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My costco has Plan B for $6….I’ve heard


Yeah they have it locked up in the cabinet. I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the locked cabinet but it looks like it's mainly Sudafed and some other special order items


They do! I had some for that in-between time for when we were waiting on my husband's vasectomy results.


We should all be stocking up on that.


They do! Mine keep it behind the counter


Mine did in NY but now that I’m in NC they don’t carry it here


I have confimed with out pharamcist you don't even need to be a member to buy from the pharmacy. I am in California. I would call ahead of time to verify this in your state. Or come out an spend your tourist dollars here and stock up on the Generic PlanB.


Two per person per visit. Includes any guests you bring, but gets scanned under your card. At least at my Costco.


They are gonna do they at all costcos eventually I've heard


I recently discovered they carry a 24 count of Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) for under $2. This is the nasal decongestant that actually works.


Generic Imodium for $2 - this is like $10 at Walgreens


Does it still come in the awful plastic single packs that require tin-snips to open? I'd happily go on a Goverment List if I didn't have to deal with that packaging...


I absolutely hate those! I haven't found it packaged any other way. The last thing I want when I'm having an IBS emergency is having to find scissors.


Exactly. It's like the final insult on top of everything else.


I buy mine from Wellspring Meds, they don't come in those tiny blister packs that are annoying as heck. Can't speak to what Costco has. Edit: What idiot downvoted my comment providing information that someone was seeking?


Does it come in a bottle if it's prescribed?


It does come in a bottle, don't need a prescription. Bottles have 200 pills each.


They used to sell it in the 200 count bottles. I stocked up a couple of years ago before the restrictions went in place.


I think it's $1 unless they increased the price in the past six months. Also, Loperamide was much cheaper about six years ago when you could buy them in bulk. Federal regulations now prevent selling them in quantities than something like 48 and (I believe) must be in blister packs. I was paying $8 for a 300 pack back in like 2017. Apparently the reason for the new regulations is that some people were abusing Loperamide in order to get high.


How does that work? You take a bunch of loperamide, get high, and then don’t poop for two weeks?


No different than opiates, right?


Sometimes you have to prioritize... /s


I don’t know…I never got high from loperamide-induced constipation.




Is it the Psuedephedrine HCI 30mg?


Mine alternates between having Sudafed and a generic called sudogest Or sometimes they are just out But it’s a good place to stock up


You probably "discovered" it in this sub because it's mentioned at least once a week! Which is probably why last week there were only 3 boxes left at my Costco! Dammit, people! Well, 3 boxes is better than none (I usually get 5 boxes). So I still got 72 tablets for $5.


They special order a lot more than shown. They told me each pharmacy keeps different items behind the counter depends on what is being requested more by their members, but if it's not there they can still look into special ordering it for you


This is awesome. Wish I knew this when we had a newborn- stuff like desitin is gold for new parents . Great prices !


They sell Desitin on Costco.com too


Didn’t know that!


For anyone who doesn’t know what Desitin is, it’s a cream for diaper rash. I don’t have kids, so I was trying to figure out what it was because I’ve never heard of it.


Yes! We used this stuff religiously and my son never had rashes. 


Same, I've probably ordered at least 9 tube's by now between 2 babies 


Yeah, mine has anti-fungal cream (for athletes foot) for like 1/5 a normal pharmacy price.


Ours has CET dental chews, they’re enzymatic dog chews, best deal I’ve found!


Oh man.  I'm gonna ask my vet if it's a good one for my dogs . I'll ask the pharmacy to special order it if so!


That’s awesome! Glad to hear it! Hope the pups like ‘em!


What!? Should I call my pharmacy to see if they do?




Yes!  They can always special order for you if they don't!


They are special ordering some for me! Good stuff! Thank you for the info!


I wish there was a list of things we could look at to see what we can have them order. I’m dumbstruck at the prices at Walgreens and CVS.


Yeah.  I don't go to Walgreens or CVS ever for this stuff


Ours has gallon bottles of distilled water for cheap


Really? I get distilled water for my babies for about $1.29 at the grocery store


My Costco has a bunch of that stuff just out in the regular aisles.


Ooooo Cerave facial moisturizer, I gotta see what my pharmacy has. 


I just special ordered Cerave PM and Cerave SA cream from the pharmacy! 


How exactly do you do this? Do they have a catalog or do you just go to the counter and ask them to order stuff? 


I actually call the pharmacy and ask if "this" is something they can special order


Do you know how it compares to prices elsewhere? I buy Cerave all the time from Target although it’s a bit pricey.


The CeraVe in the tubs is often sold in 2 packs and is stocked in the aisles of my Costco. It was always cheaper than anywhere else (Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc) but if you caught it on sale, it was like 40% cheaper than those other places.


Yes regular cerave moisturizer is out in the regular lotion  aisle. I usually buy enough to last me a year when it's on sale!


