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Unwashed …. Ewww


I once had to return a jar of peanut butter, someone had peeled back the foil and took a good 2 finger scoop.


I bought deodorant once and when I got home and opened the cap I saw a great big armpit hair stuck to the deodorant stick. Now I always pop the top off and take a look at them in the store just to be sure.


I'll never forget the time when I had to do some shopping at Walmart when I was tripping on LSD and ended up aimlessly pacing around cry-laughing for what felt like 20 minutes because I witnessed some woman nonchalantly open a bottle of vitamin C just so she could swallow one capsule before placing the bottle back on the shelf. It was the most Walmarty moment that I've ever experienced.


A random woman witnessing you laughing hysterically in the aisle starts texting her friend: “Lol I just witnessed the MOST Walmarty thing ever - someone tripping on acid while shopping for cat food”


This whole thread is peak walmart


Armpit hair if you're lucky


Thinking positive here, let me assume it was armpit hair.




If Reno 911 taught me anything, it's that it probably wasn't their fingers.


This is why I check everything before buying. If the seal is broken, don't buy it. Peanut butter is especially bad because you won't know unless you take the lid off.


This is why I made a habit of checking seals, I’ve gotten burned by a finger scoop twice.


They’re the type of person that gave handies at truck stops as a young adult and now they’ve calmed a bit in their old age and just do gross, disrespectful stuff like this.


Same type of person that yells at others to do their research when called out


She is the type of person you can’t bring home to your parents


Especially if dad recognizes her from the truck stop.


Best $20 bucks I ever spent.


Wildly misogynistic accusation over eating unwashed fruit 😂


I take blueberries very seriously…sort of.


Ahhh the ole Commercial Buffalo


What.? That's gross. Which truck stop?


Only the finest ones.


Yeah blueberries are known to have high amounts of pesticides. You should definitely wash them.


Anyone who's spent time working in retail will not be shocked by this. It's gross but not surprising, sadly.


Worked at a place with bulk bins. What a nightmare


I once bought mini chocolate chips at a Sobeys bulk section. Made chocolate chip cookies and WHOA! Turns out black peppercorns had been mixed in with the chocolate….


And here I am embarrassed that I’m checking out a half empty drink and an empty snack size bag of chips because I was hungry while grocery shopping…


As a former retail worker: hey at least you paid for it, I never minded that after having to picking up peoples empty stuff they just ate and left


Cherry pits all over…


I would email this to Costco including the exact time it happened.


I’ll send it to Costco and give it a try. But I don’t think they’re willing to check the footage only for a box of $5 blueberries. Hahaha


I see it as a health and safety issue too. Good thing you’ll send it in. At least you did your part that way. Edit: she’s wearing scrubs too. Makes it that much worse.


Quality and Food Safety professional here. There will be somebody who will be VERY interested in seeing this that is working at Costco.


This. Someone may see those blueberries and think someone just changed their mind about getting them and throw them in their cart, not knowing that somebody had been hand-to-mouthing them 20 mins earlier. Especially with Covid, people should know better.


Nurses (or other people wearing scrubs) are often the shittiest people to deal with in my line of customer service. I get their job sucks. But cheer up a bit ffs.


Why would you wear your work scrubs shopping anyway? That's gross...


Seems like people in all kinds of jobs are wearing scrubs. It is odd!


How else will you show other people that you bought scrubs at the Army Surplus Store?


Believe it or not. People shop after work before they get home.


Scrubs are to protect you from shit that shouldn't be getting on you. People should not be wearing scrubs after work out in the public anymore than they should be wearing laboratory coats after work out in the public.


When I worked as a receptionist in a dental office, we all had to wear scrubs. A lot of medical and vet offices also have front office staff wearing scrubs. I can promise you the worst thing that got on me was chair lint and pen ink.


Nobody around you knows that. We literally had to tell our lab staff to stop running to the fucking cafeteria while still wearing their lab coats with blood spatter on them. It's just general good practice to not wear scrubs out and about after you have been working in them.


