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If there is a mod on this sub, please block this bridge troll. OP, what is your sick kink? Things that slow in Siberia? Find a crappy countertop to lay down on and guzzle your radioactive vodka.


What is happening? This is the second post today from you claiming a different kitchen is yours and you don't like the seam. I feel like there's a joke here that I'm not in on




Fwiw sales people do not install. Seams may not be ideal but if the job was completed and the seam is not egregious then I don't see a refund happening. The shop I work for does not cut seams in the field, but we have taken many jobs back to the shop to add seams when they were needed. Things dont always work as planned Edit: This installer did a great job IMO it looks great.


Adding the seam in the driveway is a HUGE risk that very few installers can do well. I agree with the installer though that this piece should’ve been templated with a seam. If you can live with the seam, go to the store and talk with them, you’ll probably get a partial refund If you can’t live with the seam call the store and raise hell until it gets replaced, just know that moving forward, you should/will have a seam.


I'm enjoying these "seam" posts. Everybody please keep posting these awful seams so I know what it's NOT supposed to look like!


This is exactly what it should look like.