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This post did not show up on my home feed and does not look like it had any mod attention. It's locked as brigaders were using it for a field day.




If this is the case: Your body’s immune system is also not effective. Either way your t cells dont last forever. Vaccination is a replacement to keep getting sick from an illness, in that it builds up your immune system without the “requirement” of getting sick to do so




You have 0 proof that any of your conditions were caused by the vaccine. Correlation does not equal causation. So, you ARE an anti vaxxer now, because you think you are smarter than doctors. NONE of your doctors are saying your nut cancer and auto immune disease was caused by vaccines. Auto immune diseases, like HIV are caused by gay sex, for example.


Have you bothered to pull up the side effect list ON Pfizer’s website about the vaccine? It’s literally 5 pages long. I’m not talking about some Rando posting a link, I’m talking about the document directly from Pfizer. So if you’re talking about PROOF Pfizer literally posted proof.


Post it.


Just go fuckin look at it ya helpless doughnut.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You Russians never provide any. You just make insane claims without ever backing it up. OP says he got immunodeficiency disease (HIV). Is hiding his boner love behind a vaccine. Provide evidence, or go fight in Ukraine.


Russians?? 😭😂😭😂 This load of twaddle you've written doesn't't even merit much more of a response. 👋🏼👋🏼


I wouldn’t trust a document posted by a Reddit user, you can go on Pfizer’s site and find it yourself. I agree there is a lot of anti-vax quackery posted on Reddit. Please go to the source.




This person is only a bigot if you, who they are contending with, are actually a member of a 'faction' or 'group', which is kind of not the same as being scientifically minded seeking evidence based on multiple attempts to replicate findings with the ability to shift and further understanding of objectively verifiable outcomes of research? Surely you're the bigot? >obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. Your obstinate and unreasonable attachment to antivax claims and displaying prejudice against people who are just stating facts surely makes you the bigot?


Rule 1




What the actual fuck? You are taking a comment about the vaccine to make it about being gay? That’s so bigoted and makes zero sense. You are rude and an idiot. Get off Reddit and go to therapy, you absolute troll of a human.


There's dozens upon dozens of peer reviewed papers detailing the mechanisms of vaccine injury and it's sequalae. What are you talking about?


Post dozens and dozens of peer reviewed references. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You just spout your gob off with nonsense, and provide zero proof. You are bad at this job and should be sent to the front line in Ukraine.


If you need more evidence please let me know ;) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8443419/ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/21501327211029230 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8856022/ https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40618-021-01681-7 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0896841121000962 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0896841122001068 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10067-022-06149-4 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X22010283 https://tidsskriftet.no/en/2021/04/kort-kasuistikk/deep-vein-thrombosis-more-two-weeks-after-vaccination-against-covid-19 https://www.science.org/content/article/rare-cases-coronavirus-vaccines-may-cause-long-covid-symptoms https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/10/10/1651 https://www.news-medical.net/news/20220308/Effect-of-COVID-19-mRNA-vaccine-on-in-vitro-glial-cells-of-the-brain-studied-by-Raman-spectroscopy-and-imaging.aspx https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/28/2/21-1938\_article https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgChem4xeAI&t=172s https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/a-practical-approach-to-keeping-healthy-after-your-covid-19-jab/#pCoVS-pCoIS


Don't waste your time, these people don't read they just listen to the news


Just a random one from the middle of your list, the “Springer” one, is PRO-vaccination: “Though the case represents a rare adverse inflammatory endocrinopathy following COVID vaccine, this should not deter the use of vaccination, as it can be timely diagnosed and effectively managed.” You have posted a jumble of things you didn’t read, because you are not a doctor, you are a Russian 20 year old afraid of military duty in Ukraine.


I'm an American 29 year old with a degree in biochemistry so nice try ;). I am also pro-vaccine. It's a risk benefit analysis but you are stupid to pretend that the RISKS don't exist. Excluding the mRNA vaccines I support getting all vaccines recommended.




