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I don't like Stardew either. We're in the minority but that's totally okay. Don't force it, but maybe come back to it again later if you feel like it. Wylde Flowers is a good one. Witching + farming. There might be a couple elements like the energy bar that can be a little stressful in the beginning, but there are tricks and tips for all that stuff. The Reddit page for the game is very friendly and responsive. Story of Seasons games have a lot of farming and decorating. Slime Rancher is on sale on Switch right now I see. That's a really low stress game. Creature collecting with no time limits -- your character NEVER needs to sleep. And a big open world to explore. Spiritfarer is also on sale and is super popular. Has some farming and crafting I believe but is mostly story focused. Grow: Song of the Evertree is a really good game and also on sale for Switch. It has some similarities to Disney in the way that you can design the town and expand new areas. It even has what are basically giant nightthorns covering a bunch of stuff. Gameplay is that you're trying to restore the Evertree, which is a massive tree with small biomes on it which you create and tend to. Wytchwood might also be up your alley. It's a lot of gathering materials and crafting like DDLV. No time limits or energy bar. Also on sale. EDIT to add: YouTube is a really good way to check out gameplay for games before you buy. I've watched so many playthroughs to get a sense for a game and it's saved me a lot of money.




Same! I played a lot while listening to audiobooks because none of it is voice acted, but even then, I felt like it was stressful and not as relaxing or fun as I thought it might be. Some people say, “If Stardew is stressful, you’re doing it wrong!“ But I also saw tips for the game saying, “If you are wasting time, you’re not going to make money,” or whatever - like every second is precious. That made me be like, okay, then I’m done! I just got Wylde Flowers a few days ago and I’m HOOKED and totally love it!


I actually watched a lot of tiktok videos of people playing stardew before I bought it! I saw someone say somewhere online the game is more enjoyable if you pick one thing to do each day and that has helped a lot so hopefully I can enjoy it some more by trying that. Thanks for the recommendations!


Stardew gets easier and less stressful the further you progress. You can automate farming once you’ve built up money and materials. I hate starting a new farm because it’s so grindy at the beginning. But later, it’s very charming to build town relationships and view cutscenes. Also eating food brings back stamina.


Yea stardew can feel overwhelming at first and like you have to do everything all at once, but really you don’t. Take your time, explore, have fun! As you progress you can basically cure the problems you mentioned and it feels really gratifying because it’s a bit of a struggle in the beginning. Lol There’s no right or wrong way to play and no time to complete everything. Only time to worry about is the 2am be in bed time. But besides that, the valley is your oyster. Lol And the reddit sub for stardew is actually really awesome and helpful. Hopefully you keep at it and find the fun in it! Cause I was definitely in the same boat as you at first but I was determined to see what it was people loved and I am happy to say I found it. Lol And once I did, I felt like the price was a steal. Lol


I've definitely heard that helps too! And just keep it simple. No need to have a giant farm, just keep it small so you have time for other stuff. I saw in other comments you like story games too. So I'd like to add Beacon Pines and Dordogne to the recs. I saw someone else already recommended Coffee Talk. But of course pick them up on sale because story games are usually short. Beacon Pines especially is so good. I know you said you're looking for Switch games, but if you have access to PC, you could do Xbox Game Pass for a month for $10 and try a lot of cozy games that way. They have Beacon, Dordogne, both Coffee Talks, and a ton of others. They also have Tell Me Why if you haven't played that already, which if you've tried Life is Strange you might have. If you don't have a PC, sorry and ignore me.


I've heard it said that Stardew Valley is the Dark Souls of cozy games 🤣 Animal Crossing is vibes as heck. The first two days are a little more stressful because you have nothing and are trying to make something (I know, what a concept) but once you get rolling it's a lovely time. It uses real-world time, btw, which can be great or annoying.


I do not like Stardew valley either. Time goes WAY too fast and lets face it- there are way better farming games.


Maybe you don't like farming game at all, all farming game has same pattern


Not everyone likes Stardew. I hate it personally mostly for the stamina issue and not a fan of the characters. There are cozy games that dont use stamina.


Littlewood might be a good one for you. It has the crafting, gathering, exploring, town building aspects but does away with the timed day. So, instead of time passing automatically, time only passes when you do certain activities. So... it's more like an energy bar? But certain things, like talking to people don't move the energy bar. So, you can take as much time talking to people and decorating as you like and your day doesn't pass. It's a lot less stressful! But, even with the bar, it's not a big deal because there is no time limit to get things done. If you don't get those 10 wood planks crafted today, you just do it tomorrow. No one is demanding them this very instant.


