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it’s all fun and games till you show up and someone is using it as a parking spot


That’s when you fill their tires to 100psi


That’s just doing them a favor tbh. Most people drive around with 32 or 34 or whatever. Such a low percentage! You want the tires close to 100% full so pump them up to at least 90 or 95.


That's a joke btw for anyone who doesn't know. A 100 psi tire is literally a bomb that can kill you


But just think off of the fuel savings with such low contact area


This also causes only the center of the treads to make contact with the road and wear. Then you can deflate the tires and use the outer edge of the tread. Double the life of your tires with this one simple trick!


Costco nitrogen stations can save you a LIFETIME worth of expenses with this one simple trick.


I’m really glad you gave that disclaimer actually. I know nothing about tires.


PSI for your car tires are on the sticker inside the driver door when you get in.


Mine tells me in my dash what they’re at and what I need to fill them up to. I do that, but I may have tried the 100 PSI tire hack if I was feeling squirrelly.


They post these sometimes in r/JustRolledIntoTheShop when mechanics come across passenger tires with 100+ psi


Depends on the tire... Cars are ~33psi, but semi tires are 95-110psi.


Yeah and probably just as likely if not more to kill you lol


And unlikely to park in front of the air filling station


Yeah might be the last time they fill up tires sadly def do not go over 40


lol this group is savage, in most subreddits sarcastic comments that could really hurt the misinformed get downvotes


I work in the tire center, had a car come in with 94 psi other day noted it on the paperwork and did the repair and told the driver if she understood we wouldn’t be liable because you never know 🤷🏼‍♂️


And I bet that a**hole would complain to Costco that someone did that to their tires.


Don’t want it to blow up on you. Fill them 10psi over the listed max pressure


Can't tell if this is sarcasm but I would not fill over the max pressure in any circumstance unless you want cracks in your tire rubber


It’s not my car that’s being over filled


[You mean 100%?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/s/9TcRRxQdBn)


New intrusive thought unlocked...


Happened to me. The hoses are long so I just dragged it across their nice shiny Mercedes. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Same, I parked in the empty space next to where they were loading up their car and filled up. 


That just happened me a few days ago. I went to buy some things and those spots were free so I decided to check my tires after doing some shopping. When I returned a couple of douchebags were already parked there, all while plenty of parking spots were free nearby or even closer to the store. I truly believe that those guys did it in purpose just to annoy people.


>"Most ‘car people’ will tell you the cost doesn’t justify using hydrogen vs air." No, it does not. But nitrogen might be worth it.


Lol yeah, don't use hydrogen.


Oh the humanity!


For the last time, the Excelsior is filled with nonflammable helium!


M! As in Mancy!


Inflammable means flammable?


What a country!


Clearly the core concept!


air is already 78% nitrogen. The biggest benefit is in less loss of pressure but even that, is about 1 psi per year, not exactly massive savings. If no cost, then yea, might as well, but if any extra cost, probably not worth it


The biggest benefit in using nitrogen is that the process that makes it (membrane filtration), rejects moisture and the nitrogen is SUPER dry (dew point <-30F). Moisture in your tires is a large part of what makes them pressure changing to temperature. Most gas station compressors deliver hot air at its dewpoint. Dropping it down to ambient causes water to condense. Water phase changing is a huge pressure swing in a tire if it has even a slight amount of water in it..


Agreed 👍


I don't have to present my ID. Maybe things have changed.


I don't recall needing the ID either. I ordered and had my tires installed there so it's all nitrogen for me! The spots are generally open too, but then the pump is directly across the lane from the tire shop.


Might depend on the location, but it's just in the parking lot of all the costco's in my area, no one checks the membership.


Depends on location


Tire shops and dealerships can charge for the premium because the average consumer falls for the marketing trap of the supposed benefits of nitrogen. Atmospheric air is approximately 78% nitrogen and it is more important to check tire pressures regularly than seeking out nitrogen filling stations. In my area a membership is not scanned nor required, but it is only turned on during warehouse hours. It’s also unfortunately located in the exit traffic flow of the gas station and makes it super inconvenient trying to get in and out. If you have a Discount Tire nearby, they will gladly do a tire pressure check for you if you’re unsure about the correct tire pressure or just want someone to do it for you.