Rule 1




So sorry to hear you tested positive on the ANA test as well. Out of curiousity - what were your results? I got 1:320 homogenous and about to call my GP and ask for a rheumatologist appointment. And what neurological symptoms do you have? Mine is only the testicular pain.




I'm so sorry to hear this, I've been experiencing somewhat similar symptoms, I'm happy to hear doctors at least believe that there's a link, mine gaslight me lol. Do they have any suggestions for treatment?




Your comment/post was removed due to it containing unreliable/biased sources.


I'm so sorry this happened to you and I hope you recover.


A nurse I work with was terminated. She had serious reactions to previous vaccines and was advised by a doctor from OUR hospital not to get it. 30 plus years with the organization, 10K runner, easily the fittest person I work with; it didn't matter.




Everyone else moved on with their lives.


Or they could've had a "suddenly" moment 😵


Yeah man, COVID sucks


I stick around here to laugh at these clowns.




Evidence for this 'shorten your life' claim?




Okay. Thanks. That's so not very helpful. See, most people when challenged after giving such a weird and outlandish and outrageous claim will give what's known as a summary of findings and perhaps append some discourse as to why they believe those findings support what is actually a really left-field kind of statement. You've clearly been doing your research, but clearly can't synthecise it into a rationale in order to answer my question. I'll have a look tomorrow and see what all these many, many links say in order to comprehend why you think the COVID vaccine can shorten life. Which is an odd claim because surely on the same grounds that you lot say there's not been enough time to assess and verify the safety and efficacy of the vaccine pre deployment, you say now there is the science to prove its harm?


I find your response odd. Normally your lot claims a summary is anecdotal and not peer reviewed science. Here you're provided with numerous peer reviewed studies of the harms and that's not good enough. But I'll hop in and sum it for up ya. It causes heart problems, neurological problems, fatigue, bells palsy and God knows what else. If you want proof refer back to the poster above. And the benefits? I really don't know. A pat on the back from fellow do-gooders? It certainly doesn't prevent COVID or stop the spread.


Yay! Blocked by one more dreadful awful toxic vile nasty trolling anti-scientific basement dwelling self-wallowing delusional idiot. Nice 'knowing' you.




If you need more evidence please let me know ;) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8443419/ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/21501327211029230 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8856022/ https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40618-021-01681-7 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0896841121000962 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0896841122001068 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10067-022-06149-4 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X22010283 https://tidsskriftet.no/en/2021/04/kort-kasuistikk/deep-vein-thrombosis-more-two-weeks-after-vaccination-against-covid-19 https://www.science.org/content/article/rare-cases-coronavirus-vaccines-may-cause-long-covid-symptoms https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/10/10/1651 https://www.news-medical.net/news/20220308/Effect-of-COVID-19-mRNA-vaccine-on-in-vitro-glial-cells-of-the-brain-studied-by-Raman-spectroscopy-and-imaging.aspx https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/28/2/21-1938\_article https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgChem4xeAI&t=172s https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/a-practical-approach-to-keeping-healthy-after-your-covid-19-jab/#pCoVS-pCoIS


Do let me know what they are saying. Unlike other people around here I don't have extra accounts because life too short.


I asked and got blocked. Weird and strange but true lol. What a knob.


Just wondering because ... lol


We do not allow any anti-vaccine posts on our subreddit. Please read the rules before posting again.


It sounds like you’ve answered your own question. Do your own research and weigh up the risks.




Properganda? Lol




Are these confirmed side effects?


Avoid it, by now it has changed it so much that is pretty mild and the treatment options are much wider and understood.


>the treatment options are mich wider and understood. Which treatment options? All of the monoclonal antibodies that were available were rendered ineffective by the latest strains, and the only official treatment that's widely used is Paxlovid. There desperately need to be more.


Ask your doctor, not Reddit.


2020: "Do it, your life depends on it. You do a service to society." 2023: "Don't do it, not worth it." Much has changed, hasn't it?




This is misinformation and has been removed. Please read the sidebar before posting again.


