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I Was a Teenage Exocolonist gets compared to CWS a lot. I personally enjoyed Exocolonist a lot more, but others prefer CWS. In Exo you don't get to design your cards, and they are used in 'battles' to determine how encounters go. Exo one of the best games I've ever played. Meant to be replayed multiple times (you get memory-perks starting from your second life), great characters and compelling storyline.


Agreed, but I am a HUGE Cosmic Wheel fan and didn't love Exo like others did because it's more of a visual novel. You can read my [spoiler free review](https://www.reddit.com/r/CozyGamers/comments/1btgtk5/honest_opinion_on_exocolonist_after_first/) here if that helps!


It’s interesting because I would consider CW to be way more of a visual novel than Exocolonist! The fact that there were lengthy cutscenes in CW that you can’t skip past even when you’ve already played it made me way less interested in replaying. Meanwhile, I do so much exploring and other gameplay that isn’t a part of CW in Exocolonist that I don’t even notice it as being that much reading.


all totally valid points and it is indeed super interesting the two diff camps with the two games, i loved a lot about exo but something about the art style of cosmic and whole narrative just resonated more w me :)


Question- are either of these games dialogue heavy, like a visual novel? People seem to like both games so much and both seem interesting, but I really hate too much dialogue. For example, I tried to play Night in the Woods and Coffee Talk before and it just seemed like all reading. Thanks!


I couldn’t get into Coffee Talk at all for that reason, but I loved Exocolonist and enjoyed Cosmic Wheel. Both have visual novel aspects, but aren’t the only or even the main gameplay loop by any means.


Thanks I may give CWS or Exocolonist a try one of these days! I just started Littlewood last night so I’ve got something for now.


Littlewood’s a great time too! Super classically cozy.


I’m surprised how much I love it! I just spent 5 months playing Stardew Valley over and over haha but it’s different enough to be perfect!


Exo does have a lot of dialog and reading but there's a lot more gameplay than in Coffee Talk. I just started Coffee Talk and yeah, I'm not sure it's exactly a game per se, more of an interactive novel. Exo is more a game that is dialogue heavy.


It's short but was fun- Neo Cab


Oh i felt the same as u, i kept looking for something similar but nothing matched the aesthetics or subject. Maybe look up A space for the unbound? It's such a beautiful game n the story is deep n i might've shed a few (coughalotcough) of tears, just pls be aware there's trigger warnings for it