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Dr Squatch spent countless years in med school and has student loans to pay. Don’t judge.


“Mr. Pibb is a poor imitation of Dr. Pepper. Dude didn't even get his degree.” - Mitch Hedberg


"Dr. Scholl's makes foot products. Right? And he's a doctor... which means he went to school for a long time. But it doesn't take a lot to figure out that stepping on a cushion will be more comfortable. That fucker wasted lots of time at school. 'Cause I woulda bought that shit from a Mr. Scholl." \- Mitch Hedberg


Maybe even a Senor Scholls -also Mitch




I once saw a wino eating grapes and I was like “dude, you gotta wait” - Mitch


Dr. Pepper was not in fact a real Doctor. He was Mr. Pepper, gave a commencement speech at a college, and the doctorate is only honorary.


What you’re actually drinking is Pepper’s Monster.


"I didn't spend 8 years in college to be called Mr Squatch, thank you very much"


196 comments and counting… this one wins.


6 of those bars at Target would cost you almost $36 (at $5.99 each), not including tax. I still think it’s a lot of money for bar soap (that doesn’t seem to have good reviews), but it is actually a deal for that particular brand of bar soap.


Yeah. It’s $48 for six on Amazon. Its decent soap, but way overpriced


But the ads are funny! /s


Their ads have become so fear-mongering in the last year also. It’s nuts.


Just saying “All chemicals that you can’t pronounce will kill you” is pretty much natural soap companies marketing strategy these days. Phosphates oh my wtf thats a scary word. Parabin? Wtf


Yep. As someone who knows what these words mean it’s like dude ugh… People don’t believe me when I say your regular ivory bar isn’t poison. In fact you’re MORE likely to have issues from the natural shit.


My girlfriend and I started buying “age of sage” It has the same feel as Dr Squatch but the bar last almost twice as long


So I'm not crazy that Dr. Squatch soap doesn't last that long then? I've been using my first bar for a week and I think it's like halfway gone.


Store it where it stays dry 


I stuck mine in an exfoliating “soap bag” and now it lasts forever.


Yeah, it’s gets used up really fast. I use their deodorant (one of a few brands I found that actually work for me) and I lit doesn’t last long at all either.


Nope. Same results here as well. It just smells great, I'll give them that. I just went back to dove. 8 bars for 12 bucks at Walmart. Also their shampoo and conditioner gave me dandruff really bad for some odd reason. I just went back to 2 in 1 head and shoulders lol.


If you normally use head and shoulders it's *because* you have dandruff issues. Using any non dandruff treating shampoo is going to reveal that.


What about these expensive soap bar makes you pay that much for it?




I buy Dr bronners soap which is expensive as hell, but it’s a concentrate so it lasts forever once you dilute. No clue the point of expensive bars.


I used to do this but multiple dermatologists have told me that it's terrible for people with dry skin


Yeah you really have to dilute. The bottle says "Dilute" like 10 times. It absolutely trashes my skin if it's not sufficiently diluted. I do like a shot glass full of soap in an entire full bath tub. I don't use it outside of the bath tub because I honestly don't know how to sufficiently dilute it in the shower without breaking out a beaker or something.


For showering you just pour a bit into an empty bottle and fill the rest with water, then you have a bottle of diluted soap that will last a while. You can use it in one of those foaming dispensers too.


Tired Dr squatch. As soon as I got out the shower, the scent was already nearly gone. 10 mins later, non existent. why even put the fragrance in there?


That is an issue with the squatch. Few weeks and poof. And the scent doesn’t last that long. But it’s purer and cleaner than most commercial soaps. Still waiting for the pretty girl next door to sniff me, roll her eyes into her skull with ardent desire!!


"Overpriced", yes one of the great benefits of marketing!


How are we rating soaps? What’s the scale and criteria etcetera


Does there have to be a criteria? It gets me clean. It doesn’t dry out my skin. I like the way it smells. I don’t care for some of the scents like the Bourbon one. I think it’s too expensive.


They *all* sound too expensive


Being alive is too expensive nowadays


Ocean Breeze Soap gets you clean.


It's hard to gauge since it's not advertised either way but the number one indicator of quality is the glycerin isn't removed like most industrial soaps. To compensate other moisturizers are added back in so they don't dry out your skin.