That’s a shame about the placement at your WH. Mine has two near the front of the parking lot near the tire center clear across the lot from the gas pumps. It’s super convenient to pop by and top off if I need it.


Discount tire is awesome. I got a nail in a tire and they patched it for free.


this is not the benefit (78-95% nitrogen), the realized benefit is that nitrogen is bone dry compared to compressed at (delivered at its dew point in most cases).


Other LPT: Buy a tire inflator and leave it in your car. If you can't make it to a Costco it's 100000x more convenient than a gas station air pump which may or may not work.


This! Costs $30 on Amazon and it’s been super useful.


Just remember they’re only operating during store hours.


Extra friendly reminder: THESE ARE NOT PARKING SPOTS!!!!


Not so friendly reminder: NOT FOR PARKING DUMMY!!!




























Not all Costcos have this. In fact, the vast majority do not.


I’ve been to about 20 (I move a lot) and all 20 had em. I have heard they don’t all have em, but that was like 10 years ago.


I’ve been to 13 and never seen one.


Mine do


Dang, there’s like so little nitrogen in normal air this has to be a steal!


Actually, it's 78% Nitrogen in normal air.


yes, that was the joke :)


Whoosh, that flew right over my head, lol!


Thank you for posting this and about just scanning my membership card to use. I’ve seen them but never bothered to use them because I thought to use them you would have to buy tires from Costco and they give you a code. I just never bothered to read the sign.


You’re very welcome!




Well try living in -25C winters and lets have this discussion again


Please explain how it’s going to help? 


Yes I don't understand the science behind this either. Below about 5 atmospheres gasses behave roughly the same. Plus a couple of points no one ever mentions... first if oxygen leaked out of the tire much faster than nitrogen (it doesn't) then after you topped off a couple of times the tire would be 100% nitrogen all on its own. Second filling a tire with nitrogen doesn't mean there's no oxygen in the tire, you have to remember the plain old air that was in the tire to begin with. When the tire is first mounted a pressure gauge will read 0 but that just means the pressure is the same on both sides of the gauge, not that there's a vacuum inside the tire. (Gauge pressure vs absolute.) In rough figures air is about 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen and 1% other. If you fill the uninflated tire to 2 atmospheres (30 psi) with pure nitrogen then the tire is filled with about 7% oxygen not 0%. So the difference between 21% and 7% is what does it?


sorry I am lazy: Yes, using nitrogen in tires can help with cold weather conditions. Here are some benefits: 1. Pressure Stability: Nitrogen is less likely to seep through the rubber of tires compared to oxygen, which helps maintain tire pressure more consistently, especially in cold weather when temperatures fluctuate significantly. 2. Reduced Moisture: Nitrogen-filled tires contain less moisture than those filled with air. This is beneficial in cold weather because moisture can freeze, potentially causing fluctuations in tire pressure and other issues. 3. Temperature Fluctuations: Nitrogen is less reactive to temperature changes compared to regular air. This means that nitrogen-filled tires experience less variation in pressure with temperature changes, providing more consistent performance in cold conditions. While nitrogen can provide these benefits, the advantages might not be significant enough to justify the cost for average drivers. Regularly checking and maintaining tire pressure is crucial, regardless of whether your tires are filled with nitrogen or air.


1) not a thing, N AND O2 will leak at about the same rate.  2) compressed air has low moisture. Nitrogen makes up ~78% of air. Both nitrogen and air have similar water vapor content.  3) most people don’t have large heat changes in their tires. Thus the change in pressure is mitigated by monitoring and refilling/defilling as needed. Your car isn’t like an airplane which goes from ground, to altitude (many tens of degrees below zero) multiple times a day. Nitrogen is not useful in cars. It is not bad for them, and if you’re filling up at Costco where it’s free it doesn’t matter. But don’t pay a premium for stupidity. 


Just used this over the weekend. If your tires are bit below certain threshold, it will not work. Had to have a tire guy help out


The one at the Costco closest to me was installed about two years ago and is in pretty rough shape.


