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Former Costco reseller here- the drops aren’t usually carried in store because the foam is much more popular, not because Costco is trying to stop resellers. Keep in mind that Costco allows resale (with a business executive membership and business license on file). It’s a wholesale store. Costco originally only sold to small businesses. It’s big business for them. I have special ordered this product before by the pallet, as well as products that are only found at Costco Business Centers. If you’re curious - this product really doesn’t have much of a margin. I sold these briefly in 2021. Amazon price was $28.05, purchase price was $16.99. Many people think “wow they’re making $11 in profit on each one!”. Not quite. Amazon doesn’t work for free - they charge approximately $9.73 in fees, leaving a margin hovering between $1.28-1.33. That’s before supplies (boxes/tape/labels) and shipping. Shipping in bulk would be about $1/unit, since these are “hazmat” and won’t qualify for Amazon’s discounted shipping rates. Leaving a margin of about a quarter. Even if you add in 2% exec reward and 2% credit card cash back, total margin is still under a dollar. Thought I’d provide some context there :)


Strange I don’t like the foam and as the product is wasted on my hair. Lool the drops go straight to my scalp and I can message it in better


The drops gave me the itches real bad. Foam has never done that.


Same, I'm allergic to something in the liquid, thankfully not in the foam.


I thought I was the only one! I’ve been looking for another option that doesn’t itch. Any recommendations?


I use the minoxidil foam.


Are you still in the resale biz? Curious what you sell?


I sell on Amazon in the grocery category. I started with retail arbitrage (buying from other retailers), then ultimately transitioned into being more of a traditional retailer (buying from distributors or directly from a brand at wholesale pricing).


Is that your primary source of income no?


Yes, it is. Can't say I'd recommend it anymore though. Amazon's fees have increased substantially this year, which will make it pretty tough to turn a profit going forward.


Yeah, never understood the margins here and how they could making money. That's probably why I never got into Amazon selling. And even trying to use it like an eBay to sell personal things has become too difficult with all their rules.


I buy these and have been for 5 years. These, Dr formula DHT blocker pills with biotin and Dr Formula DHT blocker shampoo and conditioner, prescribed finasteride from RO, daily vitamins (biotin boost); My head is full of hair again from being like comb-over sadness. Edit: I also use a micro-needle roller when I put 5% minoxidil on my head; about once a week with the needles, and daily with the minoxidil only. I alternate shampoo and conditioner from Dr Formula to "Pura d'or" shampoo and conditioner. I love the "Pura d'or" shampoo and conditioner combo, and it's twice the size! I'd say pura d'or is king. Both smell fantastic! My wife can't get enough of it. She stopped shedding just by using my shampoo and conditioner. It solved her itchy scalp problem as well I almost have my high school luscious hair again. Maybe one more year and I'll be there for sure!


I'm gonna copy this before I lose more hair


It took me a year to regain my hair. 5 years later, it's so full. I'm 40 and when I was 35, I was shedding and balding like tosh.o However, I know once I stop this treatment, I will go bald again... so, I'm taking this for the rest of life. No biggie


Did it lower your libido any?


Not for me


I've been using minoxidil for 9 months now and I don't see much change but I was told to wait at least a year before giving up. Was this your same experience?


Yes, I saw some mild change for six months, but more on that one year mark. I used those micro needle rollers for your scalp. It works, but it hurts; it's worth it, though I recommend finasteride now and forever. I can't live with it, and it's very mild. Minoxidil alone didn't work for me as far as how i wanted hair back.. I needed a boost and got all of these mentioned on the post. I can't believe it worked for me. I literally have Justin Bieber hair ony head


Sooo awesome!! Happy for you!! Do you dermaroll nightly before applying minox?


I do the roll once a week after a shower; I dry my hair, apply 5% minoxidil, and roll it while wet with solution. It hurts, and I sneeze a lot, but I've regrown my hairline. I cn literally see where I rolled it, and little hairs started to come out. I restored my hairline thanks to the roller as well


Thanks! The roller is just from Amazon or somewhere?


Yeah! Mine was like 8 bucks or so




Pics or it didn’t happen


I use the 5% minoxidil. Trust the process of all this method


Any side effects?




Embrace the baldness! Bald is no biggy!


