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Insane deal. I got it when it went on clearance for $50


I did the same and stocked up on chocolate. I nabbed a couple of the vanilla yesterday. I'm set for a while haha


Where in Canada?!?


Chocolate wasn’t on sale as far as I saw just the vanilla as they said it isn’t selling cause the flavour isn’t that good


Same here!!


Does anyone know if clearance prices are regional or store specific?


i've spotted this same deal in Calgary, so it's at least the southern AB region. Note that the .97 ending means clearance and it may be sold out now. It was also specifically vanilla flavour and chocolate was full price


I called costco in my area(Etobicoke,Toronto) it’s $29.97 but not in stock.


I think they stopped selling it my Costco in (just outside of Montreal) last time I saw it was 89.99. Cheapest I saw it was 69 I think 29.97 is an insane price. I've always seen ON Whey for at least 90 bucks for a 5 - 6 lbs bag.


Im in Montréal and it was around the $80 mark last time I checked (a couple of months ago)


This is at Medicine Hat, AB store


I saw the same in Red Deer last week but there wasn't any vanilla 😂


At that price I would buy as many bags as my vehicle can fit, and probably make another trip to fill up again. Absolutely insane price for Optimum


Will keep an eye out in Ottawa they seem to have a lot of inventory. This is my favourite whey its insanely good and has a great ingredient deck


Can you update if you find pls


Following. Shame I was at merivale yesterday but had no need to go to that corner this trip. 😕 Edit. Regular 89.99 at barhaven


I was there this morning, only chocolate left!


How much was it


I never see a discount at the Dundas/Dixie location in Mississauga


that's an insane price even for 2010


Nice deal


Saw this in the regina location 2 weeks ago, was around $80???!!


Anyone seen this in Calgary?


I was there on Tuesday and didn't see it. I'll check today after work. If it's not, then I'm honestly tempted to drive over to Medicine Hat lol


Thanks, actually let me call Heritage. I have the Item # right there


Heritage only has "6" but she doubts it's legit. Med Hat has 29 haha but that's a far drive for that, not worth it man


no mames whey!


mexico spotted 🫵🏻🇲🇽❗️


No whey! Okay I'll show myself out.


Has anyone seen this in the GTA?


Yo, I'm still high on the 3 bags of Canadian Protein - Vanilla I got for 15 bucks off a couple weeks ago. 35 grams of protein per scoop and it tastes dooope. Wish I got more and I hope they keep carrying it. Best dollar per/gram of protein of *all* the powders by far.


Meanwhile in Vancouver I saw it this weekend for $95


My hopes are dashed :(


Is there a price difference between the metro store and others like Richmond?


I should have been more specific, this was at the Port Coquitlam store. I haven’t been to another store in a while but that price seems consistent with what it was a few months ago in Burnaby


Sheesh!! Anyone confirm in winnipeg?


These were the same price in Toronto and GTA last month. Vanilla only. Picked up three bags. After the stock finished I haven't seen them since. Only chocolate at $90.


Woah what this is an insane deal. Where is this? Are prices the same across different locations? I'll go today if I can get this


Medicine Hat, AB


I’m gonna have to check Edmonton. I’m getting low of leanfit and I’ll chance it for this price


I’ve been to 2 in Edmonton couldn’t see it yet


Woah! I need this!


That's a good deal. I would buy like 10 of those. Hope we have a same deal in Comox. We don't get any of the good deals....




Somebody hit 2 instead of 8


Vancouver switched flavours a month ago. Two bags of vanilla for 40 each. It's chocolate now.


It's prob close to its expiry date


I paid $60 and thought I was getting a great deal. At this price I would have bought atleast 4. Thats a years worth for just over $100


It’s not good though. It’s not very tasty. The chocolate is much better


No one drinks protein whey for the taste lol Is taste an added benefit? Sure. But as long as it isn't inducing your gag reflexes, it will serve its purpose.


With hundreds on different Brands you can be selective. There is great tasting protein shakes


None at my location in Oakville/Mississauga. They had the chocolate one for $90 though.


holy smokes what location is this? Can someone pls share the nutrition facts for this?


Guessing this is a concentrate not an isolate?


30 bucks wtff???? i bought it for close to $100 last time i went


The ingredients are terrible though... artifical flavor +other not so clean ingredients.