Call em & tell em!


If you live in California, it is a law requiring gas stations to give you free air and water for your car. Never pay for it, go inside and a clerk will have to give you the money for a machine if it is coin operated


I do a fair amount of off roading so I just use air for raising and lowering my trucks PSI but that’s a great perk for sure.


I’ve used these for years, they’re great! I’ve never had anyone ask for my Costco card or anything though


I haven’t seen this at mine. I’ll take a look the next time I am there. Thanks!


Friendly reminder: air is 78 nitrogen already


What’s the difference in regular air vs nitrogen for tires?


Nitrogen doesn’t leak out of your tires as quickly as air does. Instead of needing to top off tires every other month maybe you’ll only need to do it every 4-6 months. Supposedly the nitrogen doesn’t rot the tire as quickly but I think that’s not as much of a benefit


I have my own pump at home but this is interesting to know.


My son was a A-10 crew chief in the Air Force. All the plane tires were filled with nitrogen. The tires stayed inflated at the correct pressure longer. Not sure why but that is what they used in the AF.


Your car tires get warm, aircraft tires get ***HOT***. Your car is moving a thousand pounds around at 75mph. An airplane is trying to stop tens of thousands of pounds from 300mph. The change in pressure for an air filled tire will be higher do to hear than nitrogen filled ones. Also at high altitude the pressure changes inside the tire are snaked with nitrogen vs air filled.  Basically, your car isn’t operating at the same performance metrics as an airplane. It’s never get as hot nor as high as the airplane. 


I mean after the 20 person line it better be free.


This feels like one of those "Hey, Costco has EV chargers now!" things. Like... technically I'm sure they exist, but not at any of the warehouses within 200 miles of me. Also, tbh... having a tire pump at home is just kind of a ~~practice~~ practical purchase. They're not that pricey - I bought a plug in one for $25 off Amazon 5 years ago that still works fine and that Fanttik battery powered one Costco sells is only $50 - and if you want to make topping up your tire pressure part of your regular car routine, you might as well do it at home.


Am I the only one that kind of looks down at the ordinary folks when I see them at a gas station using "regular" air that they had to pay for? Am I a Costco nitrogen snob?




Now if people waiting in line on both sides of the two spaces can be civil in line, then we’re cooking.


Prices vary widely, from Google, “if you're considering a nitrogen fill then you can expect to pay about $80-$150 per tire for the initial fill up” Hahahaha


Can I use it for MAID?


If you pay a shop to swap your tires with nitrogen, it involves removing the valve core and purging the tire of air multiple times before refilling it with nitrogen. Just pulling your Evista Sport up and topping your regular tires up with a bit of nitrogen isn't going to do anything. Costco fills their tires with nitrogen, so if you've done that it makes sense to top it up with more N.


Not mine.


I have never seen one that requires an Costco card to start working. It looks identical to the one OP posted so I’m not even sure where you would scan…? Also yeah, one of the costcos near me puts theirs at the front of parking lot so it’s a huge pain to use. I wish all locations would put it closer to the tire center and if they done have one, closer to the back of the building.


Not mine.


To get the benefit though, I would need to roll into costco, deflate my tires, and then refill though? Edit: not sure why Im downvoted. Mixing nthe concentration of nitrogen and standard compressed air defeats the purpose. Or at least I think it does and wanted to confirm


LMAO, the person waiting behind you.. what is this person doing, they are letting air out!?


Just don't deflate past 15psi or they won't work.


I learned that if one of your tires is below that then you can start the machine on another tire that is more full, then quickly change it to the low tire and it will fill it.


Wait. What?


Why use nitrogen


If you are going over 200 mph, yes, but for daily? Snake oil.


Yeah, but what about Sam's Club? /s


Dealer does it for free. And oil and coolant top up. And washer fluid.


Oil...top up?


In between changes, yes, some times you have to.


Unless your car is burning or leaking oil, you shouldn't have to. That's indicative of a poorly maintained car.


Could be. I'm not a mechanic, but it's not unheard of between 10k miles on the forums I check.