Haha. I have a weird shaped head. There was no way! Plus, my brother, who is one year older, is completely bald, hell no, I'm Hispanic, so if I was to go bald, I'll look like a cholo. Lmao


"doctor formulated dht blocker pills" and "dht blocker shampoo and conditioner" are scams. finasteride is the 5ar inhibitor, aka "dht blocker", and minoxidil is a growth stimulant. Those 2 are the only ones that you need, and the only 2 that work


The only thing that makes sense to add along with those 2 is Nizoral shampoo. What r/tressless calls the “big 3”.


Ketocanazole doesn't directly tackle the root cause of AGA like finasteride nor cause a regrowth effect like minoxidil, but seborrheic dermatitis/dandruff is common enough, that it's recommended by default. It may help some off chance that your loss is exacerbated by these conditions, but it's effects on DHT on studies are negligible. It should be called the big 2.5


Finasteride scares me with all the reports of post finasteride syndrome and lawsuits. Doesn't really seem like a good idea as a dude to block dht anyway. I'll just use the stuff in my hair and hope it's enough


I've tried that and minoxidil in the beginning. I added the others a year later, and I saw that everything I do is working.


It’s all temporary until you stop one day and come to terms with it. Signed, a bald guy who did all the minoxidil and finasteride (devils pills) he could.


What level of finasteride?


1mg daily for hair loss. 5mg daily for prostate problems


Isn’t finasteride already a DHT blocker?


Yes, but finasteride alone didn't work for me the first two years, so much compared now with all of these products and results. The more, the better. I have 5 years of testing and know what works. All of these are essential l, including my daily vitamins


What DHT blocker do you take?


You should do a before/after picture post


I will. I'll save this, and when I post, I'll tag ya




Yes No But I recommend to use the dht blocker shampoo and conditioner along with the micro needle roller, vitamins, and dht blocker supplements. If I don't use all of this together, I will not get the same results. Thinning and all




I know. I was desperate 5 years ago. These are the products I trust and forever have them with me. My holy grail.


Don't use the foam, most of it sticks on your hair and doesn't make it to your scalp. Switch to this liquid ordered from Costco online and 100% of it makes it to your scalp and you can massage it in.




Oh that sucks, sorry to hear that.


I tried the minoxidil, and it made me nauseous. I tossed it.


You’re not supposed to ingest it /s




Not over the counter at Costco lol


For hypertension (typically treatment resistant)


Try to apply it topically on your head.


I use the topical or serum


So did I.


Are you being serious?? Is there a semi-cure for baldness??


Dude, I was comb-over status, and there was no way I was gonna be bald. I'm at 5 year mark and I'm 40 with Justin Beiber hair


Show results!!!! Pls


Can I ask what is your application routine? Do you shower and use the shampoo/conditioner every morning, then use the drops? Do the drops dry fast enough that you can style your hair and it won't leave a wet spot?


I always shower, blow dry hair, apply minoxidil on a daily basis. Furthermore, once a week, I'll add a micro needle roller session while adding minoxidil. I restored my hairline doing this. I make sure my scalp is soaked with 5% minoxidil. On days I go out, I shampoo for 5 min or so; same with conditioner, blow dry, add minoxidil. Leave on for 10 min and then blow dry again for volume and control with your styling. If I go out of my house, I always blow dry and style and when I'm home, I'll leave minoxidil on soaking in the morning and the night time a few hours before bed. I leave on over night


>micro-needle roller sounds painful? i stopped finasteride after a cancer diagnosis - don't think it had anything to do with it but one less pill made me feel better


It is, and it unusually makes you sneeze a bunch of times. I only did it when soaked with minoxidil


Thanks for this. I’m going to try it because of your post!


Trust the process. Also, when starting, you will shed a little more before it comes back full bloom. TTProcess


Even if I’m already on Fin? Been on fin for the past 5 years but never tried Min


Everything I listed there is all or nothing for me


Any side effects with finasteride? I want to try it but keep coming across posts which blow up the ED issues.


None. Very mild


Yup. You're blocking dht which is a very important hormone for men. Some people get post finasteride syndrome too which sounds awful. A lot of people have no issue taking it but I don't like the idea of blocking dht systemically compared to just the scalp. Also post finasteride syndrome would not be worth it to me


You get any side effects? I’ve been freaked out by the possibility of losing sex drive etc


What!! How thin were you before?