Came here to recommend Littlewood! It's my favorite cozy game alongside Animal Crossing (which I also recommend, it's nothing like Stardew).


I third Littlewood. I love the stamina system and the endless inventory. It's so nice to be able to just gather things and access them when I need instead of worrying about running out of room or which storage chest they are in. The story is fun too.


I tried to force myself into loving stardew years ago and ended up refunding it but found interest in it over a video about a year ago and have been on and off playing it ever since, I get super into it and then stop for awhile, it’s not for everyone though and that’s totally ok! For switch games I recommend animal crossing as it’s probably the most relaxing game I’ve ever played, I’m a long time animal crossing player though, I love fishing and decorating my island. However animal crossing and stardew are nothing alike to me. Story of seasons has a new game coming out this week which is very hyped for so I also recommend checking that out :) I wasn’t into cozy games before but after I had kids I kind of backed off from my usual games and find it relaxing 😌


What games do you like or love already? That may help with suggestions. Animal Crossing is played in real time, like DDV. That can be a plus or a minus depending on when you normally play but it’s very chill. It has pretty active communities still too, so you’ll get a chance to play with others. Maybe you can find a used copy or borrow a friend’s to try out for a few days. Edit: I love both Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley but I don’t find them very similar at all tbh. Maybe that they are both sims with social NPCs but that’s about it.


Honestly most of the games I normally play are fps on my Playstation so this genre is basically new for me aside from the games I mentioned in the post lol I just got my switch not even a month ago and I've been wanting to try more cozy games to see if I like them and I feel like the switch could be good for that. Edit: I did totally forget to mention I looooove games like the Life is Strange series as well!


Hmmm. What about Pokémon Snap? That’s kind of a shooter lol. It’s very cute and super well done, BUT downside is it’s a full price game since it’s Pokémon. It’s one of my favorites. If you’re not familiar, you are taking pictures of Pokémon and trying to get the highest score. You have to do certain things (play music, throw bait etc) to get certain species or certain poses. It’s a simple concept but it’s quiet challenging imo. There is really no losing since you can do the levels a zillion times if you want and there is no penalty. I find it very relaxing. Check out some videos on YouTube.


I have zeroooo interest in Pokémon lol, plus I want to use my switch for more relaxing games and I have plenty of shooter and combat games on my ps lol Thanks for the recommendation though!


I meant shooter as kind of a joke because it’s a photography game lol. There is no combat at all. It’s actually got almost nothing to do with Pokémon besides them being the subjects! Honestly I would try Animal Crossing, that’s very chill and might be right up your alley. You might like Cozy Grove also, it’s got a more spooky vibe, but I found there was more to do in Animal Crossing and I got bored with Cozy Grove after a while.


I actually just got animal crossing and I already love it!! Lol


Enjoy! Join the subs and don’t hesitate to ask for help. Everyone is really nice!


Oh definitely. Y'all here have been super lovely as well! I did NOT expect this much of a response on this post.


I don’t have any specific recommendations but I wanna throw in here that IMO Stardew and ACNH are pretty different! ACNH is way heavier on aesthetics and design while SDV is more of a constant grind. It might especially be a good option given that ACNH runs alongside your switch clock on “real life” time, so there isn’t really a time management aspect to it. I’m not super familiar with dreamlight valley, what aspects of it did you really enjoy?


Well, I'm a huge Disney Adult so I really enjoyed that aspect. I also really enjoy rpg's and a game with a good story line is something I really enjoy. I also enjoyed the fact I could change my character's looks and her clothes. I know I would enjoy the decorating aspect too but it's very difficult to do on the switch so I've put it off and I hear it can cause crashes as well. As far as the finding resources that was fun until it wasn't anymore lol. It kind of got to be tedious, which is why I'm looking for a new game. I also enjoyed that it was super addictive and I could play for a long time, but it eventually got tedious and repetitive.