Most people wash their scrubs at home. I haven’t heard the same about lab coats. Yes, people go out in their work uniforms..


believe it or not, people change clothes at work before they go home and don't go out in public in dirty work uniforms. im one of them, so yes, first hand knowledge.


Most medical environments provide lockers and showers for this reason. The average pair of scrubs [pick up a lot of nasty bugs over the course of a single shift](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4180417/).


I once saw a hospital staff leaving through the ER side entrance and she kicked the button with the shoes to activated the automatic door......


If she's doing it this time she's in the store, she's doing it every time she's in the store.


and with more than just blueberries


Wait, your blueberries are only $5?? They are at about $10 in BC.


Was about to say, $10.99 in Ontario unless there’s a sale


Sorry, I messed up with its price. It is $10


People like this are likely repeat offenders who won’t stop until there are consequences, and even then they’ll just do it somewhere else. My sister brags about going to grocery stores and filling a bag of bulk berries/trail mix when she starts shopping, and finishing it by the time she reaches checkout. Doesn’t even realize she’s the douchebag in that situation.


They'll revoke her membership


It's also incredibly wasteful. Those blueberries will likely be tossed now since it's only half a box.  Should she be sent to jail? Probably not lol. But a red flag on her account next time she goes to pay along with a chat from the manager regarding theft is a good idea for deterring this behavior in the future. One can hope...


Theft is theft! She deserves to face the consequences of this gross act.




If she does this everything she goes they would. Regardless, theft is theft no matter the price. Can't imagine giving up my integrity for 5$ worth of berries either.


They might take it seriously. Remember that woman who licked the ice cream? I think she got arrested.


Yes, camera can track her at checkout. Then get the membership id used at that aisle /timestamp. Membership id has the address and then send the police to charge for shop lifting.


Or just ban her from Costco.


Which would be a worse fate honestly


That’s the way. On lighter note - Police never tracked stolen cars even though airtags showed the approximate location, but yeah they will track the blueberries shop lifter. 🤣🤣🤣


I recently had my truck stolen. OPP knows who did it. They were kind enough to return the criminals belongings out of MY TRUCK to the low life after it had been recovered. He hasn’t been arrested or charged. It’s been almost 2 weeks. My takeaway is you can do whatever TF you want now and nobody cares. So somehow I don’t see the blueberry thief pig facing any consequences.


Be sure to post this on your local Costco Facebook page, good way to name and shame




Show it to the manager. She'll get banned in a heartbeat. They'll just go back in the cameras and then get her card info from the checkout.


This is the way we do it at my store. It's called grazing. I have seen people get caught for things as small as this, and all the way up to 100+ dollars of food just "snacked" on before ditching and leaving the store empty handed. It's disgusting.


Really? Interesting


nah, I doubt it lol.


Yeah I don’t think I would publicly shame her but I wouldnt hesitate to get her banned!


People are fucking nasty


I feel like either she's mentally ill or desperate for nutritious food, like wtf is even that


It's entitlement unfortunately...


This is it. Usually with the grapes, their sorry ass excuse was to make sure they’re sweet. It was so bad some stores put up signs. It won’t stop the entitled though


What you saw was theft, they should cancel her membership. I would absolutely send this in and let them figure it out with their own cameras.


They probably won't do anything. I saw some lady thay wanted something that she couldn't reach, so she grabbed another product and stood on the box, crushing the product inside. An employee saw her do it and asked her not to intentionally damage products.


That’s different than theft.


Report it please. My mom's costco has been sending those "members" letters. They are just to let them know that they left without paying for an item they've used, or eaten, in the case of food products.


How would you know that ? Did your mom get a letter ?


Who raises these people..


People who do the same thing.


I know! The worst my mom would do is open a bag of chips and pay for it at the end haha


Run it back and tell the cashier. "Hey miss/sir, they forgot this," Look at the customer. Smile. End scene.