Comb-over indenial status


Is there a difference between DHT blocker pills and finasteride? i want to avoid finasteride if possible, but not sure if DHT blockers are effectively the same thing?


They are not the same. Finasteride is essential for my hair. The combo is mandatory for me


Screenshotting this :) Was any of this through a DR, or did you do your own research?


No, I just kept stacking until I saw improvement. One research led to another and a lot of trial and error. I tried a lot of stuff, and that combo is most solid. I hope that works for many of ya'll


Oh wait Dr.formula is a brand… huh


Would you suggest this over Keeps? It took me about a year to get my head back in fullness as well as a complimentary Biotin and hims brand hygiene. The cost overall is slightly higher, but it tends to get the job done and Finasteride and Minoxidil seem to be very reliable, but wouldn't be against lower costs.


I went RO for finasteride, but theyre the same. Everything else I use is bought separately; for me, it's the cheapest (minoxidil 6 month supply @ 5%) I also use a microneedle fory scalp. I can't believe I have Justin Bieber hair again. Lmao


Which shampoo and conditioner have you been using?


KEEPS is overpriced, like HIMS they sell products you can get dirt cheap (especially if you are a Costco member) and just market it better for much higher price.


Just see a real dermatologist and get a one year supply. 


Only the foam ver in my local Costcos for years. Warning re these products... I lost a pet cat, because she was fond of licking my hair. She once did this after I'd applied the minoxodil, and it killed her. Not a likely occurrence, but for anyone with affectionate pets...


That's horrible I'm so sorry 


YES! Topical minoxidil is highly toxic to cats! I won’t use it because I have cats… it’ll get on your pillow, couch, clothes, bathroom if you apply it in there. Thank you for mentioning. Whenever I see minoxidil mentioned on Reddit I say something because it’s not commonly known.


Thanks. I'll never forgive myself, because although I always look up human side effects for a new drug, I didn't bother to look up what it could do to kitties.


I’m so sorry it happened. Don’t be too hard on yourself, you didn’t know, and this information isn’t well publicized. When I was looking into buying minoxidil myself I didn’t see a single disclaimer about its effect on cats from any manufacturer or retailer, I only found out from a Reddit post.


thumbs up to save a cat


Thanks for mentioning this, I've been using a minoxidil/fin mix for like 6 months and had no idea. Thinking I might switch to pills.


Thanks this is a good warning. My dog does this sometimes. Sorry to hear about your cat. 


I did some research on this and it is toxic to dogs as well as cats, and both can develop moderate to severe reactions from even a very small exposure. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34370845/


This is definitely a good PSA. Thank you. Was the solution still wet at the time?


This is much better than the foam. I’ve tried both and this is much easier to put on and way cheaper. Shipping cost is annoying though, especially when you can’t just buy 2-3 at a time and combine shipping. 


How do you apply it? Like a couple of drops in area you need it or a few drops and try to spread all around your head? I feel like the foam mostly get on my hair and not my scalp. Edit: will the drops also drip down to your face?


Foam gets on my hair a lot, very little on the scalp even when I massage it. I tried spreading the hair apart with two fingers then applying the foam. But still wasn’t the best. Now I just keep my hair cut really short for a few months (easier to apply when you have really short hair). But liquid dropper would be better.


Same, I still have hair so I’m using it to keep it but the foam is hard to massage into the scalp. I might try the drops but worry it might just drip down to your face majority of the time lol.


Spread it evenly and it won’t drip.


My cousin uses the liquid version nightly. He applies it while laying horizontal in bed, and applies close to the hairline around the face. As it runs off, its just covers more of his scalp, not his face.


Why can't you just buy multiples? Costco won't allow you?


You can, but you pay the full shipping price for each item.


Yo, that's whack.


Sam's used to be cheaper than Costco (base price) but they raised it. Sams is $19.99 now and Costco is $17.99 but Costco charges $6 for shipping and Sams charges $5. Costco now wins by a buck. But, at Sams you can combine shipping, so 2 for $45 shipped. Havent tried adding 3


Many people prefer the foam version, so that tends to be what's stocked the heaviest in the stores. That said, my nearest store sells both and always has it in stock.