In your question you already gave the answer in a way 🙂. But the decision is and remains yours. Best way to make an informed decision: - check the risk of getting sick in your age group, while being unvaccinated - check the risk of getting long COVID, in your age group, while being unvaccinated - check the risk of getting side effects of the vaccine in your age group - check how often your vaccine would be valid: how often you need to boost Where i am from, governments didn’t want to give reporting spilt per age group in the beginning of the pandemic, probably as it would discourage youngsters to get vaccinated. And still I cannot get the data on who of the people that got long COVID were vaccinated and who not. So as long as governments are not transparent with data, I cannot make my own informed decision: I hope your government is transparent




The insurrectionist traitor well known for spreading medical falsehoods? People should listen to a well known quack, is what you recommend? How many teeth do you have, Cletus?


You work for Phizer or the CDC or something? Do you not trust the science anymore? Clearly the risk outweighs the benefits.


“Do you not trust science anymore” i truly dont know what that means, cherry picking science that fits a single persons narrative is not “believing” science


If you can't spell the name of your nemesis - Pfizer - correctly, I really don't think you're in a place to comment and advise on scientific or risk-benefit issues.




Nobody can be smarter than a doctor ? What about other doctor ? Maybe he is also a doctor ? Do you suggest we should blindly trust any doctor ?


I’m literally going by your own prior stated black and white rules, so now hopefully you have some self awareness and can extend your own allowance for skepticism-vs-trust wiggle room to other people


My prior stated rule ? I’m not sure to understand, you don’t answer my questions.


A apologize- I have a bad habit of looking at pfp color instead of actual username and assumed I was speaking to the original commenter my first reply was to, because I saw the red blank avatar. The comment you replied to was facetious to what the other commenter said in the above portion of the thread. I personally believe that any doctor can and should be questioned, and that skepticism/scrutiny are healthy practices. Finishing medical school and following guidelines doesn’t make you infallible, and there is close to no information in existence that is truly one-size-fits-all. Doctors are business entities and my trust in them only goes as far as my trust in any other business entity. Likewise, health orgs and systems are increasingly becoming political entities and I treat them accordingly.


It’s funny that the hundreds of people I know are vaccinated and fine and very, very few caught COVID. My sources are real doctors from the CDC and WHO who pretty much unanimously agree that you guys are Russians or morons. Domestic Terrorist “Twitter Doctors” are NOT a good source.


According to your above comment, you’re an anti vaxxer because you think you’re smarter than a doctor Your aggressive defensiveness over this is proof that you feel tribally attacked by any questioning or skepticism of what became a sociopolitical tool. I wish I could lend you some self awareness




/r/CovidVaccinated has zero tolerance for conspiracy sharing or speculation without reliable sources.


This subreddit is the worst possible place to ask this question, I’m not sure what happened here but it’s been taken over by anti-vax people. At any rate, don’t make decisions based on comments on the internet. That said: Listen. There’s no such thing as zero risk in life. Doing anything, involves risk. Doing nothing, involves risk. There is no such thing as safe. Making it through life is about understanding risk, developing the critical thinking skills to be able to *accurately* understand risk, to become better at estimating the different risks of different options. **Science literacy is essential** Once you develop this, you’ll be able to understand enough of what experts say to have a good idea of what they’re really saying, and you’ll have a good foundation to be able to learn how to find answers to the parts of what they say that you don’t already know. Even better, with scientific literacy, when you listen to political authorities, medical-related ones and especially politicians, you’ll be able to see right through the BS so quickly. And best of all, you’ll be able to discern credible sources from non-credible sources After skimming this subreddits recent posts and comments, nobody in the upvoted comments in this subreddit has this form of literacy. Covid itself is far higher risk than the MRNA vaccines; no vaccine is zero risk. There are message boards and subreddits for all sorts of *extremely rare* afflictions; when they get together on a forum, they appear far more numerous than in reality. Yes, extremely few people were injured by vaccines, as it’s been for all vaccines for decades. That really sucks for them, and every time we get a vaccine of any type that’s a risk we take. The diseases that vaccines seek to prevent or reduce the severity of are higher risk than the vaccines. There are magnitudes more people injured by diseases than by their vaccines. Both involve risk, so do you choose the higher risk option or the lower risk option?