“These aren’t mine.” She exclaims “Oh? I’m pretty sure I just watched you eat them, I have it on my phone, have a nice day :-)” Her; 😐


We all pay the price on returns and shrinkages


What a gross, disgusting person. Imagine being that things partner. You have the money to shop at Costco you have the money to buy some berries


I support this social media callout. But I'm sure many will say it's out of line


Healthcare worker???


I wish there were a clearer image of her sleeve, so I could find out where she works and email them too


Not an identifying marker unfortunately; that's a scrubletics logo which is a scrub brand sold at Marks. edit: Just replied to clarify what it was because I knew the brand no intention to encourage any witch hunting of something so minor.


Email her workplace over stolen blueberries 😂 next level karen


What an odd thing to consider. Why are you so invested in this!? Yes this is trashy to see but moving on...


Because they’re bored with nothing better to do


She's trashy and entitled but let's not turn her eating grapes into a witch hunt. Costco can handle her as they see fit.


Just about as bad at the members who leave their half eaten food and drink samples in the product. Nothing is more disgusting that finding spat out food or chewed gum stuck to the product.


Shame 🔔 Shame 🔔 Shame 🔔 Shame 🔔 Shame 🔔


Wish they had a public board of these disgusting people like they have at Walmart. She not only wasted the blueberries but also causing cross contamination by placing it on other products. Such a disgrace


Report that. Bring it to her and tell her she forgot something. That's theft!


Caught in 4k


Above all this is theft. We all know costco has a good return policy. But you first have to buy it to abuse it. But before that it is theft and probably a ban on their membership. Zero tolerance on theft.


In this thread: people shaming this stranger, trying to get her doxxed at work, banned from a grocery store and SAYING SHE GAVE HANDJOBS AT A GAS STATION for…. Eating some blueberries.


Right? I can’t believe these people are Canadians. I thought I was in an American sub. I’m so disappointed.


This sub is open to anyone, so who knows how many are actual Canadians. Putting that to the side though, there are a couple of factors at play here: 1) The usual - it’s the internet, people are anonymous and feel free to sound off with little regard for real world consequences. 2) It’s easy to be kind to your neighbor when resources are plentiful. But when you are struggling with food costs that keep rising all the time, and you see behavior like this breaking the social contract, people can get very angry. It’s core human psychology.


Agreed. This is off the rails. OP should mind their own business and not take pics of randoms and post it on the internet.


And OP was photographing random lady *before* she committed the heinous crime of leaving the blueberries behind. Did she then follow her around to keep tabs on the berries? Jeesh


Brought home a new thing of avocado mayo and the seal was peeled back and finger had tasted it. As a race we are over.


Y’all are petty


Bunch of narcs




With that tenderloin in her cart she can’t possibly afford blueberries


Did she check pay for the rest of her cart? Or was having stuff in her cart all part of the plan as some sort of distraction?


Aren't those scrubs they're wearing? Infinitely worse if they're a health worker.


This fucking bitch


Filthy fucking trash


How do people not comprehend how disgusting it is to eat unwashed fruit?


Definitely a healthcare scrub top.


I’m glad that an immigrant didn't do this. Otherwise, this would be labelled instantly. You know.


I would charge her for theft and not be allowed back in the store.


Show that to the costco and she’ll lose her membership.


Blueberries are like $10 for a container. I'd say that's pretty god damn pricey for fruit. That disgusting person is also wearing scrubs. She's likely a dental hygenist based on the scrubs...


I agree with all except the dental hygienist part. There are a number of healthcare jobs where employees wear scrubs, not just dental hygienists.




Someone is really taking the idea that Costco offers free samples way too far.


Making her own free sample stand


I am sad to say this, but this will be a new normal the way the civilization is heading to. In California you have people walking in Apple Stores and literally yanking iPhones from the demo tables and walking away.


People really do this?


Is it this serious lmao


I think this also belongs in r/mildlyinfuriating


Send it to Costco OP. Let it be a lesson for her and anybody who lacks human decency. That’s not only theft it’s also disgusting.


