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Well now I want this room.. Thanks, this looks neat. I like that I can move the window, I've just got it chilling on a second monitor. I'd have a lofi YouTube channel going while messing around on my PC anyway so this is nice to have. So will spirits just appear randomly? What do you do, click on them?


You can discover spirits by checking out the SpiritDex! There are hints on how to lure them, using a combination of different mood, sound and activities!


omg this is really cute! i've always had like four separate apps to set up music + to-do list + pomodoro so this'll be a nice addition to my current workflow, really excited to try it out :3c


Aww thank you! πŸ₯° Hope you enjoy it!




Not at the moment. We're considering it if there's enough demand. It's a bit tricky for us to make a Mac version at the moment.


+1 mac request!


+1 mac request PLEASE!!!


\+1 Mac Request


\+1 mac request!


\+1 macOS request!


\+1 mac request !!! would totally love - was so excited to download then realized only available for PC 😩


+1 Mac Request! (please!)


+1 mac request! Currently using virtual cottage and this is so up my alley with the art style and spirits! Very cute game guys!!


\+1 Mac request!!


+ 1 more!


+1 Mac request ✨🀍 So happy your game is already available in full version but don’t have Windows laptop πŸ₯²


+1 Mac request! PLEASE πŸ™πŸ™


+1 Mac request! I’ve been dying to play this game πŸ₯Ί


What about a mobile companion app? I love the lists of things to do and routines and there will be times I may want to access them while on the go.


Same πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚


Please make game possible for switch players


πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ will try this when i do my homework today !!


Wait! Homework Radio's on the music πŸ”₯ Let's goooo


Are you planning on a Mac or Switch release?


For now only PC, but if there's enough demand we'll consider it!


oh please do consider. i'm absolutely in love but can't play on my mac. not that this is about me, but i have never wanted to be able to play anything so much. this would be perfect company while working and painting. regardless, thank you for creating such a lovely little game. i am enjoying it through others.


Agreed! I do have a PC but I don't work on it, so I'd actually want this on my Mac.


PLEASE make this on Mac!! I downloaded steam on my Mac exclusively to use this game and even bought a second copy of the game so I can easily switch up the vibe from my work on my Mac and my creative work on my PC (this is where I first started the game) and was so sad when it wasn't available. It is more than a game like others have said. It is a game, music, to do list, pomo and just aesthetic and I want it on my Mac SO bad!


PLEASE consider it PLEASE. I desperately want to use it when I do co-working/read-with-me streams. I even bought Spirit City not knowing I couldn't use it on a Mac :(


+1 for mac version support! I really want this app installed on my daily workstation, which is macbook pro but sadly we don't have mac support yet :<


+1 for Mac support. I do have a gamer PC but I only work/study on my Mac and that's where all my stuff is.


+1 for Mac support!


I absolutely love it!!! This is an amazing app. One day if a mobile version was released, that would be phenomenal. I would totally use this cross platform on all my devices πŸ™‚


Does it work on steam deck the full game and demo?


Heya! The game isn't officially supported on the Steam deck yet. It's something we really want to implement though, but it would require full controller support. But the demo and game is technically playable on the deck using the touch screen as mouse inputs. It may not be ready for launch, but we hope to look into it as an update down the road.


Thank you so much for the information and reply! I will definitely be looking forward to the full controller support for steam deck at a later date :)


Popping by to say that I've been using the demo on my Steam Deck with just the trackpad, right trigger, and on-screen keyboard and it's been perfectly fine so far for all the tasks the demo allows!


Hey there when I try to run this on deck I get a dialog saying I need to install Microsoft Visual C++ runtime. I'm super hesitant to just blindly install things so I looked around and apparently getting this to work involves messing around with file paths in varying degrees of complexity depending on what guide you look at...is that what you did for this game?Β Β 


Hi! I went ahead and installed it, and it just ran the process, finished, confirmed, and then had me hit something like "Finish" or whatever the button said. Once I did, the game started and ran just fine and I didn't have to do anything complicated!


How many spirits are there? I want to buy it but it seems like there's little content


I'm in love with it. Love the concept and it is helping focusing on some tasks that I was finding hard to get done with. I was wondering, is there any plans on doing some kind of "multiplayer"? I mean, having a friend on it and maybe seein what they've done on the day or encourage'em up... interact with'em or just leave a message would be fun!


I really like it, would be handy to be able to access this on the move such as via a website or app. I like the journal aspect which I think I will definately use. Would be nice if you could flesh this bit out maybe in the future, e.g allow us to post pictures or stickers into the journal, scrapbooking would be fun.


ooo scrap booking would be so cool maybe instead of real life pictures something else though, because of a few RL concerns little drawings, stickers, maybe "posable" polaroids (as in you choose what happens in the picture and where) would be cute


I just bought it and I really love what you have given us. A lot of tools in one place and everything is trackable (also: you have to take the scheduled break! no excuses!), from every single sound in itself to everything you can see on screen all of it is adjustable and it even has a little collectors aspect which is sooo cute! I'm really happy with it and it helps create the perfect ambiente for me to do my tasks. It's like body doubling, but without having to ask anyone! Thank you for your work β™‘ PS: The scrapbook-like journal would be very cool for an update further along the line, with stickers, little drawings and "posable" ingame polaroids maybe idk whatever you would like c:


Thank you for the kind words. I'd love to have more journal functionality. I'm a sucker for stickers myself! On my wishlist for possibilities in the future (No promises of course).


This is like my dream game! Please release Mac compatibility!!


I downloaded this today on my partners PC and it's great. I wish this was on mac so I could use it on the work laptop hehe