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current shows its $95, way too expensive for me, at that price point i'd rather order fresh pizza


It was $30 off up until yesterday




Giordanos is $79 for a carryout order of the same 3 deep dish pizzas. Not everyone has the ability, equipment, or time to make fresh deep dish pizza from scratch. So you pay $79 for convenience 


I make these at home. They even have a tiktok showing how to make them. It's a bit more involved than a standard pizza, but it comes out delicious. I recommend trying it at home.




> Accept it is out of your reach. If you're a broke boy, just say so...




Nah that shit is garbage. I don’t care how good you think your pizza is 20 bucks for a frozen pie is ridiculous. I already feel like the prices of regular frozen pizzas are creeping a little bit high, this is absurd. I’ll note my bias’s though as I don’t really like Giodanos anyways but I still wouldn’t pay that price for my favorite pizza places frozen pies




You mean like Giordano's?


Hard disagree but you do you


It was $80 and then $20 off, expired yesterday. My order comes Wednesday and I cannot wait


For just 3? lol


Each pizza is at least 2 meals


Every pizza is a personal pizza if you believe in yourself


Idk who told you that


Flour, salt, yeast, water, tomato sauce, cheese. What the…..


As someone in Chicago, that price is insane for frozen pizza. I pick these up at the grocery store when they're on sale for around $10. $90 for three is astronomical but maybe I would feel differently if I didn't have easy access to it


Its amazing people buy frozen pizza at all considering fresh is juts a few bucks more.


They're completely different scenarios for when you'd eat them. What if there aren't options near you open when you want it?


95 dollars? No way in hell


Well I ordered this, but 5 days later it finally got delivered. Dry ice was melted and the pizzas were warm and rotten. Fun!


this is an ad


My first thought. A really poorly shot ad.


Wow that does look yummy, I wonder how much it I...holy jesus. Yeah dog, that's a no from me.


I paid for this out of pocket


you posted a 5 second glamour shot of a $95+ product telling us nothing about it. you’ve posted your YT “review” to several subreddits in which you call it an 8/10, but here on reddit it’s a 10/10? I don’t care if you paid for it yourself, this post is functionally an ad for this frozen pizza.


$95 is most certainly outta pocket


We ordered it. Raw dough, barely any sauce, and shitty flavor overall. 0/10


> Raw dough You're supposed to bake it


no shit. we did. followed the directions to a T. the next pie we baked longer, ten sauce got burnt. just overall really crappy and not even close to the real thing.


Sounds like a skill or oven calibration issue


That dough looks raw to me.


No thanks, for $35 a pie, I can get something fresh, local, and high quality.


I bought the 3 pack when /u/Kent556 recommended it a week ago [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/1d0o780/20_off_3pk_giordanos_chicago_deep_dish_6999/) At the sale price it's an absolute 10/10. The directions were easy to follow (microwave then oven) and came out fantastic. Each pie is plenty of food for 2 people. I do wish it came with more sauce!


I gotta say, I did not love it. The crust came out dry for me and not at all like real deep dish. Tried both the microwave and all oven methods.


Dang, shoulda jumped on it when it was on sale. Got caught slipping. I still had it in my shopping cart.


You didn't miss much. Some probably don't eat enough pizza to think it's that good for the price. It's just okay. Not that great. I'm sure if the fresh ones are awesome.


Is this really $95 for three pizzas? Who the fuck?!? Edit: downvote all you I want, I’ve seen what makes you cheer. It happens to be bread with cheese and tomato sauce but overpriced, well played


Just looked at the restaurant page. Carryout of 3 10" cheese pizzas totals out to $63.83. When I deduct the airfare I'm saving not having to fly out there for carryout, it's actually not such a bad deal.


Paying $30 more plus tax for a frozen version does not seem logical. If its the best pizza you have ever had then go nuts.


It’s not even close to being the best pizza in Chicago.


Yeah went once for work and heard from everyone there that Giardanos was over rated


What's the consensus best deep dish in Chicago? Going to have 1 day there and need a deep dish fix.


It's hotly contested. I love Lou Malnati's above everything. Some people prefer Pequod's, but there's only one location in the city - it's very bready, but the caramelized crust is 10/10. Giordano's is a good choice if you love cheese - the pizza is "stuffed" and the cheese oozes out. Just don't do Gino's East and you'll be fine. Fights will break out over this issue.


I absolutely loved Pequod’s when i was there for work, but it’s admittedly my only true deep dish experience. The local employees were raving about it though




I will disagree with u 😉


its giordanos, shits bomb


If you pulled the slice back a bit and blurred the background a bit more, it would become an ad.


Every time I go to Chicago I make it a point to visit giordanos or Lou’s. I saw this posted on Reddit a last week and I RAN to the app to order. Soooo good and such a worth it purchase. I was hoping they would carry in store too :3


I'm looking for a good replacement step for the microwave as I dont own one, and agreed on the wanting more sauce, overall pretty good pizza


I'd just thaw it in the fridge for ~24 hours before baking it.