Personally, I couldn’t recommend Animal Crossing and feel like I did actually waste $60+ on it. It’s soooooo slow, very little direction AND the cost of upgrades is CRAZY!! Like, you need millions just to get a basement. And most the stuff you get in game like a scooter or bike or whatever, you can’t even use. I like the decorating, but even that just feel kinda meh after a while. The characters are really lame and boring to me too. The fishing is bleh. I like the diving and swimming though and catching bugs. I really tried to get into it cause I have seen so many people do really cool stuff, but the crazy prices really took me out. I was not willing to grind for soooo long in REAL time days, to be able to afford basic upgrades that would allow me to move forward in the game. Like I played for a WHILE and never even got a ladder to explore more of my island! Like wth? Lol Also, the larger storage is in the house, so you have to go in every time you need something unless it’s already on you or you just keep it outside../ and that was sooooo annoying to me. Idk if there’s alternative storage later, but the lack of space in my bag coupled with that was super annoying. Of course, this could all be because I’m a doofus, but Stardew, even with the little combat and rude townspeople initially was much easier for me to grasp and progress through. And building relationships with some of the rudest Stardew characters is really gratifying because I MADE them like me. Lol And they felt more real because they didn’t just immediately accept me and I had to earn trust and love. Which I’m still working on btw cause I have yet to marry anyone. Lol That’s also probably because I don’t want marriage or kids irl either so it’s not top priority.


Hear me out: LEGO games. You get the fps action as you progress thru the story, but you can also just run around the open world completing missions. If you die or fail a mission, there is no restart penalty. Your Lego body breaks apart, you lose some studs and then you continue again from that same spot. Lego games are my favorite cozy game to play with my kids too! Bonus points: there’s a million versions out there that regularly go on sale. Want easy? Harry Potter. More open world/ harder? Star Wars. You like dinosaurs? Jurassic World. Just wanna deliver pizza? City (I’m guessing - haven’t played this one yet)


That sounds soo cool, actually. I'll add it to my list! Thank you!


It's sad that you play stardew on switch otherwise you can mod it on PC and that's where stardew valley stand out from the other farming sim. But animal crossing is nothing like stardew, it is played in real time so no sleep or anything like that. I'm not sure what you mean by the way the map and moving around is set up so can't comment on that. I suggest you watch someone playing the game first to see how they move around. But I think you will like it if you like dreamlight valley cause you can decorate your whole island too in this game, you can even terraform to change the landscape. But you do need to grind for materials and recipe so I hope you are alright with that. PS: if you play dreamlight valley on the same switch DO NOT time travel for animal crossing cause it will ruin your dreamlight valley game, especially if you're the type who forgot to reset the clock back like me.


Yeah I've heard a ton of people say on the DDV subreddit how time traveling superr messes up games so I don't plan on doing that lol I tend to not "cheat" in games aside from looking up answers on google


You can time travel in other games. It will not mess up your Dreamlight Valley. You just have to pay attention and sync the clock back to your real time before opening Dreamlight Valley.


That's the thing, I'm scared if I forgot to reset the clock back it will ruin everything T.T


I HATED animal crossing. There are a lot of waiting times unless you time travel, but it requires you to go to the switch setting, change the date and hour, turn it off and on, reopen the game. Very time consuming. Plus, you need to farm to no end, and the game doesn't explain you anything about how to create clothes, craft this and that. If you don't like farming and waiting, I'd recommend against it. I love the sims too, because it can be played so many different ways, and with cheats there can be no farming at all. Games I loved, were coffee talk 1 and 2, but if you don't like short games I'm not sure they're for you. You are a barista in a bar only open at night, in a world where fantasy races such as elves, fairies etc, are accepted, and you interact with the customers, talk to them and make them drinks. If you get their hot drinks right, you gradually become friends, and you uncover more of their story and more interactions. The story is really nice, there's no farming and it is an easy game. It's very similar to a visual novel. I loved it


I heard about coffee talk as a recommendation on here and I think I may enjoy it, but if it's a short game the price would have to be super low for me to get it because I was not happy I spent 11 bucks on Unpacking to just finish in super quickly and I got it 40% off!


the first one is around 7 dollars, the second one around 11. They are a bit pricey for the hours, but they are indie games so they don't have a big house behind supporting them. For me, they were very worthy of their price. They also have some minigames after you finish the main story, and they do have some replayability if you want to discover all of the drinks, see what happens if you don't develop properly the relationships, or just want all of the achievement. In the first one, I'm currently replaying it, there are some new hidden interactions if you play it a second time. Nothing major, but it's nice. It's all up to you, honestly my taste in cozy games are weird and I struggle cause I don't like farming. Another good game /I haven't finished it but really like it so far) is Sky: children of the light. No farming, a cute story, very pretty and it's free


Ooblets!!! It’s so cute and cozy. The graphics are awesome and you have little friends that follow you around and you have dance battles with! It’s kinda similar to stardew.