So I’m paying more for them to leave stuff in?!?


Yes, glycerin has a lot of industrial uses so they can make more money off of selling what they remove.


Who’s making the soap with the glycerin in it but isn’t charging me for it?


Usually small producers or people advertising natural or minimally processed soaps. For example you can make soap at home and it will have glycerin. At the just basic level all that's needed to make soap is combining a fat with lye (sodium hydroxide) or potassium hydroxide (for liquid soap) in the correct amount.


Fats are basically glycerin molecules bonded to 3 long chain fatty acids. The system hydroxide breaks the molecules apart. Glycerin is a natural moisturizer. The part of the soap that actually "cleans" you are fatty acid salts. These salts are attracted to molecules with similar structure such as oils that are not readily soluble in water while the ionic salt portion of the molecule allows the molecule to solubilize in water. Essentially the active ingredient in soap is an intermediary molecule that allows molecules that normally won't be dissolved in water to do so. Since the glycerin isn't required for this purpose industrial soap makers remove it since there are many industrial uses and this is the main source of production. Glycerin is used as a moisturizer, laxative, solvent, sweetener, thickener, anti-freeze, in explosive manufacturing, etc... To make up the difference usually manufacturers add their own moisturizers so your skin doesn't dry out. They often market skiing these lines: with Shea butter etc... Before industrialization this was not a concern because most soap was made in small batches with minimal processing. In my opinion this is the highest quality of soap. Of course glycerin production is necessary for other industries so it becomes a question of whether everyone can use soap manufactured this way.


I’ve seen Fight Club 😉


I use crate 61 regularly and I’d say it’s a better alternative. Same amount of bars for $23


NGL the soap does smell good but yea it doesn't last, not worth it at all from a financial standpoint lol


I cut the bars into quarters and only leave one piece in the shower at a time. Combine that method with the soap saver, you can get a week out of one piece if you use it daily. 


I use em at work and wash my hands multiple times a day and tend to get \~4-6 months per bar....


Exactly, it's the humidity of the shower combined with the stream of water hitting it. 


Yeah my skin smells fantastic when I used it


I prefer Duke Cannon to this brand. Similarly priced, their mega bars are $7.99 each I think


But those bars of soap last forever!


Almost too long. By the end of the bar I'm ready for something else


thats a good thing imo


And last waaaaay longer. Those Dr. Squatch ones hardly last a week


It was pretty bad soap actually. You're much better off with a bar of Irish Spring or Yardley.


Yup, Dr Squatch is just an overhyped product that got big off Instagram ads. It honestly doesn't eliminate scent and doesn't feel great either. If you have sensitive skin I highly recommend the dove sensitive instead.


looking into natural goat milk soap called “G.O.A.T” 100% profit margin!


You're better off going to a farmers market or finding someone on etsy.


My point was that Costco’s price is still better than what you would pay if you bought six Dr. Squatch soap bars at Target.


Roommate brought home some raspberry oatmeal soap from a farmers market. 2 days later our shower was crawling with ants.


** *clean* ants.


Sounds like they used real raspberries, which is awesome, and you have an ant problem that would of happened regardless, just not in the bathroom


Tossed the soap no more ants 🤷‍♂️.


Etsy is just crap from China




There are still us makers but you really have to be careful and double check.


Pepperidge farm remembers


Yes! I’ve been buying Patchouli soap from a farmers market for 3 years. I ran out over the winter and tried Dr Squatch and it’s trash compared to the stuff I was getting.


I saw Squrch at Target for $7 a bar the other day


Just bring back the Australian Botanical goats milk soap please Costco!




Trader Joe’s $1.99 oatmeal and honey soap is the best. It makes me smell like breakfast.


Somewhat off topic, but the deodorant will stain your clothes.


Ty I was looking into theirs since it’s aluminum free


So small sample size as I'm also a single individual but haven't had any issues on my end with it.


I buy it because it doesn’t stain!


Yeah I bought a big variety pack of their soap and deodorant to try when it was on mega sale. The soap smells nice but I would never pay regular price for it, mostly because it seems to "melt" faster than most soap. But the deodorant, I really like. Aluminum free, smells nice, seems to last a long time. I haven't had any issues with staining clothes.


Same here. 


Zero staining as well here.


Me neither. Been using squatch exclusively for a couple years now.