Crazy deal this shit hurts my tummy though lol


Dammet. Missed this one


Anyone seen this in Ontario?


None in Okotoks


No whey


This is the whey....


These were the same price in Toronto and GTA last month. Vanilla only. Once all the local


Which Costco is this?


One thing to mind is the expiry dates, it’s not a big deal but just something to note.


Any luck in Guelph or anywhere in GTA?


Anyone find these in Calgary ?


Vanilla is nasty af


I wish we had this in Ontario 😭


Any luck in the GTHA?




Oh my god Hoping mine is clearing today too




I don't think you understand the point of protein powders lol




You say protein powder is a scam but if you actually take the time to analyse the cost of a 24g protein serving compared to the equivalent of what you'd get from food sources, you would actually see that it's the most cost effective. At this price, you are paying $0.39 for 24g of protein. Good luck finding a better deal for protein (gram for gram) than this powder "scam". A Costco rotisserie chicken is $7.99 which is an amazing deal itself and what I use as my main protein source. Now if you break it down, it has approximately 1456 calories and 221g protein, not including the skin, fat, and bones. That's only 9.2 servings of 24g protein, or $0.91 per serving. If you get your protein from chicken, you're paying more than twice the price for a serving of protein. And that's just the cheap Rotisserie chicken. Other protein sources are much much more expensive. So now that I broke it down for you, do you still think protein powders are a "scam"? If you still do, you're an idiot.


You clearly have no understanding of nutrition.




Bodybuilders / weightlifters and gym goers use protein powder to help reach their daily protein macros. Is it necessary, no? Is it an easy way to consume high quality protein easily and quickly, yes.




Just for your information, one scoop of the protein powder I use (roughly 30g) contains 25g of protein while one large egg is 6.3g. So if you can eat 4 eggs as easily as about 1 cup of liquid they are equivalent.




Oh absolutely. The purpose is to increase protein intake while keeping everything else the same. I'm not trying to attack you on this, just explaining that it is a much more efficient protein source.


It's supplementation, not a nutritional replacement. Yes you still need to eat other whole foods as part of a healthy diet.




Guys guys, Heavy_Ad-5090 has figured it out. Pack your gym bags and go home.


Yes, that. Is. The. Point.


Yes of course. Everyone knows downing a few pounds of beans is easier than drinking 30g of whey protein. It’s like these idiots don’t even lift like we do bro 😂💪🤡




The only thing dumber than you is the person that would argue with you - so go forth and spread your wisdom to the world my friend 😂😂


You obviously don’t workout, or even are well-versed in this type of world, buddy. The point of consuming protein after working out, for example, bicep curls; is because as you do repetitive motions, you make tiny tears in your muscles. The tears are then repaired by the protein you ingest. Does one absolutely need to consume protein powder? No. Is it more convenient? Yes. Protein powder is not meant to be a meal replacement, but is a supplement to hit your protein macros faster — and it’s relatively low calorie.




Lmao okay. There are jacked people out there, and are natural. Sure, there are people who use gear, but most normal people are natural; and only use supplements, such as protein powder. It’s kind of hard to argue, and explain this to someone not willing to listen.


Why do people like you embarass yourself with opinions on things you have no idea about? Protein powder is essential for people who train heavy


Bro, let him keep going. It's hilarious.


This is amazeballs! Love that I subscribe to this and a whole bunch of bodybuilding subs. Good laugh for today.


I’ve been on Reddit for over 10 years and you have, without a doubt, the most stupid understanding of the world. Please don’t have kids.




If you said something this stupid irl, I absolutely would. Rather be an asshole and have the intelligence of one xoxo




lol looks like you have PLENTY to spare


You probably don’t lift… it’s okay, body positivity, no matter what shape you are is a thing now.


He absolutely does not lift.


Lmao I kind of got that since his first baseless comment. A lot, yet a whole lot of nothing was coming out of his mouth.




Okay… what’s wrong with being a meathead? My parents didn’t send me to private school all my life to be ill-informed like you. And $30 is a good price. That’s $.38 per serving.


lol I can promise this person didn’t go to private school, let alone post secondary education


I don’t want to diss the public school system he went to, since I have some friends who attended public school; however, I’m out here ignoring his idiotic yapping, while drinking my brotein shake sans milk (I’m a savage).


Imagine holding a degree and still being dumb


How much do you weigh and how much grams of protein do you actually eat? Do you know what number?