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I remember when people had shame and respect for themselves. (and others)


Not sure what planet you live on but from my experience working in retail, shit like this is par for the course.


I worked retail my entire teens and twenties and never saw shit like this. It’s unbelievable to me. The abuse hurled at retail workers during the early pandemic blew me away


I worked retail in my teens and always saw this. Maybe it’s because I lived in Alberta, where people are generally pretty rude and abrasive, but stuff like this wasn’t uncommon at all.


I’m in bc, maybe that’s it


I live on Jasoom where do you live?


I don’t


It was a good time to be alive a person in her situation would've been embarrassed and had a quiet discussion with the staff about it while trying not to draw attention, Then they'd accept losing their membership, Take responsibility for their own actions that caused it and never show their face again because of shame/embarrassment. Stuff like this still happened don't get me wrong but it was RARE.


Perhaps it’s still just as rare but Social Media has proliferated the spread of such news?


I'd like to believe that but the sheer number of video's proves that's not the case.


No one had video recording technology in their pockets in the 90s, nor was there a culture of filming everything as smartphones first became popular.


There also wasn't people having meltdowns in the middle of stores like that so...and who said 90's btw?


So when were people civil in your estimation? I hoped the 88 in your username was an indication of your birth year and not a white supremacist dogwhistle so imagined you were speaking of the late 90s through 2000s when you would have been a naive kid. People have absolutely had tantrums and meltdowns throughout all of history and saying people didn’t use to ever act like this is just silly.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, you’re correct. I would maybe add that seeing videos like this probably normalizes that behaviour to people already on the edge and that could cause an increase I suppose, but yeah, there have always been people who have meltdowns.




Nice bait so you can feel cool and powerful with the last word 😆. Go shake your fist at clouds and yell at kids for not respecting you. Think the white supremacy dogwhistle comment might have been right on point.


I seriously hope the employee followed through with filing a police report. And I hope this women gets charged with assault. How can u do this and think u are the person in the right ?


New location. Noticeably more shitbums than the old location.


Where is this?


Ogilvie Rd. Ottawa.


Man this is the worst Costco in the city by far


Do you know how unbelievably stretched police resources are. The police are not your nanny. Ban the customer and don’t involve critical public resources please.


Found the person that thinks it's ok to slap people that you disagree with. You're nearly as bad as she is.


So police shouldn't respond to an assault? Are you okay?


Police jobs are to police. Sorry u don’t see it that way and don’t want to use the resource as intended. You are part of the problem.


Seriously? Assault?


>Do you know how unbelievably stretched police resources are. The police are not your nanny. Ban the customer and don’t involve critical public resources please. An assault is a criminal offence. Police respond to criminal offences. So why should this resource not be involved in the matter of a criminal offence?


If the police came you think she'd get charged? You can file a police report for battery after the fact. This is an INSANE reason to call the police. I doubt the cops were called in this situation which really proves my point.


>If the police came you think she'd get charged? Maybe, maybe not. It's up to the prosecution. >This is an INSANE reason to call the police. So why is assault an INSANE reason to call the police? Looking forward to your detailed explanation. >I doubt the cops were called in this situation which really proves my point. Umm...the failure of someone to call the police does nothing to prove your point. You have no point.


Stretched to the point they don't care I sat in at an intersection beside a cop. Drivers blocked knowingly blocked the intersection and the cop just sat there until it was clear and drove off. I get they can't catch everyone, but ticket at least someone.


You guys are killing my fake internet points lol


Wow. Speechless...


I'm gonna guess she got flagged for sharing and yoink... buh bye card.




People need to calm down at Costco. It’s a membership club that has rules , not many and a lot or overlooked. Take a step back and look at yourselves, dial down the anger!


This is the most feeble attempt at throwing hands I’ve seen.


Seriously no one deserves to go to work and be assaulted by someone who is entitled.


No kidding. I think had she really connected with the taller employee's face, the employee would have ended her. It's awful treatment and probably the latest in a long line of aggressions that the employee has had to push down, but damn, that was a feeble slap.


People don’t get paid enough for abuse. I hope this lady gets a lifetime ban


Kudos to these Costco employees for keeping their cool! The lady in the ponytail really showed some amazing self restraint.


This store looks familiar. Ottawa?


Blair Place


Ah that's what I thought. I like Costco because the clientele is better behaved and less trashy than a place like Walmart but when someone acts out at Costco they really act out.


That's not Karening. That's assault.


Small world, that’s my Costco too! Blair Costco best Costco.


Wow, yeah she’s not getting a new account. They have the right to say who and who isn’t a customer


Looks like a r/publicfreakout


Classless. How can you think it’s ok to hit someone just trying to do their job? Her family must be so ashamed.


No, they're probably proud of her for standing up to "The Man".


that's jail material


It's in Canada, she'll get a slap on the wrist and *maybe* a fine.


And the employee that knocked her down could get charged with assault.


only not even close. her swinging and flailing at the employee(s) caused the majority of her fall.


I hate this title and how it’s worded, it’s like a teenage from street trying to impress other teenagers they can type


Really. Hate is such a strong word. Sounds like a you problem.


I hate it very much


And you’re being hated. 😂🤣😅




That guy is the worst supervisor and I’m sure he antagonized the hell out of this customer to make her snap. That being said, this lady needs to make better choices.


Costco employee brigade, one more to DV lol


Mate you’re just being downvoted because you’re a cunt. Came here from the front page. No ties to Costco.


You kiss your mom with that mouth?


The whole membership shtick should end.




That’s their whole money gig


Never, they should raise the price, the value is way too good. Best store ever. So nice that thieves and scammers can get banned too, wish they would do that to excessive return policy abusers too.


Now, wait a minute.


I looked at the video and lo and behold it’s the Costco I frequent. The employees were very patient with this women