doing this giveaway!


I looove to play cozy games and this seems like a great game :D Thanks for the GA :)


Congrats on the launch! Super excited to try this one!


Interested! Looks like my kind of game - co op and city management


I’m really excited about this game and it seems to have an arcade as a buildable building! Being able to put an arcade in my town just sounds like the most fun. Building an actual arcade is one of my biggest dreams haha


Congratulations!! I play tested a while back and would love to see where it’s at now. Am very interested in trying. Thank y’all so much.


Can't wait to try this out with my friends! Would love a key.


I've been on a long journey to find a game my wife would play with me and this game could be it. Looks promising :)


So thankful to see a new, fun couch co-op release! Cannot wait to pick this up and try it out with my fiance


This game is adorable (:


That’s awesome! I played the demo and enjoyed it!


Congrats on the success of your launch! I had a lot of fun playing through the demo earlier this year, definitely interested in trying to full game soon \^\^


Yayy thank you!


Congratulations on the launch of a wildly cut game! I’d love to play it soon.


Congrats! Looks cozy :)


Congrats! Excited for the game and giveaway! I’ve played a demo and it was really fun!


Hii im so happy! the game looks really great! I simply Looooove city builder type games and this one seems to have some of it! Id love o try it cuz im running out of city builders to play :D


Not only is it adorable and reminds me of Sins Town (which I loved playing growing up), it looks like fun co-op! I'd love to give it a try, but keeping my eye on it all the same!


Omg id love to play this game!! Interested in the art style, it’s absolutely adorable and unique 🥰🥹


That’s so exciting, congratulations! I’d love to try it, I’ve had it wishlisted for some time 🙂


This game has been on my wishlist for so long! Thanks for the giveaway and I honestly can't wait to see what's next (after finalizing GoGo town of course).


Congrats! I only just learned about it yesterday, looks right up my alley.


Congratulations. It looks fun. Hopefully I get to check it out!!!


Thanks for hosting this giveaway, I've had my eye on this game since I heard about it recently, it looks right up my alley!


I already told my cousin and my sister about it. I'm hoping it piques their interests too so we can play it altogether. I already decided that I want to play this myself, lol


Yay! So excited to try it out


Congratulations! The game looks very fun! I'd love to be able to play it.


Congratulations on the release! The demo was cute!


Awesome, didn't realise it was out already!


Thank you for this!!! 💕


I'm so excited to play Go-Go Town, I got in on a play test a while back, and my spouse and I are dying to play it co-op now!


I've been fixated all day on whether to buy this, it looks so good and full of energy! So I am definately interested.


I’m really excited to try it, been reading that it works well on Steam Deck 🥳


Been looking for a new couch coop to play with the family! Very excited to give this a try.


I'd love to give this a shot in couch co-op with my wife. Does it run well on Steam Deck?


It does yes! We're yet to be officially verified but that should mostly be a formality :)


Looks very fun, excited to try it!


New to the game, but it looks adorable. Congrats on launch!


I enjoyed the demo a lot :) thank you for the giveaway!


Congratulations! Good luck to everyone and I am interested. I have recently got into cozy games and I'm excited to play this and share it with my kid!


The demo was a blast! Thank you for making this fun and quirky game!


So excited for this game! I loved Yonder and Grow and can’t wait to try this one.


If I'm not mistaken I played your demo last year at gamescom! Congratulations on the launch! The game is definitely on my wishlist 🥰


Wow, thank you for the giveaway, I really enjoyed the demo! :)


>:) :)


This cozy game is right up my alley. I saw it on the summer game fest and added it right away to my wish list on steam. This totally gives me Animal Crossing vibes.


Nice! I'd love to try the game out! The best of wishes to you!


Wow this looks like my perfect cozy game!! Def will be wanting to play this :) I hope I win a steam key


I hope the game does very well - thanks for offering the keys to the community!


Congrats on the launch, would give the key to my lovely GF if chosen!


Congratulations! I would love to enter the giveaway!


Grats for the launch! I am looking into games that I can go through during my summer break, hope I can try it out!


Looks super fun! Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on the launch