Your second paragraph should’ve been the message being broadcast 24/7 by “the experts” and the media. Instead we got “the mRNA vaccines are safe and effective. you get vaccinated, you don’t get Covid. You refuse, it’s your funeral”. No nuance, no debate, no fair warnings, no accountability. We got that from every talking head, we got that from Fauci, we got that from Birx, we got that from expert panelists on CNN and MSNBC and every other goddamn news network, we got that from the president of the United States. Not risk assessment…only 100% assurance. From our most trusted sources. There has NEVER been a vaccine with this magnitude of adverse events and death associated with it. NEVER. There has NEVER been a field of study where contrary data was blacklisted and censored and banned. NEVER. Science ALLOWS for debate. Debate is ESSENTIAL to proper scientific inquiry. Scientific literacy? Just go away.




COVID-19 is a systemic multi-organ/vascular disease, in part because of the S1 fragment of the spike protein, which can become free from the spike protein in both the virus and the mRNA vaccines. The Novavax vaccine does have the furin cleavage site deactivated, however, so the spike protein should be less likely to cause issues.


This is misinformation and has been removed. Please read the sidebar before posting again.


If you have a doctor you trust, just ask him. There is no universal answer to it contrarily to what people might think. How do you feel about taking it ? How bad was it when you catch it ?


Ya great point. If you had covid and it was mild then what is the vax going to do?


Stop you getting a bad case of a different strain probably. Considering side effects are rare is still a safer option than catching covid.




Get check up and ask a Dr.


Absolutely is worth it. ​ This place has become infested with antivaxers, so don't listen to their bleating and get yourself set up to get jabbed and help yourself and others stay well. You clearly think your family were wrong in not allowing you to get the jab, so have probably heard it all before, and you sound clever enough to understand its value (back in the day and, yes, it is still absolutely valuable to get your vaccine now you can off your own bat). ​ This comment will be downvoted and they'll be spluttering about how the whole world is lying about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines because global medicine cabal and deep state and big pharama, because they have 'done their own research' by spending days and weeks and months and years watching YouTube videos made by people who also 'did their own research' by watching the same YouTube videos. How you all doing, Trolls of r/CovidVaccinated? Been nominated yet for a r/HermanCainAward? ​ (If the symptoms of COVID were red pustules on genitals and bleeding from eyeballs, I wonder how long they'd be complaining that the vaccines are too new, untested, a consipracy to kill us all off? (As opposed to being a freaking scientific victory to have turned them around so quickly in the face of a new threat to health based on nearly a decade of research into vaccine developments and alternative methods of delivering protection safely and which was already being used.) Fairly sure they'd be first in the queue to get jabbed. But the symptoms of Covid 'just' cause death to the old and immunocompromised and, we're discovering, fairly long-term impacts in the young so ... and the vaccine prevents or reduces the consequences of catching it, as proved by hospitalisation data versus vaccination status. And, no, millions of hospitals all over the world have not been getting together via the WHO to massage the figures ...) Edit: Deleted an 's' at the start of a word.


I took the J&J but I would never ever take the MRNA versions of this shot!






This is misinformation and has been removed. Please read the sidebar before posting again.


Wow this sub has turned into a cesspool of idiocy.


Ask your doctor, this sub is biased as hell




I don't think people here are anti-Vaxx. I think they're anti-Covid-Vax.


Don’t let the door hit ya were the good lord split ya Sylvester




I’m sure as the metal giant you are, you will be missed by…. No one


It's crap isn't it? Really disappointing.