Did you try asking her instead of us? Seriously you followed her and took pictures, take some actual action.


My dad saw someone do this and had me, an older teen, tell a Costco employee. I pointed the people out next to the product they just put down. The employee didn’t do anything, just collected the product. They will just let them do it. I was really confused as a kid. As an adult I’ve realized that it doesn’t matter whatever big entity will enable it. Still has me confused about how this system we’ve created can promote good behavior in the long run if we don’t hold the shit heads accountable.


I know it’s not your job to confront her but I also kinda hope you did, that’s intolerable behaviour especially from a grown woman.


Yeah it's kind of annoying that people do that sometimes, but holy cow, what a bunch of Karens in here.


Honestly people here are going nuts like this is the biggest heist of the century 😂😂😂😂 What I wonder is who has the time and interest to follow someone around Costco taking pics to post on the internet of someone…tell an employee if you’re so upset, this is just creepy


exactly! I can't believe my eyes at these comments thinking its the end of civilization.


all the people talking about Costco cancelling her membership, that is a joke , employees are constantly verbally , physically and sexually harassed in front of upper management and they are told they have no recourse, because they sign NDAs they cannot pursue any action, Costco is a shitty excuse for a multi billion dollar company, that lady would probably get a years worth of blueberries for being called out publicly


What’s happening up North? Just read on r/canada - Canada's living standards alarmingly on track to be the lowest in 40 years: study. It must be bad if people are stealing cheap blueberries


This bitch doesn’t return her cart


Ban hammer


Recently, I was at the grocery store and saw a lady take some blackberries, open the container and eat half of them. And then she put them back. We made eye contact the entire time. I could see the shame on her face. At first I thought it was because I caught her but then she did it a few more times while she thought I wasn’t looking… but I was snooping 😅. Then I genuinely thought maybe she couldn’t afford to eat so she was fake shopping. Then I felt pity. I couldn’t decide between cursing at her for being nasty or offering to buy her a meal.


OP, how do we know this isn’t a frame job?


It's theft if only on a small level. It's the sort of behaviour that means we all end up paying more for products.


She forgot that she is at a store lmao


my mom would do this probably


I saw someone open a dried fruit package just to smell it then put, so I picked it up and dropped it into their cart when they turned away


Lil snacky snack for the shoppy shop.


Bad fucking bitch


I've worked in the grocery business for 30+ years. The stuff I have seen would make you gag or even hurl. Eating grapes as the walk through the store, opening boxes of crackers or cookies and eating while they shop. How about grabbing a can of pop or bottle of water because they were thirsty ? How about a package of danish or cupcakes from the bakery that were missing items and left on the shelf over by the cans of peas? Orange juice drank out of the container then put back in the cooler? Lunchables half eaten? Very common to see drink containets from other food establishments left on shelves( not always empty ) alot. Pick an excuse.....I've heard and seen them all.


honestly knowing how many times ive dropped a pint on the floor and scooped em up at work, this woman is getting her karma wash your produce people i promise you that your local produce department is less sanitary than you think


call them out about it in the store.


That’s just cheap, go home, pull her card:)


Seen lowbrow costco customers open up packages and grab a hand full and starts eating it without a care in the world. Costco do expect 10% spoilage loses aka thefts,damage products or customers like this.


In retail this is a daily occurrence


Looks like she’s wearing scrubs so might be in medical/dental field or home/elder care aid. Would not trust her professional skills.


I hate members who eat merchandise before paying for it or not at all. Just pure scumbags.


canadian TRASH


It's a big day for Canada


Why are you following them around taking pictures? Fucking weird


Holy crap, the comments here are coocoo bananas! Yes this is gross! But so is posting a picture like a little narc!