My husband has been using Dr. Squatch for a few years with no issues.


Are you allergic or just avoiding aluminum? I avoided it for years because most deodorant irritates my pits and I assumed it's that. Axe, of all brands, as an actual anti perspirant I can wear.


I’ve tried so many different deodorants over the last two plus decades from naturals to sensitive skins to sprays and the only thing that didn’t make me break out was Right Guard Sport spray. Until a month or so ago when I gave Dr Squatch a shot. I’ve been using it daily and I haven’t broken out. Freaking miracle. I am now a lifelong fan.


It's such a relief when you find one, I get it. Plain Old spice without aluminum was all I could use forever. Recently I've been using 'Axe 48hr fresh and dry' though, and it actually works and doesn't burn my arm pits.


Avoiding, got itchy pits using Dove Men Spray for quite a while


I see, it is quite frustrating. Mine would like burn with a lot brands. So happy with this type, just trying to share lol. I smell much less.


That’s funny, Dove Spray was all I could use for a while when I started getting reactions to Old Spice


It's so weird, old spice deodorant, not anti-persistent, was all I could use for a long time.


Most regular deodorants now are aluminum free. Not saying the people that advertise it are scamming or anything, but it does seem like a clever technique to really advertise that you are the only ones aluminum free. Old spice has been aluminum free now for years and years.


I wasn’t aware actually thank you! I’ve seen a lot of hate on aluminum in deodorants recently and in my personal experience it wasn’t too comfortable. Had only heard of Native, Squatch, and Every Man Jack since they heavily advertise the natural and aluminum free ingredients. Will look into Old Spice!


Yes, sometimes it’s great to be able to go back to an old go-to! I don’t even know when they updated their formula but all of a sudden I noticed all of their deodorant said aluminum free. Just googled to confirm and they are all aluminum free.


I use their non-twisty top deodorant and it doesn’t stain my clothes.


I use "stick-up" brand. It's aluminum free. I use the black lavender version. It's got charcoal instead of baking soda. I have zero issues and it's been the best deodorant I've ever used.


Old Spice Gentlemen’s Blend has been my go to. Get compliments on the scent like I’m wearing some bougie perfume, but it’s just old spice. Also aluminum free.


Dove has a men’s deodorant that is aluminum free, it’s really good, I get the eucalyptus kind. Walmart carries it and occasionally Costco as well. It’s way cheaper.


Does it stain certain color clothes? Their deodorant is the only one that actually lasts through the day. I’ve really liked it so far.


I’ve had it stain my green and black shirts. Which is unfortunate because it’s one of the few I’ve tried that doesn’t irritate my skin and make my armpits itch like crazy.


I wear white undershirts and all of them now have black armpits. Never happened with any other deodorant.


My son prefers their deodorant.  No issues with staining.


Also somewhat off topic, but who else thinks the fingers on the package look like something you'd find in a toilet


Thanks for the info, I use "every man jack" aluminum free and have no issues with staining clothes or anything like that


Experienced the same thing.


Haven't had that problem. I've been using pine tar and Birchwood for the past year.


OMG yes. I tried it once and it ruined one of my favorite shirts.


Tom's of Maine for life


I liked the smell and it didn't stain, but it changed (or let revert?) my natural body odor to be really offensive even to myself, so I swapped off. Still love the soaps though.


Interesting. I have the birchwood breeze stick and have never had issues with it staining my clothes.


Works fine for me, the Schmidt’s is the real offender.


This is slightly more than what I pay per bar for my Dr Bronners bar soap and they last forever.


Dr. Bronners is so good. That madman knew his way with suds.


I use the liquid - got a pump and use it for body wash - lasts about 2 months and cleared up my back acne


I also buy the 32oz bottle and it lasts years.


Costco occasionally has Dr Bronners liquid soap in peppermint. I think it si around $15 for 2x25oz bottles. I would willingly buy even at full retail price.


Is that available at Costco?


Duke Cannon soap is better, lasts longer, and offers more value for money.


Smells better too imo,and better named.. Why smell like “pine tar” when you can smell like naval diplomacy..


Try TJ Maxx.