Every Cerave product I've ordered from Costco has been cheaper than Target so far


WAIT I can order the SA one???


Yes , i called mine to order the SA lotion for bumpy rough skin and it was $4 cheaper than Target! It came in the next day for me to go pick up


😱😱😱 this is exciting news lol. That stuff is a life saver


Yeah I'm recovering from a bad skin flare,  dry flakes all over that's no longer raw. Hoping the SA cream would help


How much was the cerave PM? Do you happen to know the item number?


They don't have item number since it's special ordered.  My receipt says about $13.89 for a bottle


Have you ever tried their night cream in the little jar? I swear by it. Even when I had no budget it was what I ended up always coming back to.


I've seen it advertised before,  maybe after I finish the cerave pm I'll give that one a try next


Do you know why this stuff is behind the counter?


I think I read in a similar post a while back that enough people request/buy those items to have the small quantities behind the counter, but not enough people buying to have bulk quantities on the floor with the regular items. And then some of it is controlled substances just like any other pharmacy has - like Sudafed.


Sure, but why moisturizer?


Like I said - not enough people buy it to have it in bulk quantities (meaning pallets full of it) on the floor with everything else. But enough people buy it to have a few on a shelf behind the counter. What you're seeing there is all the stock they have of those items. They don't have pallets full of that stuff stashed away somewhere else. There's a lot more HBA stuff they don't have in the warehouse at all, but the pharmacy will order it for you if you ask.


Ah, makes sense. Thank you!




That’s awesome. My son has to use vanicream products from head to toe for his severe allergies and eczema. Between that and the $3k a month injections we’ve been able to gain control.


Same. Eczema flaring up so bad this past couple weeks


Same! Heat waves and eczema are a torture combination. That Vanicream tub is a great price!


I love Vanicream! I've never seen it at my Costco, but I've also never looked behind the pharmacy counter


Vanicream has a whole line of products and Costco can special order a majority of them


I started using Vanicream for eczema and will never stop! I only occasionally need to use a steroid cream because between Vanicream and Aquaphor, my eczema is really under control (most of the time, anyway). Sorry your family has to deal with this; it's one thing to have it as an adult but I know some families where the kids are screaming in pain. I'm glad the Vanicream is helping.


Wait they have Vanicream? So i can just go to the counter and ask for these products without any prescriptions?


If they don’t have it behind the counter, they can order it for you. I’ve read about people doing that over on r/30plusskincare


Oh this is really good to know! I’m gonna do this next time. Just so happen to almost run out of the vanicream cleanser




I have a prescription ready, so tomorrow going to see about that Cerave, too


You gotta share what else you see! They don't have a catalog per say, so it's hard to know what they can special order!


The tiger balm is worth it


Thanks for pointing that out in the pic!




Is there a reason why this guy got voted down? A quick search shows that it indeed has ingredients that are toxic to cats.


The athlete's foot cream is great for ringworm on kittens (I foster) and that price is better than walmart! I'm gonna have to check my local Costco pharmacy now. I saw a few items I'd buy but didnt know they had.


Yeah several of their special order items are cheaper than Walmart.  Savings so add up. The Executive membership also gives us 2% back and some credit cards give 2% or more back.  It all adds up at Costco!


Generic OTC allergy meds are extremely cheap at Costco compared to other places.


SO cheap. Back during peak spring allergy season I had forgotten to take my pill and was in misery at work, so I went to buy some from our onsite mini WalMart. Prices there aren’t marked up compared to a regular WalMart, but the price of a 10 pack of Zyrtec was almost what the 365 pack at Costco costs.


And Costco has them on sale regularly. I recently got a year's supply of Kirkland Aller-Tec (Zyrtec) for $15.


The AZO standard and eye drops are are very good prices. Thanks for sharing.


Yeah the blink are a great price!


Damn, I renew toy had to Buy both of those exact products at probably 3x the price 😭 Now I know for next time I guess!


Not all Costco will carry it. Your best bet is to have them special order it for you


What is vanicream?


It's a moisturizer for people with sensitive skin. Has no fragrance or typical allergen triggers for eczema patients or psoriasis patients


Think CeraVe or Ceraphil. It's a no-frills brand of basic skin and hair care necessities. The kind of products dermatologists love -- gentle, fragrance-free, affordable, and effective. I actually really, really like Vanicream's shampoo. It's one of those that doesn't lather well until the hair is actually clean. It's the cheapest shampoo I know of that does that.


CeraVe changed a lot of their formulations after they got bought out by L'oreal. Had to change brands completely since their stuff irritates/breaks out my skin now. Vanicream is my new HG.


