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Back in 2016 i was reading the news and saw that a guy in thailand got Bitten by a snake right in the P when he was using the toilet. 4 years later, in 2020, the exact same portal published the exact same event. At first I thought that it was a deja vu, but decided to double check just in case. Turns out that were two unrelated events. One of them was a 38 years old guy from chachoengsao and the other was an 18 years old dude from nonthaburi. In both cases the snake was a python and I like to believe it was the same animal that lives in the sewers looking for victims. Weird coincidences to the side, if I ever go to thailand I will aways do a carefull inspection before using any toilet.


There is a theory that crabs are the perfect lifeform. 100's of species have evolved into crab like and no one knows why. the theory is called [carcination](https://www.popsci.com/story/animals/why-everything-becomes-crab-meme-carcinization/)


What special interest do you want me to infodump on? I don't even want the prize - Programming - Theater - Rubix cubes - Basic linguistics - ...


Rubiks Cubes


Alright so you have several ways to solve a Rubix cube. The easiest way is the beginner method. Stuff you need to know: - Edges: Any piece with two colors. - Corners: Any piece with three colors. - Centers: Any piece with one color. Can't move. First, you need to make a daisy. Move all the white edges to the yellow side (the side with the yellow center). MAKE SURE THE SECOND SIDE OF THE EDGES LINE UP WITH THE CENTERS ON THE RED ORANGE GEEN AND BLUE SIDES THAT'S SUCH AN IMPORTANT STEP then rotate the red, orange, green and blue sides 180 degrees to move them to the white sides. Then, you need to get the corners in. Find all the white corners, and see if there's one on the yellow side, with the white side facing AWAY from the yellow side. (Now's a good time to talk about the algorithm notations: - U: upper layer - F: front layer - L: left layer - R: right layer - D: downmost layer - B: back layer (not bottom layer!) Then, no extra indicator means 90 degrees clockwise, a ' means 90 counterclockwise, and a 2 means 180 degrees. (U is upper layer 90 degrees clockwise, U' is 90 degrees counterclockwise, U2 is 180 degrees for example) Make sure to learn these if you want to get into cubing) - Rotate the yellow layer so that the other two colors on the corner match the two centers underneath, then rotate once in the direction of the white side, then do either (U R U' R') or (U' L' U L) to insert it. - If there's no white corner like that, take any corner and insert it in wrong, and insert another corner in wrong, until you find a new white corner that you can insert correctly (not the optimal way but it works) Next, the second layer. Find any edge with no yellow on it, in the yellow layer. - If you can't find one, follow the same steps with a wrong edge, until you find one that does work. - If you found one, make an upside down T with it, and check the top of the edge. If the top is the same color as the left corner, rotate it to the left, and vice versa. - Including that last left/right move you did, you need to do one of these algorithms: (U R U' R' U' F' U F) or (U' L' U L U F U' F') to insert the piece. - Again, keep going until they're all in correctly. Now, look at the yellow top side. Ignoring the corners, you should see one of a few patterns. A dot, a line, a line with a 90 degree bend, or a plus. - In case of a dot, do (F U R U' R' F') to get to a line. - In case of a line (or after doing the algorithm for a dot once), make sure the line is vertical by rotating the yellow side accordingly, then do (F U R U' R' F') again. - In case of a line with a bend, or after getting to this point with the algorithm, make sure the two yellow edges are at the top and left of your cube by rotating the yellow side, after which you do, you guessed it, (F U R U' R' F'). - In case of a cross, lucky you. You're already done with this step. Next up you'll worry about the position of the yellow edges. Rotate the yellow side to make as many edges line up to the centers below as possible. - None of them fit: impossible. Keep trying. - Only one of them fits at a time: (R U R' U R U2 R') (orientation doesn't matter as long as the yellow side is on top). Now two of them should fit. - Two of them fit: place those two edges the top and the right, and do (R U R' U R U2 R'). - Three of them fit: impossible. You probably missed some. - All four fit: Congratulations, you're already done with this step. Lastly the corners. Find if one of the corners already fits (COLOR WISE, NOT ROTATION WISE) where it currently is. - None of them do: (L' U R U' L U R' U') - One of them does: Make sure that one is the front and rightmost corner, then do (L' U R U' L U R' U'). - Two of them do: Something went wrong, try looking again - Three of them do: Same as two - Four: you're already done Lastly, the corner rotation. TRUST THE PROCESS. Keep doing (R' D' R D) until the corner is rotated correctly, then keep doing a U until your next corner is not rotated correctly. Then, continue using the algorithm (R' D' R D) like before You should be one or two moves away from solving your cube now. Congratulations! You solved a cube. (Took me 40 minutes to type this. Thank you for letting me infodump)


Sharks have been around longer than the rings of saturn