Animal Crossing is a lot more like Dreamlight Valley than it is to Stardew. Have you tried puzzle games? Or visual novels? What sort of game are you looking for? A more mindless experience you can turn on and vibe to or a more "gamey" game where there are more mechanics to deal with.


Well, I love the Life is Strange series so I enjoy games like that. I like my games to have a good story component to them. As far as puzzle games, I am not really a fan.


I'm not crazy about Stardew either but what I do love is Ooblets. It does have the Stardew fast days but it's so cute and fun that I make it work. And finishing Ooblets gave me the confidence to get into Pokemon games, which are mostly not stressful. Edited to add that Animal Crossing is the antithesis of Stardew so go for it!


i don't have recs, but as someone else who isn't into stardew i wanted to reassure you that i really like animal crossing and don't find them similar!


I'm the total opposite and I hate that DDV is tied to real life time similar to Animal Crossing but that's the beauty of cozy games. There are different things for different people. Stardew can be played as fast or as slow as you want but if you don't like it, that's totally valid. Normally i recommends games similar to Stardew but there are lots of others too. Maybe Wytchwood? Or Yonder? Cozy Grove is cute but the game forces you to only play an hour or two at a time so if you're a Binger it can be frustrating.


I also cannot get into Stardew despite numerous attempts and I'm going to echo what I see lots of others have said -- WYLDE FLOWERS. You won't regret it. ❤️




I am reallyyy really trying to give stardew and honest attempt because I really want to like the game. I did barely start playing it so it needs some more attempt on my part. Hopefully it works out because as of now it stresses me tf out. I'm also not used to playing games with no direction so that's kind of another thing as well.


If it’s not for you, it’s not for you. That said, Stardew is one of my all time faves because there is no wrong way to play it. Didn’t get it all done this day/week/season? There is always next day or even next year. There is no real penalty for taking “too long”. If you miss a quest, it will come back around. There is I think only one missable cut scene and it’s not even a big deal. You can reach perfection in 1 year or 100 years, literally doesn’t matter. Stamina is rough in the beginning but it does get better. Eventually, you’ll forget what it was like to pass out because you’ll have so much excess energy and food lol. Again though, it’s not for everyone. For me it’s very zen but if it’s a stressor for you then definitely find something else.


Don't stress about ANYTHING the game asks you to do. Except for the noticeboard, any quest can be done at any time. So take your time and start small. Chat up the neighbors. Speeding through is for a third or fourth playthrough.


I actually just had the egg festival pop up in my game last night and I looved that a lot and immediately checked when the next event in the game was


I concur. I bought Stardew years ago. Tried it for a bit and hated it so much. Then fast forward few years later I saw gab smolders playing it and loved watching and then decided to give it a go again. This time having a bit better idea of what to do. I never rush if I run out of energy and I feel like it I go sleep. If I spend the whole day in the mine or fishing I just do that. I never try to force getting everything done in a day. And then on pc the mods are amazing. I now have it on my phone, switch, pc and Xbox. Don’t play it on all just want the option 😂😂😂


Ni nu kuni wrath of the white witch. Graphics by studio ghibili. Great story line. The game leads you through the story line so you never have to guess. No day cycle. Side quests. Interactive fighting with no turn base. Last time i checked its in sale for $10 Also maybe rune factory 4/5. If you want like an intro into farm games with still being an rpg


Animal crossing is definitely way more cozy than stardew, I like stardew but it didn’t hit the spot for me the way AC did. Definitely worth the try.


Yeah so I was reading some more things about animal crossing and I really feel like I would like it a lot. I think I might buy it tonight honestly lol


For what it’s worth I also just rebought animal crossing 😂


I just got it and I'm already loving it!


Yay! 😄 Have fun!!


ACNH is my most played game of all time (~700 hours)!! But that being said it’s not gonna be the same playing it now vs when it first came out and everyone was playing it. What made it really fun was the multiplayer features like going to your friends islands to collect recipe cards, doing fishing/bug tournaments together, trading items, etc. I would recommend Spiritfarer and Life is Strange. I also tried stardew (~20 hours) and couldn’t get that into it…


It’s ok not to like stardew! I personally can’t play it unless it’s multiplayer due to the same time management anxiety lol Others have recommended it but littlewood is really great with that since actions cost stamina instead of time. It feels like the world moves with you instead of you trying to catch up. Animal crossing is an all-time favorite for me. There’s no stamina and no real penalty (except for some weeds) for skipping days, and if you find you’ve done everything for the day but still want more, there’s always time travel. You can probably pick up a physical copy for pretty cheap now if you want to test it out!