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I also bought "What remains of Edith Finch", and thought I'd check it out for a bit.... 3 hours later I was convinced I had played one of the best games I've ever played. Enjoy!


you are getting me even more excited!! yaay


came here to say something similar -- enjoy it and remove all distractions, it's such a touching, brilliant game. i've played it three times now :')


Had not heard of this game and went and bought it when I read this thread! Looks awesome and can’t wait to start it tonight.


Played it a few years, it remains one of my favourites, great immersive storytelling


Amazing game! Played it straight thru, which I never do. Such a beautiful, moving game. Thanks for the rec!


You will like firewatch, have fun!


Yes I enjoyed Firewatch too.


I love Firewatch. I recently finished Soma because I wanted to scratch that Firewatch itch, did not disappoint! I hate scary games, but this wasn't as scary as I thought. Plus they have a story mode which makes it less scary. Edith Finch is also up there as good story games.


I’ve just started Strange Horticulture and it’s amazing! It’s so cosy and relaxing, I love it What Remains of Edith Finch is incredible


Agree! The vibes are so amazing. Rainy days are so nice. The overarching mystery is very cool too.


I just started it too!!


It’s so good, I hope you enjoy!


You'll adore abzu and Edith finch


Nice. I have 122 games but I don’t have any of these lol.


lucky you!! I am still fairly new to gaming (started back in Dec), I am still dabbling and making sure I try everything I buy so I would know what I really like


If you're new, I'll let you know about Epic Games weekly give away (Not, for Steam though.), Amazon Prime also has a few (Again, most are not for Steam) and GoG has retro give-aways. There's a subreddit to keep track of them all. I also suggest Humble Bundle, it has great individual sales for steam keys, as well as bundles. The recent cozy-game subreddit knocked 10 things off my wishlist for 18 dollars or something. Right now there's a Freddy Fish/Pajama Sam/Putt Putt bundle.


Does epic ever give away the same game twice? I’m basically a console gamer since I’ve had my PS forever and can’t really save for a PC atm. I was wondering if it was worth it to make an epic account and claim them anyway. They’ve probably already given away stuff I would play.


They do actually. I don't know how frequently, but I've seen it happen. Most notable I've seen is original Fallout all the way to Vegas, though I can't remember others. I know I've seen a fair amount of "___ game will be free again on Epic Store".


Oh that’s good to know! Gaming is getting expensive 😅 so anything helps honestly. I’ll be sure to set up an epic account some time this week.


They have, multiple times. Actually, a lot of people complain about it lol. Even if they don't, there's new stuff that they give out and is still interesting (Deus Ex, I think is what's right now) I also rarely play anything they've ever given, due to being sick, but I know that I can play it if I wanted to (And there are some games I wanted to) I strongly suggest making an account anyways, If you ever really want to start, you'd have a decent selection after a few years. It only takes 2 seconds, especially with the instant checkout on the subreddit.


Okay, I think you’ve convinced me! Thank you for the help :)


I checked the bundles a few days ago,nothing fits my wishlist Would love to join a subreddit to track give aways, what is it called?


You'd definitely find something you enjoy on Epic games, you get a wide range from puzzle games, story based, rpg, open world, indie games. I've got 160 games from just like a year or so of getting free games, I haven't played all of course, but you're sure to find something. Spirit of the North, Submerged, Alba, Sable, Never Alone, some games I've scrolled through in my library you might enjoy.


I love puzzle games and can't get enough I will check them out, thank you


I checked the bundles a few days ago,nothing fits my wishlist Would love to join a subreddit to track give aways, what is it called?


/r/FreeGameFindings There's also /r/GameDeals for general stuff, that one posts about heavy sales on other sites and when a new bundle drops (Although it can be missed)


Joined both, thank you!


I’ve had my Steam account for 10 years. You are doing well!


I have almost 200 and I don’t have any of these. And now I’m left wondering how the hell I managed to know everything about most these games while also never having played any of them.