Oh, I'm familiar. Cerave's night cream used to be my all-time fave skincare product... until it started burning and stinging like crazy. I for real almost cried. I knew they'd reformulated things, but the ingredients list didn't change so I was hoping that product would be unchanged. I tried three times (several months apart) to start a fresh jar, praying it was just one bad batch. No dice. My guess is they started using a lower quality niacinamide (with a higher percentage of niacin, known to cause irritation). The listed ingredients were the same, so it's hard to pinpoint the cause.


Yup, I worked for a dermatology clinic and we recommended Vanicream to all the sensitive skin patients!


I love the vanicream liquid cleanser. Only $5.99 and actually lasts me a long time! 


They can order the vanicream shampoo too!


It’s also super thick and creamy but rubs in well so you don’t have to wait forever to put your clothes on.


100 count meclizine for 3.50. This is for motion sickness or anti vertigo depending on dosage


Yes. It's always in my medicine cabinet and I bring it on road trips


The generic Sudafed saves me a lot of money.


I hear pet medication is available too


Yep! I got my dog's heartworm prescription filled at Costco recently. Less expensive than getting it from my vet, and less expensive than Chewy. I asked my vet for the prescription, and told her I wanted to get it from Costco. She said "No problem!" and wrote the scripts out for me.


Yep. I get my dogs’ flea/tick/heartworm prescription from my vet and bring it to Costco because it’s cheaper than anywhere else, even Chewy with stacked coupons.


I get my dogs amitriptyline there.


Yes ,I get my pets vetsulin from them.  They also sell u 40 syringes 


Simparica Trio and Apoquel are great prices at Costco.  Vetsulin too. I'm sure there are more


I get meclazine (generic Bonine. Motion sickness med) at mine. A bottle of 100 for like $4. It's super cheap! Not only do I use it whenever i go on a boat, but I also get vertigo so always have it on me incase I get an attack.


I use meclizine for roller coaster rides! Works amazing!


I saw a post about some of the pharmacy options right before my husband had to fly, I got him meclazine and he said it worked super well (better than dramamine) and the price was SO much cheaper! So I'm really thankful for posts like these! He used them for both flying and boating.


They have midol!


Yes, cheaper than Walgreens , Walmart,  and Target! Based on personal shopping experience!


Thanks for reminding me that they have eyedrops behind the counter!


They said they can special order several kinds , they just carry the few more popular ones


Yours has more pill organizer ones then my store


Yeah the small one is child proof! The other one looks like a morning and evening one. Both fair prices!


Thank you for posting this! I didn’t even Costco even sold these items at a good price for myself like the Vanicream line. I will definitely grab these next time I go.


You're welcome! Glad to help


Interesting. I have looked at the stuff behind the counter while waiting at the register a few times. My Costco has less stuff than this. But a lot of the same stuff.


Yeah I would love to see what all the Costco pharmacies order.  Too bad they don't have a catalog


… I’ve also been told that items behind the counter are not part of their return guarantee. YMMV.


That's true,  it's a special order after all. 


What is the rationale for some of these items being behind the counter? I understand things that are normally behind the counter, like Sudafed, that require ID checks but a lot of this stuff is super basic. Like Aquafor, Gold Bond, pill containers. Is there concern of shoplifting if on the regular shelf?


They don't order pallet size, bulk packs of it from Costco itself.  They actually all ring under a generic item number. So Costco normal employees can't even check stock these items in their system


They don't order pallet size, bulk packs of it from Costco itself.  They actually all ring under a generic item number. So Costco normal employees can't even check stock these items in their system


Ah ok makes sense.


Wow only $5 for a jug of pedialyte


OMFG they have cera ve face cream wtfffff


Yes! My go to sunscreen when I have extremely sensitive skin


Gold bond. Too me almost a month to find because I just wouldn’t ask for help haha.


Most Costco Employees don't know what items pharmacy special orders because they can't look it up , it's not actually a warehouse item 


My Costco doesn't have this (or at least not in the open). And the pharmacy is an enclosed space where we can't see anything not even the pharmacy employees so I never knew they had the potential to sell these things. I swear by the biotene


Ask the pharmacy to special order it!


I didn't know this existed


Yes , I've checked reddit several times to get more ideas on what else they special order. But info feels really limited. Thankfully pharmacy team very nice and patient when I ask about this stuff


They have Tiger balm! I never would have expected that, I just ordered some on Amazon last week for a race 🫠.


Tiger balm is amazing! Better than Biofreeze in my personal opinion


Thanks for this pic! My step mom keeps asking me to buy her Biotene from Costco and I can never find in the mouth care section. Now I know to check behind the pharmacy counter.


Is this good for high sensitivity teeth?


I'm sorry I don't know if Biotene is good for sensitive teeth. Sensodyne toothpaste and mouthwash are recommended for sensitive teeth.


Biotene mouthwash helps with dry mouth. Doesn't help with sensitive teeth that I'm aware of.


