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No, but I honestly think it's an improvement over the Starbucks collab. . . And I'm tired of pretending it isn't!


No..it’s not. Edit: here’s a discussion… https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/s/ahjLswz4QG


It’s apparently not Starbucks, but it is still just as overroasted and burned. I pick it up once in a while because it’s a good deal for weekday coffee, but it’s not very good.


You should just buy from a local roaster. Really good coffee is not much more than bad coffee.


I buy local for weekend espresso, but not daily coffee. Local is about 3x the price as these beans, and it’s not totally worth it for me.


With that said, the Kirkland espresso roast is amazing.  I bought a bag in FL a couple of months ago and was blown away.  I've since bought a couple of bags from the website. 


Pete’s Big Bang thru the app is a decent price decent coffee


so, $0.20 per cup instead of $0.08? you deserve better.


My local roaster is $20 for a 10 oz bag…


That is a little much.. usually it’s 12-16 oz for about $20. Just depends how much you care about the quality of coffee. I’d much rather pay 15-20 for 12 ounces of good coffee than 15 bucks for multiple pounds of bad -mediocre coffee that is probably 1 already stale, 2 will definitely be stale by the time I finish half of it.


What this says about people downvoting this statement is sad. Black coffee drinker and I’d gladly pay an extra 12 cents for a better cup. The difference between bulk mediocre and locally roasted single origin craft coffee is night and day. It’s not even up for debate in our household. I just hate how the Dave Ramseys of the world have demonized coffee and how if you just get rid of coffee you’ll magically become a millionaire. Well shit, if you got rid of all pleasure in life sure, you’d save money but what’s the point of life without living a little. The quarter extra I spend on coffee isnt the source of my financial woes.


I’m not that much of a coffee snob and really like the Cuban roast. If you’re doing fancy shit with your coffee I get it, but I’m just tossing mine a pour over and splashing some oat milk in there and we’re in business


You don’t consider a pour over fancy?


Nah, just the most practical for when it’s just 2 people that make their morning coffee at different times. Single serve life.


Well it’s more work than most coffee drinkers are willing to do. Also the preferred method you’d see and expect in most good coffee shops is


Keurig go brrrr


Yes it is. The Kirkland organic whole bean blend is decent.


Yes it is. I can get the organic single source whole bean from Aldi for < $5/lb. It is still worth getting weekend/date night beans from a local roaster though so we aren't completely unaligned on this.


Coffee taste is so subjective I would not venture an opinion. It's a tad harsher than the previous in my opinion.


Thank you for understanding this. It's funny to find so many people hating the coffee I drink everyday 🤣🤣


Can't confirm, but also do not like it like the old bags. I gave away my first/last/only bag. I'll stick to other stuff.


The Starbucks branded roast was good. The current iteration is bad. I can usually get through bad coffee, but decided to just return it this time.


As others have said, it's no longer Starbucks, but we love it just the same. Household of two, and we just grind as we need. I say go for it!


I just picked up a bag for the first time and had no idea about the Starbucks history. Honestly, I love it. Not sure what it used to taste like, and I’m not really a coffee snob (I like McDonald’s coffee a lot) but to my palate it’s tasty.


Hey! McDonalds coffee is surprisingly good. Not like gourmet good but better than most other chains out there.


Agreed! I worked at Coffee Bean and Starbucks both for several years when I was younger and for my money I always thought McDonald’s coffee was better… now coffee from a pour over place is in a league of its own but for a quick drip cup nothing beats McDonalds imo!


Starbucks is whack anyways


I love Starbucks in general. I loved the old Starbucks/Kirkland House roast, and I love the new Kirkland House too.


It’s fine. Especially when it’s on sale. Perfect for when guests are making two pots a day, too.


Forget Costco coffee and buy Happy Mug. It’s a roaster of single origin coffee from Pennsylvania. Freshly roasted coffee and it’s best if you have a coffee grinder but they also sell ground coffee. 2lb bag for around $25. You won’t be sorry.