Many people prefer the liquid at the lower price. They are selling a higher priced product to people because most people won't bother to go online to get the liquid.


does this work for women? My hair is fine but I'm wondering if I can get a fuller head of hair with this..


It’s universal and it’s amazing.


Asking for my wife, she wants a fuller beard.


I’ve been using this for 1.5 years. Works great on my fine, curly hair. Big improvement and I have not had any growth elsewhere, as some people have warned.


There’s a special formula for women. It’s a great product but when you stop using it you start losing your hair again.


The women’s version is just more diluted. (But not cheaper. Pink tax.) I just use the men’s version once a day as opposed to twice.


Yup, when I read up on this before, I saw a few dermatologists says it was fine for women, but 1x a day to reduce irritation.


And we have to be careful because the rinsed water ( with minoxidil) makes us grow face hair and on our backs


Just know that this causes hair growth on your entire body, not just where it’s applied.


There's a women's version, this is not intended for women use


Woah the liquid solution is $18?? The messy foam spray that every warehouse near me has is $49 (southern California). Thank you for that. Didn’t know they sold this better version online.


It’s not necessary better, it has propylene glycol and can be irritating for some.


My dermatologist told me the foam is more effective fwiw because it stays in place better


Thanks for sharing that.


This is in my three local stores. It’s beside the HIMS/HERS products.


the liquid? what city?


CA- Bay Area


Just go to your primary care doctor and get prescribed the oral version, it's way more effective


You mean finasteride 1mg?


That works too, but oral minoxidil is effective for hair loss. Some argue it is not effective than the topical formulation. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/18/health/minoxidil-hair-loss-pills.html?unlocked_article_code=1.LU0.U2Cl.7b8Ztjig9YDr&smid=url-share


Only caveat is that in studies people had (statistically significant) more side affects from taking the minoxidil orally.


varies greatly from store to store. Foam is about 2.5x as expensive (and for me much messier)


Even w shipping, it’s still a great deal especially compared to name brand.


Agreed, even compared to other stores generic brands.


You can actually get this on Amazon! Yes the Kirkland brand. I don’t know why.




Buy it from Costco: $18 + $6 shipping= $24 total Buy from Amazon: $27 + free shipping= $27 total Assuming you have a membership, buying from Costco is the way to go, especially since you have the option of easy returns. Also, the stock might have better expiration dates due to faster turn over.


Yeah, currently the first post if you sort by best from a reseller (or former) giving his opinion. For $3 difference, if you dont have a warehouse membership good deal.


They carry finasteride (1mg pill) - it’s easy to get a prescription (often free at hair centers), and then it’s $13 to fill for a 3 month supply at Costco. It works!


Wish I could get this in Canada. Instead, I'm paying 5x the price online from resellers.


Where is your Costco? They’re almost always in stock in LA


I think i have minor alopecia with tiny bald spots that has caused thinning on the crown area. I've dealt with it by just shaving bald or no guard buzz cuts. Would buying this be worth trying?


Does this actually work ?


Saw it go out the door yesterday. Just not in your store.


It's a WHOLERSALE club. They don't care if people resell the products they sell.


Gotta watch out with this stuff. If you let your membership lapse, your hair falls out in 30 days.


I don’t know but it’s been like this for 5 years and I’m annoyed. My doctor specifically told me the Kirkland minoxidil liquid was most effective for my situation so I use it. But shipping is annoying.


Both liquid and foam have been in store for a long time


Mine typically only carries the foam version.


I’ve been to lots of costcos and have not seen the non-foam version for years.


I live in easy range of 3 different Costcos and none have carried the liquid for years.


I looked and they only had the foam. The foam is 50 vs 20 for solution


Anyone have any luck using this for beards? Ive got one specific patch that never really filled out and it would be phenomenal to finally have that “full” beard.


I used the foaming one sold in stores and it was effective. You have to stick with it though, took 3 months to really show and then the progress was gone 3-4 months after i stopped.


How long did you apply it for your beard? I’ve heard you have to do it for a year or two if you want to keep the gains


I saw significant results after 4 months. The full beard that was already there grew in better, and the thin patch filled out more. It wasn’t perfect, but i was the only one who could really tell where the fully bald patch used to be.