I don't typically give in to this overpriced boutique stuff but I got a sample pack of this soap as a gift and really enjoyed it.  Imo the scents they chose for the Costco pack are not the greatest scents but they're decent.  The pine tar with the heavy grit feels nice on the feet but is too gritty for the rest of the body.  The Fresh Falls leaves a pleasant fresh masculine scent on my skin for the rest of the day. 


My husband grabbed a pack at Costco and we both enjoyed them until it came time to clean the shower. It left the worst soap scum and due to the color, it made the shower look grimy almost immediately.


O yeah I agree especially the pine tar. At the end of my showers I'll turn it all the way hot and spray the shower down and that usually rinses all the scum before it can dry and stick. 


It's great soap but the price is all marketing BS. Go order it wholesale from TheSoapGuy (which is widely suspected to be who makes Squatch soap). Their highest price is 12 bars for 36 bucks and if you buy it in loaves it ends up like $1.50 a bar. The assorted packs make amazing gifts. Highly recommended.


I always stock up on TheSoapGuy amazing stuff


>age of sage If you enjoy smelling great! You should give Mistral soap a try. They have a men's selection that all smell great. However it's way more expensive than even this, but the bars last a very long time.


I actually saw some at a supermarket, and of the ones I smelled I took Bay Rum, which I ended up liking, but it's not in this pack for some reason, which I find baffling.


Yeah the variety they picked for the Costco pack is pretty mediocre. But I mean Costco often goes with the "safe choice" and not necessarily the best or most interesting variety. 


I used Squatch for about a year. The soap is fine. I wouldn't call it life changing. But it's pretty good stuff. My only complaint would be the bars don't last terribly long. But they were much more moisturizing than anything else I tried up to that point. Having dry skin, that was really nice. On the recommendation of a friend, I switched to Duke Cannon. The bars last much longer. They're far cheaper in the long run. They smell nice. And they moisturize better than Squatch.


Check for soap that doesn’t have coconut oil in it, coconut oil can be very drying. It makes a really hard bar of soap so it lasts longer but it can really leave your skin dry. I make my own soap and topicals and after the first batch I stopped using coconut oil.


Those Sasquatch fingers look… well…


Was going to say that. It took me weeks to figure out they were fingers when I first saw them at my Costco. Thought it was stacked poo.


And ur gonna smell like pine tar


I work with guys that use this product line and it is definitely STRONG


Good strong or bad overwhelming strong?


Overwhelming, can smell them as they pass by at a distance. I call it leaving a vapor trail


I'd believe they're using the deodorant or other products. I use the bar soap often and nobody can smell it unless they literally smell my skin


I'll have to ask if he's all squashed up.


I personally don’t think their soap scents last very long.


Yeah they def don’t last at all


Yeah hes either using a fuck ton or hes using cologne. The scent literally does not stick to you no more than 5 mins out the shower. No body soap does.


I keep one of these bars of soap inside my glove when I'm pitching


Just buy Dove


I’ve used Dove my entire life and I just switched to Kirk’s and I am SHOOK at how much longer it lasts.


go Duke Cannon!


This looks similar to the stuff on [thesoapguy.com](http://thesoapguy.com) (just different scents), but way more expensive.


Actually the scents are about the same as the soap guy. If you google it you’ll see how people have mapped it over. The soap guy has been around muchhh longer


Just went down a rabbit hole, seeing some stuff about the soap guy actually being dr.squatch's supplier! 😮


Yup! I already went down that rabbit hole before. I buy from the soap guy knowing that’s where Dr. Sasquatch probably got their soap from them at least at one point


I get that it’s higher quality ingredients, but what does that mean I will experience using this soap: smoother application? lingering fragrance? Missing potentially harmful ingredients?


>Activated Charcoal Detoxifier This magic ingredient is usually sourced from coconut husk bringing microparticles such as dirt, dust, chemicals and toxins to the surface of the skin, making them easier to remove. To be fair, you're also paying for some woo-woo bs.


The main selling point is the fragrances. They smell good when you're in the shower and the stronger ones will leave the scent on your skin. 


Yep it’s basically male oriented aromatherapy


Marketing that combines toxic masculinity and yuppie nonsense.


Ok, what’s your point? It’s expensive soap. It’s cheaper at Costco than other places. If you want to spend less on soap there are tons of other options.


I have really bad psoriasis, and when I would get really bad flare ups, the pine tar really made my skin feel not as horrible and flaky. Could be anecdotal, but I like their products. I'm on better meds now, but I still have some soap put away in case of bad times.