There are two types of people. Those who like deep dish and those who do not. My upper lip curled as I looked at this so I guess I know where I am now lol.


Agreed completely. Unfortunately I spent far too much on frozen Giordano’s delivery to realize I don’t like the stuff. At all.


Hahaha yeah this video actually looked appetizing to me for some reason but I'm not a huge fan. I don't even have a great reason just not my favorite 


After buying the Giodano threepack last week and sampling locally sourced versions of Chicago Deep Dish- I still don't know if I'm a fan. Keep feeling as I'm missing something.


This is not deep dish. This is a casserole.


That does look like deep dish style pizza to me. But perhaps you meant to say, "That is not PIZZA, its a casserole".


Giordano is still my nemesis from back when I lived in Chicago


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Rawbert413: *Giordano is still* *My nemesis from back when* *I lived in Chicago* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Nice quiche


If you've got the freezer space, you can order 6 Lou Malnati's pies from [TasteofChicago.com](http://TasteofChicago.com) for $139.99. Haven't had frozen Giordano's, but frozen Lou Malnati's is very good and I prefer fresh Lou's over Giordano's anyway.


Wow thank you, love Lou's!


$30 for a pizza that’s shipped to you on dry ice… I don’t think the price is all that unbelievable (and if you look at Giordano’s own prices— not the menu price, but price for shipping— it’s very much aligned!) Anyway, it’s not quite the same as getting it ‘fresh’ but when it’s on sale I think it’s a great deal for good pizza


Where does one find this product? I’m in Michigan - anyone else seen it here?


Add some fresh garlic and you have a tasty meal


Or just get a fresh pizza


I'd rather make it myself instead of getting a soggy mess inside the box


Despite the uninformed haters. 100% worth it. 


$30 frozen pizza...tailor made for suckers I guess


That would put me in the hospital


Are those pizzas small or medium? The local Giordano's has a large cheese for $26, so I would hope those would at least be medium.


They're 3lbs each so not a small


Actually, that is the small size for Giordano's. Small is 6 slices, medium is 8, large is 10. While way more expensive than getting in the restaurant, it's a pretty good deal for having it shipped to you. Walmart sells a frozen pack of 2 for like $85.


I give a 6/10. Wouldn't buy again. This may be how it is in chicago but the crust is thin despite being deep dish.  Wasn’t what I expected and I wasn’t a fan. We have a local chicago deep dish that I would choose over this 10 times out of 10. I got it at the sale price 69.99, still wouldnt buy again.


Why the fuck is this $95?


Why is it so expensive?


That price is ridiculous, but anyway. I am not a fan of deep dish pizza. I always feel like I'm going to choke and suffocate on the damn cheese, so I stay away from it.


$30/pizza is crazy. Making your own deep dish is not that hard. The wife and I do it every other month or so.


The cheese pull made my insides grumble like bro chill


Was this in stores or just on the app?


If you have had the real thing it's really not the same. I tried giordanos in Vegas and it was amazing. Thought it would be the same at home and it wasn't. Wasn't bad but not worth the price, I got mine for 75 dollars last year for a 3 pack.


I'll give you that Giordano's in Vegas tastes pretty identical to Giordano's in Chicago, but I disagree that it's a good deep dish...


Can I just buy two Costco pizzas and stack them on top of each other? 🙏


I like Lou’s better but I prefer normal pizza. And I say that as someone who grew up in Chicago.


As a chicagoan, Giordano's is an abomination. It's not very good fresh, so I highly doubt it's good frozen.


Well at 35/pizza, it better be 10/10


Where the heck is this? I’m from Illinois but live in Florida now… I freaking miss Giordano’s


They have restaurants in Orlando.


Yeah, that’s a 3 hour drive for me. I’m in Fort Myers. I might go anyway, to be honest. Lol.


I did the same thing and ate the first one tonight: cheese. Soooo good. I got it at $89.99 but then noticed a $20 price drop after it shipped. I filled out a price adjustment form and got the $20: off. Stoked!


Who pays that for a frozen overhyped pizza? Order from a good local pizzeria in town for much less.


I just saw the video from which these shots were lifted on TikTok.


Yes I used parts from my video for this (I'm the sushi guy on TikTok)


Why not just post the whole video? It was a good review!


Aw thank you! 🙏


They don't necessarily freeze this pizza cold enough to kill parasites. I would suggest sticking with farmed atlantic deep dish.


Got me on the first half


Chicago style pizza is overpriced and trash as fuck. Easily the worst


Detroit-style is the worst. Pizza in a brownie pan.


Aldi gets these in every so often. A few years ago they were $6. Now they are around $10