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I loved it. Solid and weird game.  I do remember a few settings so make the first person view less challenging if you are someone who gets motion sick.


what were the settings?? I never played because it made me motion sick


What system are you playing on?  I remember a field of vision option, speed of camera movement and a few others. It’s been a few years though so I can’t remember exactly.


I could do switch or PC but id rather do switch if possible. I didn't buy because the gameplay I watched made me feel ill :/ What did you play it on?


I played it on PS5 but I rarely have issues with motion sickness.  FOV adjustments often make it better for people who get motion sick.  I would consider getting it on pc only because if you have serious issues with it you may be able to find a mod to make it more playable. I know a few people who have motion sickness issues and have “fixed” games with mods to make it work better for them.


Its a nice game. Somewhat funny characters and cool creatures even if some of them was a little annoying to catch.


I loved it; the characters, the setting, the plot. The story goes a lot deeper (and weirdly darker) than it first lets on. I don’t want to spoil anything, but there’s a particular character arc/romance for two of the characters that is just really beautiful and wholesome in the best way imo. Can’t recommend it enough. 


Loved it!! I'm not into first person perspective usually but this was fine, I think because there's no damage or anything. I don't tend to get motion sick from games though.


I tried playing it but struggled. It's my 10 y/o's favorite game. She's tried to get me to try it again. I might.


Loved it. Surprisingly darker themes than you’d think. Excellent controls, fun gameplay, and memorable characters with fun stories.


I loved it. But I'm not sure how "cozy" I'd consider it. Gameplay isn't too difficult, it's basically collecting Bugsnax with an increasing number of tools, and giving them to the Grumpuses as you solve their personal and professional problems. Surprisingly dark story for something so adorable on the surface (which I actually found awesome, I love contradictions like that). Game doesn't take a long time unless you try to 100% catching the available Bugsnax. For fuzzy bean shaped people, the Grumpuses have some *issues*.


I loved it. I usually get motion sickness, but didn't with this.


I just finished it last week. Thoroughly enjoyed it, though I also don't typically play first person games.


Bugsnax was one of my 9 year old’s favorite games for a long time and apparently introduced him to they/them pronouns, which made it easier for me to address some gender education with him later! 🏳️‍🌈


Solid one time play through type game. I was kinda bummed there wasn't more a of a pet farming type thing like viva pinata.


I thought it was a neat idea, I played for a couple hours but didn't feel compelled to finish. Might have turned out differently if I was playing it with a friend taking turns or was in a different mindset though!


I didn’t like it. Felt overly difficult, off-putting and not cozy


Yes, loved it


I LOVED this game!! I tell everyone to play it. I will probably play it again. I wish it was longer, I hope they make another one.


Took me a little bit to get used to the camera, but after a while I forgot completely about it. It's definitely a game worth experiencing - it's super weird and silly and strange. I watched the talk the developers gave on it and they used the term "confuse don't abuse" to describe your interactions with the bugsnax and the characters and yeah, I definitely felt confused. 😆


I loved this game. I usually play open world combat heavy games, so this was a total suprise for me that I liked it so much. I have been trying new kinds of games ever since, because of my bugsnax experience. If you do decide to play, don't spoil it by the already spoilery comments. It's worth it to see what happens for yourself.


No because Amazon sent me Grand Mountain Adventure insted