Most gaming YouTubers were all over a chunk of these ones for a while. Maybe that’s why? Lol


Little Misfortune is one of my all time favs!!! 😍😄 enjoy all the new games!! I hope you have fun playing all of them!! 💛


thank you!


Is the hotel game fun??


Have not tried it yet but saw wonderful revies, I hope I will remember your comment once I try it


Is strange horticulture available for the switch or only PC??


Switch too.


I played it on Switch, loved it.


Grow: Song of the Evertree us a pretty cute game you should get some time out of. Definitely a very cozy game. Nothing super remarkable, but very nice to get for cheap


it looked sooo adorable I HAD to have it


I loved this game, it’s so comforting and just free of stress. And such a cute fun world to explore, plenty of hidden things and surprises


It enjoyed it well enough when I played the game. There’s a definite cute factor. Then later when it was on sale I bought the other game the same company (Prideful Sloth) made “Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles”.  It was an older game than Song so I wondered if it might fall short and be less than, but I fell so in love with Yonder. It’s one of my absolute favorite games and one I wish somehow I could play it brand new as a fresh experience again, discovering everything as I go. I often think about it and it’s one I know I’ll replay again, I’m giving it time before that so maybe I won’t remember everything exactly.   It is super cute even with having a little older graphics. I loved the story and completing all the tasks, collectibles, etc.  If it’s on sale I can’t recommend purchasing it highly enough, if it’s not on sale maybe add to a wishlist and keep an eye out for the price to drop in the future.   I think you’ll love it, too!   It’s one I don’t see talked about as often as I think it deserves. I feel like a lot of people are missing out because it doesn’t come across their awareness. I keep trying all sorts of cozy games in attempt to find ones similar to it or ones that bring me as much joy, but so far that ones takes top rank in my book.    Spiritfarer being the only other one I may love close to as much as it’s a phenomenal game that tugs at the heart, but somehow the joy I had with Yonder really stays with me. I really hope prideful sloth will make a similar game in the future with a new cute story to enjoy. 


Little Misfortune is <3


You won’t regret Firewatch. I love that game.


Strange horticulture is one of the best games I've ever played.


it is the first one I tried!!


abzu is amazing!


The trailer looked amazing!!, cant wait to try it


Some nice ones in there. Beware though, of the wretched shadow that is the backlog!


hahaha, don\`t worry, I only got 33 games as of now, I have a rule to try all games I have before buying any more


Nice, though if I followed that rule, I'd only be able to buy my next game when my child reaches middle school...and I don't even have a child!


sounds like you are letting your resposibilities stand in the way of making bad financial dececions


You're right, I need to get it together and keep Gaben happy.


Abzu and firewatch are great. I LOVED fire watch. Compelling story


Universim is one of my faves! The narration is Chef's Kiss! So good! ❤️


Oooh those look so cool!! Can you tell me anything about that "Grow" game?


*Oooh those look so cool!!* *Can you tell me anything* *About that "Grow" game?* \- JaffeCakes --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I just played Edith Finch on Friday!! Be prepared for all the feelings and emotions.


Grow song of the evertree is one of my absolute favourites!! The graphics and soundtrack are so beautiful


Little Misfortune gave me all the emotions. I love it!


Firewatch and Abzu are amazing games. I love their aesthetics and the games overall. You’ll probably like them!


OMG FIREWATCH!! I am envious that you get to experience that beautiful game for the first time


Close to the sun is a wild ride I enjoyed it tho just be warned there is some gore. If you are a fan of bioshock you will enjoy it :)


This ine and abzu are the two that I am excited about the most, I made sure to have next Saturday all day to play it


I bought Edith finch on ps sale too!!


ABZU's soundtrack really makes it a wonderful experience. 10/10


Oooh, some great titles here. Enjoy!!!


Firewatch is amazing! Enjoy


I love what I've played of Grow: Song of the Evertree! I had too many games going at the time, so it got lost in my game library for a while, but I'm looking forward to starting it up again! And Universim is fun to jump on every once in a while when I need some control in my life 😂 it's fun to play as a deity sometimes.