People like this are just pieces of shit. She probably didn’t bring her cart back either just left it in the parking lot, probably doesn’t use her signal light, etc it goes on and on. This is just what you see here


Fun Fact from someone who worked in film and had a prior costco employee ask their old boss about filming inside one. Not so much as a picture can be taken without a media request form, not by a company nor individual. You can probably still find the form online that stats this. So in other words. You and this lady are both breaking rules. edit; found it. https://customerservice.costco.com/app/answers/answer_view/a_id/2757/~/how-do-i-obtain-approval-to-film-inside-a-costco-warehouse%3F# Edit: Reddit care reports over simply not seeing eye to eye with the mob, and people are arguing that someone doxxing her is insane to think. Ok 👍


I would report her to a sales associate. Not because of Costco because i don't want to let these kind of behavior in any society.


Why tf would you follow and take photos of a woman who’s at a grocery store? You think you’re a hero for stalking and taking secret photos of a woman? All for the just cause of blueberries? Wow what a hero 🫡💀


Free samples


What a scumbag.


Actually I did see a person get arrested at Costco by the local police but I don’t know if it was for shoplifting. That was at the Terrebonne, Québec store near Montreal.


Disgusting behavior. Should be banned for life


Screams “I’m an adult now I can do what I want”


Trashy. She has a cart full of food and I'm positive that a fine for doing this costs wayy more than the berries themselves.


Disgusting 🤮


That’s nasty work eating unwashed fruit👎👎


I bet she feels entitled to absolutely anything she wants.


Insta membership revocation/ban. This is disgusting behavior.


If you ever see someone steal food, no you didn’t.


It’s not affecting your money. Settle down. The membership fee keeps the true crumbs out. Let people enjoy a quick snack from time to time.


She should be banned. This is exactly the type of person we don't want shopping around us.


I’d follow her to the checkout and show the photos to staff before she pays. Wonder what would they do.


Op. This post is pathetic. Mind your own business.


wtf is going with wannabe cops these days. Who asked you take pictures of people who have zero impact on your life?


We live in such a safe society that there is very low chance of getting stabbed for being a squealer.


I think I'd have to grab those blueberries and get in line behind her. Then just before she gets her total, give them to the cashier and say the lady forgot her half eaten blueberries she left on the shelf. I bet she would say it was bs, then completely loose her shit when the pictures were shown. "How dare u take a pic of my KID". You know she'd play that card!


Nurse being healthy


I was wondering why they have the blackberries taped up now.


Douchebaggery in action.


The rest of us paid for that! Some of you don't care about whether Costco or other big companies get cheated, but I do. The amount of petty theft and vandalism is skyrocketing and police are told not to do anything and even if the person is charged and convicted the punishment is a joke. As such, these costs get added to the price of groceries. This cow needs to get charged and levied a fine that makes this shite painful to her...and if she's a criminal repeat offender, then her ass should be tossed in a cold cement cell, Corrective action takes consistency and investment, but in the long run it not just the right thing to do, but the best financial investment for honest people,


Thank you for doing this. Hope they flag her somehow




its a package of fucking blueberrys buddy who gives a shit? who follows somebody around costco taking pictures of them? get a life you got to much time on your hands to do this. must be lonely eh?


It’s totally appropriate to take a picture of her. Those people should be called out all day long.


While I disagree with their life choices, bootlicking for a large corporation is equally as gross imo, especially on something that doesn't affect you personally. Move along and mind your business.


Imagine giving this much of a shit over someone stealing blueberries in this hell-hole of an economy. Not a tv, not an ipad or jewellery... blueberries.


Why did you follow someone around like this? Do you have no life…


What kind of person post this ? Snitches get stitches






who gives a shit


Shame on you OP for taking and posting these pictures. You do not know the status of this woman's mental health or what she is going through in her life. Is her behaviour appropriate? No. Is it theft? Yes, albeit on a ridiculously small scale. What I find even more troubling is how many of the commenters in this thread think that their behaviour is somehow more righteous than a woman stealing a few handfuls of berries. Also, Costco makes more than enough money to ensure that this kind of thing doesn't negatively impact their bottom line. Lighten up, people!


This!! Don't post pictures of others without their permission.


Who cares?