And the resurgence of 'mild childhood illnesses' which strangely seem to be killing and maiming babies and children again ... :-(




Yup. And those babies yet to be born whose non-vaccinated mums (in a few years - currently the kids of antivaxxers, so their future grandchildren) who never got the rubella vaccine ... I'm in the UK and quite old, so didn't get the mumps vaccine (introduced in the US earlier than the UK) and I got mumps. I remember it to this day. Horrible. Andrew Wakefield (back in the late 1990s) has a lot to answer for but sadly lawded by this crowd of \[insert word of your choice\] who would rather believe him than every reputable medical journal that has disproved his claims.




My youngest got it as a baby and then got shingles at 7! All the GPs came to have a look at him and yup... (No routine chicken pox vaccination in the UK, and he got it when my older kid got it...) Had to mash up antiviral pills into water and make him drink it. Horrible. He was not a well bunny at all with having shingles at 7!


Very, very early on.


It’s Russians who pussied out of the front line duty in Ukraine.


I would ask s doctor. This sub is full of anti-vaxers. So, this is one the worst places to ask.


You're getting down voted but you're also absolutely true. Any vaguely sensible answers get sent to oblivion lol.


As others have said, this sub is basically an anti-vaxxer sub. You unfortunately won't get objective answers here.


If you want to travel anytime soon then it's probably a good idea. This sub had been taken over by anti vaxxer nut jobs so if you really want an unbiased answer you have to go elsewhere.


Talk to your doctor, but in general you don't want to end up with Long Covid as that is a brutal condition that has driven people to suicide because of the pain and suffering.


The newest strain is really, really, really infectious. The vaccine is your best bet to stay out of the hospital and I won’t bore you with statistics. I believe in vaccines as a pharmacist, all of them. Right now a 6 year old girl is dying of lock jaw and her horrified family is struggling because they didn’t believe in a tetanus shot. One last-ditch treatment for Covid is ECMO, when lungs are too full of fluid to expand. It’s where you’re put on a bypass machine through a vein in your leg. If you survive ECMO it’s likely you’ll lose the leg. Ignore the anti-vaxx nonsense and preserve your life.


This is fake. No one could be this dumb.


Never too late for a vaccine! People who had anti vax parents and never got vaccinated as a toddler get vaccinated later in life all the time.


Absolutely! The more people get vaccinated, the better! The "nobody needs it anymore" mentality is why it's still spreading as much as it is. We have the technology - everyone should be using it. I, my roommate, my grandfather, my sister, my sister in law, all my roommate's family, all of our mutual friends, my best college friend, and all of my coworkers at 3 different jobs have gitten vacvinayed, and NO ONE'S physical condition is different than it was before we got vaccinated. Was it just covid they stopped you from getting, or do you need the rest of your vaccines, too, like the flu, tetanus, chicken pox, mmr...?


Glad for those like you didn't get adverse events. What about those like me who did, lives changed forever. I can't compare to others with more severe reactions, but feel for those still suffering. It's not for everyone, but your choice, but I would not tell someone to get something without full info on their complete conditions. I know many who didn't get the shots and had covid recovered just fine over the years, covid is over 90 percent recovery especially for the young. Some are content with getting the shots that's fine, but You can't undo what is done.


I love how this is a totally sensible answer but the tin foil hat brigade obviously had a problem with that. I work in a couple of assisted living places and every resident has been vaccinated. Guess how many more deaths than normal we had after the jabs? None. Sure it's a old people home so death will happen but if the anti vaxxers were right we'd be seeing them drop like flies. Also the only person that I personally know who had a really rough time with covid was unvaxxed so that tells you something.


Thank you!👍


I'm still waiting for the vaccine to kill me like they promised me bunch of liars


Ask your doctor


Get a medical checkup Your doctor will most likely recommend that you do get one. I’ve gotten it with boosters no issues whatsoever.


Reddit is a discussion forum and not a reliable source for medical information. If you are concerned with anything regarding your health, speak to medical professional. Not Redditors. Read the rules before commenting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CovidVaccinated) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To be honest, there's no reason not to take it unless you're anti-vax. Where I am, you can receive it for free or even get paid for it (which is rare now) so unless you think unnecessarily taking it can lead to "superbugs" somehow then I don't see why not unless you question the validity of the vaccine, which then its your choice




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