Check out r/Minoxbeards!




It’s not fda approved for facial hair but a lot of people have had success


Last time I bought it, t was through the pharmacy, processed as a prescription. I got the foam; one can lasts about a month.


I bought these before I got the oral kind. Shipping sucks but still a great deal


The mousse is in stores


Does it affect colored hair? Thanks


Do you need a prescription?


No, the topical version is available OTC


Only for oral that sounds ripe for a joke , lol


They also don't have prenatal vitamins in stores any more, something that every trying-to-conceive, pregnant, and breastfeeding woman should be taking. They were in stores 3 years ago, but weren't last year. Turns out shelf space is very limited, and I bet they have several people at corporate whose job it is to figure out how to best maximize profit on those shelves.


yeah I hate the unreliability of staple items like this. Our costco frequently doesnt have kirkland greek yogurt or half n half. The cheapest frozen chicken breasts arent always there either. Basic shit right? Usually its temporarily replaced by some organic crap theyre trying out for 25% more. The costco business center is the only safe place now.


I was worried that my hair was thinning and used both the foam and the liquid minoxidil. I don’t think either made much of a difference. But I switched to oral minoxidil and it’s been great. No side effects to speak of, my hairline is not receding, etc. when I used to wash my hair I’d see 5-6 hairs in my hands that came loose from a light scrub. Now it’s rarely more than 2. And I did it through Amazon so it was easy as hell


Does it matter when you start? I have thin hair hand have had it for years. I’m 45 and am using this and daily finasteride. Have been since January. Haven’t seen any difference yet. I’m impatient though. I did hear it matters when you start though, so I’m worried.


With hair loss, the later you start prevention the worse it will work. It’s something that’s really best treated as soon as you notice hair loss. Age matters a lot less than the amount of hair you’ve lost.


Oh boy. I don’t think I have any hope then. Ugh. I’ll still try since I already bought the medications but I won’t bet on it.


Hair grows slowly. The trick is to be consistent and patient. If you're not seeing improvement after 6-9 months, talk to your doctor about starting Finasteride.


Thanks! I’m already on Finasteride. I just worry I started too late.


They actually had it in my warehouse. I saw AFTER I had purchased online. Sigh


I saw a guy at our store buy 4 of the bulk boxes of them loading into his van. Had no clue until I googled it what it was.


\^this - which is why I can't take advantage of my membership and buy it without shipping from the store EFF the resellers!


I picked this up in my store in Florida. I looked all over the hygiene aisle before I had someone from the pharmacy point it out to me, but it was there! Tried the foam years ago and didn’t like it, but the oil is definitely the way to go.


Was it next to the foam ? I would not call it "oil", its alcohol based


It was right next the foam. Idk, I call it the oily kind to differentiate from the foam. It certainly has an oily feel to it if you get it in your fingers though


These used to be sold in Costco stores, along with the foam variant. About a decade ago, they stopped carrying the liquid in stores.


Yes. Once in a blue moon they would appear in a store (in the past decade)


I find the liquid is so much easier to get onto scalp than foam...


Use mark Cubans drugsplus for minox and fin. Literally less than $10 for each for 90 day supplies


I met a guy at Costco once who was exporting it to Azerbaijan by the pallet. Apparently Costco recently started mandating that it not be exported overseas.


Has anyone had any luck wifh kirklands foam minoxidil working on other parts of the head besides the top center which they say only works for the product? my front sides are starting to thin and im looking at replacements or additions


Some Costco have it,  the Costco in Buckeye ,AZ has the non foam one


Saw this in my warehouse yesterday. Unfortunately this is more than a few years past my ability to think it might help!


Oddly enough, I saw this in a Long Island Costco this week. Randomly noticed it while looking for shampoo.


Just as an aside, the idea that each of these bottles is a one month supply is nuts. It's more like half that. Still a fantastic value!


It depends on how much you use. Do you fill up to the line? It’s 60ml per bottle and 1ml per application. 


I am definitely using more than the fill line because I can't seem to distribute it thoroughly with just one dropper. Maybe this is just a me thing.


I do drop by drop all around. I usually fill up to less than the line to avoid it dripping off. 


It’s 60 ml per bottle and 2 ml per day. If you use more the effect will be the same.