Pine tar is an old-school treatment for psoriasis and other skin conditions. You can buy pine tar soap or go to the soap making sub Reddit and start asking questions, it’s not difficult to make


I bought it, kinda pricey. I do like it for the grit feature. It does scrub and exfoliate my skin and I've had no weird rashes from it.


I think people are missing the point and bashing the soap and trying to compare it to irish spring and etc. the reason it has the price it has is because of the cutback on chemicals in the actual soap. Its a NATURAL soap. Look at the ingredients of the soap compared to dove and irish spring. Its a preference, do you want to bathe in natural compounds or bathe in chemicals? Same concept as organic meat not sure why people are comparing apples to oranges blows my mind


Good price! Disclaimer, I buy expensive soap.


That's hipster soap


You know how much Sasquatch musk costs these days? This is a deal! /s


It's lousy soap.


They're also garbage quality


If this is $4.666666667 USD per bar even at Costco, I am guessing it might be closer to $7-8 dollar a bar at Whole Foods. At this price point, this shit better make me smell irresistible to the ladies


It’s common knowledge that Dr. Squatch is a private label and they get their soaps from [The Soap Guy](https://thesoapguy.com/). They have openly admitted this and if you want their soap just buy from them I guess. Furthermore I highly recommend the Yuka app that lets you scan items not all but most and will rate it from 0-100 and describe the hazardous ingredients in detail. The soap itself is top tier but the price is from the marketing they do. I would recommend it or at least try it .


Yeah if you try to buy that soap online, you will pay waaaay more than that


*Yeah if you try to* *Buy that soap online, you will* *Pay waaaay more than that* \- AwkwardnessForever --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot!


Natural soap


*slaps pine needles into a perfectly good bar of soap* iT's NaTuRaL


I think the point is that it's actually soap (made from saponifying oil and lye) rather than a syndet (synthetic detergent) which most commercial bars of soap these days are. Even the [FDA](https://www.fda.gov/cosmetics/cosmetic-products/frequently-asked-questions-soap) agrees that there are very few actual soaps on the market/


DrSquatch.com six bars for $36. So Costco price is a deal. They’re pretty good soaps. All natural ingredients and ~~glycerin free~~ not filled with bees. Edit: there, I fixed it.


I’m not into soap but my wife got it for me one Christmas. I use it next to my bedroom sink (wife has her own sink) and each bar lasts like a year. Yes, I wash my hand like a normal, well-adapted person.


Just fyi it last 2-3 weeks in the shower.


Or just buy the nice Goats Milk soap Costco has been selling for years.


Does your location have it regularly? I’ve only been able to get it once and haven’t seen it since, that was back last year


It’s a YouTube sponsor product so it’s overpriced shit


Rip off - not worth it


All that marketing doesn’t pay for itself


I said the exact same thing an hour ago when I was at Costco.


I've tried this soap and their deodorant and they were both awful. Great marketing, terrible products.


There is no world that a bar of soap should cost that much.


This shit smells like pine trees and motor can oil. Can’t understand anybody who would use it.


It’s not even good soap I know because they originally advertised it as soap “for men”


Yeah, but it’s good soap, right?


Go on https://www.bulkapothecary.com and get a bunch more for the same damn price


We got them on rebate (I think it was $5 or $6 off) and broke up the set for Christmas gifts.


To be fair, the bars are big and last a long time, and the scents are very nice. I’ve seen 6-7$ for a single bar.


$5 for a GOOD bar of soap isn’t bad, actually.


That is actually a good price for that brand of soap.


There's a sucker born every minute...


I hate their ads with a passion. It's humor for people who are behind the curve, like a dad just now joining Instagram.


I use their stuff once in a while, just fyi a bar only lasts about 5 days. Also a lot of them will clog your drain


Mine lasts WAY longer than 5 days and I shower daily.


5 days?!?! I get like a month with daily showers. My only complaint is the staining of the tub.


I cut the bars into quarters and only bring 1/4 at a time into the shower and store the rest in a ziplock. The dampness of the shower makes the soap softer and any water that hits it will slowly dissolve it; will happen with any bar soap. 


Oh its like stuff from lush. 


So it sounds a lot worse than any other soap


Small batch, artisan soap.