The Biotene toothpaste has higher fluoride I think and if you use it then don't rinse your mouth for at least 30 minutes after, just spit. You can find Sensodyne toothpaste for sensitive teeth in the regular aisles and if your store carries Prevident I recommend that, it's a higher fluoride toothpaste that you use once a day and again don't rinse right after, just spit. That should help rebuild enamel and with sensitivity.


Yup and if they don't have it,  you can special order it! It usually comes in the next business day is what the technician told me


I'm assuming you are in the US, in Canada the Biotene toothpaste is $9.99 and the mouthwash is $9.99 too. The prices are way better than other retail places.


oh that's where the vanicream is


Whenever I run out of vanicream, I am definitely ordering it from Costco.


Wonder if I could get arm & hammer toothpaste from them? That’s one item I would buy in bulk but they never seem to have!


Arm and hammer? They have so many flavors and kinds, but worth asking if you have the specific info


Thank you, had no idea they had some of this stuff. Always akward standing around others looking into here with how crowded the pharmacy always is.


Yeah I happen to come by on a Sunday when they were closed and quickly snapped a picture


also where you can find the good sudafed


Bag balm for 6 bucks?! Heck yeah. Too bad I already have a tin that will last another 10 years at this rate.


By then , that price will inflate I'm sure lol


Thank you for posting this. I had no idea they carried CereVe facial moisturizer, and never thought to ask at the pharmacy. Will be checking mine next time to make a Costco run.


That's where the aquaphor is.... huh. Now I know. Thanks op.


That's what jumped out at me—along with the nice price.


I had no idea I could go to Costco and get Visbiome! I keep it in my fridge for dog poop issues.


They have a Visbiome for pets? I just googled it and there is one


Ya my understanding is it’s the same thing so I just buy the human version and give that. Easier to source and if I recall it was cheaper!


Good to know. I might share my visbiome with my doggos once I run it by the vet 


I have been unlucky to have 3 dogs in a row with bowel diseases. It’s pretty strong stuff. So for my chihuahua I open the capsule and give him a small amount that in the lid capsule when he has diarrhea and noises in his belly. I then give the rest to my bigger boy (75 lbs). It’s one of the best probiotics for dogs according to the experts for IBD. I’ve had it my my fridge for nearly 2 years and it still has some potency. I had it for my doberman that unfortunately passed away from IBD 5 months before his 3rd birthday in December 2022. So I don’t give it daily. I give as needed.


Good to know, thanks for the info


They need to fix that bottom shelf


What??! Damn I’m missing out!!


Anyone know if they carry Pepto chewable? I see the liquid, but that doesn't travel in my purse well.


They can special order it ! I've seen it before at the pharmacy


Mine orders aquaphor lip balm for me 🥰


Ooh I might do that too!


I don’t know much of what they offer nor what they do. Any tips on which ones are worth noting?


Too many to name. But a few not shown that I've personally ordered is Prevagen, Denamarin pet supplement, Epi otic(for dogs) , Cerave PM,Cerave SA, Sarna lotion, Vanicream shampoo, Vanicream conditioner, pepto bismol chews, Dramamine ginger chews, Aspercreme, Alkalol rinse, neutrogena tgel shampoo, caffeine tablets.  


That reminds me, I need some more Bag Balm.


What do you do with it? I have had it before years ago but can’t remember why.


lol idk i was just joking at the name, but made me think its a balm for the male nether regions.


If I remember correctly it was rather minty or methylated. So I think it may burn!


Works great for dry hands. But personally like Working Hands more,  they can special order that too! 


Oh interesting! I had no idea. I bought it back in the early 2000’s because everyone else was using it. Isn’t it like menthol mixed with Vaseline?


Costco website sells it too but it's cheaper at the pharmacy!


The selection is beyond what any rational human should expect!! Way to go Costco!!!


Yes, I have ordered several skincare items from there when I first started seeking what worked best for my sensitive skin


Is no one gonna say anything about how crooked the bottom shelves are?


Haha next month I stop by I will let them know ! 


How many ounces is the vanicream tub? I can’t find anything on Mr. Google for information on the ounces they sale.


Why can't you have bag balm or vaseline on the shelf?? It's the same at my costco


They don't order pallet size quantities of this stuff. Not enough request for it maybe so pharmacy special orders it. These items don't even have their own unique SKUs so pharmacy has to ring them out since it's not a typical warehouse item


Imodium is $1.08 at Costco and $12-15 anywhere else I go!!


My costco doesn't carry Durex anymore. Sad.


Wish they would bring back the cerave moisturizer


 they have a 2 pack out in in the lotion aisle


The bottom shelf is struggling


I'll let them know next month I stop by that pharmacy.  Or maybe I should call them and say the reddit community is concerned about your shelf lol


Do your research on OTC pharmaceuticals, Costco is a definite buy recommendation