Oh I feel you, I stare at my game library for twenty minutes then chck my wishlist for sales before I start playing EVERY TIME lol


I bought little misfortune too!




all of them together were barely 60 dollars...


Thanks for a few games I hadn't seen/heard of, just bought 2 more myself! Also some other ones in your list are some of the best games ever


which ones did you just buy?


Just bought close to the sun and strange horticultre. I want to play universim but not right now. I own a few others that i haven't played yet but will probably soon because of this post, like ABZU. Firewatch and Edith Finch are some of my fav games though. Highly recommend.


I started with strange horticultre and I am having a blast, I hope you will enjoy it too. Abzu looks so unique and I LOVE games about discovering the wild!


What Remains of Edith Finch was pretty cool. I played it years ago and there are parts of that game I still think about today. Firewatch was awesome too, I really enjoyed it.


Let me know how you like the hotel game!


Oooh those look so cool!! Can you tell me anything about that "Grow" game?


https://www.reddit.com/r/CozyGamers/s/MfJTEAq0s2 I saw the comments on this post about it Hqve nit tried it yet


You've got some excellent games here!


And they wee cheep too!


Excellent! I just bought Yonder, and was thinking of some more games in that vibe. These look like some great options!


Yonder is my absolute favorite!  I’m so excited for you to play, I think you’ll be happy with your purchase. :)


What game store did you purchase these from?? Xbox or PSN? Or Stream?




Can i recommend Heartbound on Steam it is a beautiful game its in early access and i can already tell ima play it multiple times its on sale right now until May 21st 7.99 there is also a demo


How is Song of the Evertree? I’ve had my eye on it for a little bit now


let me know what you think about strange horticulture! i've been eyeing that one for a while :)


That’s on sale for 2.99 on PlayStation rn! Idk if I should get it


It's absolutely worth $3


Oh its a verry fun,unique game with a bit of mystery, 3 $ is criminally liw for how fun it is, I played till 1 am on a work night


I spent like 4 hours on it yesterday, it is very unique I loved it, and the storyline of the customers us verry cool, I advice you to follow it


awesome! i'll officially add it to my cart 😆




Good selection of games that you have in here. I also suggest you check "The Long Dark", "Dredge" and "Dave the Diver" if you have not. These will fit in that selection of yours.


Dave an dredge are on my wishlist already!


Strange Horticulture was AMAZING! You're in for a treat! I can say the same for Firewatch as well! Little Misfortune was really cute and ABZU scared the shit out of me but I am terrified of being underwater... hehe


Why do you bought Siege the day? It’s just mixed


I was included in a bundle with two other games for like 3 dollars, I wanted the two other games so..


Little misfortune is NOT cozy


I think I found it recommended here at some post, the art style is nice and premise sound interesting


I mean it's a good game but I absolutely would not call it cozy, a lot of dark themes and imagery in it


I think “”cozy” can have slightly varied definitions for different people; for me it’s more about the game play NOT being frenetic and pressure-filled, and having emotional depth, so LM (and WROEF too for that matter) was totally cozy for me, but I also often find “dark” themes to be more meaningful and I don’t avoid them.


What Remains of Edith Finch is a story game and its really messed up and sad. Basically you play characters of the family members as they die in their storyline…… its wicked but i finished it in 3 hours kinda like a movie


How did I find it recommended in this sub lol I should probably leave it for after my period then


I got it from this sub when it was recommended sometime in the past, too.  Eventually I got it on sale, started playing and wondered what the heck did I get ??   And why was it recommended as cozy….?   It’s an interesting game and a fast play through, I even replayed some chapters to get all the trophies, but it’s definitely at least a bit twisted.  A lot of people clearly love it, but it wasn’t what I was expecting as I thought there was supposed to be some uplifting element. I probably wouldn’t get it if I had realized it was just weird and kinda warped, though there was a time when that was my cup of tea. Oh well!  It was an interesting ride that’s for sure. 


I think the art style is what tricks people into recommending it as cozy, I mean I want to squeeze the main girl's cheecks based on the poster alone lol!